Deception and Public Opinion Polling
by Mark Sapir, Director,
Retro Poll
excerpted from the book
Censored 2004
by Peter Phillips and Project
Seven Stories Press, 2003,

From presidential popularity to support
for war, from the death penalty to abortion, from O.J. Simpson
to Homer Simpson, polls are seen, heard, and read trumpeting what
we, the public, think about it all. Polls have become a key instrument
in the battle for public attention. Yet opinion polls are generally
misleading. Even the best polls, those that use reliable methods,
usually conceal vital truths from the public either by omitting,
hiding, or oversimplifying important information. By choice, polls
validate the media's filtered view of the world.
During September 2002 and April 2003,
Retro Poll, an alternative polling organization, made thousands
of phone calls to people all over the U.S. regarding the War on
Terrorism, Palestine and Israel, War in Iraq, the USA Patriot
Act, the Bill of Rights, and the removal of civil liberties in
the U.S. Retro Poll uses a unique methodology that investigates
people's background knowledge in addition to asking their opinions.
This allows an assessment of the extent to which background knowledge
or its absence contributes to particular political views. We also
compare answers to general questions with those to highly specific
questions on the same subject.
One of our most important findings (seen
in both polls) was that people who supported war against Iraq
were overwhelmingly those who believed the media-promoted lies
about Saddam Hussein being involved with Al Qaeda and the 9/11
terrorist attacks. By failing to look at such issues, major polls
validate disinformation and create the sense that public opinion
is based on values and belief rather than manipulated by false
In April 2003, more than 30 volunteers,
mainly college students in the San Francisco area, polled a random
sample of the U.S. population on their knowledge and views concerning
Constitutional rights, the USA Patriot Act, and the War on Terrorism.
Of more than 1,000 people contacted, 215 from 46 states agreed
to participate. The results, showing revulsion toward the infringements
of the Patriot Act, were ignored by the corporate media. Here's
why: opinion research is not just error prone, but actually fraudulent.
Like the big polls the public hears about,
Retro Poll buys phone lists from a reputable company that randomly
generates and sells these lists for surveys and marketing purposes.
Only about one in four of the people we reached agreed to answer
the questions. The others either declined or hung up. This isn't
surprising. It is commonly accepted in public opinion research
that 70 percent or more of those contacted will refuse to participate
in polls. With that single act, the refusers destroy the claim
that a poll sampled people randomly because the results of any
poll can honestly reflect the views of the general population
only if the 70 percent who refuse to talk have near identical
views with the 30 percent who agree to participate. If there are
significant differences, the smaller group is not a random sample
and the results cannot be said to equate to public opinion.
Polls usually report out a statistical
"margin of error" for their results. The margin of error
that polls report depends not upon the number of people called
but upon the number who responded, the sample size. They usually
report a margin of error of about 3 percent for a sample size
of 1,000. But this margin of error statistic that makes polls
look highly accurate is, in essence, a cover to hide the 70 percent
who refused to participate. Even if 99 percent refused to participate
and we had to speak to 100,000 people to find 1,000 who would
talk with us, the margin of error statistic would still be reported
as the same 3 percent. That's a fraud.
While it is always possible that those
refusing have similar views to those agreeing to be polled, Retro
Poll has found evidence to the contrary. When we asked over 1,000
people, "Would you take a few minutes to respond to a poll
on the impact of the war on terrorism on the rights of the American
people," one woman responded, "You wouldn't want to
hear our view on that. People wouldn't like what we think."
"That's okay," I said. "Your
views are important; they should be counted and reported as part
of the democratic process. We want your opinion to count."
"No," the woman answered insistently. "We're against
the war the way they did it. We think they should just bomb all
of them, not send our troops over there...." I didn't ask
whether she meant bomb everyone in Iraq or some larger group of
people, but the woman's self-awareness that her views were outside
the "norm" caused her to refuse to participate. Undoubtedly
others have different specific reasons for non-participation that
we don't know because most won't talk about them.
If the "bomb them all" woman
may seem the exception among nonrespondents, consider this: Fewer
African Americans and Latinos agree to be polled in most national
samples (in the current poll, 5.7 percent were African Americans
and in the prior poll, 4 percent; for Latinos, the corresponding
figures were 6.2 percent and 8 percent. Each of these groups make
up about 12 percent of the U.S. population, actually 12.5 percent
for Latinos). As a result, our poll sample ended up being 79.4
percent European American, but the actual white/non-Hispanic European
American proportion of the population is 69.1 percent according
to the 2000 Census.
It is possible to improve the participation
of underrepresented groups in a poll. Gallup reports on their
Web site that after completing a poll, they weight the demographics
to assure correct proportions are represented. Weighting means
that you multiply the results of an underrepresented group by
a factor that will bring their input up to intended and expected
levels. Another thing that can be done is to simply oversample
in a population that is expected to self-select out of the poll.
If, for example, you want to double the number of African-American
responses you just begin with a sample that has 24 percent African
Americans instead of 12 percent. These tricks of the trade work
on paper and in statistical analysis, but they both fail to address
the important question: "Why would any particular group be
less likely or more likely to participate?"
If that question sounds familiar, it should.
It is just a more specific and powerful example of the pesky problem
of the 70 percent refusers who won't participate in polls-the
problem that won't go away. When we take it to the level of the
underrepresentation of ethnic groups, however, it is easier to
see that there are probably specific sociopolitical and/or economic
reasons why some people are more likely to participate than others.
These can include issues like English language skills, fear of
being monitored by race, lack of self-confidence, or poor educational
background. Any of these factors or dozens of others that may
have an impact on a person's decision would invalidate the principle
of a random poll sample that can be used to approximate the general
public. If those African Americans who agreed to participate were
more middle class or better educated than those that refused,
then adjusting their input upward by a multiplier (weighting them)
to provide a bigger contribution would be a charade because their
views might not represent those of less educated lower socioeconomic
classes of African Americans. You might, for example, be inappropriately
magnifying the views of a tiny group of African-American Republicans.
