International Law and War
by Michael Ratner
excerpted from the book
War Crimes
A report on United States
War Crimes against Iraq
by Ramsey Clark and others
Report to the Commission
of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal
Maisonneuve Press, 1992

In the work of this Commission, we are
undertaking an historic task. We are here to inquire into and
ultimately judge whether the United States has violated laws that
are fundamental to a civilized world; laws that are designed to
protect people, human beings, from the barbarity of war. These
laws prohibit war except in the narrowest of circumstances; they
severely restrict who can be killed, the types of weapons that
can be used and the appropriate targets. An indicia of a civilized
country is adherence to these laws, not only by pious words but
through actions. To act outside these laws, to disobey these laws,
to flaunt these laws is to become "hostis humani generis,"
an enemy of all mankind. In days past "enemies of all mankind"
were slave traders and pirates. They could be brought to justice
wherever found. Today such enemies include those countries and
individuals who violate the fundamental laws that protect the
peace and limit war. The testimony presented at the various Commissions
of Inquiry here in New York and in other hearings throughout the
world will determine whether the United States and its leaders
are enemies of all mankind.
As people living in the United States
we have an obligation not to close our eyes, cover our ears and
remain silent. We must not and cannot be "good Germans."
We must be, as Bertrand Russell said about the crimes committed
I by the U.S. in Vietnam, "Against the Crime of Silence."
We must bear J witness to the tens of thousands of deaths for
whom our government and its leaders bear responsibility and ask
the question-Has the United States committed war crimes with regard
to its initiation and conduct of the war against Iraq? As investigators
we believe that the United States and its leaders have committed
international crimes. Although we cannot bring them to justice,
we can reveal their criminal conduct to ourselves, to the people
of the United States, and to the world with the hope that U.S.
conduct will be repudiated, conduct, which by the way, still continues.
The U.S. still occupies parts of Iraq, it continues an embargo
against food, and it engages in battle after a cease-fire.
Today I want to outline for you the legal
framework in which we are operating and explain some of the broad
principles of law applicable to judging the United States' conduct.
War crimes are violations by a country,
its civilians, or its military personnel of the international
laws of war. The laws of war are laws that must be obeyed by the
United States, its officials and its military, and by the UN.
The laws are contained in treaties that the U.S. has signed, for
example the Geneva Convention of 1949 on Prisoners of War. They
are reflected in what is called customary international law. This
law has arisen over hundreds if not thousands of years. All countries
must obey it.
War crimes are divided into two broad
categories. The first are called crimes against peace. Crimes
against peace include the planning, preparation, or initiation
of a war of aggression. In other words one country cannot make
aggressive war against another country. Nor can a country settle
a dispute by war; it must always, and in good faith, negotiate
a settlement. The second category are what we can call crimes
against humanity; I am including here crimes against civilians
and soldiers. These are violations of the rules as to the means
and manner by which war is to be conducted once begun. These include
the following prohibitions: killing of civilians, indiscriminate
bombing, the use of certain types of weapons, killing of defenseless
soldiers, ill treatment of POWs and attacks on non-military targets.
Any violation of these two sets of laws
is a war crime; if the violations are done on purpose, recklessly
or- knowingly, they are considered very serious and called grave
breaches; Nazis and Japanese following World War II were hanged
for such grave breaches.
First, I want to discuss crimes against
peace and give you some sense of its application here. This prohibition
is embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, the Nuremberg
Charter, which is the law under which the Nazis were tried, and
a treaty called the Kellogg-Briand pact. As the Nuremberg Charter
(a) Crimes against peace:
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression
or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or
(ii) Participation in a common plan or
conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned
under (i)
The United Nations Charter is the highest
expression of this prohibition on aggressive war and sets down
very rigorous rules for avoiding the use of force-rules which
were flagrantly violated by the United States and a Security Council
it controlled. Article 2(3} of the UN Charter requires that international
disputes be settled by peaceful means so that international peace,
security and justice are not endangered; Article 2(4) requires
force shall not by used in any manner
that is inconsistent with the purposes of the UN and Article 33
requires that parties to a dispute shall first of all seek a solution
by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration,
judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies, or other peaceful
means. Not until all such means are exhausted can force be used.
So, taken together we have two basic rules:
a nation cannot plan and make war, and second, if there is a dispute,
the nations must exhaust every means of settlement-every means.
