A Hidden Agenda: John McCain and
the IRI
by Sarah Hamburger
www.dissidentvoice.org/, July
5th, 2008

Presidential hopeful John McCain is hiding
a skeleton in his closet. Not your typical political scandal,
Senator McCain's dirty little secret is his longtime involvement
with the International Republican Institute (IRI), an organization
that operates in 60 countries and is budgeted by millions of US
taxpayer dollars each year. The IRI is "officially"
a politically independent entity, though in reality it is aligned
in most respects with the Republican Party and its ideals. Senator
McCain has been chairman of the IRI since 1993 and Lorne Craner,
president of the organization, is one of the presumptive Republican
candidate's informal foreign policy advisors. If McCain's involvement
with the IRI does not worry Latin America yet, it certainly will
if the policies that have had such a destructive influence in
the past are backed by the power of the presidency. His connection
to the IRI could endanger already stressed US-Latin American relations
in the event of a McCain victory.
The IRI: A History
In 1982, Ronald Reagan delivered a spirited
speech that would lead to the founding of the controversial "research
group." In that speech, Reagan said, "Let us now begin
a major effort to secure the best - a crusade for freedom that
will engage the faith and fortitude of the next generation. For
the sake of peace and justice, let us move toward a world in which
all people are at last free to determine their own destiny."
The IRI nostalgically identifies Reagan's words as the "historic
speech" in which the vision of the IRI first took shape.
Not coincidentally, the years that followed became known as the
"lost decade" in Latin America, something many have
attributed in part to the Reagan Administration's misguided policies
toward the region. During this period, structural adjustment loans
plunged regional economies and living standards into a downward
spiral from which many countries have yet to recover. The 1980s
were plagued by violence; US funded government security forces
in Guatemala and El Salvador prosecuted dirty wars which resulted
in the disappearance, torture, and massacre of thousands of the
countries' own citizens. In 1984, US became embroiled in one of
the region's most public and profound political scandals. The
Iran Contra Affair was an attempt by the Reagan administration
to overthrow Nicaragua's democratically elected Sandinista government
by providing funds to the "Contras," a group of anti-communist
rebels notorious for their appalling human rights record. These
are the dubious auspices under which the International Republican
Institute was founded, fitting when considering what the organization
was to become - a covert operation to advance right-wing policy
under the guise of promoting freedom.
The International Republican Institute
claims to be a nonpartisan organization whose mission is to "advance
freedom worldwide by developing political parties, civic institutions,
open elections, good governance and the rule of law." Unfortunately,
the magnanimous goals of the IRI have been distorted by a quest
to advance rightist US initiatives. Ghassan Atiyyah, Director
of the Iraq Foundation for Development and Democracy (a beneficiary
of a $116,448 donation from the IRI) commented on the inconsistency
of the organization's policy: "Instead of promoting impartial,
better understanding of certain ideas and concepts, they are actually
trying to further the cause of the Republican administration."
Though Atiyyah here refers to the current Bush Administration,
the McCain administration promises to be equally compatible with
the strong armed methods advocated by the IRI and practiced in
Latin America in the past.
Furthermore, during the years that the
presumptive candidate chaired the IRI, the organization has chosen
ironic means to "advance freedom:" training corrupt
opposition leaders and providing funds to groups that effectively
undermine often democratically-elected officials that the US government
views unfavorably. In addition to running training camps, the
IRI also conducts polls in high-stakes elections; the organization
has been known to conduct "secret polls" with the intention
of skewing public opinion in order to yield a desired outcome.
The problem with such secret polls is that they cannot be verified
and often contradict the findings of other, similar studies.
The IRI: Breaking the Bank
The IRI currently operates with a robust
budget of $79 million. Though one of John McCain's goals as chairman
of the organization has been to increase private funding for the
IRI, the overwhelming majority of funds for the organization comes
from two public sources, the National Endowment for Democracy
(NED) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
Founded in 1983, the NED is an organization
that has come under significant scrutiny, much like the IRI. Critics
claim that it illegally privatizes US foreign affairs that are
supposed to be overseen exclusively by the legislative and executive
branches of the government. Additionally, the NED is publicly
funded but lacks the transparency of a public organization. The
organization allegedly has funded far right parties in Eastern
Europe, even working with convicted Nazi collaborators such as
Lazslo Pasztor of the Free Congress Foundation. In Nicaragua,
the NED spent what equated to more than $20 on each voter, considerably
more than the combined expenditures of the candidates in the 1988
US Presidential election. Not only does the NED represent a misuse
of taxpayers' dollars, but its interference in the affairs of
supposedly sovereign nations is illegal and its lack of transparency
should disqualify it from receiving public funds. However, the
opposite has happened and NED funding has risen from $59 million
in 2005 to $74 million in 2006, in addition to $10 to $15 million
in operation-specific funds mandated by Congress.
