Afterward & Law and Justice
excerpts from the book
The Trial of Henry Kissinger
by Christopher Hitchins
Verso Press, 2001

Six years after he left office, Kissinger set up a private
consulting firm named Kissinger Associates, which exists to smooth
and facilitate contact between multinational corporations and
foreign governments. The client list is secret, and contracts
with "the Associates" contain a clause prohibiting any
mention of the arrangement, but corporate clients include or have
included American Express, Shearson Lehmann, Arco, Daewoo of South
Korea, H.J. Heinz, ITT Lockheed, Anheuser-Busch, the Banca Nazionale
del Lavoro, Coca-Cola, Fiat, Revlon, Union Carbide, and the Midland
Bank. Kissinger's initial fellow "associates" were General
Brent Scowcroft and Lawrence Eagleburger, both of whom had worked
closely with him in the foreign policy and national security branches
of government.
Numerous instances of a harmony between this firm and Kissinger's
policy pronouncements can be cited. The best-known is probably
that of the People's Republic of China. Kissinger assisted several
American conglomerates, notably H.J. Heinz, to gain access to
the Chinese market.
The Chinese term for this zone of shadowy transactions is guan-xi.
In less judgmental American speech it would probably translate
as "access," or influence-peddling. Selling baby food
in China may seem innocuous enough, but when the Chinese regime
turned its guns and tanks on its own children in Tienanmen Square
in 1989, it had no more staunch defender than Henry Kissinger.
Arguing very strongly against sanctions, he wrote that "China
remains too important for America's national security to risk
the relationship on the emotions of the moment." Taking the
Deng Xiaoping view of the democratic turbulence, and even the
view of those we now suppose to have pressed Deng from the Right,
he added, "No government in the world would have tolerated
having the main square of its capital occupied for eight weeks
by tens of thousands of demonstrators." Of course, some governments
would have found a way to meet with the leaders of those demonstrators....
It is perhaps just as well that Kissinger's services were not
retained by the Stalinist regimes of Romania Czechoslovakia and
East Germany, which succumbed to just such public insolence later
in the same year.
Another instance of the Kissingerian practice is the dual involvement
of "the Associates" with Saddam Hussein. When Saddam
was riding high in the late 1980s, and having his way with the
departments of Commerce and Agriculture in Washington, and throwing
money around like the proverbial drunken sailor (and using poison
gas and chemical weapons on his Kurdish population without a murmur
from Washington), the US-Iraq Business Forum provided a veritable
slot-machine of contacts, contracts and opportunities. Kissinger's
partner Alan Stoga, who had also been the economist attached to
his Reagan-era Commission on Central America, featured noticeably
on a Forum junket to Baghdad. At the same time, Kissinger's firm
represented the shady Italian Banco Nazionale del Lavoro, which
was later shown to have made illegal loans to the Hussein regime.
As usual, everything was legal. It always is, when the upper middle
class meets the lower Middle East.
In the same year - 1989 - Kissinger made his lucrative connection
with Freeport McMoRan, a globalized firm based in New Orleans.
Its business is the old-fashioned one of extracting oil, gas,
and minerals. Its chairman James Moffett, has probably earned
the favorite titles bestowed by the business and financial pages,
being beyond any doubt "flamboyant," "buccaneering,"
and a "venture capitalist."
In 1989, Freeport McMoRan paid Kissinger Associates a retainer
of $200,000 and fees of $600,000, not to mention a promise of
a 2 percent commission on future earnings. Freeport McMoRan also
made Kissinger a member of its board of directors, at an annual
salary of at least $30,000. In 1990, the two concerns went into
business in Burma, the most grimly repressive state in all of
South Asia. Freeport McMoRan would drill for oil and gas, according
to the agreement, and Kissinger's other client, Daewoo (which
was then itself a venal corporate prop of an unscrupulous Korean
regime), would build the plant. However, that year the Burmese
generals, under their wonderful collective title of SLORC (State
Law and Order Restoration Council), lost a popular election to
the democratic opposition led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and decided
to annul the result. This development - producing yet more irritating
calls for the isolation of the Burmese junta - was unfavorable
to the Kissinger- Freeport-Daewoo triad, and the proposal lapsed.
