White Paper on the White Paper
by James Petras, March 28, 1981
Selections from
The Nation magazine
edited by Katerina Vanden Heuvel
Thunder's Mouth Press, 1990, paper
James Petras's piece was the first analytical
review and critique of the Reagan Administration's white paper
on Communist Interference in El Salvador, the document used to
justify increased American intervention in El Salvador in the
The State Department's white paper entitled
Communist Interference in El Salvador purports to provide evidence
(1) "the central role played by Cuba
and other Communist countries ... in the political unification,
military direction and arming of insurgent forces in El Salvador";
(2) that "the insurgency in E1 Salvador
has been progressively transformed into another case of indirect
armed aggression against a small Third World country by Communist
powers acting through Cuba"; and
(3) that "Cuba, the Soviet Union
and other Communist states . . . are carrying out what is clearly
shown to be a well-coordinated, covert effort to bring about the
overthrow of El Salvador's established Government and to impose
in its place a Communist regime with no popular support."
The white paper fails to provide a convincing
case for any of those propositions. On the contrary, its evidence
is flimsy, circumstantial or nonexistent; the reasoning and logic
is slipshod and internally inconsistent; it assumes what needs
to be proven; and, finally, what facts are presented refute the
very case the State Department is attempting to demonstrate. The
document, in a word, has the aura of a political frame-up in which
inconvenient facts are overlooked and innuendoes and unwarranted
inferences are made at crucial points in the argument. In demonstrating
this, I will follow the format of the white paper, discussing
the sections in order, under their original titles, and making
cross-references to material in other sections where it is warranted;
for example, when the authors contradict themselves.
The first technique that is employed in
the white paper is to conflate what is happening in El Salvador
with other alleged examples of Soviet and Cuban military involvement.
The political opposition is reduced to a group of extreme leftist
guerrillas manipulated by Cuba and in turn manipulating "small,
non-Marxist-Leninist parties" in order to deceive public
opinion. Opposition activity is labeled terrorist. Journalists
who describe the U.S.-backed regime's behavior as terrorist are
labeled as witting or unwitting dupes of an orchestrated Communist
propaganda effort.
What is most striking about this description
of the opposition to the junta Government is the complete absence
of even a minimal account of the numerous social, political and
civic movements that have developed in E1 Salvador over the past
decade, which represent a wide range of political views and social
strata This collective omission on the part of the State Department
is necessary if one ~s bent upon labeling the opposition as Soviet-Cuban
manipulated and if one wishes to reduce the conflict to an East-West
military confrontation.
The fact of the matter is that over the
last decade an enormously rich variety of social organizations
have emerged in E1 Salvador, embracing the great majority of professional
and technical workers, peasants, labor and businesspeople Their
membership is in the hundreds of thousands and they are an integral
part of the main political opposition group, the Revolutionary
Democratic Front (F.D.R.). Almost all union members, peasant associations,
university and professional people are members or supporters of
social and civic organizations that are sympathetic to the front.
The white paper clearly falsifies the political and social realities
by excluding an account of the social forces involved with the
opposition. Moreover, the origins of the opposition are clearly
rooted in the social realities of the country-a point which the
document admits in Section m in a politically vague and unspecified
fashion when it notes that: "during the 1970's, both the
legitimate grievances of the poor and landless and the growing
aspirations of the expanding middle classes met increasingly with
What the paper fails to acknowledge is
that these legitimate grievances" and "growing aspirations"
found expression and were embodied in the mass organizations which
are the essential components of the opposition groups that make
up the F.D.R. The guerrilla movement is part and parcel of a larger
political and social movement that has been and is repressed.
Its activities stem from social realities of Salvadoran history,
which the paper concedes is one of "repression widespread
poverty and concentration of wealth and power in the hands of
a few families." Because it is intent on demonstrating that
the problem is Soviet-Cuban intervention, the paper fails to examine
the crucial relationship between the repressive nature of the
state, social inequalities and the growth of opposition and guerrilla
The "Non-Marxist" Opposition
The striking feature of the Salvadoran
revolution is the broad array of political forces that have united
to oppose this regime-Christian Democrats, Social Democrats and
Liberal Democrats, as well as independent Marxist groups and pro-Moscow
coalitions. What is particularly unique in the Salvadoran case
is the substantial leadership and its popular base of support
that has developed among Christian communities. In all areas of
social and political organization, a plurality of political tendencies
are represented-among peasants, workers, professionals and so
on. The attempt by the white paper to reduce the opposition to
a handful of Marxist guerrillas manipulating the "non-Marxists"
is a crude oversimplification and gross distortion of reality.
What is remarkable in the document is the systematic exclusion
of any mention of the mass-based Christian opposition, the twenty-eight
Christian priests, nuns and community leaders murdered by the
regime for their opposition activities. A discussion of these
facts would complicate the State Department's job of selling intervention
to the U.S. public.
