The Dominican Republic:
U.S. Model for Third World Development
excerpted from the book
The Washington Connection
and Third World Fascism
by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman
published by South End Press, 1979

In his Stages of Economic Growth, Walt W. Rostow describes
a development process for Third World countries that come into
our orbit: they become gradually like us, with advanced industrial
technologies and democratic institutions. The Dominican Republic
offers an earthy illustration of the reality of development processes
under U.S. auspices. It is an especially apt and relevant case
for this reason: with and after the invasion of 1965 the U.S.
reasserted effective control over that small country and has thoroughly
dominated its politics and economics. Given the absence of any
threatening counter forces, we can say that in the Dominican Republic
the flow of events surely must have been in conformity with the
desires of the U.S. foreign policy leadership.
It will be recalled that the U.S. invaded the Dominican Republic
in 1965 to prevent the displacement of the relatively benign fascist
regime of Donald Reid Cabral by the Constitutionalist regime of
Juan Bosch, who had been overthrown by a military coup in 1963-without
eliciting any U.S. intervention to save him and his brief experiment
in democratic government. The rationalization by Lyndon Johnson
and his spokesmen, alleging an imminent threat of Communism, were
convincingly shown by Theodore Draper and others to have been
a hypocritical cover for a positive preference for fascism over
a less reliable and less controllable democratic reformist government.
The invasion of 1965 reestablished a firm U.S. grip on the island.
As Bosch put it in June, 1975, "This country is not pro-American,
it is United States property." What then have been the main
characteristics of the Dominican model of Third World development,
as seen in a country under close U.S. surveillance and control?
The first characteristic has been extensive and systematic
terror. In the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Brazil, three
client fascist systems that came into being with explicit U.S.
connivance, by a strange coincidence pare-military "death
squads" quickly made their appearance and went on a rampage
against political dissenters, petty criminals, and sometimes purely
arbitrary victims. Amnesty International called special attention
to "the numerous political assassinations carried out by
Death Squads (such as the notorious La Banda) that have been openly
tolerated and supported by the National Police. In 1970 it was
alleged that there was one death or 'disappearance' every 34 hours.
In July, 1971, Norman Gall alleged that in the post-1965 era,
the number of political murders in the Dominican Republic exceeded
that of any comparable period under the monstrous Trujillo. Gall
noted further that
The Santo Domingo newspaper El Nacional last December. 30
filled a page and a half of newsprint with the details of 186
political murders and thirty disappearances during 1970. The Dominican
terror resembles the current wave of political killings in Guatemala...in
that the paramilitary death squads are organized by the armed
forces and police, which in both cases over the years have been
given heavy U.S. material and advisory support.
Gall went on to note that the essential function of political
terror in the Dominican Republic has been to control the slum
population, "which was the main force that defeated the Dominican
military in the 1965 revolution." The Wall Street Journal
reported on September 9, 1971 that "the conservative Catholic
Church hierarchy has condemned the 'institutionalization' of terror."
The Journal also claimed that the opinion was widespread in the
Dominican Republic that the United States was behind the paramilitary
death squads. Whether or not this specific allegation was true,
the Journal observed that "the embassy has done nothing publicly
to dissociate itself from the terror. The U.S. continues to provide
substantial aid, training, equipment, and arms, to the Dominican
police and army."
Since 1971 the rate of killing has slackened, but political
assassinations continue and the incarceration and torture of political
prisoners still plays a key role in maintaining stability. Amnesty
International recently stated that "precise, detailed and
consistent information...indicates that practices amounting to
serious violations of human rights are still going on: the arbitrary
arrest, kidnapping, and assassination of the regime's political
opponents; the removal of certain political prisoners to isolation
in provincial jails and military forts; deplorable prison conditions,
ill-treatment and police brutality inflicted on many detainees...and
the continued detention of prisoners once their sentences expire.
