
The Crucifixion of Haiti
by Nikolas Barry-Shaw
ZNet, June 2, 2005

Part I: Historical Background & Political
Struggles - December 1990 to February 2004
Today, like so many other times since
its birth as a nation in 1804, Haiti bleeds. It bleeds because
the powerful nations of the world are once again making an example
of Haiti, forcing Haiti spend its time on the cross. Understanding
this unfolding tragedy requires a critical examination of Haiti's
past, a task scrupulously avoided by the mainstream press. Rather,
the corporate media offer up nothing more than decontextualized
snapshots of the undifferentiated "chaos" and "turmoil"
that wrack Haiti today. As a consequence of this ahistoric perspective,
commentary and analysis frequently consist of shallow (and not
so subtly racist) references to Haiti's deficient political culture
(Voodoo, corruption, sectarianism, etc.), which may well thwart
our benevolent intentions once again.(1)
Contrary to the depictions of the corporate
media, however, Haiti's so-called chaos is far from undifferentiated,
and "our" intentions far from benevolent. Rather, the
killings and violence, which have intensified since September
30, are part of a systematic effort by the interim government
and the former military to silence and subdue the supporters of
deposed President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his party, Fanmi
Lavalas. Furthermore, the U.S., France, and Canada played a pivotal
role in creating the conditions for Aristide's removal (ultimately
accomplished by U.S. Marines) and have resolutely supported the
new government in its brutal endeavours since. These events are
not a break from the norm: Even the most cursory look at Haiti's
history reveals the preponderant influence of external powers
on the development of this impoverished Caribbean nation. In
particular, the Haitian military and the United States government
have figured prominently in the political struggles of Haiti throughout
the 20th century.
Haiti's history is a history of foreign
exploitation and domestic class struggle, of gut wrenching violence
and debilitating corruption; above all, however, Haiti's history
is a history of resistance. As such, the pattern of American
intervention in Haiti must be viewed in the larger context of
post-WWII U.S. imperialism directed against progressive movements
and in support of oligarchies throughout Latin America.(2) While
space constraints preclude a full review of the history of U.S.-Haiti
relations in such a perspective, it is informative to note here
the origin of the Haitian Army and review some of the outrageous
claims made against Father Aristide during his first presidency
by the U.S. media before looking at the most recent coup d'état
and the state of affairs in Haiti today.
Born of the only successful slave rebellion
in history, American (and French) antipathy to Haiti goes back
to the country's very beginning. The invasion and occupation
by the U.S. Marines from 1915 to 1934 is significant, however,
for two reasons: 1) it reveals the motives that guided U.S. involvement
in Haiti prior to the Cold War, broadly the same concerns that
guide U.S. policy today, and 2) it left deep scars on Haiti and
created the military, an institution that would dominate Haiti's
political life long after the end of the occupation. According
to U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, the goals of the occupation
were to "pacify" the peasants, control the customs houses,
and diminish European influence in Haiti. Noam Chomsky describes
the many "successes" of the mission: "[T]he acceleration
of Haiti's economic, military, and political centralization, its
economic dependence and sharp class divisions, the vicious exploitation
of the peasantry, the internal conflicts much intensified by the
extreme racism of the occupying forces, and perhaps worst of all,
the establishment of 'an army to fight the people.'"(3)
Other achievements of the occupation included reinstituting virtual
slavery and dissolving the National Assembly in order to impose
a U.S.-designed constitution allowing foreign ownership of Haitian
land. Such was the political and institutional legacy of "Wilsonian
idealism" and American efforts to "bring democracy"
to Haiti (scarcely different from today's noble venture), a legacy
whose firm grip on the country would loosen only by 1986, with
the fall of the Duvalier dictatorship.(4)
Following the flight of "Baby Doc"
Duvalier from the country in 1986, Haitians endured a period of
"Duvalierism without Duvalier", punctuated by coup d'états,
voting day massacres, and military governments, until the elections
of December 1990, when a diverse array of grassroots organizations
called Lavalas ("flash flood") swept Jean-Bertrand Aristide
into the presidency. The rich in Haiti and the U.S. government
had expected their candidate, former World Bank economist Marc
Bazin, to win easily and were stunned by the victory of Aristide,
a priest and advocate of the poor. Seven months of Aristide as
president yielded a virtual halt in human rights violations, an
accompanying reduction in "boat people" fleeing Haiti,
a successful anti-corruption campaign, a higher minimum wage,
and on September 30, 1991, a military coup. The brutality with
which the military and their allies dealt with the Lavalas movement
is well documented: Massacres, political assassinations, rapes,
beatings and arbitrary arrests were all commonplace. The army,
aided by the paramilitary group FRAPH (Front Révolutionnaire
pour l'Avancement et le Progrès Haitiens), killed some
5,000 people from 1991 to 1994. The coup followed the familiar
script whereby the wealthy Haitian elite organized and financed
the operation while the military did the dirty work. The U.S.
government was also deeply implicated in the coup: The leader
of the coup, General Raoul Cedras, and other high-ranking Haitian
military figures, had been on CIA payroll prior to and during
the coup, and the FRAPH had been organized and funded by the CIA,
according to leader Emmanuel "Toto" Constant, in order
to act as a "vital counterweight" to the Lavalas movement.(5)
As long as the U.S. government has opposed
revolutionary, nationalist or even reformist regimes in Latin
America (1954: Arbenz in Guatemala, 1964: Goulart in Brazil, 1973:
Allende in Chile, 2002 to the present: Chavez in Venezuela), the
U.S. press has sought to justify this opposition. Most commonly,
the media have resorted to the venerable practice of demonizing
the leaders of "enemy" governments: The leader is labelled
"authoritarian" or "heavy-handed", and a fomenter
of "violence" and "class warfare"; Subsequently,
when the U.S.-trained military overthrows the elected government
and replaces it with a bloody military junta, commentators in
the press blandly lament that the government was the cause of
its own demise, while the more reactionary elements laud the initiative
of the military for having come just in time to "save democracy"
from "Communist totalitarianism". In this connection,
the outlandish accusations levelled against President Aristide
stuck to the script quite closely, blaming the President for his
overthrow while obscuring the role of U.S. in the coup. For instance,
Newsweek described Aristide as "an anti-American demagogue,
an unsteady left-wing populist who threatened private enterprise
and condoned violence against his political opponents." Other
media repeated opposition claims that he was building a new "fascism",
that he was "worse than Duvalier" or that he was a drug
trafficker.(6) All these claims were totally baseless: Human
rights abuses reached their lowest level in Haiti's history and
Aristide initiated a successful crackdown on drug transhipment.