Even then, only the UN can authorize war. There is strong evidence,
some of which is presented in the papers here, that the U.S. violated
both of these basic laws. These facts are not hidden. Much of
the evidence indicating that the U.S. set up the war with Iraq
is contained in U.S. Rep. Gonzalez's impeachment resolution and
brief in support presented to Congress and printed in full in
the Congressional Record (H. Res. 86, February 21, l991). It is
only the major commercial press which has ignored the facts. In
part it includes the following revelations:
As early as October 1989 the CIA representatives
in Kuwait had agreed to take advantage of Iraq's deteriorating
economic position to put pressure on Iraq to accede to Kuwait's
demands with regard to the border dispute.
. . . Encouraging Kuwait to refuse to
negotiate its differences with Iraq as required by the United
Nations Charter, including Kuwait's failure to abide by OPEC quotas,
its pumping of Iraqi oil from the Rumaila oil field and its refusal
to negotiate these and other matters with Iraq.
Months prior to the Iraqi invasion of
Kuwait, the United States administration prepared a plan and practiced
elaborate computer war games pitting United States forces against
Iraqi armored divisions.
In testimony before Congress prior to
the invasion, Assistant Secretary Kelly misleadingly assured Congress
that the United States had no commitment to come to Kuwait's assistance
in the event of war.
April Glaspie's reassurance to Iraq that
the dispute was an 'Arab' matter and the U.S. would not interfere.
Even if we suspend judgment and believe
that the U.S. neither planned nor prepared this war, it had no
right to initiate war until all means of negotiation were at an
end. The U.S., however, never wanted to negotiate. It wanted war.
According to the New York Times, the U.S. wanted to "block
the diplomatic track because it might defuse the crisis at the
cost of a few token gains for Iraq." Iraq at about this time
made an offer to negotiate to settle the crisis. It offered to
withdraw from Kuwait for some form of control over two uninhabited
islands that would give it access to the Gulf and control over
the Rumaila oilfield. The offer was, according to the some U.S.
officials, "serious and negotiable." Offers continued
until the eve of war and by that time Iraq was willing to withdraw
totally from Kuwait. The U.S. instantly dismissed all offers to
negotiate a settlement and refused to pursue them. "No negotiations"
was the constant theme of U.S. President George Bush. The U.S.
and its allies wanted to see the crisis settled by force. It is
the U.S. that chose war and not peace; it is the U.S. that committed
a crime against peace.
I want to say a word about the UN Resolutions
embargoing Iraq and supposedly authorizing the use of force. All
of the UN Resolutions were suspect because of what Rep. Gonzalez
called in his impeachment resolution the "bribing, intimidating
and threatening of others, including members of the UN Security
Council." Gonzalez cites the following outright bribes:
* Immediately after the November 29 vote
in the UN authorizing force, the administration unblocked a $140
million loan for the World Bank to China and agreed to meet with
Chinese government officials.
* The Soviet Union was promised $7 billion
in aid from various countries and shipments of food from the United
* Zaire was promised forgiveness of part
of its debt as well as military assistance.
* A $7 billion loan to Egypt was forgiven,
a loan the President had no authority to forgive under U.S. law.
* Syria was promised that there would
be no interference in its Lebanon actions.
* Saudi Arabia was promised $12 billion
in arms sales.
* The U.S., which owes the most money
to the U.N., paid off $187 million of its debt immediately after
the vote authorizing the use of force.
* The administration attempted to coerce
Yemen by threatening the cutoff of U.S. funds.
But even were this not the case, can the
UN apply measures of force such as the embargo, effectively a
blockade and an act of war, and authorize all necessary means-which
the U.S. saw as war-without negotiating first? It cannot do so
according to the stipulations of its own Charter.
Nor was the UN permitted to embargo food
and limit the importation of medicine. Neither the UN nor any
country can take measures that intentionally or knowingly have
the effect of starving and hamming the civilian population. This
is prohibited by every tenet of international law. It is well
known that Iraq imports 60 to 70 percent of its food. As testimony
presented elsewhere in book and in many reports from fact finding
missions to Iraq since the end of the war, many children died
because of the lack of infant formula and adequate food and medicine.
And what of this infamous resolution that
authorized all necessary means to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait?
Did this authorize war? Not by its own terms. The resolution was
left specifically vague, stipulating only "all necessary
means." Nowhere did it mention war and certainly many other
means were readily available for achieving the goals of the UN
resolutions. All other means were never exhausted. From the U.S.
standpoint, massively violent war was the first and only option.
