Aggression Rights & Trials
of Villains
Godfather and client exemptions
by Edward S. Herman
Z magazine, February 2004

The U.S. and British invasion and occupation
of Iraq was carried out in straightforward violation of the UN
Charter's prohibition of aggression and therefore constituted
what the Nuremberg Court and its U.S. representative, Robert Jackson,
termed the "supreme crime." The justification given
was the imminent threat to U.S. and British (and the world's)
"national security" posed by Saddam Hussein's illicit
possession of "weapons of mass destruction" (WMD). The
threat was so urgent that the leaders of the Free World could
not accept the risk of waiting for UN inspectors to finish their
search for these weapons. It is now very clear, and was actually
evident before the invasion, that the weapons didn't exist and
that the claim of this threat was a crude cover for a less appetizing
agenda. But the miracle of the Free Press is that the post-invasion
failure to uncover any WMD whatsoever, which made the invasion
not only a "supreme crime" but also one based on a big
lie, didn't faze its members at all. They continued to provide
apologetics for the invasion-occupation, celebrate its little
triumphs, and gloss over or ignore its numerous crimes. Bush public
relations stunts like his landing on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln
to announce "mission accomplished" and his turkey gambit
with the troops in Iraq were treated, not as PR-stunts, but as
front-page news of high importance.
The liberals also adapted nicely to the
aggression-occupation. While quite a few had opposed the attack,
especially without UN sanction, once it had occurred it became
a fait accompli that they had no trouble accepting, arguing that
it was now important for the occupation to be successful. For
Michael O'Hanlon, senior fellow at Brookings, liberals who are
concerned over the welfare of Iraqis should "start to distinguish
between their dislike of Bush and their recognition that the mission
must succeed." George Packer says, "You can object to
no bid contracts, you can object to cronyism and waste as I do,
without undermining the basic understanding that we are committed
to this and we have an enormous obligation to the Iraqis."
Obviously O'Hanlon and Packer would not have said about Saddam
Hussein's invasion-occupation of Kuwait in 1990 that it should
be taken as a given and that we must hope that his "mission"
succeeds. No, he did not have benevolent intentions toward the
victims of his aggression as Bush, Cheney and Wolfowitz do, by
patriotic premise. (Packer only sees cronyism and no bid contracts-not
killing, ruthless pacification, plans for bases and projecting
power, oil control interests, or links to Israeli aims.) This
form of apologetic is only offered when the United States or one
of its allies or clients commits a blatant aggression. Besides
being an apologia for aggression and a misreading of the purpose
of the "mission," O'Hanlon's and Packer's argument has
a further fatal flaw, namely that if the occupation is successful
this will encourage further aggressions, which is certainly a
point they would make if explaining why Saddam had to be ousted
from Kuwait.
The capture of Saddam Hussein was also
treated as a first order triumph that would at least enhance Bush's
prestige and election prospects and was often presented as justifying
the attack (as in the case of Samantha Power, a New York Times
favorite, writing in the New Republic ("Unpunishable,"
December 29, 2003-January 12, 2004). All this was done in a celebratory
mode-"We got him!"-fitting in a media that treats invasions,
wars, and mass killing in frames closely modeled alter their entertainment
stories of cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians. The fact that
his criminal act justifying the attack, Saddam's defiant possession
of WMD, was fabricated by the Bushies and therefore inoperative
should have raised a question in a minimally honest media of why
the "coalition" could even legitimately make him a war
prisoner. But in the actual existing media, although there were
occasional but rare expressions of doubt that his capture justified
the attack, such a question didn't arise. The media had participated
in a demonization process, along with a quiet transfer of the
aim of the attack to "liberation," so having established
that Saddam was a very bad man, the small matter of illegality
and the Big Lie was disappeared.
There was another awkward problem as well:
the most serious crimes of the bad man were carried out in the
1980s with U.S. and British support and protection. He only employed
his WMD when the United States approved their use-not otherwise,
and, significantly, not against the Gulf War "coalition"
that attacked him in 1991-which suggests that his "threat,"
even if he had some WMD, was minimal. So imprisoning and then
trying Saddam Hussein for his crimes could be awkward, as Reagan,
Bush-I, Rumsfeld, and many others would logically have to be in
the dock with Saddam as his suppliers and protectors. But again,
this assumes a minimally honest media that might bring up and
maybe even press such awkward matters.