While Aristide would occasionally condemn the massive inequality
in Haiti, he would just as frequently exhort business to cooperate
and help the poor. More generally, Aristide could hardly be blamed
for the tensions and conflicts created by a society where the
top 1% of the population receive 46% of national income whilst
the vast majority live in squalor.
While the U.S. nominally joined the international
community in applying sanctions against the military junta, the
real pressure was being applied on Aristide. The U.S. embargo
was extremely porous and neither Bush I nor Clinton was inclined
to close any of the gaps.(7) Meanwhile, at U.S.-initiated negotiations
between Aristide and the military, the former priest was frequently
pushed to make concessions to his adversaries, even as they slaughtered
his supporters in Haiti. The rationale was that Aristide was
a "divisive" leader who had "polarized" the
country (again, familiar rhetoric when it comes to Latin American
leaders who don't sit well with the bourgeoisie), thus making
it necessary to form a more "inclusive" government before
Aristide could return. Yet gathering 67% of the votes can hardly
be said to indicate polarization, unless we dismiss the opinions
of the "illiterates who voted for Aristide" as the Haitian
elite would have it. Indeed, the U.S., by forcing Aristide to
negotiate with the military and their elite allies, was implicitly
recognizing each party's demands as equally valid. When the flood
of Florida-bound refugees escaping from Haiti finally forced Clinton
to act, Aristide was restored to power by U.S. Marines in October
1994; His return, however, exacted a heavy price in terms of justice
and democracy: amnesty for the military; "broadening"
of the government to include opposition members who had supported
the coup; implementation of "structural adjustment",
the economic plan favoured by opponent Marc Bazin; and an end
to Aristide's five year term in 1995, effectively treating his
three years in exile as time spent in office.
Yet Aristide proved himself to be no political
pushover: "[I]n September 1995 Aristide dismissed his prime
minister for preparing to sell the state-owned flour and cement
mills without insisting on any of the progressive terms the imf
had promised to honour"(8) and before the end of his truncated
term, Aristide disbanded the murderous army. This was probably
the greatest contribution Aristide ever made to the cause of democracy
in Haiti. After Rene Préval took over the presidency in
1996, Aristide split with those in Organization Politique Lavalas
(OPL) comfortable with implementing the neoliberal policy package
(i.e. the "sweatshop model of development": liberalization
of trade, deregulation of the private sector and privatization
of state-owned enterprises) and formed Fanmi Lavalas (FL). From
this vantage point, Aristide was free to criticize the reforms
forced upon him, while his opponents carried them out, putting
him on solid political footing for the upcoming elections.(9)
The current crisis in Haiti began in May
2000, with the notoriously "flawed" legislative elections.
A plethora of national and local positions were voted upon, and
Aristide's FL emerged with a crushing victory, taking 89 of 115
mayoral positions, 72 of 83 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and
18 of the 19 Senate seats contested (There are 27 seats in the
senate). The OAS (Organization of American States) and other
observers estimated the turnout at over 60% with "very few"
incidents of either violence or fraud. The impact, as Peter Hallward
remarked in New Left Review, was tremendous:
The 1995 elections had already 'completely
discredited the so-called traditional political parties-especially
those that collaborated with the military regime between 1991
and 1994', effectively eliminating them from any further role
in electoral politics. In May 2000, members of the original
Lavalas coalition who had turned against Aristide suffered the
same fate. For the anti-Aristide opposition, the elections proved
that there was no chance of defeating the fl at the polls for
the foreseeable future.(10)
Faced with a massive defeat in the May
elections and the imminent prospect of another loss in the upcoming
presidential election, the opposition and their imperialist allies
did the only thing they could: they cried foul. The propaganda
effort to discredit the elections and, by extension, FL began
with the OAS (commonly regarded as a tool of U.S. foreign policy
in the Americas) reversing its earlier assessment of the elections
on the basis of a technicality, claiming that the counting method
used for 8 Senate seats by the CEP (Coalition d'Election Provisional)
was "flawed". The Constitution of Haiti stipulates
that the winner must get 50% plus one vote at the polls; the CEP
determined this by calculating the percentages from the votes
for the top four candidates, while the OAS contended that the
count should include all candidates.(11) These concerns about
the validity of the elections were disingenuous on many fronts:
Firstly, the OAS had been working with the CEP to prepare the
elections since 1999, and thus was fully aware of what counting
method was going to be used beforehand, yet failed to voice any
concerns at the time. Secondly, using the OAS's method would
hardly have changed the outcome of the elections. Taking an example
given by James Morrell, an anti-Aristide policy hack, in the North-East
department where two Senate seats were being contested, gives
an idea of just how "flawed" the elections were. In
this riding, to get the 50% plus one vote demanded by the OAS,
33,154 votes were needed, while the two FL candidates had won
with 32,969 and 30,736 votes respectively, with their closest
rival getting about 16,000 votes. Thus, were this election to
have gone to a second round as called for by the OAS, the two
FL candidates would have needed 185 and 2,418 votes respectively,
while their opponent would have needed some 17,000 votes.(12)
Finally, the results of the disputed legislative elections were
consistent with the returns obtained for the mayoral elections
and Chamber of Deputies, about which the OAS raised no objections.
The aspersions cast on the elections by
the OAS would be the rallying point for all efforts by the opposition
and their imperialist allies to overturn the Fanmi Lavalas government.
The opposition denounced the elections as fraudulent and their
representatives on the CEP resigned in protest. The disparate
strands of the opposition--OPL and other "left" dissidents
formerly associated with Lavalas, along with business leaders,
ex-Duvalierists and other elements of the right--united in the
summer of 2000 under the banner of the Convergence Democratique
(CD) and announced they would boycott the upcoming November presidential
elections. This proved to be an empty gesture; over 50% of the
electorate turned out despite the boycott to deliver Aristide
the presidency with over 92% of the votes. While the CD and allied
embassies in Haiti would claim the turnout was much lower, between
10% and 20%, an October 2000 USAID-commissioned poll taken by
Gallup just before the election supported the official returns,
showing that more than 3 out of 4 people were "very likely"
or "somewhat likely" to vote; in the same poll, over
50% named Aristide as the political figure they "most trusted"
in Haiti, with the next closest, CD member Evans Paul, receiving
only 3.8%.(13)
For their part, the U.S., Canada, and
the EU (at the behest of France), along with multilateral lending
institutions such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development
Bank, cut off all aid and loans to Haiti, plunging its fragile
economy into crisis. The end of the aid embargo was contingent
on a political solution, the U.S. declared, yet the opposition
had no intentions of resolving the matter (democratically, at
least). "From the start, the cd's main objective was Option
Zéro: the total annulment of the 2000 elections and a refusal
to allow Aristide to participate in any subsequent vote."(14)
After Aristide was inaugurated, he persuaded 7 of the 8 Senators
to resign and offered to hold new elections for the disputed seats,
but the CD refused, knowing full well that they would lose new
elections just as they had the previous ones. In each subsequent
negotiation, Aristide and FL would offer more and more concessions
to the CD, and each time, the CD would reject them. The opposition's
intransigent stance was steadfastly supported by the U.S., which
funded the CD, as well as various other anti-Aristide organizations,
through USAID and the NED (National Endowment for Democracy).