All other means had to be precluded at any cost.
Finally, on the point of the U.S. commission
of crimes against peace even if we get over all of the other illegalities
and assume that the UN had the authority to authorize war and
did so in this case, what did it authorize? It authorized the
use of force only to obtain the withdrawal from Kuwait. It certainly
never authorized the incursion into, much less the occupation
of, Iraq and the total subjection of that nation to the dictates
of the UN acting out policies originating in the U.S. government.
No one has authorized the U.S. to have even one soldier in Iraq.
This is aggression in the classic sense. U.S. forces moved in
from the north down to the 36th parallel and have set up camps
for displaced Kurds. Nor did the resolution authorize any bombing
of Iraq, certainly not the bombing of Baghdad or Basra or the
near complete destruction of the economic infrastructure.
The second broad category we are concerned
with are what are referred to as crimes against humanity. By this
I mean both crimes against civilians and combatants. There is
a long history of outlawing certain kinds of conduct once war
has begun. The principle is that the means and manner of waging
war are not unlimited. In other words, while it is of primary
importance to prevent war, once war has begun there are limits
on the types of targets that can be attacked and the weapons that
can be employed. Central to these laws of war is the desire to
protect civilians, noncombatants, soldiers who are no longer fighting,
and the resources and infrastructure necessary to their survival.
Again, at Nuremberg, the Nazis were tried for crimes against humanity
which included killings of the civilian population and the wanton
destruction of cities, towns or villages and devastation not justified
by military necessity.
These laws are embodied in various treaties,
including most importantly the Hague Convention of 1907, the Geneva
Conventions of 1949, and Protocol I Additional to the Geneva Conventions.
They all reflect a similar set of rules, violations of which are
war crimes. They are built around two principles. First, military
operations are to be directed at military objectives-the civilian
population and civilian objects are not to be targets. So, massive
bombing, as was engaged in by the U.S., which kills civilians
and destroyed the water supply, is illegal. In fact, when the
dispute was barely a month old, in September, Air Force chief
of staff General Michael J. Duggan was fired for leaking to the
press suggestions that the U.S. was already planning bombing targets
which would include Iraqi power systems, roads, railroads, and
petroleum plants.
At the height of the war, this sort of
bombing campaign was defended by Pentagon spokespersons in terms
reminiscent of the Vietnam War. Many parts of Iraq became "free
fire zones" in which everyone who remains in such a zone
is declared unilaterally by the U.S. as a legitimate target for
destruction. The entire city of Basra, Iraq's second largest,
became such a free fire zone, as described by Brigadier General
Richard I. Neal. The Washington Post story recounts: "In
Riyadh, Marine Brig. Gen. Richard I. Neal gave a detailed explanation
of why repeated allied pounding of the southern Iraqi city of
Basra is causing 'collateral damage.' Basra, Neal said, 'is a
military town in the true sense, it is astride a major naval base
and a port facility. The infrastructure, military infrastructure,
is closely interwoven within the city of Basra itself.' The destruction
of targets in and around Basra is part of what Neal described
as an 'intensifying' air campaign against all 'echelons of forces,
from the front lines and all the way back ... There is no rest
for the weary, for any of them.... There is no division, no brigade,
there is no battalion that really is spared the attacks from our
The second limit international law places
on the conduct of war is the principle of proportionality-you
can only use the amount of force against military targets necessary
to achieve your objective. So, for example, destroying the retreating
Iraqi army was disproportional for it was not necessary to achieve
the Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait. The whole conduct of the war,
in fact, violates every conceivable notion of proportionality.
International law lays down rules for
how the civilian population is to be protected. Obviously civilians
cannot be intentionally attacked, but, indiscriminate attacks
are prohibited as well. Such attacks are defined as those that
"employ a method of combat which cannot be directed at specific
military objectives." While the mass media, especially TV
news, gave the impression during the war that the U.S. was using
only "smart" bombs that directly hit their military
targets, in fact 93 percent of the bombs used were "dumb"
bombs of which at least 60 to 70 percent missed their targets,
killing lots of people. Such bombs cannot be directed exclusively
at a military objective and in my view are illegal. Nor can bombs
dropped from a B-52 flying at thirty to forty thousand feet hit
their targets.