But the following year, in March 1991, Kissinger was back
in Indonesia with Moffett, closing a deal for a thirty-year license
to continue exploiting a gigantic gold and copper mine. The mine
is of prime importance for three reasons. First, it was operated
as part of a joint venture with the Indonesian military government,
and with that government's leader, the now-deposed General Suharto.
Second, it is located on the island of Irian Jaya (in an area
formerly known as West Irian): a part of the archipelago which
- in common with East Timor - is only Indonesian by right of arbitrary
conquest. Third, its operations commenced in 1973 - two years
before Henry Kissinger visited Indonesia and helped unleash the
Indonesian bloodbath in East Timor while unlocking a flow of weaponry
to his future business partners.
This could mean no more than the "harmony of interest"
I suggested above. No more, in other words, than a happy coincidence.
What is not coincidental is the following:
* Freeport McMoRan's enormous Grasberg mine in Irian Jaya
stands accused of creating an environmental and social catastrophe.
In October 1995 the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC),
a Federal body that exists to help US companies overseas, decided
to cancel Freeport McMoRan's investment insurance for political
risk- the very element on which Kissinger had furnished soothing
assurances m 1991. OPIC concluded that the Grasberg mine had "created
and continues to pose unreasonable or major environmental, health
or safety hazards with respect to the rivers that are being impacted
by the tailings, the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem, and the
local inhabitants."
* The "local inhabitants" who came last on that
list are the Amungme people, whose protests at the environmental
rape, and at working conditions in the mine, were met by Indonesian
regular soldiers at the service of Freeport McMoRan, and under
the orders of Suharto. In March 1996, large-scale rioting nearly
closed the mine at a cost of four deaths and many injuries.
Freeport McMoRan mounted an intense lobbying campaign in Washington,
with Kissinger's help, to get its OPIC insurance reinstated. The
price was the creation of a trust fund of $100 million for the
repair of the Grasberg site after it, and its surrounding ecology,
had eventually been picked clean. All of this became moot with
the overthrow of the Suharto dictatorship, the detention of Suharto
himself, and the unmasking of an enormous nexus of "crony
capitalism" involving him, his family, his military colleagues,
and certain favored multinational corporations. This political
revolution also restored, at incalculable human cost, the independence
of East Timor. There was even a suggestion of a war crimes inquiry
and a human rights tribunal, to settle some part of the account
for the years of genocide and occupation. Once again, Henry Kissinger
has had to scan the news with anxiety, and wonder whether even
worse revelations are in store for him. It will be a national
and international disgrace if the answer to this question is left
to the pillaged and misgoverned people of Indonesia, rather than
devolving onto a United States Congress that has for so long shirked
its proper responsibility.
The subject awaits its magistrate.
Law and Justice
As Henry Kissinger now understands, there are increasingly
noticeable rents and tears in the cloak of immunity that has shrouded
him until now. Recent evolutions in national and international
law have made his position an exposed and, indeed, a vulnerable
one. For convenience, the distinct areas of law may be grouped
under four main headings:
1. International Human Rights Law. This comprises the grand
and sonorous covenants on the rights of the individual in relation
to the state; it also protects the individual from other actors
in the international community who might violate those rights.
Following from the French Revolution's "Declaration of the
Rights of Man," international human-rights law holds that
political associations are legitimate only insofar as they preserve
the dignity and well-being of individuals, a view that challenges
the realpolitik privilege given to the "national interest."
The United States is directly associated with sponsoring many
of these covenants and has ratified several others.
2. The Law of Armed Conflict. Somewhat protean and uneven,
this represents the gradual emergence of a legal consensus on
what is, and what is not, permissible during a state of war. It
also comprises the various humanitarian agreements that determine
the customary "law of war" and that attempt to reduce
the oxymoronic element in this ancient debate.
