Behind the Cloak of Benevolence:
World Bank and IMF Policies Hurt Workers At Home
and Abroad
by John Cavanagh, Sarah Anderson and Jill Pike

IMF / World Bank and Jobs in the Developing World
...World Bank structural adjustment loans and the various IMF
facilities ... translate into an increase in economic hardship
for millions of workers and farmers and their families throughout
the developing world through at least six mechanisms ...
1. Massive Public Sector Layoffs
Bank and Fund policies in poor countries can be summed up in four
words: "Spend less, export more." As governments attempt
to cut expenditures, civil service downsizing is often one of
the first targets. Morocco's cuts in public service employees
in the wake of its 1981 Extended Fund Facility, for example, contributed
to a 60 percent rise in unemployment in that country between 1982
and 1984. A similar process occurred in the Ivory Coast where
public sector layoffs followed a 1981 EFF. Had it not been for
the absorptive capacity of the informal sector, where incomes
are low and uncertain, the official unemployment rate by the early
l 990s would have stood at 42 percent rather than 29 percent.
African trade unionists have pointed out that the multilateral
banks would have done better to pressure governments to reduce
bloated military budgets and cut widespread embezzlement of money
by government and political party officials.
2. Spending Cuts in Basic Social Services
In addition to public sector layoffs, governments have been pressed
by adjustment loans to cut basic social services. As education,
health care, and other social program budgets are cut, not only
are jobs lost directly but the future health and productivity
of the workforce are undermined. Ghana received more structural
adjustment loans than any other African country between 1983 and
1990. Yet throughout the 1980s, education spending stalled at
half of its 1975 levels, and overall enrollment rates declined
from 1983 to 1987. During the same period, health spending in
Costa Rica fell; the country began its structural adjustment in
1981, and by 1985, the Ministry of Health reported significant
increases in the occurrence of intestinal parasitic diseases,
rheumatic fever and alcoholism. Cuts in the Costa Rican health
budget have greatly weakened the capacity of what was one of Latin
America's best public health systems.
3. Crippling Wage Freezes and Labor Suppression
The Bank and Fund also press countries to slow or stop the rise
in wages, both to attract foreign investment and to repress consumer
demand. In some countries, the lending programs have also undercut
workers by promoting the suppression of labor rights. Most recently,
a World Bank loan for Nicaragua voted in July 1994 required the
Nicaraguan government to adopt measures that undermine collective
contracts, weaken public sector unions, and remove non-monetary
benefits from labor agreements. In country after country undergoing
adjustment, workers' purchasing power drops as wages stagnate
while prices rise.
4. Devaluation of Local Currencies
One of the prominent reasons why workers face rising prices in
adjusting countries is the common policy prescription that countries
should devalue their currency. Devaluations have the effect of
making a country's exports cheaper and its imports more expensive.
5. Promotion of Export-Oriented Production
The Bank and Fund pursue a series of policies in addition to devaluation
to encourage countries to shift more land from basic food crops
to export-oriented production of shrimp, broccoli, cut flowers,
coffee, and dozens of other products. In addition to hastening
ecological decline (shrimp farms can ruin the water table; the
cash crops often rely on more chemical inputs), this shift has
often been accompanied by rising malnutrition as basic food prices
rise and millions of peasants and indigenous people are displaced
from their land. The World Bank has also been a big promoter of
"free trade zones" where young women often work in exploitative
conditions to produce light manufactured goods for export to Wal-Mart,
Sears, K-mart and other outlets. While a small elite gains from
these new export ventures, the rising in equalities between the
winners and the workers creates new tensions and instabilities.
6. Abolition of Price Controls on Basic Foodstuffs
A favorite target of IMF and World Bank policies is the low prices
on basic necessities that governments often subsidize in urban
areas. The elimination of these subsidies can be devastating and
in several countries, has led to riots and bloodshed. Mozambique
received its first IMF Structural Adjustment Facility in 1987.
By 1988, prices of basic commodities had shot up exponentially.
In the space of one month (March to April), the price of rice
rose from 20 cents a kilogram to $1.35; sugar from 25 cents to
$1.32; and maize from 14 to 56 cents. A trained secondary school
teacher with nine years of basic education and three years of
professional training reported spending the dollar equivalent
of almost $100 of his monthly $120 salary on basic necessities.
Two wage hikes during 1988, of 50 and 15 percent, could not come
close to compensating for the 300-500 percent price increases
in basic commodities.
In sum, in their zeal to correct macro-economic imbalances and
speed the generation of foreign exchange to repay creditors in
the rich countries, the IMF and World Bank have visited enormous
suffering on the workers of the poorer two-thirds of the world.
exerpted from the book
edited by Kevin Danaher
Common Courage Press
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Years Is Enough
Gonna Get Mama
World Bank, Structural Adjustment