In describing the emergence of the guerrilla
forces, the document downgrades accounts of repressive political
conditions under the junta. Yet detailed descriptions are available
from the Organization of American States, the United Nations and,
most comprehensively, from the Legal Aid Commission of the office
of the Archbishop of El Salvador, which has compiled a lengthy
dossier of the regime's systematic violence against all legal
public organizations opposed to it in any way. Churches, trade
unions, independent newspapers and peasant co-ops have been assaulted
and bombed, leaving almost 9,000 dead between January 1980 and
January 1981. The precondition for the growth of guerrilla activity
was the closing of political channels by the U.S.-backed regime-not
Soviet intervention.
Shortly after the first junta was established
in October 1979, and before the rightist military took over, the
guerrillas and political opposition groups offered a cease-fire.
The rightists in the armed forces responded by escalating the
number of assassinations, which touched off renewed hostilities.
The decision to seek a military-political solution was forced
upon the opposition by the military regime when it murdered Archbishop
Oscar Romero on March 24, 1980, and then the seven leaders of
the F.D.R. meeting in San Salvador on November 27, 1980. The subsequent
purge of the moderate Christian Democrats and reformist military
officers from the first Government junta is further proof that
political options had been taken away. The white paper overlooks
this context of regime violence in order to invent a Cuban-inspired
conspiracy and to impute the violence of the regime to its victims.
The killings by the military regimes increased from 147 in 1978
to 580 between January and October of 1979 and to 8,952 between
January 1980 and January 1981. This increasing reign of terror
clearly was instrumental in lowering the rate of popular participation
in public activity and swelling the numbers of clandestine groups.
Oblivious to this reality, the white paper describes the increase
in guerrilla activity as a willful act of the "extreme left."
In its attempt to cast doubt on the opposition's
legitimacy, the paper omits any mention of centrist defections
from the U.S.-backed junta to join the leadership of the Revolutionary
Democratic Front. The shift of a significant body of centrist
opinion to the opposition is described disparagingly in the following
fashion: "For appearances' sake three small non-Marxist-Leninist
political parties were brought into the front, though they have
no representation in the D.R.U. [Unified Revolutionary Directorate]."
These former Christian and Social Democratic allies of the U.S.-backed
coalition had been described by U.S. officials a few weeks earlier
as major political forces representing significant reform-minded
sectors of Salvadoran public opinion. The fact that the pro-Moscow
Communist Party of El Salvador is a marginal political force in
the opposition coalition is never discussed by the white paper,
nor is the fact that three of the four major leftist groups are
critical of the Soviet Union.
Moreover, the paper's charge that Fidel
Castro was responsible for unifying the left overlooks the fact
that the unity of the leftist forces was under way prior to December
1979 as a result of increasing repression by the regime and pressure
from the rank and file of all the groups. The F.D.R. was formed
in El Salvador not in Cuba, and was supported and promoted by
European social-democratic forces. It was certainly not a product
of the alleged machinations of Castro. As the participants stated
at the time, the needs of the popular struggle, the limited options
open to all opposition groups and the example set by the success
of the Nicaraguan revolution were the main impulsions to unity.
Conspiratorial Hypothesis
The effort by the white paper to discredit
the F.D.R. by describing it as a "front" disseminating
propaganda for the guerrillas systematically ignores the popular
support that these groups draw away from the junta, the internal
political debates within the front and between the front and the
guerrillas and the influence they have had in shaping the program
in a reformist direction. The white paper's conspiratorial view
requires that its authors overlook the importance of these moderates
and their internal and external influence. The paper says nothing
about the widespread international support for the front and the
isolation of the junta. Indeed, it expands its conspiratorial
hypothesis to find Cuban and Soviet-sponsored deception behind
the front's success.
The numerous and detailed accounts of
repression by the regime compiled by the Archbishop's Legal Aid
Commission which have swayed world public opinion are not mentioned;
nor are Amnesty International's publicized accounts of widespread
systematic torture. In place of careful consideration of these
documents, the white paper labels the 10,000 deaths attributed
to the junta (13,000 by the time the paper appeared) an "extreme
claim" of the guerrilla propaganda apparatus, which is parroted
by the Cuban, Soviet and Nicaraguan media. Actually, the principal
source of data collected on the regime's repression is nonCommunist,
Catholic and respected by most non-U.S. Government sources. In
summary, through omissions and distortions, through labeling and
simplification, the white paper early on fabricates a case against
a broad-based popular revolutionary movement in order to prove
"Communist military involvement." . . .
The massive propaganda effort to focus
attention on outside Communist intervention is a way of diverting
attention from the repressive regime that the United States is
supporting. The Reagan Administration's tactic is to win backing
for the junta not because of what it stands for (few democratic
governments would support a government whose army has killed 13,000
civilians) but to "draw the line" against outside intervention."
The "Progressive" Coalition
The white paper describes the governing
coalition that took over after the coup in October 1979 as being
made up of progressive civilian and military officers. Yet the
great majority of these progressives defected to the F.D.R. or
were killed by the rightist faction which is now in control. The
"three small non-Marxist-Leninist political parties"
that the white paper earlier dismisses as window dressing in the
F.D.R. Ieadership are later portrayed as significant progressives
when they were in the first coalition. The white paper's inconsistency
is apparent in the way it attempts to reclaim the progressive
character of the original junta while discrediting the genuine
progressives who resigned from it in protest or were pushed out.