The U.S. State Department, on the other hand, in its 1978
Human Rights Report to Congress, finds a "substantial reduction
in incidents of military and police repression," a working
"constitutional democracy," and "over a dozen political
parties...officially recognized and freely active although the
1974 elections were marred by some incidents of military intervention
on behalf of the President's reelection." On this last point,
the Washington Office of Latin America notes that "the State
Department demolishes its own argument. Official recognition means
little and political parties are not really free if the military
acts against them during an election. Harassment of opposition
forces has not ceased, despite Balaguer's claim to have ordered
the military to remain neutral. In the fall of 1977, as pre-election
campaigning for 1978 was beginning, a local headquarters of the
social democratic opposition party PRD was burned to the ground
and a PRD official, Samuelo Santan Melo, was murdered. Subsequently,
of course, the military intervened more comprehensively to avert
Balaguer's defeat in May, 1978, seizing the ballot boxes and arresting
or driving underground many leaders of the PRD, before pressure
from both the Dominican elite and the Carter administration eventually
forced the military and Balaguer to allow a transfer of the presidency
to Guzman. A wealthy landowner himself, Guzman would not have
been running at all, and would not have been allowed to take office,
if he had posed a threat of serious reform. The military and its
external sponsor assure that the new PRD operates within a very
narrow boundary of policy actions. ~ 56 All the more reason then
for the State Department to be pleased with the progress of the
Dominican Republic, to be reassured by the promises of its leaders,
and to find that this client state deserves the funds still allocated
to it for military assistance.
A second characteristic of the Dominican Republic model is
widespread venality. Alan Riding wrote in 1975 that "the
blatant corruption of military and civilian sectors of the government
is spreading bitterness among the urban masses, whose wages have
been held down despite high inflation rates since 1960. The military
and police in this client state are numerous and well taken care
of. According to Riding, one method whereby Balaguer retained
control was "by openly allowing senior officials to enrich
themselves. With official salaries of $700 a month, for example,
most of the country's 37 generals live in huge modern houses,
drive limousines, and own cattle ranches."
More recently, Jon Nordheimer wrote that
"Corruption among the generals is almost as legendary
as is their ineptitude. In the first place there are about twice
as many generals-around 40-as there should be for the size of
the military forces. Generals are promoted on the basis of family,
friendship and business connections...It is common knowledge that
Lieut. Gen. Juan Beauchamps Javier, Secretary of State for the
Armed Forces, owns a $300,000 yacht in partnership with a Dominican
businessman and that Maj. Gen. Neit Nivar Siejas, the commander
of the national police, is part owner of a major Santo Domingo
hotel and gambling casino."
A recent report to the Securities and Exchange Commission
by Philip Morris showed: (1) a $16,000 payment to a Dominican
tax official for a favorable tax ruling; (2) the payment of $
120,000 to various Dominican legislators for passage of a law
that would give Philip Morris a privileged position in the Virginia
tobacco line; and (3) monthly payments of $ I ,000 by Philip Morris
to Juan Balaguer himself. The president of a presumably independent
state taking payoffs from a private foreign business firm would
seem rather sensational, but this passed off virtually unnoticed
in the United States. Gulf & Western made $ 146,000 in "questionable"
payments through foreign subsidiaries in 1976, and although the
distribution of those payments was not revealed by the SEC, the
usefulness of such a lubricant in the Dominican Republic and G
& W's large place there rouses plausible suspicions.
U.S. firms get business done in the Dominican Republic not
only by payoffs but by putting important people on their payrolls
and by building both personal and financial ties to the local
elite. Thus in the mid-1970s the brother of the important Director
of Tourism was a vice president of G & W's sugar-producing
subsidiary in the Dominican Republic. G & W is also reported
to have established "cordial relations" with General
of the Police Tadeo Guerrero, who was active in the destruction
of the last strong independent union in the sugar business.
Gulf & Western is the largest private landowner and employer
in the country, with some 8% of all arable land, mainly in sugar,
owner of a large resort complex, and with investments in some
90 Dominican businesses. G & W's annual sales are larger than
the GNP of the Dominican Republic, and while it does not by itself
control the country, its size, internal connections, and the background
support of the external sponsor of Dominican subfascism, give
the company a great deal of leverage and might even justify the
designation of the Dominican Republic as a "company country.
Its rapid expansion within the Dominican Republic since 1967 has
been a result, in part, of the great profitability of its sugar
operations and an 18% ceiling on profit repatriation.