3. International Criminal Law. This concerns any individual,
including an agent of any state, who commits direct and grave
atrocities against either his "own" citizens or those
of another state; covered here are genocide, crimes against humanity,
and other crimes of war. The Rome Statute, which also establishes
an International Criminal Court for the trial of individuals,
including governmental offenders, is the codified summa of this
law as revised and updated since the Nuremberg precedent. It commands
the signatures of most governments as well as, since 31 December
2000, that of the United States.
4. Domestic Law and the Law of Civil Remedies. Most governments
have similar laws that govern crimes such as murder, kidnapping,
and larceny, and many of them treat any offender from any country
as the same. These laws in many cases permit a citizen of any
country to seek redress in the courts of the offender's "host"
country or country of citizenship. In United States law, one particularly
relevant statute is the Alien Tort Claims Act.
The United States is the most generous in granting immunity
to itself and partial immunity to its servants, and the most laggard
in adhering to international treaties (ratifying the Genocide
Convention only in 1988 and signing the Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights only in 1992). And the provisions of the Rome
Statute, which would expose Kissinger to dire punishment if they
had been law from as early as 1968, are not retroactive. The Nuremberg
principles, however, were in that year announced by an international
convention to have no statute of limitations. International customary
law would allow any signatory country (again exempting the United
States) to bring suit against Kissinger for crimes against humanity
in Indochina.
More importantly, United States federal courts have been found
able to exercise jurisdiction over crimes such as assassination,
kidnapping, and terrorism, even when these are supposedly protected
by the doctrine of state or sovereign immunity. Of a number of
landmark cases, the most salient one is the finding of the DC
Circuit Court in 1980, concerning the car-bomb murder, by Pinochet's
agents, of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Mofffitt. The court held
that "[w]hatever policy options may exist for a foreign country,"
the Pinochet regime "has no 'discretion' to perpetrate conduct
designed to result in the assassination of an individual or individuals,
action that is clearly contrary to the precepts of humanity as
recognized in both national and international law." Reciprocally
speaking, this would apply to an American official seeking to
assassinate a Chilean. Assassination was illegal both as a private
and a public act when Henry Kissinger was in power and when the
attacks on General Schneider of Chile and President Makarios of
Cyprus took place.
As the Hinchey report to Congress in 2000 now demonstrates
that US government agents were knowingly party to acts of torture,
murder, and "disappearance" by Pinochet's death squads,
Chilean citizens will be able to bring suit in America under the
Alien Tort Claims Act, which grants US federal courts "subject-matter
jurisdiction" over a claim when a non-US citizen sues for
a civil wrong committed in violation of a US treaty or other international
law. Chilean relatives of the "disappeared" and of General
Schneider have recently expressed a,1 interest in doing so, and
I am advised by several international lawyers that Henry Kissinger
would indeed be liable under such proceedings.
The Alien Tort Claims Act would also permit victims in other
countries, such as Bangladesh or Cambodia, to seek damages from
Kissinger, on the model of the recent lawsuit held in New York
against Li Peng, among the Chinese Communist officials most accountable
for the 1989 massacre in Tiananmen Square.
A significant body of legal theory can be brought to bear
on the application of "customary law" to the bombardment
of civilians in Indochina. The Genocide Convention was not ratified
by the United States until 1988. In 1951, however, it was declared
by the International Court of Justice to be customary international
law. The work of the International Law Commission is in full agreement
with this view. There would be argument over whether the numberless
victims were a "protected group" under existing law,
and also as to whether their treatment was sufficiently indiscriminate,
but such argument would place heavy burdens on the defense as
well as the prosecution.
An important recent development is the enforcement by third
countries - notably Spain - of the international laws that bind
all states. Baltasar Garzon, the Spanish judge who initiated the
successful prosecution of General Pinochet, has also secured the
detention in Mexico of the Argentine torturer Ricardo Miguel Cavallo,
who is now held in prison awaiting extradition. The parliament
of Belgium has recently empowered Belgian courts to exercise jurisdiction
over war crimes and breaches of the Geneva Convention committed
anywhere in the world by a citizen of any country. This practice,
which is on the increase, has at minimum the effect of limiting
the ability of certain people to travel or to avoid extradition.
The Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, and Germany have all recently
employed the Geneva Conventions to prosecute war criminals for
actions committed against non-nationals by non-nationals. The
British House of Lords decision in the matter of Pinochet has
also decisively negated the defense of "sovereign immunity"
for acts committed by a government or by those following a government's
orders. This has led in turn to Pinochet's prosecution in his
own country.
There remains the question of American law. Kissinger himself
admit that he knowingly broke the law in continuing to supply
American weapons to Indonesia, which in turn used them to violate
the neutrality of a neighboring territory and to perpetrate gross
crimes against humanity. Kissinger also faces legal trouble over
his part in the ethnic cleansing of the British colonial island
of Diego Garcia in the early 1970s, when indigenous inhabitants
were displaced to make room for a United States military base.
Lawyers for the Chagos Islanders have already won a judgment in
the British courts on this matter, which now moves to a hearing
in the United States. The torts cited are "forced relocation,
torture, and genocide."
In this altered climate, the United States faces an interesting
dilemma. At any moment, one of its most famous citizens may be
found liable for terrorist actions under the Alien Tort Claims
Act, or may be subject to an international request for extradition,
or may be arrested if he travels to a foreign country, or may
be cited for crimes against humanity by a court in an allied nation.
The non-adherence by the United States to certain treaties and
its reluctance to extradite make it improbable that American authorities
would cooperate with such actions, though this would gravely undermine
the righteousness with which Washington addresses other nations
on the subject of human rights. There is also the option of bringing
Kissinger to justice in an American court with an American prosecutor.
Again the contingency seems a fantastically remote one, but, again,
the failure to do so would expose the country to a much more obvious
charge of double standards than would have been apparent even
two years ago.
The burden therefore rests with the American legal community
and with the American human-rights lobbies and non-governmental
organizations. They can either persist in averting their gaze
from the egregious impunity enjoyed by a notorious war criminal
and lawbreaker, or they can become seized by the exalted standards
to which they continually hold everyone else. The current state
of suspended animation, however, cannot last. If the courts and
lawyers of this country will not do their duty, we shall watch
as the victims and survivors of this man pursue justice and vindication
in their own dignified and painstaking way, and at their own expense,
and we shall be put to shame.
Review by Christopher Hitchens, The Arrogance of Power: The
Secret World of Richard Nixon, by Anthony Summers with Robbyn
In one respect at least, the memoirs of Henry Kissinger agree
with Sideshow, William Shawcross's report on the bombing of Cambodia.
Both books confirm that Richard Nixon rather liked people to fear
his own madness. In the fall of 1969, for example, he told Kissinger
to warn the Soviet ambassador that the President was "out
of control" on Indochina, and capable of anything. Kissinger
claims that he regarded the assignment as "too dangerous"
to carry out. But, as Anthony Summers now instructs us:
Three months earlier, however, Kissinger had sent that very
same message by proxy when he instructed Len Garment, about to
leave on a trip to Moscow, to give the Soviets "the impression
that Nixon is somewhat 'crazy' immensely intelligent, well organized
and experienced to be sure, but at moments of stress or personal
challenge unpredictable and capable of the bloodiest brutality."
Garment carried out the mission, telling a senior Brezhnev advisor
that Nixon was "a dramatically disjointed personality. .
. more than a little paranoid . . . when necessary, a cold-hearted
butcher." The irony, the former aide reflected ruefully in
1997, was that everything he had told the Russians turned out
to be "more or less true."
The great merit of The Arrogance of Power is that it takes
much of what we already knew, or thought we knew (or darkly suspected),
and refines and confirms and extends it. The inescapable conclusion,
well bodyguarded by meticulous research and footnotes, is that
in the Nixon era the United States was, in essence, a "rogue
state." It had a ruthless, paranoid and unstable leader who
did not hesitate to break the laws of his own country in \ order
to violate the neutrality, menace the territorial integrity or
destabilize the internal affairs of other nations. At the close
of this man's reign, in an episode more typical of a banana republic
or a "people's democracy," his own secretary of defense,
James Schlesinger, had to instruct the Joint Chiefs of Staff to
disregard any military order originating in the White House...
Trial of Henry Kissinger
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