First Challenge for the ICC
The International Criminal Court
Looks to Central Africa
Global Solutions Quarterly, Spring
Citizens for Global Solutions

After ten years of intense global effort,
the International Criminal Court (ICC) - the only permanent court
for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity - is up and
running. Contrary to the doomsday predictions of the Court's detractors
in the United States, the ICC is comprised of expert staff, internationally
renowned judges, and a Prosecutor who is working carefully to
build the Court's credibility. The Court has broad support among
the world's democracies; currently, 92 countries are full members
of the Court. Already the ICC has received hundreds of comrnunications
about alleged crimes from around the world. However, most of these
communications do not fall under the Court's jurisdiction, and
only five situations have been identified by the Court's Prosecutor,
Luis Moreno-Ocampo, as being suitable for the Court to follow.
He has made his interest in two of these situations public: o
The ongoing atrocities in the Ituri District of the Democratic
Republic of Congo The war in neighboring northern Uganda.
Ituri District, on the eastern border of the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, is home to one of the worst humanitarian crises
of recent times. The current civil war in the Congo has been ongoing
for five years, claiming an estimated 3.3 million lives due to
violence, disease and starvation. This is the largest death toll
of any war since the Second World War. In Ituri, the hardest hit
area in the country, human rights organizations have reported
widespread torture, mass rape, mutilation, indiscriminate killing
and the forced recruitment of child soldiers.
In July 2003, Moreno-Ocampo announced
that the ICC is closely following the situation in Ituri. The
Democratic Republic of the Congo is an ICC member state, so Moreno
Ocampo is working with the transitional government to help it
investigate and try these cases domestically or else refer the
situation to the ICC. In this situation, the Prosecutor could
initiate an investigation on his own, with the approval of a three
-judge panel, but it is easier under the ICC's Statute (and for
seeking Congolese cooperation) if the Congo makes a referral.
Across the border from Ituri, another conflict has ravaged northern
Uganda for eighteen years. The war between the forces of the Ugandan
government (the UPDF) and the armed rebel group the Lords Resistance
Army (LRA) has progressively worsened, making the situation in
northern Uganda a desperate one. A major tactic of the LRA is
to abduct children, both boys and girls, and use them as soldiers
and sex slaves in their army. It has been estimated that as many
as 20,000 children have been abducted since the beginning of the
conflict in 1987. These children are forced to commit horrific
acts of violence under the threat of death. Thousands of people
have been forced to flee their homes and move to internal displacement
camps, where living conditions are overcrowded and squalid. In
addition, thousands of children in northern Uganda trek to the
cities at night to sleep in public places to avoid abduction,
yet this increases their {vulnerability to other forms of abuse.
While the LRA tactics are brutal, the
UPDF has also been accused of rape, torture, extrajudicial execution,
and the use of child soldiers.
Uganda is also an ICC member country,
and in January 2004, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni referred
this situation to the Court. The ICC will look at the actions
of all sides in the conflict; Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo emphasized
that any investigation "will be carried out in an independent
and impartial way, with paramount importance being given to the
interests of victims."
The ICC can only look into crimes committed since July 1, 2002,
when the Court's statute took effect. If the Prosecutor does determine
in these two situations that there is reasonable basis to launch
an official investigation, it will still take a while for any
case to come to trial. After a thorough investigation, the Prosecutor
must get judicial approval for an arrest warrant. The charges
have to be confirmed in a hearing, ideally after the person in
question has been arrested. And no trial can begin before those
charged are in custody. In addition, this process can be halted
or deferred for numerous reasons. All of this will probably take
longer to sort through with the first cases, as the judges will
want to ensure that careful and judicious precedents are set.
For now, Moreno-Ocampo has appointed Christine Chung, a former
U.S. federal prosecutor, as head of the Ugandan investigation.
How the Court proceeds with these two
situations is crucial for the Court's future. If the court is
to gain global credibility, it must demonstrate that it is able
to conduct a thorough and fair trial, marked by efficiency, impartiality
and careful consideration of the needs of survivors. The people
of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo deserve no
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