Globally the U.S.-British right to commit
aggression and take the fruits of their aggression has also been
affirmed by real world actions on the part of the UN and "international
community," although taking these fruits has so far proved
to be somewhat arduous. The October 16 Security Council Resolution
1511, approved unanimously, accepted the "authority"
of the U.S. "Coalition Provisional Authority" (i.e.,
Bremer) and even urged member states "to contribute assistance
under the United Nations Mandate, including military forces,"
while insisting on nothing on the part of the aggressors, although
boldly "requesting" that they "report" on
"progress" and that they turn over power to the Iraqis
"as soon as practicable." (It should be noted that these
"coalition"-supportive actions by the UN and world's
leaders have no necessary connection to the preferences of the
world's peoples.) Just as the UN and world leaders helped the
"coalition" with the inspections gambit before the invasion,
and then did nothing to oppose the open aggression by means of
sanctions or threats, so after the invasion they accommodated
nicely to the interests and pressures of superior power. Coalition
members and their clients are exempt, obviously by virtue of power
alone, with justice irrelevant. The United States can commit aggression
against country after country-most recently, Panama, Yugoslavia,
Afghanistan, and Iraq-and its client Israel, a tail that wags
the dog, can engage in ethnic cleansing over decades in violation
of international law and UN resolutions, with complete impunity.
The Aggressor "Coalition"
The fixing of war criminality and pursuit
of war criminals via tribunals has reached grotesque levels of
biased selectivity. Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic were
U. S. and British targets, hence are eminently eligible for tribunal
jurisdiction and trials, but Pinochet, Suharto, and Ariel Sharon
- the butcher of Qibya, Sabra and Shatila, and manager of the
ongoing ethnic cleansing in Palestine - are exempt, with Sharon
an honored statesperson, a "man of peace" according
to George Bush.
There is, of course, no discussion of
the need to try the U.S. leaders who killed several million Vietnamese
in a major war of aggression and who have killed directly, or
via sponsorship and support of the likes of Pinochet et al., further
millions of innocents (John Stockwell, former CIA station chief
in Angola, estimated that over six million people died in CIA
covert actions up to the late 1980s: see his October 1987 lecture
"The Secret Wars of the CIA;" see also, William Blum's
Rogue State and Killing Hope). When we get to the recent Iraq
invasion-occupation, there is no hint anywhere in the mainstream
that the leaders who just carried out the "supreme crime"
in violation of the UN Charter, based on a lie, should be in the
dock, along with the approved villain. No, they have all taken
it as a premise that the Godfather is not subject to the same
rules as anybody else and that he can impose these rules on others
even in the course of operations in which he breaks the rules
himself, and on a large scale.
The United States has long refused to
submit to any international court authority, so that the Bush
administration's repudiation of the International Criminal Court,
its threat to use force to prevent any extension of court authority
to U.S. personnel, and its coercive diplomatic campaign to get
countries to sign Article 98 agreements pledging never to detain
U.S. nationals for extradition to the ICC, are in a great tradition.
Harry Truman's Secretary of State Dean Acheson referred to international
law as "a crock," and Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright was also clear that this country would operate unilaterally
when its objectives were not achievable via multilateral and presumably
legal authority. (The NATO war against Yugoslavia was in violation
of the UN Charter, setting a convenient precedent for George Bush.)
The mainstream media have normalized this Godfatherly behavior
as at worst regrettable, but often understandable given the Godfather's
generous willingness to serve the world as police and a force
for justice and stability.
The Bush reason for refusing to join or
cooperate with the ICC is the threat that it might produce "politically
motivated prosecutions." Translated into single-speak, the
problem is that the United States might not fully control the
ICC-"politicized" has long been used to mean failing
to adhere to our political agenda. This was a key word in service
when the Reagan administration pulled this country out of UNESCO
in 1984-at which time the Reaganites could not control UNESCO,
so that it was "politicized, " whereas in the years
of U. S . domination it was not.