One such outfit was the staunchly neoliberal Group of 184, an
association of various "civil society" groups, led by
sweatshop owner Andy Apaid. This manufactured "political
deadlock" was the pretext used by the U.S. and the other
imperialist countries for their economic strangulation of Haiti,
right up until Aristide's overthrow.
During the post-WWII era, economic strangulation
and political destabilization, combined with increased aid and
training programs to the military, have been the standard U.S.
strategy for overthrowing errant Latin American governments.
Since the 1960s, according to declassified internal documents,
U.S. military aid and training has served to reorient Latin American
militaries to "internal security" and other "U.S.
objectives", namely "to protect and promote American
investment and trade", thus producing an indigenous force
ready to intervene on the behalf of "U.S. interests"
once the target government begins to weaken.(15) When implementing
this third and crucial element of the strategy has proven impossible,
the U.S. has funded and organized proxy forces in a bordering
client state to "liberate" the country. This alternative
was used against Nicaragua in the 1980s, with the Contras launching
attacks from their staging post in neighbouring Honduras, and
has been resorted to again in Haiti.
On July 28, 2001, former members of the
army and/or FRAPH death squad led by former police officer Guy
Philippe, mounted attacks against police stations located along
the Haiti-Dominican Republic border, killing at least five officers.
Guy Philippe had received US military training in Ecuador during
the 1991-1994 coup, and was incorporated into the Haitian National
Police (HNP) in 1995. His tenure at the HNP was marked by reports
of summary executions by police under his command and accusations
of drug trafficking.(16) In October 2000, Philippe fled to the
Dominican Republic after being discovered plotting a coup against
the Préval government with fellow police chiefs. From
exile, Philippe, along with FRAPH second-in-command Louis Jodel
Chamblain, would lead attacks on the Presidential Palace, on December
17, 2001, and against a hydroelectric dam in Peligre on May 6,
2003. These and numerous other cross-border attacks left dozens
of police and Fanmi Lavalas members dead.(17) The Dominican government,
meanwhile, did nothing to halt these attacks and ignored repeated
extradition requests by the Haitian authorities for various human
rights abusers hiding out there. Stan Goff was part of a delegation
organized by the International Action Centre in March 2004 that
visited the Dominican Republic and discovered, through interviews
with a former general in the Dominican army, customs agents, and
other sources, that former Haitian military and paramilitary men
had been discreetly integrated into the Dominican army and had
trained at a base close to the Haitian border. Moreover, according
to Goff, "The Dominican government is a colonial government,
and nothing else . . . [n]one of this could have happened without
the complicity of the United States, without the facilitation
by the United States, without the funding and support of the United
States." Indeed, Goff indicates that the U.S. embassy in
the Dominican Republic was aware of the paramilitaries' presence
and even trained and armed them. He quotes retired Dominican
general Nobel Espejo as saying that 20,000 M-16 sent by the U.S.
in February 2003 were never received by the army, weapons of the
type used by Philippe's men;(18) the M-16s were part of a military
assistance program called "Operation Jaded Task", ostensibly
intended to train the Dominican military in counterinsurgency.(19)
The Western media played an integral part
in the campaign against the Lavalas government, raising spurious
questions about Aristide's democratic credentials as the imperialists'
and their various "international" bodies' strove to
overturn him. To this end, the media resorted to the same libellous
rhetoric used prior to and during the 1991-1994 coup: Aristide
was portrayed as a corrupt, power hungry leader who had taken
power in "flawed" or "fraudulent" elections
and used violence to suppress political opposition to his rule.
While Aristide's opponents revived and embellished many timeworn
accusations about his authoritarian tendencies, his extreme corruption,
his involvement in "narco-trafficking" and so on that
were uncritically reported as fact by the mainstream press, perhaps
the most serious claim made was that Lavalas had provided arms
to gangs and used these "Chimères" to attacks
its opponents and quell dissent. Now, like most good lies, there
was a kernel of truth to these accusations: Supporters of Aristide
had used violence against opposition demonstrations and some were
members of criminal gangs. Robert Fatton, a bitter critic of
Aristide and his supposed authoritarian tendencies, gives an interesting
interpretation the gangs' motivations: "Lavalas's Chimères
and followers are threatening the opposition because they believe
that it is purposefully exacerbating the crisis to generate a
chaos that would nurture the return of the military. They fear
that CD's ultimate objective is to overthrow Aristide, and they
are committed to using violence to prevent such an outcome."(20)
In light of recent events in Haiti, their fears seem to have
been well founded. As for Aristide's alleged support for the
Chimères, not a shred of evidence has ever been produced.
Indeed, Haiti's current interim Ministry of Justice has settled
for working with the U.S. Justice Department to find proof that
Aristide siphoned money from the state coffers into offshore personal
bank accounts, apparently abandoning efforts to link the deposed
President to the violence that occurred under his rule.
The media gave a grossly one-sided account
of what was happening in Haiti, consistently emphasizing violence
against the opposition while ignoring attacks against Lavalas
from the Dominican Republic and from within Haiti. Thus, the
story of Haiti was cast as a "crisis of human rights"
rather than a political struggle between the former military and
the Haitian elite on one side and the Lavalas government and their
supporters on the other. Shrill cries from the CD and "civil
society" frequently equated Aristide and the "Chimères"
with the Duvalier dictatorship and their Tonton Macoutes. As
Peter Hallward observes:
In a comparative perspective, however,
political violence during the Lavalas administrations was far
less than under previous Haitian regimes. Amnesty International's
reports covering the years 2000-03 attribute a total of around
20 to 30 killings to the police and supporters of the FL--a far
cry from the 5,000 committed by the junta and its supporters
in 1991-94, let alone the 50,000 usually attributed to the Duvalier
dictatorships. Examination of Lavalas violence would also suggest
that it was, indeed, largely a matter of gang violence. There
are armed gangs in Port-au-Prince, as there are in São
Paulo, Lagos or Los Angeles; their numbers have swelled in recent
years with the deportation to the island of over a thousand Haitian
and Haitian-American convicts from the American prison system.(21)
As the screws tightened on Haiti, the
Canadian government, in the person of then-Minister of La Francophonie
Denis Paradis, organized a "high-level roundtable meeting
on Haiti" to discuss "the current political situation
in Haiti." Tellingly, the "Ottawa Initiative",
held January 31-February 1, included no Haitian officials, who
only learned of the meeting after Paradis leaked the details of
it to L'Actualité reporter Michel Vastel in March 2003.