A potential competitor to Gulf & Western's large seaside
resort at La Romana, M. Wayne Fuller, ran into a steady series
of obstacles in the early 1970s from the Tourism Office in importing
supplies and obtaining tax concessions supposedly available to
foreign enterprises. In April, 1975, a government decree was signed
expropriating Fuller's beach-land property-for use as a public
park-helped along possibly by the fact that the president of another
G & W subsidiary was an advisor to the Dominican Republic
Park Commission. This decree was rescinded when Fuller mobilized
his forces, including various army officers and Balaguer himself.
In brief, foreign interests are exceedingly powerful as they curry
and buy favor and mobilize their elite cadres, with whom they
jointly dominate and loot this small dependency.
A third characteristic of the Dominican model has been a radical
sweetening of conditions for foreign business and a strong reliance
on foreign investment for national development. As in Greece under
the Colonels' regime of 1967-1973, great stress has been placed
on tourism and investments related to tourism (resort hotels,
airport development). An Investment Incentives Law of 1968 removed
any restrictions on foreign ownership, extended generous tax and
duty exemptions to new investments, and guaranteed capital and
profit repatriation. U.S. companies have swarmed into agriculture,
food processing, mining, banking and hotel and resort complexes.
In 1969 G & W became manager of a large tax-free zone adjacent
to G & W's Cajuiles golf course. One of the many Dominican
Republic ads in the New York Times- funded in good part by "contributions"
from foreign companies in the country-notes that companies settling
within the G & W free zone "are given special duty free
import and export privileges. They are granted a 10-year tax-free
status." The reporter Michael
Flannery describes the G & W "free zone" in
the following language:
"Shotgun-toting customs agents and national police man
check points at entrances to the free zone, which is surrounded
by a high chain-link fence topped with multiple strands of barbed
wire...CNTD [National Confederation of Dominican Workers] and
visiting officials of the AFL-CIO charged that the zone had the
air of a "modern slave-labor camp." They said the carefully
controlled access was designed not only to prevent smuggling,
but to thwart efforts to organize the workers into unions that
would force an improvement in conditions."
A fourth characteristic of the Dominican Republic model, related
to the preceding, is effective government pacification of the
labor force, a crucial requirement for an appropriate "climate
of investment." As noted above, the systematic police terror
since 1965 has returned the large urban proletariat and sub-proletariat
to the desired state of passivity, and the countryside has been
more easily kept in line by periodic violence and threats. The
Dominican Republic advertisement section in the New York Times
of January 28, 1973, has a heading entitled "Industrialists
Dream of Chances Like These," featuring the low, low wage
rates, running between 25 and 50 cents an hour. The ad stresses
the role of the law in fixing hours and wages and allowing the
free import of foreign technicians. There is no mention of any
trade unions, but employers will properly read between the lines
that unions have been broken and pacified (with the assistance
of George Meany and the AFL-CIO). Of special interest is the regular
use of government troops and police to break up independent unions.
The agricultural union Sindicato Unido, which operated the fields
now owned by G & W was broken by police action in 1966 and
1967, and a number of its leaders, including the union lawyer
Guido Gil were arrested and killed by the forces of law and order.
Another major foreign enterprise, Falconbridge Nickel, also successfully
broke a union with army and police assistance in 1970. A Wall
Street Journal report of September 9, 1971 states that "when
a union attempted to organize construction workers at a foreign-owned
ferronickel mill project last year, Mr. Balaguer sent in the army
to help straighten things out. While the soldiers kept order,
the contractors fired 32 allegedly leftist leaders...The strike
was broken in eight days." Matters had not changed much in
the mid-70s. An ad hoc human rights group that visited the Dominican
Republic in 1975 reported that "working people have been
prevented by nearly every conceivable means from forming and joining
trade union organizations." A union organizing effort in
the G & W free trade zone in the mid-1970s was broken with
the help of the police in arresting, jailing, and deporting labor
organizers, and with the use of "troops in full combat gear
armed with submachine guns" to break up organizing meetings.
Flannery states that:
"Officials of the Dominican labor ministry told organizers
that-contrary to the paper guarantees of the republic's laws-workers
would not be allowed to form a union in the industrial free zone."
On the matter of labor unions, the 1977 State Department Human
Rights Report has the following "information": "Labor
unions are permitted to function and numerous labor unions exist
including some associated with opposition parties, but under some
government controls." That exhausts that topic.