Updating this, the Yugoslavia Tribunal
is not "politicized" because the United States controls
its agenda and, amazingly, most U. S. liberals and left swallow
this and consider that tribunal to be dispensing justice. In large
part this has happened because the demonization process-the long
and intensive diet of selective information and even fabrications,
many now fully institutionalized, and the ludicrously uncritical
treatment of the Tribunal at work-have been remarkably successful.
The fact that the Tribunal is funded by the NATO powers, that
Albright vetted each prosecutor, that its violation of supposed
Western judicial principles has been across the-board, and that
it has followed a NATO-supportive agenda and served as a NATO
propaganda arm without stint, hasn't registered in the West.
For example, it has used indictments as
a political instrument with the assumption of guilt-before-trial
as a fundamental Tribunal process, in violation of a basic Western
principle. The most notorious case took place in the midst of
the 78-day bombing of Yugoslavia in May 1999 when NATO began to
bomb Yugoslav civilian sites in order to force a quick surrender.
This targeting was in clear violation of international law and
it produced growing world criticism. This called for a public
relations and propaganda response. This was provided by Tribunal
prosecutor Louise Arbour, who hastily put together an indictment
of Milosevic in May 1999, based on information supplied by U.S.
intelligence, but unverified by the Tribunal. This was immediately
cited by Albright and James Rubin as showing the justice of the
NATO cause and it deflected attention from the bombing and de
facto war crimes of NATO. This is the ultimate corruption of a
supposedly legal and judicial enterprise, with PR support that
actually helped cover over literal war crimes of the Tribunal's
Naturally the mainstream media never noticed
the corruption and neither did liberals and much of the left.
None of these could also see, report, or grasp the significance
of the remarkable double standard that was operative day-by-day
in the work of the Tribunal. For example, Milosevic's indictment
on May 22, 1999 was based almost entirely on the alleged killing
of 385 Kosovo Albanians after the bombing war had started. There
was no evidence presented that these killings were his direct
responsibility, but throughout the work of the Tribunal any killings
by Serb subordinates were automatically found to be the responsibility
of top leaders. This principle was never applied to killings by
Croatians, Bosnian Muslims, or the U.S. Air Force.
In contrast with the hasty, but PR-serviceable
indictment of Milosevic in May 1999, it took Arbour's successor
Carla Del Ponte and her staff many months to respond to a huge
and detailed petition asking that NATO be indicted for killing
many hundreds of Serb civilians in its deliberate bombing of civilian
Eventually, Del Ponte declined even to
open an official investigation of this charge because her office
found that 500 civilian deaths directly attributable to NATO were
too few to be worth bothering with- "there is simply no evidence
of the necessary crime base for charges of genocide or crimes
against humanity." So for Milosevic, an unverified 385 killings
is a sufficient crime base for an indictment, but for NATO, 500
is too slight to even support an investigation.
This illustrative double standard also
points up the fact that a Tribunal with a differentvocate based
in Washington, DC.linton, Albright, Wesley Clark, and others in
prison using the same kind of evidence that was applied to Milosevic
and the numerous Bosnian Serbs serving jail terms. One intriguing
feature of the Tribunal's work is the frequency with which it
charges and imprisons its victims on the basis of their direct
or indirect role in actions that are general feature of wars and
could be applied to every other participant in the war in question.
I am convinced that with the kind of huge resources provided to
the Tribunal, and of course with parallel political and media
support for its efforts, it would have been possible to put large
numbers of Bosnian Muslim, Croatian, and NATO leaders in jail
for long prison terms. Serb victims on steady parade-and there
were many thousands in both Serbia and Bosnia-would have helped
demonize the folks that injured them. Bosnian Muslim, Croatian,
and NATO witnesses-either angry with their leaders, or seeking
publicity or bribed or induced to say the right things in exchange
for plea bargain sentence reductions-would show that these leaders
all planned to kill or failed to constrain their subordinates.
In fact, even public statements could be mobilized to make the
point, as with several NATO leaders' admissions that the bombing
of Serb civilians was deliberate in order to make them scream
and surrender. With an altered power structure, these would be
the basis of a Tribunal charge of "genocide."