According to Vastel, Paradis told him that the themes discussed
included Aristide's possible removal, the potential return of
Haiti's disbanded military, and the option of imposing a Kosovo-like
trusteeship on Haiti. The furor this reportage caused in Haiti
led to Paradis being stripped of his position as Secretary of
State for Latin America, and replaced as Minister of La Francophonie.
Paradis would later claim the actual topic of the meeting was
the "responsibility to protect" doctrine espoused by
Paul Martin, whereby the international community has an obligation
to militarily intervene in "failed states", for the
good of the people, of course. In hindsight, as independent journalist
Anthony Fenton notes, the distinction is rather slight: "Whether
or not military intervention was discussed explicitly, as Vastel
contends, or implicitly, as Paradis insists, the important fact
is that military intervention did take place, Aristide was removed,
the Haitian army has effectively returned, and a de facto trusteeship
is being imposed on the Haitian people."(22)
The intense pressure on Haiti from the
aid embargo, the imperialist-funded opposition, and the former
military and paramilitaries came to a head in February 2004.
The CD and the Group of 184 held a series of anti-government rallies,
and a coalition of gangs led by Butter Metayer and former FRAPH
leader Jean Tatoune mounted a "rebellion" in Gonaives,
later reinforced by Guy Philippe's invasion. The media depicted
the situation as a popular revolt against an authoritarian and
corrupt regime, showing little compunction about the fact that
notorious human rights abusers were leading the attacks, if even
bothering to note the leadership's sordid past at all. The media
also frequently exaggerated the size of opposition rallies while
ignoring often larger counter-demonstrations by Lavalas supporters;
civil society opposition was said to be "broad-based"
including people from across the political spectrum, while it
was virtually never mentioned that Aristide still retained support
from likely the majority of the population. In a USAID poll from
March 2002, 60% of those responding named Aristide as the politician
they most trusted and 61.6% said they sympathized or were members
of FL, while only 13% indicated the Convergence or any of its
constituent parties.(23) Since the coup, members of the U.S.
and Canadian embassies in Haiti have confirmed this result, telling
journalist Anthony Fenton in July 2004 that if elections had been
held then, Lavalas would have won them.(24)
The "rebels" rampaged across
Haiti, going town by town, slaughtering police and burning down
public buildings, rapidly closing in on the capital city, Port-au-Prince.
Aristide's request for "a couple dozen peacekeepers"
from the international community to help restore order and prevent
the former military from once again taking over the country fell
on deaf ears. Jeffrey Sachs recounts the events of the night
of February 29, 2004, with Guy Philippe's men waiting on the outskirts
of Port-au-Prince:
According to Mr. Aristide, US officials
in Port-au- Prince told him that rebels were on the way to the
presidential residence and that he and his family were unlikely
to survive unless they immediately boarded an American-chartered
plane standing by to take them to exile. The US made it clear,
he said, that it would provide no protection for him at the official
residence, despite the ease with which this could have been arranged.
Indeed, says Aristide's lawyer, the US
blocked reinforcement of Aristide's own security detail and refused
him entry to the airplane until he signed a letter of resignation.
Then Aristide was denied access to a
phone for nearly 24 hours and knew nothing of his destination
until he was summarily deposited in the Central African Republic.(25)
The U.S. government tersely dismissed
Aristide's claims as "ridiculous", without evidence
or a plausible counter-explanation of what happened.(26) As usual,
the media, displaying their uncompromising professional rigour,
quickly let the matter drop.
Canada played a lead role in the kidnapping/coup
d'état: Joint Task Force 2, an elite commando squad in
the Canadian Armed Forces, was on the ground in Haiti on February
29, 2004, securing the airstrip from which U.S. Marines would
abduct President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Canada, along with France
and Chile, also provided troops for the subsequent U.S.-led and
U.N.-approved occupation, which dubbed the invaders the Multinational
Interim Force (MIF).
Part II: Post-Coup Haiti - March 2004
to January 2005
The human rights situation in Haiti is
dire. The February 2004 insurgency that culminated in the kidnapping
of President Aristide has ushered in a wave of abuses against
Aristide's Fanmi Lavalas party and its supporters. This campaign
of persecution has been waged by the rebels with the active support
of the de facto authorities installed by the U.S. and with the
complicity of the occupiers.
Numerous human rights groups have documented
the widespread abuses that have occurred, and continue to occur,
since the overthrow of Aristide. Scores of former government
officials, members of popular organizations, slum dwellers, peasants
and other supporters of Lavalas have been killed, and many others
beaten, threatened and forced into hiding for fear of their lives.
A report by the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti
(IJDH) gives a chilling insight into the scale of the violence:
"The Director of the State Hospital Morgue in Port-au-Prince
reported that the morgue had disposed of over 1000 bodies in the
month of March alone. Although some of these may have died of
natural causes, in a normal month the morgue disposes of 100 cadavers.
The Director said that many of the 1000 disposed bodies arrived
with hands tied behind the back and bullet holes in the back of
the head."(27)
In March 2004, the National Lawyers Guild's
(NLG) delegation to Haiti reported that 40 to 60 bodies had been
dumped at the Piste d'Aviation in Delmas 2, a neighbourhood of
Port-au-Prince; they found a "massive ash pile and pigs eating
flesh of human bones that had not burned. The group photographed
fresh skulls and other human bones, some still tangled in clothes
or with shoes and sneakers nearby. The delegation observed that
the fuel for the fire was misprinted Haitian currency."
The Piste d'Aviation was a dumping ground for bodies during the
military junta of 1991-1994.(28)
Amnesty International (AI) has reported:
"In February and March, the Catholic Church's Justice and
Peace Commission documented some 300 cases of killings in Port-au-Prince
alone, although they estimate that the true number of killings
could be as high as 500."