In containing unions and rendering them docile the Dominican
elite has had the steadfast support of the top echelons of the
AFL-CIO, which has long cooperated closely with the CIA and international
business firms in this unsavory operation. Its arm CONATRAL actually
helped destroy the pro-labor Bosch regime in 1963 and has steadily
supported its totalitarian and anti-labor successors."' Presumably
their blind hatred of Communism and radicalism in general has
led Meany and his close followers to sell out systematically the
interests of labor in the Dominican Republic and in other U. S.
satellites. Meany and some other labor bosses actually have a
more direct interest in the pacification of labor in the Dominican
Republic. Meany, his number two man Lane Kirkland, Alexander Barkan,
director of COPE, the AFL-CIO political arm, and Edward J. Carlough,
president of the sheet metal workers, all are stockholders in
the 15,000 acre Punta Cana resort and plantation in the Dominican
Republic. In order to clear the ground for this enterprise designed
for the Beautiful People a large numbers of squatters were evicted
by the army.
A fifth characteristic of the Dominican model, following naturally
from the preceding, is the sharp deterioration in the well-being
of the bulk of the population. In serving the interests of a traditional
and expatriate elite, the Dominican Republic has been turned into
a tourist and industrial paradise, with a "25-cent minimum
wage rate and hard-working peaceful labor" [sic: translated,
no threat of strikes from any independent unions], and with four
tax free zones "filled with manufacturers of brushes, brassieres,
batteries, electronic devices, wigs, undergarments, components
and consumer goods." The effects of the 1965 counterrevolution
and the installation of the Dominican Republic model on income
distribution and welfare were summarized by the Wall Street Journal
(9 September 1971) as follows:
"The middle and upper classes are better off, as are
the lower classes lucky enough to have jobs. But work is scarce;
the poor are poorer and more numerous. "Per capita income
is about the same as before 1965, but it's less equitably distributed,"
a foreign economic expert says. He estimates per capita income
at $240-three times that of Haiti but half that of Cuba... Most
of the 370 young women who work at La Romana earn 30 cents to
40 cents hour last year...Malnutrition is widespread. Says George
B. Mathues, director of CARE in the Dominican Republic: "You
see kids with swollen bellies all over the country, even here
in Santo Domingo." Food production is hampered by semi-feudal
land tenure. At last count, less than 1% of the farmers owned
47.5 % of the land, while 82% farmed fewer than 10 acres... Land
reform has moved with glacial speed...Most Dominican children
don't go beyond the third grade; only one in five reaches the
sixth grade. "
G & W acknowledged in 1978 that cane cutter money wages
had not kept up with inflation in the years since 1966,'75 and
there is other evidence to the same effect, which suggests a probable
further absolute fall in the real income of the majority and a
further shift toward inequality in income shares. There is also
evidence that the nutritional deficit of the Dominican majority
is huge. Michael Flannery cites a report which states that in
1972 "a mere 11 percent of Dominicans drink milk, 4 percent
eat meat and 2 percent eat eggs. Fish are plentiful in the waters
off the island, but draw better prices in other markets. So, few
Dominicans include fish in their protein-poor diet."
In the Dominican Republic we see the working out once again
of the familiar repression-exploitation-trickle-down model of
economic growth. The export-oriented agriculture is, as is common
throughout the empire, displacing an already underemployed peasantry
and rural work force, increasing the mass of dispossessed and
malnourished. The unemployment rate has been extraordinarily high,
on the order of 30%-40%.'79 The mass of the population has been
entirely excluded from any opportunities for economic advancement,
education, or political participation. The large majority as in
Brazil, Indonesia, or the Philippines, is a cost to be minimized
and a threat to be contained. The process of development observed
here is acceptable on the assumption implicit throughout the empire-that
only the welfare of the local and expatriate elites need be taken
into account. The decline in the welfare of the majority, their
exclusion from any power whatsoever, and the cultural degradation
of the Dominican Republic, are obviously beside the point. "Stability"
has been brought to the country, and from the perspective of U.S.
investment opportunities, the Dominican Republic deserves the
glowing description of a U.S. Embassy report describing it as
a "little Brazil" and "one of the brightest spots
in Latin America."
Connection and Third World Fascism