It was eerie to read in early December
2003, that Bosnian Serb General Stanislav Galic was sentenced
to 20 years for his role in the 44-month siege of Sarajevo, because
he deliberately targeted civilians-"men and women of all
ages...were killed in their hundreds and wounded in their thousands,
with the intent to terrorize the entirety of the population,"
said Tribunal Judge Alphons Orie of the Netherlands. This was
done on a vastly larger scale by the United States in Vietnam,
where the civilian casualties ran into the millions, with a treatment
of civilians even more outrageous than that attributed to Stanislav
Galic's forces, as John Kifner hints at, a little belatedly, in
the New York Times ("Report on Brutal Campaign Stirs Memories,"
December 28, 2003). Deliberately targeting civilian facilities
with the aim of terrorizing, and with large civilian casualties
a predictable and acceptable feature of the plan, was also the
admitted purpose and effect of the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999.
Even more dramatic in illustrating the
double standard swallowed by the international community and liberals
is the comparison between the several thousand civilian casualties
of the "siege of Sarajevo" with those resulting from
the U.S.-British (nominally UN) "siege of Iraq" by sanctions
from 1991-2003, which John and Karl Mueller claim killed more
civilians than all the weapons of mass destruction in human history
("Sanctions of Mass Destruction," Foreign Affairs, May-June
1999). The former is the basis of a Tribunal prosecution with
Galic given 20 years in prison; the latter is not even acknowledged
to be morally problematic by mainstream and human rights crusaders
(it is unmentioned in both Samantha Powers's "A Problem From
Hell: America And the Age of Genocide," and in a "Forum
on Humanitarian Intervention" in the Nation, July 14, 2003).
Creating fear in the population at large,
as well as the enemy military, was also an integral feature of
the attack on Afghanistan and the invasion-occupation of Iraq.
In Iraq, the invasion began with a well-publicized program of
"shock and awe" bombing that killed at least as many
civilians as were listed in the Milosevic indictment of May 22,
1999, and that was for starters. We read that during the invasion
of Iraq, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld had to personally
sign off on any air strike "thought likely to result in the
deaths of more than 30 civilians," and that he approved more
than 50 such strikes. Given that thousands of Iraqi civilians
were killed or wounded in such strikes-in violation of the Geneva
rule that prohibit attacks on civilian sites, except where militarily
necessary-can there be any doubt that such a record for Milosevic
or one of his top officials would have found its way into a Tribunal
The U.S. occupation has been notorious
for the policy of shooting first and checking things out later,
and a generally lavish use of firepower. The policy of force has
intensified as the resistance has grown. Dexter Filkins in the
New York Times even quotes a U.S. military officer in Iraq describing
the new brutal tactics of the occupation as "a heavy dose
of fear and violence" ("Tough New Tactics by U.S. Tighten
Grip on Iraq Towns," December 7, 2003). In October, Human
Rights Watch charged that U.S. forces had killed at least 94 civilians
in Baghdad since May 1 "in questionable circumstances,"
but faced investigation in only 5 cases, encouraging a belief
that soldiers can kill with impunity. In December, after the capture
of Saddam Hussein, Robert Fisk wrote, "U.S. troops have shot
dead at least 18 Iraqis in streets of three major cities in the
country. Dramatic videotape from the city of Ramadi 75 miles west
of Baghdad showed unarmed supporters of Saddam Hussein being gunned
down in semi-darkness as they fled from American troops."
Hussein al-Jaburi, the U.S. imposed regional governor warned the
people of Tikrit, "Any demonstration against the government
or coalition forces will be fired upon." In early December,
under CPA instructions, Iraq's Ministry of Health terminated its
collection of information on civilians killed.
In its invasion-occupation the "coalition"
has used both cluster bombs and depleted uranium in attacks on
civilian-rich sites, in violation of the Geneva Convention. But
Saddam Hussein alone will be tried for war crimes and crimes against
humanity. It is a trial that he fully deserves, but justice is
only partially and poorly served when it is selective and, in
this case, organized by those who have opportunistically supported
the criminal in the past and who have carried out crimes of their
own that can easily match those of the chosen villain.
Edward S. Herman is an economist, author,
and media analyst.
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