In accordance with findings of virtually
every other human rights delegation, AI remarked that "the
identity of the victims and the nature of the threats and other
abuses committed were mostly consistent with a pattern of persecution,
especially of those close, or perceived to have been close, to
the former Fanmi Lavalas regime."(29)
Unfortunately, the situation in the countryside,
where 2/3 of Haitians live, could very well be worse. The local
police forces have been decimated by the rebels, who are now acting
as the de facto authorities: "[The rebels] have occupied
police stations and former military barracks. On several occasions,
judicial authorities issuing arrest warrants have given them to
these groups to enforce, as they are the sole 'police' force in
the area."(30) Access to the rural areas has been restricted,
especially in the rebel-dominated North, but there have been many
reports (in some cases documented) of assassinations and arsons
against people supportive of Lavalas.
As a result of the wave of violence against
Lavalas and their supporters, massive numbers of people have become
refugees in their own country, fleeing to Port-au-Prince, where
they change locations each night so as to not get caught, or to
the mountains, subsisting any way they can.(31)
The behaviour of the rebels is no surprise
to anyone familiar with the past history of their leadership,
a group of notorious human rights abusers drawn from the top ranks
of FRAPH and the former military. Guy Philippe has been quoted
as saying that the man he most admires is Pinochet, and Louis-Jodel
Chamblain was convicted of leading the Raboteau massacre of 1994.
Men such as Jean "Tatoune" Baptiste and self-declared
General Remissainthes Ravix have similar personal histories.
The rank and file of the rebels are members of the former military,
convicted human rights abusers freed from the jails emptied during
the coup, and criminal gangs that sensed which way the political
winds were blowing.
With the overthrow of Aristide, the U.S.
set up a "neutral" and "technocratic" caretaker
government to organize inclusive elections and "restore"
democracy (after the US and its proxy forces had finished dismantling
it). Yet far from being a neutral political player, the de facto
government of Prime Minister Gerard Latortue "is the dream
team of the Haitian opposition parties . . . sweep[ing] away all
vestiges of the Aristide-ism and turn[ing] the country in a more
conservative, and decidedly more pro-U.S., direction", according
to the Council on Hemispheric Affairs.(32) Tom Reeves describes
the political history of new government's personnel: "Latortue
was a member of a previous coup-installed government in 1988.
The U.S.-installed government includes far-right officials from
the previous coup regime of Raoul Cedras and from the regimes
of the infamous Duvaliers. The Minister of Interior is Herard
Abraham, a former Haitian general who intends to re-establish
the Haitian military. The bulk of the Cabinet are exiled technocrats
who worked for the World Bank, IMF, USAID and the UN. They are
champions of structural adjustment and other neoliberal policies."(33)
The Latortue government has dismantled
social programs directed to the poor established during the Préval
and Aristide administrations. Subsidies on fertilizer for poor
farmers have been cut, with a consequent doubling of fertilizer
prices, increasing the hardships already faced by Haitian farmers.
Latortue's government has stopped funding to literacy programs
and eliminated subsidies for schoolchildren and schoolbooks.
The Haiti Accompaniment Project has reported that: "large
land owners accompanied by armed paramilitaries have seized land
that was given to peasant families as a part of the Land Reform
projects carried out by the Préval and Aristide administrations
(300 hectares had been distributed to 6000 families). These actions
came immediately after de facto Prime Minister Gerard Latortue
criticized the Lavalas land reform program in Jacmel." AI
has reported similar occurrences. The public sector has also
come under attack: an estimated 10,000 state employees, including
2,000 at the state telecom company, have been fired with no compensation
for their perceived support of Lavalas.(34) Doctors and nurses
at the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince went on strike in January
because the government had not paid their salaries for three months,
resulting in a severe deterioration of the already inadequate
health care system.(35) The Latortue regime has, however, offered
economic support to the large businesses of Haiti in the form
of a three-year tax holiday.
Unfortunately, the de facto government's
hostility to Lavalas and the poor goes beyond these economic attacks.
"In his first public statement, [Latortue] announced that
Aristide's order to replace the military with a civilian police
force violated Haiti's constitution; he promised to name a commission
to examine the issues surrounding its restoration," reports
Paul Farmer, an American doctor working in Haiti.(36) In a revealing
speech made in Gonaives on March 19, the de facto PM praised the
rebels as "freedom fighters" and called for a moment
of silence for all those who "fell fighting against the dictatorship".
Latortue's Justice Minister Bernard Gousse, a right wing anti-Aristide
campaigner, has blithely stated that he does not intend to disarm
rebels or recapture the escaped convicts and has been single-mindedly
pursuing Lavalas and its supporters. Indeed, the US-installed
government has already staffed the top posts in the HNP with former
military men(37) and incorporated 500 members of the former military
into the HNP, with 500-1000 expected to be hired within the next
Under the passive gaze of the interim
government, the former army has illegally reconstituted itself,
establishing bases across the country, including one in the upscale
district of Petionville in Port-au-Prince. The soldiers in Petionville
are supported by its wealthy residents and routinely assist HNP
operations in the poor neighbourhoods, as well as carry out their
own. In addition, the soldiers have demanded payment in back
wages for the 1995-2004 period and occupied public buildings and
threatened the government to this end. The Latortue government,
ever obliging, has since offered $30 million from the public purse
in compensation.(39)
With the resurgence of the brutal Haitian
army and the hostility of the interim authorities to Lavalas,
the largest mass-based political movement in the country, political
freedom in Haiti has been severely curtailed.
At least four pro-Lavalas radio stations
have been burned and ransacked in Cap-Haitian and St. Marc, and
journalists perceived as supportive of Lavalas or critical of
the de facto government have been threatened, kidnapped or beaten
by the former rebels. Fearing for their safety, a number of journalists
in Haiti's northern and central regions have gone into hiding,
according to the Haitian Journalists Association. The de facto
government has also constrained press freedom by illegally shutting
down Radio TiMoun and Tele-TiMoun, two media outlets established
by the Aristide Foundation for Democracy, and arresting one of
Tele-TiMoun's cameramen.(40) The Haitian media, meanwhile, no
longer defend freedom of the press with the same vigour. According
to Joseph Guy Delva, the head of the Haitian Journalists Association
and Reuters correspondent, and an Aristide critic, if a journalist
was arrested during Aristide's government, there would be a public
uproar from print and radio journalists. Now, says Delva, when
a journalist is arrested, "the newspapers and radio stations
applaud." The reason for this sudden change of heart is
pathetically transparent: Approximately 20 of the 25 radio and
print outlets in Haiti are owned by members of the Group of 184
and uncritically disseminate the anti-Lavalas propaganda of the
Political opponents of the Latortue government
and supporters of Lavalas are routinely arrested in violation
of their civil liberties: On September 16, "police officers
raided the offices of the Confederation of Haitian Workers labour
union and arrested nine union members, all without a warrant.