But the pretense of random samples and low margin of error is
only part of the problem.
In a recent investigative article on the
Field Poll, a group at the Poor News Network was able to tease
out a key part of the polling fraud. When directly interviewed,
Field Poll leaders claimed that poll publishers in the media and
other big-dollar poll funders have no influence on poll subject,
content, or interpretation. They claimed that Field researchers
choose their own survey topics and the media financially supports
them mainly by subscriptions. But when Poor News investigators
called and pretended to be interested in purchasing (i.e. commissioning)
a particular poll, they were told by a Field director that they
would have to come up with six figures in big bucks to get what
they wanted. The caller was given the example of a $100,000 poll
funded by the San Francisco Chronicle and other unnamed sponsors,
which found renewed strong public support for nuclear power. Who
funded that poll besides the Chronicle? The Field director didn't
say, but we might guess it was the energy industry.
The weak attempt to deny these practices
actually conceals more ominous and detrimental purposes and impacts
of these polls. Our April 2003 poll on public views concerning
the Patriot Act, the War on Terrorism, civil rights, and Iraq
revealed a public totally confounded by the disinformation they
receive from the media and government, something that major polls
almost never explore. For instance, when Americans hear specific
provisions of the USA Patriot Act, they oppose the intrusions
of this law into their civil rights by a wide margin (average
77 percent). Yet when asked generally what impact the War on Terrorism
is having upon civil rights, many of the same people say it is
"strengthening" or having "no impact" upon
their rights (57 percent).
This inner confusion and conflicting loyalties
was exemplified by a 37 year-old woman from Udora, Kansas, who
rejected each of three provisions of the Patriot Act mentioned
in the poll and also opposed the use of torture, other outlawed
forms of coercion, and lengthy prison detention without trial;
she also supported a requirement that the U.S. prove accusations
against other nations before attacking them. However, when asked
each of the following two questions: "Should the U.S. support
international efforts to prosecute war crimes?" and "Should
the U.S. make war against Iraq or other countries the government
accuses of supporting terrorism when they are not attacking anyone?",
this same Kansan hesitated and replied: "I'm confused. What
is Bush for? I want to do whatever Bush wants. I want to support
the president."
One might think that the media would be
fascinated with and want to study this contradictory phenomenon.
But there are strong financial incentives for polls to provide
a simpler picture, one which validates the sponsors and the government.
Because most major polls are generated by the mass media and other
corporate forces (including foundations that depend upon money
from their parent corporations), they will aim to show public
views to be consistent with the funders' needs and wishes. As
a source of embarrassment to the media, the contradictions and
confusion in the public outlook, which often derive from media
disinformation and government-media collaboration, will tend to
be suppressed, even when they are seen in results.
Likewise, key questions are kept general
to create emotional mass responses rather than to challenge people's
ability to reason. Questions like: "Do you like the president?",
"Is he doing a good job?", "Do you support the
troops overseas?", and "Is the war on terrorism protecting
your rights?" are actually a test of what people have absorbed
from the media. To say "no" to any of these implies
aberrance. Such questions require a person with a different perspective
to risk identifying themselves as outside the norm.
People are so used to having such hidden
assumptions placed into mass media and polling discourse that
some (regardless of political ideology) inevitably find Retro
Poll's attempts to neutralize such assumptions and bias to reflect
"bias." For instance, the September 2002 Retro Poll
contained this obscure factual question from <www.IfAmericansKnew>:
"In the Palestinian uprising of the
past two years, 84 children were killed by one side before the
other side killed a child. Were these 84 children killed by:
* the Israeli Army
* Palestinian militants
* either
* don't know?"
Obviously, this factual question was chosen
to investigate the impact of disinformation around the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict, but it is nevertheless a factual question, with a factual
answer. Someone who knows the correct answer but prefers that
such bitter and suppressed truths not be highlighted in public
may rankle at this question and may call it biased, for it challenges
the media purveyed disinformation that the Palestinians have been
the main source of the terror against civilians. But the question
itself is not biased, as those who do not know the answer will
simply say so. The results measured bias in the mass media coverage
when 13 percent of respondents (more than those who correctly
gave "the Israeli Army" as his or her answer), assumed
it had to be the Palestinians rather than answering "don't
know." (Retro Pollsters tell people it is better to answer
"don't know" than to guess the answers to the factual
Because major polls before the invasion
consistently showed at least two-thirds of Americans opposed to
attacking Iraq without U.N. approval, one might ask how it became
important to ask people so frequently whether they support the
invasion once war had begun. The media editors certainly know
that, historically, at the initiation of any war, the public view
will always appear to shift to support of government policies.
This is a well-studied mass "loyalty" effect. By making
it look like a surprising shift in public belief rather than an
inevitable by-product of government action, the media polls helped
generate a "pro-war" movement for the government. Clear
Channel went so far as to organize pro-war demonstrations. In
actuality, the revulsion at what the U.S. government was doing
remained widespread, though somewhat muted and demoralized. Such
media behavior empowers right-wing extremism, potentiates attacks
on democratic dissent, and weakens the general public perception
of the peace movement.
The eagerness with which media conduct
polls is a measure of the extent to which relevant news and critical
thinking are supplanted by the business of news marketing. Even
the more "professional" and "reputable" polling
outfits end up as prostitutes to all-powerful government, corporate
and marketing forces and, as in the case of the Field Poll, dare
not admit that most of what they do is designed to insure the
success of their organizations by pleasing their corporate funders
and government leaders with beneficial results.
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