Amnesty International
Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy:
A Mandate for Leadership (1988)

Amnesty International USA urges U.S. Government officials
to accept the challenge of leadership in the promotion and protection
of human rights. Amnesty International USA's 200,000 members work
with Amnesty International members in over 150 other countries.
We encourage the U.S. Government and elected officials to contribute
to safeguarding the fundamental rights of all people. U.S. political
leaders who support the standards in international human rights
agreements will find that their position resonates throughout
the United States and the world.
Responding to the human rights abuses of World War 11, the
international community, with strong U.S. leadership, adopted
in 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Forty years
later, one-third of the world's governments condone or permit
torture. More than 100 governments jail real or perceived political
opponents. Dozens of governments still punish offenders by killing
them, all in contravention of international human rights norms.
It is past time to end these abuses.
Amnesty International USA calls on U.S. Government officials
to reaffirm U.S. leadership in protecting human rights, to stand
firm in opposition to these abuses and to state clearly what actions
they will take in this endeavor.
U.S. interests are best served when our domestic and foreign
policies support the values embodied in the founding documents
of our nation; the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
These values of individual liberty, freedom of expression, freedom
of association, and security of the person, rightfully stand enshrined
in the heritage of this country. We identify ourselves and our
government as instruments to protect these rights. U.S. policies,
therefore, must clearly show our commitment to end political imprisonment,
torture, and killing wherever they occur.
I. Human Rights Protection Supports National Interests
Human rights interests cannot be separated from national security
interests. Respect for human rights guarantees every nation's
security and a peaceful and stable world. The Universal Declaration
of Human Rights states: "Recognition of the inherent dignity
and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the
human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace
in the world."
Amnesty International USA encourages all U.S. Government officials
to state clearly their awareness of the fundamental relationship
between national security and the protection of human rights.
In the short term, U.S. Government actions in pursuit of perceived
national security interests often tend too override human rights
concerns when applied to specific countries.
Amnesty International USA urges all U.S. Government officials
to pledge to resolve any seeming conflict of interest in ways
that protect human rights as well as national security interests.
II. The Human Rights Policy of the United States Must be Universal
in its Conception, Effective in its Implementation, and Cooperative
in its Method
The fundamental human rights recognized by the Universal Declaration
and other international instruments are, by definition, universal.
Universal rights have no place in ideological arsenals, to be
invoked or ignored according to the dictates of shifting partisan
politics. Selective attention weakens human rights protection
worldwide, thereby undermining a secure and just world order consonant
with U.S. national interests.
Elected officials must develop a foreign policy that serves
this country's national interests by giving priority to universal
human rights concerns. U. S. support for the rights of citizens
living under a repressive government, whatever that government's
ideology, gains the friendship of that country's people. A people's
perception that the U.S. Government supports their oppression
engenders their long-term enmity.
Amnesty International USA calls upon U.S. Government officials
to endorse the universal application of human rights standards.
The basic criterion for choosing human rights strategies and
programs must be effectiveness. Particular methods of protecting
human rights may be successful in some circumstances and ineffective
in others. The debate on quiet diplomacy versus public denunciation,
like any argument which separates methodology from goals, is essentially
sterile. Yet it is clear that a policy of private communication
with friendly governments and open denunciation of hostile governments
is counterproductive. When the U. S. Government publicly ignores
violations committed by its friends, while condemning its adversaries
for the same violations! it reduces human rights to a propaganda
tool and generates cynicism rather than hope.
A government committed to human rights develops a corps of
foreign service professionals trained and experienced in human
rights work. A strong and active bureau of human rights is central
to a strong and active human rights policy. Systematic briefings
of all policymakers and clear instructions on human rights promotion
are important aspects of an effective human rights program.
Successive Administrations and Congresses have enacted during
recent years laws linking a country's human rights performance
to U.S. policy and actions toward that country. The effective
implementation of this legislation is critical to an effective
human rights policy. The integrity of the information that is
used in implementing the legislation is crucial. Attempts to circumvent
the law by ignoring or distorting information on particular countries
signal offending governments that the United states is not serious
in its human rights advocacy.
Amnesty International USA calls upon U.S. Government officials
to define an effective U.S. human rights policy and support implementation
of existing human rights legislation.
The United States must promote human rights in both the bilateral
and multilateral foreign policy channels. Its efforts, however,
are undercut by the inexplicable failure to ratify basic human
rights treaties, such as the International Human Rights Covenants.
These covenants, as well as the Convention Against Torture and
the American Convention on Human Rights, must be promptly ratified.
Amnesty International USA calls upon U.S. Government officials
to express clear support for ratification of international human
rights instruments without crippling reservations.