The official justification for the arrest was that the defendants
were 'close to the Lavalas authorities.' Hours later, masked men
in military attire attacked the office of the Committee for the
Protection of the Rights of the Haitian People."(42) Numerous
Famni Lavalas leaders and activists have been arrested without
a warrant and left to languish in jail, denied their right to
see a judge within 48 hours to contest their detention. Police
"weapons sweeps" into pro-Lavalas neighbourhoods of
Port-au-Prince have yielded few weapons but many arbitrary arrests.
As IJDH reports: "The prisons are dangerously overcrowded
and unsanitary. Many prisons were destroyed by the insurgents,
especially in Cap Haitian, Gonaives, Les Cayes and Jeremie. The
large influx of prisoners, including many political prisoners,
are crowded into the remaining areas. There is not adequate food,
potable water or healthcare, and many prisoners have become seriously
ill."(43) Beatings and other forms of abuse by prison guards
are commonplace. While backlogs in the justice system were a
problem that existed under Aristide as well, and thus cannot be
blamed entirely on the de facto regime, the Latortue government
is knowingly exacerbating conditions in the prisons by illegally
arresting their political opponents en masse in order to silence
The "justice" system, on the
other hand, has been exceedingly kind to friends of the new government.
Louis-Jodel Chamblain, previously convicted in absentia for the
1993 assassination of businessman Antoine Izmery, as well as involvement
in the Raboteau massacre, tearfully surrendered to the authorities
on April 22 (Under Haitian law, those convicted in absentia are
entitled to a new trial upon their return to the country). Chamblain
stated that he would sacrifice his freedom so that "Haiti
can have a chance at the real democracy I have been fighting for."
Even before the start of the trial, the hope for an impartial
judgement was slim: Minister of Justice Bernard Gousse admitted
that the surrender had been negotiated, and declared that Chamblain
"had nothing to hide." Gousse went on to praise Chamblaim's
decision to surrender as "a good and noble one" and
suggested that he might be pardoned "for his great service
to the nation." Intimidation was also an important factor:
In March 2004, the judge who had convicted Chamblain of the massacre
in 2000 was beaten by the former FRAPH commander's thugs in retaliation.
Of the five witnesses called by the prosecution, only one appeared
at Chamblain's hasty overnight trial, and he admitted to not being
an eyewitness to the crime. Chamblain was thus acquitted in a
trial Amnesty International denounced as "an insult to justice"
and a "mockery."(44)
The poor masses of Haiti have not been
passive victims of violence and repression. On the contrary,
"[o]ne of the most striking findings from [the Haiti Accompaniment
Project's] trip was that despite stepped up repression, many groups
in Port-au-Prince and in other parts of the country were preparing
for ongoing long-term mobilizations to call for the return of
democracy to Haiti." On May 18 a pro-democracy demonstration
in Port-au-Prince was fired upon by police and broken up with
the help of US Marines, killing at least one person. Police initially
claimed that they had not been given proper notice for the demonstration,
but subsequently admitted that the demonstration had been announced
well in advance and they had in fact been given proper notice
by the organizers.
A large demonstration on September 30
marking the anniversary of first coup that ousted President Aristide
in 1991 was similarly met with police violence, this time complemented
by a vast propaganda effort on the part of the government and
the elite-owned media. More than 10,000 residents of Port-au-Prince's
sprawling slums were marching towards the National Palace to demand
an end to the persecution and the return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide
when police opened fire on the unarmed demonstrators. Gerard
Latortue, in a radio interview on October 1, was unrepentant:
"We fired on them. Some died, others were wounded, and others
fled." Latortue also indicated that the authorities would
take action against further protests.(45)
Later, grasping at straws for a cover,
government officials would claim that three police officers had
been killed and beheaded by Lavalas supporters during the September
30 demonstration. When journalists and human rights groups asked
the names of the officers killed and demanded to see the bodies,
the government refused. The beheadings were described as the
beginning of "Operation Baghdad", a Lavalas-organized
insurgency against the interim government, by Democratic Platform
member Jean-Claude Bajeux in a sensational yet totally unfounded
account soon after picked up and repeated ad nauseam by Latortue
and the Haitian and international press.(46) Lavalas spokespersons'
denials of the existence of any "Operation Baghdad"
and their condemnation of the violence, meanwhile, have been studiously
ignored in mainstream media accounts. Meanwhile, an investigation
into the reported "Operation Baghdad" by the Haitian
human rights group CARLI (Comité des Avocats pour le Respect
des Libertés Individuelles) led it to conclude that no
such operation exists. CARLI's investigation did confirm that
two officers had been decapitated, but by former soldiers on September
29, and noted that it was only until after the September 30 demonstrations
that the government and the media began to blame Lavalas supporters.
The media further stirred anti-Lavalas sentiment when it reported
on a funeral service held for five HNP officers. Although only
two had died in actual violence, the government/media portrayed
it as a funeral of five heroic officers who died at the hands
of pro-Aristide militants.(47)
The September 30 shooting of unarmed
demonstrators by the police sparked a wave of unrest in the capital,
with more protest marches, clashes with police and armed resistance
by slum residents to the deadly police incursions into their neighbourhoods.
Rather than the result of a mythical Lavalas effort to destabilize
the new government, the violence since September 30 in Haiti has
overwhelmingly been the product of the de facto government's brutal
efforts to stifle popular protest in the capital.