There is a special law protecting objects
indispensable to the civilian population-the infrastructure of
a country. This includes prohibitions on destroying food supplies,
water and sewer systems, agriculture, power, medical services,
transportation and similar essentials. These cannot be attacked
even if there is some military goal, if the effect would be to
leave civilians without the essentials for life. In fact, the
U.S. government openly stated its goal of destroying the infrastructure
of Iraq including water, food supplies, the sewer system, electricity
and transportation. The story was not reported in U.S. newspapers
until late June of 1991, but the facts were obvious to even a
casual observer. According to the Washington Post story, U.S.
officials admitted that "Some targets, especially late in
the war, were bombed primarily to create postwar leverage over
Iraq, not to influence the course of the conflict itself.... the
intent was to destroy or damage valuable facilities that Baghdad
could not repair without foreign assistance." A report of
the United Nations Mission to Iraq led by Under Secretary General
Martti Ahtisaari said that Iraq had been bombed into the pre-industrial
age. Thousands of additional people-all civilians and most children-are
dying as a result.
Attacks are also to be limited to strictly
military objectives. These are defined as those that make an effective
contribution to military action and whose destruction offer a
definite military advantage. Civilian objects are not to be attacked.
In case of doubt, such as a school, it should be presumed that
it is not used as a military object. What does this rule say about
bombing of the al-Ameriyah shelter? At least 300 children and
parents were incinerated in a structure that the U.S. knew was
built as a shelter for civilians. Its possible use as a military
communications center was only a matter of speculation and weak
supposition. Or, what are we to make of the destruction of the
baby milk factory at the beginning of the bombing campaign? Again,
an American general has admitted that this was a mistake-a mistake
that has cost many, many babies their lives.
There are also a series of very specific
1. The use of asphyxiating gases is prohibited.
The U.S. violated this by its use of fuel-air explosive bombs
on Iraqi frontline troops; these bombs are terror bombs which
can bum the oxygen over a surface of one or two square kilometers,
destroying human life by asphyxiation.
2. These fuel-air bombs and the U.S. use
of napalm are also outlawed by the Hague and Geneva Conventions,
which prohibit the use of weapons causing unnecessary harm to
combatants. The level of U.S. evil is demonstrated by the sending
to the Gulf of a stingray blinding laser system which is supposed
to knock out optics on enemy weapons, but has the side effect
of blinding soldiers as well who operate the weapons.
3. The bombing of peaceful nuclear power
facilities is forbidden and particularly so because of the dangers
of the spread of radioactivity. The UN International Atomic Energy
Agency classified the reactors as peaceful, yet the U.S. bombed
them, not caring about the spread of radioactivity. The bombing
was intentional and planned in advance, clearly in violation of
international law.
4. Both the Hague Convention of 1954 and
Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions prohibit attacks against
historic monuments, works of art, places of worship and sites
which constitute the cultural and spiritual heritage of a people.
Catholic churches, a 4th century monastery and a Sunni Moslem
mosque represent just some of the massive violations that occurred.
5. Protocol I of the Geneva Convention
also requires protection of the natural environment against widespread
and severe damage-the U.S. massive bombing, the blowing up of
reactors, the hitting of oil storage facilities all violate this
What I have tried to outline today is
the broad framework in which we can evaluate the criminal conduct
of the United States. I believe that these hearings will establish
beyond doubt the criminal nature of American actions in this war.
I want to close with the words of Bertrand Russell when he addressed
the war crimes that had been revealed at the War Crimes Tribunal
held in 1967 in Stockholm and in 1968 in Copenhagen to judge U.S.
actions in Vietnam:
It is not enough, however, to identify
the criminal. The United States must be isolated and rendered
incapable of further crimes. I hope that America's remaining allies
will be forced to desert the alliances which bind them together.
I hope that the American people will repudiate resolutely the
abject course on which their rulers have embarked. Finally, I
hope that the peoples of the Third World will take heart from
the example of the Vietnamese and join further in dismantling
the American empire. It is the attempt to create empires that
produces war crimes because, as the Nazis also reminded us, empires
are founded on a self-righteous and deep-rooted belief in racial
superiority and God-given mission. Once one believes colonial
peoples to be unterrnenschen-'gooks' is the American term-one
has destroyed the basis of all civilized codes of conduct.
Michael Ratner is an attorney, former
director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, and past president
of the National Lawyers Guild.
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