The systematic purge of the progressives by the rightist faction
within the junta between October 1979 and March 1980 is described
in the same vacuous, euphemistic language that is used throughout
the white paper when the authors wish to cover their tracks: "After
an initial period of instability, the new Government stabilized
around a coalition that includes military participants in the
October 1979 coup, the Christian Democratic Party and independent
civilians." The white paper leaves out the purge of the Majano
reformists, and the bulk of the Christian Democrats who are now
in opposition, along with university faculty and students, Social
Democrats and the other forces of reform. It does not say that
ultra-right forces deeply involved in repressive actions are all
that remain of the original junta that took power in October 1979.
The white paper claims that "since
March 1980, this coalition has begun broad social changes."
Actually, the number of peasants killed and co-ops that fell under
military occupation rose sharply: peasants killed increased from
126 per month in February, to 203 in March, to 423 in July, totaling
3,272 for the glorious year of agrarian reform! The paper then
repeats the falsehood that the opposition to this "reform"
consists of Marxist-Leninist guerrilla terrorists and the three
insignificant non-Marxist-Leninist political parties operating
outside of the country. Once again, the authors omit mention of
the absence of any political rights in El Salvador, and the state
of war that the junta has declared against all opposition.
Extremist Symbiosis
The white paper then proceeds to argue
that the Government "faces armed opposition from the extreme
right as well as from the left. . . . A symbiotic relationship
has developed between the terrorism practiced by extremists of
both left and right." This notion has been systematically
refuted by the Archbishop's Legal Aid Commission report on repression,
which adduces evidence showing that in 1980, 66 percent of the
assassinations were committed by Government security forces, and
14 percent were committed by right-wing death squads. Moreover,
voluminous testimony, documents and photographs have emerged to
substantiate the frequent and close collaboration between the
death squads and the regime's security forces. The "symbiosis"
causing most of the violence is between the regime and the death
squads, not the right and left.
In this regard it is important to note
that not one right-wing death squad assassin has ever been apprehended,
let alone prosecuted, despite the public nature of most of the
killings. This in itself should dispel any notion that the regime
is innocent in the activity of the death squads. The Legal Aid
Commission study further demonstrates that the bulk of the victims
were poor peasants, students and wage workers-the groups in whose
names the purported reforms were carried out. In fact the reforms
were mere facades for the militarization of the country. The escalation
of regime terror against the peasants is the surest indication
of this.
The white paper voices concern about the
murder and rape of the U.S. nuns, but it fails to mention the
fact that the nuns were opposed to U.S. policy, and were murdered
by the junta along with more than a score of other church people
working for the poor. While the white paper claims to be interested
in a complete investigation of these killings, former Ambassador
White stated emphatically that Washington has not made any effort
to pressure the junta and has effectively collaborated with the
regime in covering up the murders-rewarding its perpetrators with
additional arms and economic aid.
In one of its more cynical statements,
the paper notes that "few Salvadorans participate in anti-Government
demonstrations"-implying that they support the Government.
The scores of dead protesters, including mutilated and decapitated
corpses that appeared in the wake of every protest march, have
no doubt had a dampening effect on demonstrations. But to equate
a terrorized population with one that approves the Government
is a grotesque distortion which only indicates how out of touch
this Administration is with the political reality in El Salvador
and the rest of the Third World. There is not only an absence
of political protest in El Salvador, there is an absence of all
forms of political expression; the dictatorship is total. The
support for the front and the guerrillas has not diminished-it
has gone underground. The white paper's claim that U.S. aid helped
create jobs and feed the hungry" is belied by the accounts
of Church sources. U.S. economic aid has contributed to massive
military corruption; military aid hardens the resolve of the military
dictators and increases the rate of killing. U.S. economic aid
does not keep up with the massive flight of private capital estimated
at more than $1.5 billion during the past year. The collapse of
the Salvadoran economy and the massive exodus of refugees from
repression in rural areas hardly testifies to the "success"
of what the paper describes as the "Duarte Government."
The latter is a figment of the State Department's imagination,
f. real power continues to be vested within the military-a point
emphasized by military official in an interview in Le Monde recently.
The white paper is a thin tissue of falsifications,
distortions, omissions and simplifications directed toward covering
up increased U.S. support for a murderous regime. It has sought
to transform a war between the regime and its people in an East-West
struggle and to deny the internal socioeconomic and political
role of the struggle. The purpose of these distortions is to mobilize
U.S. public opinion behind the new Administration's policies not
only in El Salvador but throughout the Third World. The hypocrisy
suffusing the white paper is vice's tribute virtue, for it tacitly
recognizes that if the truth were presented, the American people
would balk at supporting a regime that is rewarded for killing
its noblest so and daughters who seek social justice in El Salvador.
from The Nation magazine,1865-1990
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