The reaction of the installed government
to the continuing (largely non-violent) opposition of the population
has been to intensify the terror and repression, a policy continuing
to this day. Raids by masked "anti-gang" police into
the slum quarters of Port-au-Prince, already frequent, have become
a daily occurrence, with a concomitant increase in arbitrary arrests
and summary executions. Reed Lindsay in the Observer (UK) reported
on November 1 that: "policemen wearing black masks had shot
and killed 12 people, then dragged their bodies away. At least
three families have identified the bodies of relatives at the
mortuary; others who have loved ones missing fear the worst."(48)
Amnesty International's November 11 alert was equally gruesome:
On October 26 in Fort National, "[i]ndividuals reported to
be members of the police burst into a house and kill[ed] at least
seven people," while the next day in Carrefour Pean, "[f]our
young men are killed in the street in broad daylight by individuals
wearing black uniforms and balaclavas. Witnesses identif[ied]
their vehicles as police patrol cars."(49) The HNP raids
are frequently accompanied by ambulances that are used to carry
away the bodies; those wounded by police violence often don't
seek medical attention, since the HNP arrest anyone, especially
young males, found in the hospital with bullet wounds.(50)
The deadly consequences of the post-September
30 campaign are most evident in the reports from the morgue:
Independent journalist Kevin Pina reported that on October 15
"[t]he General Hospital had to call the Ministry of Health
today in order to demand emergency vehicles to remove the more
than 600 corpses that have been stockpiled there, that have been
coming in from the killing over the last two weeks alone."(51)
Since October 21, entry to the state morgue has been prohibited,
except for visitors pre-approved by the General Hospital administrator,
apparently due to the unwanted attention brought by journalists
and human rights investigators to the large numbers of bodies
coming in. Interviewing morgue employees in mid November, however,
lawyer Tom Griffin discovered "that since September 30, 2004
. . . the HNP rarely even bring people killed by violence to the
morgue. They stated that the police simply take the bodies of
those they kill directly to undisclosed dumping grounds, sometimes
stopping by the morgue only to borrow the dump truck."(52)
Along with the wave of killings, mass
arrests of young men in the slums of Port-au-Prince and arrests
of political leaders of Lavalas have increased dramatically, swelling
the prison population of Haiti. On October 2, senators Yvon
Feuillé and Gerard Gilles and former Deputy Rudy Hérivaux
were arrested, without warrants, after criticizing the interim
government on Radio Caraibe. On October 13, Reverend Gérard
Jean-Juste was beaten and arrested, again without a warrant, by
the HNP while giving out food to children at his church in the
poor Delmas neighborhood. They joined many other officials of
Haiti's Constitutional government in jail, including former Prime
Minister Yvon Neptune and former Minister of the Interior Jocelerme
Privert and former Delegate Jacques Mathelier.
While pressure by human rights groups
such as Amnesty International on the de facto government has led
to the release of a number of high-profile political prisoners,
the situation is much bleaker for those unknown victims detained
simply for living in a pro-Lavalas neighborhood. The Catholic
Church's Justice and Peace Commission estimates that there are
some 700 political prisoners in Haiti today. Bill Quigley of
the human rights group Pax Christi notes that the prison population
has grown 20% since the new government offensive began: "[I]n
late September of this year, there were 868 people in the prison,
21 of whom had been convicted of a crime. Prison officials advised
me that 'most had never seen a judge and do not know when they
will see a judge.' In early December, nine weeks later, the penitentiary
held 1041 people, 22 of whom had seen a judge."(53)
The injustice of the detentions and the
deplorable prison conditions came to a boiling point on December
1: A prisoners' protest in the National Penitentiary against
the transfer of inmates to other prisons was put down violently
by prison guards and police. Police and prison officials claim
that only 10 inmates were killed and that the police used force
in self-defense. Former and current prisoners, however, report
that the death toll was at least 60 to 110, and that police methodically
executed prisoners and carried away the bodies in ambulances to
a secret dumping ground. Residents near the prison at the time
of the incident state that heavy gunfire began after police entered
the prison and continued for hours afterwards. A journalist for
Radio Megastar, whose office has a view into the prison, witnessed
police firing into prisoners' cells from the catwalk. Government
and prison officials have denied entry to the prison by independent
human rights groups, journalists, prisoners' lawyers and even
families with few exceptions, and have not released a list of
the dead and wounded.(54)
The presence of MINUSTAH, the military
component of the U.N. Stabilization Mission in Haiti that replaced
the occupying Multinational Interim Force (MIF) on June 1, has
failed to protect the people of Haiti in the least. MINUSTAH
has at best turned a blind eye to the atrocities happening under
its watch, and at worst actively supported the government and
their paramilitary allies, thus providing a veneer of legitimacy
to the de facto state's violence.
Although their mandate calls for them
"to assist . . . with comprehensive and sustainable Disarmament,
Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programmes for all armed
groups", MINUSTAH forces have pursued this laudable goal
in the same one-sided manner as the de facto government, joining
the HNP in their zeal for "weapons searches" in the
poorest areas of the capital, while making no effort to disarm
the reconstituted military, and even actively collaborating with
it, according to some reports. In July, the Haiti Accompaniment
Project delegation stated: "From all reports we have received,
the UN Military Command works in close coordination with the Haitian
National Police, which has already integrated many former military
into their ranks. While sending thousands of troops to Haiti,
the United Nations has so far sent only one human rights officer
to Haiti; he must receive permission from the post-coup Justice
Minister, Bernard Gousse, before he is able to visit a prison."
The Haiti Accompaniment Project cited "numerous reports
that the UN military command in the North coordinates its activities
with Guy Philippe, the rebel leader who is responsible for major
human rights violations--including assassinations--in the period
preceding the coup."(55) In early October, UN forces using
Armoured Personnel Vehicles (APVs) and attack dogs took up positions
around Bel Air, alongside heavily armed units of the Haitian police.
Independent journalist Kevin Pina reported that soon after, members
of the former military were openly patrolling with Chilean forces
assigned to the United Nations. UN troops were on hand backing
up Haitian police as they illegally arrested the Lavalas parliamentarians
at a radio station on October 2 and UN riot police were also present
on September 30 as the HNP was gunning down unarmed protesters.
The commander of the Jordanian riot police present refused to
comment when asked why the UN did not intervene to stop Haitian
police from firing on the unarmed protestors.(56)
While the material support provided by
MINUSTAH during HNP "operations" is harmful enough,
the worst aspect of the UN presence in Haiti is the legitimacy
its presence confers on the actions and propaganda of the interim
government. Crucially, since September 30, high-ranking UN personnel
have supported Latortue's claim that the violence in Haiti is
the result of a Lavalas-orchestrated destabilization campaign,
and have adopted the government's characterization of Aristide's
supporters as "Chimères" and "bandits".
For instance, in a radio interview on October 8, The Brazilian
Commander of MINUSTAH General Heleno echoed the Latortue regime's
often bloodthirsty rhetoric, declaring: "We must kill the
bandits, but it will have to be the bandits only, not everybody."(57)
Likewise, the top UN diplomat's take on recent events was barely
distinguishable from the government's propaganda: "What we
have seen in this country during the last month or two has been
a resurgence of brutal violence organized probably to provoke
a process of political destabilization," said Juan Gabriel
Valdes, who heads the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).
"Any state has the right to defend itself. We were sent by
the United Nations to help and assist a government, and this task
was given to us by the security council of the United Nations."(58)
Clearly, this task takes precedence over defending the political
freedom or human rights of the Haitian people.