Support for international human rights laws and conventions,
as well as United Nations procedures and mechanisms for protecting
human rights, moves that protection from philosophical discussion
to positive action. That support is best expressed when the United
States itself abides by international norms and uses its considerable
influence to ensure that partisan ideological currents do not
override the spirit of universal protection and promotion of human
Amnesty International USA calls on U.S. Government officials
to signal their commitment to establishing effective and impartial
enforcement mechanisms for protecting human rights within the
international system.
III. Selected Actions Suggested to Eradicate Specific Human
Rights Violations
Amnesty International works globally and impartially on specific
concerns: release of prisoners of conscience (men, women, and
children imprisoned solely for their ethnic origins or beliefs,
provided they have neither used nor advocated violence), fair
and prompt trials for all political prisoners, and abolition of
torture and executions. Amnesty International USA's 200,000 members,
who work with Amnesty members in over 15O other countries, urge
the U.S. Government to safeguard the human rights of all people
by monitoring events abroad, raising human rights concerns in
public and private forums, and taking other actions enumerated
below to protect basic human rights.
Amnesty International USA urges U.S. Government officials
to endorse a human rights policy for this country that incorporates
efforts to eradicate specific categories of violations, namely,
political imprisonment, torture, and executions.
Amnesty International has documented thousands of prisoner
of conscience cases. Governments in every region of the world
have arrested and detained their citizens, sometimes jailing them
for years without charge or trial.
Amnesty International USA call on U.S. Government officials
* Use their good offices to intervene for the release of individual
prisoners of conscience.
* Promote attendance at political trials by U.S. embassy personnel.
* Gather information from human rights activists and others
knowledgeable in human rights issues during official visits abroad
to supplement that provided by government sources.
President Reagan signed into law in September 1984 a Congressional
Resolution Against Torture (P.L. 98-447). The resolution specifies
measures to be taken by U.S. Government officials against torture
practiced by foreign governments.
Amnesty International USA calls on U.S. Government officials
to commit themselves to achieve the goals of the resolution by:
* Publicly condemning torture wherever it occurs.
* Pressuring governments to abolish practices which facilitate
torture, including incommunicado or secret detention.
* Pressuring governments to investigate reports of torture,
prosecute torturers, and compensate victims or their dependents.
* Prohibiting transfer of military, police, or security equipment
or expertise when it can be reasonably assumed that these transfers
play a direct role in torture or related human rights abuses.
There is an adverse relationship between capital punishment
and existing international human rights standards. The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights states in Article 5: "No one
shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading
treatment or punish meet." In addition, imposition of the
death penalty in the United States and other countries which still
permit capital punishment results in arbitrary and discriminatory
executions. The United States has a responsibility to review the
existence of discrimination in the administration and application
of capital sentencing. The United States can promote human rights
abroad by demonstrating its commitment to protecting human rights
at home.
The United States is one of the member states of the United
Nations. It shows little sign, however, of joining the world trend
toward abolishing state-sanctioned killing. Therefore, the United
States contravenes the United Nations declaration that "in
order to guarantee fully the right to life, provided for in Article
3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights," member states
should progressively seek to restrict "the number of offenses
for which capital punishment may be imposed with a view to the
desirability of abolishing this punishment in all countries."
Amnesty International USA calls on U.S. Government officials
to commit themselves to work toward abolition of the death penalty
in the United States and specifically to:
* Prohibit the execution of juvenile offenders, a practice
which contravenes the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights.
* Prohibit execution of the mentally impaired, a practice
which contravenes the guidelines of the United Nations Economic
and Social Council.
* Eliminate discrimination in application of the death penalty.
The United States has condemned torture and political killing.
This government should not send asylum seekers back to countries
where there are reasonable grounds to believe that they may become
victims of unjust imprisonment, torture, or political killing.
People subjected to or threatened with human rights abuses often
have no choice but flight, and this country has a tradition of
receiving refugees.
Amnesty International USA calls on U.S. Government officials
* Support continuation of the U.S. humanitarian custom of
granting asylum, seeking evenhanded treatment of refugees from
countries of differing ideologies.
* Support guarantees that all asylum seekers will receive
legal assistance and due process in pursuing their cases with
U.S. immigration officials.
* Support a policy of providing safe haven to refugees from
our own region fleeing from civil strife in their own countries.
Disregard for human rights exacerbates conflicts both within
and between nations. U.S. Government policies and actions that
give priority to human rights concerns contribute to the resolution
of these conflicts. When U.S. officials and legislators publicly
promote human rights, they demonstrate the political will necessary
to create a just and peaceful environment both at home and abroad.
Amnesty International USA urges U.S. Government officials
to state publicly their determination to place human rights at
the core of U.S. foreign policy and take specific actions in pursuit
of that goal.
Amnesty International USA. Human Rights Policy Paper (February,
Rights Documents