Ellen Meiksins Wood describes the new
imperialism that emerged in the post-WWII era as a complex interaction
between more or less sovereign states, rather than the age-old
relationship between imperial master and colonial subject. The
system is governed by economic imperatives (in the Third World,
debt is the principal mechanism) and administered by multiple
states, while order and stability in the multi-state system are
maintained by the military and political hegemony of the U.S.(59)
"Order" and "stability" in Latin America
and the Caribbean, as Noam Chomsky observes, have a very specific
meaning: The maintenance of "governments that favour private
investment of domestic and foreign capital, production for export
and the right to bring profits out of the country."(60)
Many would object to the preceding analysis
on the grounds that, in economic terms, Haiti is simply not worth
it: U.S. trade and investment with Haiti is miniscule, both absolutely
and relative to the U.S. economy, and, unlike Iraq, Haiti is not
sitting on top of an immense quantity of valuable natural resources.
In this connection, Noam Chomsky's discussion of the modus operandi
of American foreign policy in Latin America is especially illuminating:
"As far as American business is concerned, Nicaragua could
disappear and nobody would notice. The same is true of El Salvador.
But both have been subjected to murderous assaults by the US,
at a cost of hundreds of thousands of lives and many billions
of dollars." So what was the American motive for savagely
attacking these poor nations? "If you want a global system
that's subordinated to the needs of US investors, you can't let
pieces of it wander off." In particular, "[t]he weaker
and poorer a country is, the more dangerous it is as an example.
If a tiny, poor country like Grenada can succeed in bringing about
a better life for its people, some other place that has more resources
will ask, 'why not us?'" "In other words, what the US
wants is 'stability,' meaning security for the 'upper classes
and large foreign enterprises.' If that can be achieved with formal
democratic devices, OK. If not, the 'threat to stability' posed
by a good example has to be destroyed before the virus infects
others."(61) Replace "Nicaragua" or "Grenada"
with "Haiti", and we have near perfect explanation of
the logic behind America's toppling of Haitian democracy.
While the U.S. intervention in Haiti is
only the latest affair in a long history of imperialist undertakings
in Latin America, Canada's degree of involvement in such an operation
is unprecedented. Since hosting a gathering to prepare for the
overthrow of a democratically elected government and helping to
secure the airstrip from which President Aristide was abducted,
the Canadian government continues to be deeply involved in the
day-to-day activities (and thus crimes) of the interim regime.
"Canada has pledged close to $200 million in aid to Haiti,
including paying the salaries of Philippe Vixamar, a high-level
official in Haiti's justice department and Fernand Yvon, a Canadian
adviser to the prime minister. Both are on the payroll of the
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)."(62) Over
100 RCMP officers head the UN police mission that is overseeing
the training and integration of the former military into the police
force. Indeed, when confronted about failing to support American
aggression in Iraq, Paul Martin frequently responds that Canada
is already quite active in other areas such as Afghanistan and
Haiti. Hence, "Canada's Role in The World", to use
the title of a recent Montreal conference attended by many Canadian
foreign policy bigwigs, is clear: As a mid-level manager in the
U.S. empire, providing the "long-term attention at the highest
levels" needed "to really succeed in Haiti,"(63)
and other "failed" states. This role is all the more
important at a time when U.S. planners are focused on other matters,
such as the ongoing resistance to the occupation in Iraq.
In order to justify this new degree of
Canadian participation in U.S. imperialism, the Liberal government
has repeatedly appealed to the new "responsibility to protect"
doctrine when talking about Haiti, which bares a striking resemblance
to the colonialist "civilizing" ideologies of yore.
What extraordinary hypocrisy it takes to declare that Canada
must intervene in order to protect the citizens of "failed
states", while actively organizing and participating in efforts
to make certain states "fail"! The specific claims
of Canadian officials in regards to Haiti are no less duplicitous:
Special Advisor to the PM on Haiti Denis Coderre has "said
there would be 'zero tolerance' for impunity but that Canada would
not get involved in Haiti's justice system." The testimony
of CIDA's puppet Vixamar in the Justice Ministry obtained by Tom
Griffin could not refute this any more clearly: "Vixamar
revealed that the United States and Canadian governments play
key roles in the justice system in Haiti," and "stated
that he is a political appointee of the Latortue administration,
but the Canadian International Development Agency assigned him
to this position and is his direct employer." (emphasis added)
Coderre has also stated that the only groups demanding a count
of the bodies piling up in Haiti are Aristide partisans "who
refuse to admit that the two camps have blood on their hands,"
while nonetheless asserting that "the situation is better
today than it was before the departure of Aristide."(64)
Again, Coderre is contradicted by the unanimous conclusions of
numerous observer missions sent by Amnesty International, Human
Rights Watch, Center for the Study of Human Rights, Institute
for Justice and Democracy in Haiti and others, hardly a uniformly
pro-Lavalas bloc, who have reported a severe increase in human
rights abuses, with the vast majority of the victims being Lavalas
members and their supporters. Implicit in the Orwellian urgings
of Paul Martin and other officials that "we can't be nostalgic"
about Haiti's past is an attempt to make us relinquish any understanding
of its present. In the world of Canadian foreign policy, Ignorance
(for the population) is Strength (for the government).
We here in the richest dependency of
the American empire have a responsibility to reject our government's
growing participation in and support for U.S. imperialism, and
the deceitful, contradictory, and hypocritical ideology used to
justify it. We have an opportunity to make a tremendous contribution
to the struggle for democracy and human rights in Haiti. Haitians
continue to brave police bullets in order to demand the return
of their elected government; Canadians, who confront no such obstacles,
can make an equally large impact in the fight for democracy in
Haiti without any need for such extraordinary heroism. A handful
of activists in Canada, in conjunction with the Haitian community,
have already succeeded in forcing the issue back into the headlines
on numerous occasions, and the more the politicians are obligated
to defend their neo-colonial policies, the more apparent their
moral bankruptcy will become. Getting Canada to withdraw its
support and recognition of the Latortue government would be a
decisive blow against imperialism, and even getting the government
to criticize Latortue's human rights record would open up some
space for the Haitian people to continue their struggle. We would
not be alone on the international stage in our opposition to the
coup d'état in Haiti: The Caribbean community (CARICOM),
the African Union and Venezuela still refuse to recognize the
installed government, and in January 2005, the World Social Forum
in Porto Allegre passed a resolution denouncing the repression
in Haiti. The chance to begin forging a fairer, more humane world
system right here in Canada is ours for the taking, if we are
willing to fight for it.
Additional Research by Diego Hausfather
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