USAID is the other major donor to the
IRI. Established in 1961, the organization has the "two-fold
purpose of furthering America's foreign policy interests in expanding
democracy and free markets while improving the lives of the citizens
of the developing world." It is important to note that the
ultimate goal of USAID is to advance US interests, with the secondary
goal being to benefit the citizens of the world. This technicality
explains why USAID sponsors the IRI, an organization that sometimes
foregoes the latter goal in its pursuit of the former. USAID had
a $176 million budget for operations in Latin America in 2006,
a significant portion of which went to the IRI.
Big business, lobbyist groups and foundations
annually donate $1.4 million to the IRI, a small fraction of the
organization's $79 million budget. Such donors to the IRI include
UPS, AT&T, Anheuser-Busch, Bell-South, Lockheed Martin, Blackwater,
Chevron, ExxonMobil and BP. It is worth noting that several of
these donors regularly lobby regarding issues under the jurisdiction
of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
where McCain is the second-highest ranked Republican. Private
donations account for only $200,000, significantly less than one
percent of the IRI's total income.
In a speech regarding his presidential
goals, McCain foresaw a future in which "Congress has not
sent [him] an appropriations bill containing earmarks for the
last three years. A top to bottom review of every federal bureaucracy
has yielded great reductions in government spending . . . and
[he has instigated] far reaching reforms of procurement and operating
policies that have for too long extravagantly wasted money. .
." Will the IRI, which is a likely beneficiary of such "earmarks"
and bureaucracy, be exempt from these "bottom to top"
investigations? Will McCain fulfill his campaign promises or will
he suffer from the conflict of interest resulting from his involvement
with the IRI?
The IRI in Haiti
Founded in 1983, the IRI's website reminisces
about how it "planted seeds of democracy in Latin America."
Several of these so-called "seeds" were sown during
John McCain's tenure as the IRI's Chairman. The main IRI project
in Haiti involved the overthrow of the country's democratically
elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004. A former Roman
Catholic priest, Aristide rose to power in the wake of the brutal
Duvalier family dictatorship and was immensely popular with the
poverty-stricken and oppressed masses of Haiti. Aristide was overthrown
in 1991 (supposedly with the financial support from the outgoing
elder Bush administration) but returned to power in 1994 with
the help of the Clinton administration. Aristide was re-elected
by a landslide vote in 2000 but once again ousted in a 2004 coup.
In the years immediately preceding the
most recent overthrow of President Aristide, the IRI sponsored
several "political training" clinics for Haitian leaders
in the Dominican Republic and Miami. Though the IRI claims to
be an unbiased group that provides funding across the political
spectrum, recent research has exposed the fact that the IRI leaders
specifically chose virulently anti-Aristide Haitians, including
members of the business elite and former military and paramilitary
personnel to attend these clinics. The IRI also generously funded
the anti-Aristide resistance efforts, the main benefactor of its
practices being the Haitian opposition group known as the Democratic
Convergence, a unified collection of the previously splintered
anti-Aristide factions.
Stanley Lucas, the head of the IRI effort
in Haiti, was instrumental in the creation of the Democratic Convergence
and, thus, the eventual fall of the Aristide government. Lucas
has been described by Mother Jones Magazine as "the scion
of a powerful Haitian family with long-standing animosity toward
Aristide. . ." Lucas' family had close ties to the ruthless
Duvalier regime that preceded Aristide and has similarly close
ties to the Haitian military, which was an important element of
the 2004 coup. Two of Lucas's cousins allegedly were responsible
for organizing a massacre of 250 peasants protesting for land
reform. Journalist Max Blumenthal has claimed that he had a source
who lived and worked with Lucas in Haiti and who "saw documents
indicating that while Lucas was working for IRI, he was being
paid by Michelle Francois, who was a notorious FRAPH [paramilitary]
leader" The choice of a program leader with an allegiance
to groups that opposed the democratically elected government is
strange considering the IRI claims its goal was to promote democracy.
Lucas' involvement with opposition groups
directly opposed the US government's official policy of supporting
all democratically elected governments. There is every indication
that Stanley Lucas' involvement undermined the goal of Haitian
democratization. US Ambassador Brian Dean Curran discovered that
Lucas was encouraging the Democratic Convergence not to negotiate
with Aristide to resolve the political conflict that lead to the
coup, essentially encouraging the disruption of the democratic
process. Yet when Curran reported Lucas' apparent infractions
to USAID, the result was an incredibly lenient four-month suspension
followed by an eventual return by Lucas to his old ways. In addition
to originally being a scandalous choice to lead the Haitian program,
Lucas' behavior while holding the position and the subsequent
failure of both USAID and the IRI to sufficiently punish Lucas
and remedy the situation is a telling example of the mixed messages
surrounding the IRI's supposed "pursuit of freedom."
When the coup finally occurred, Washington
made very little effort to protect democracy and the rule of law,
placing Aristide under great pressure to leave the country. Thus,
a leader who was not once, but twice elected democratically, was
evicted from his own country with the help of the IRI. While President
Aristide's record was not without real achievements - he dismantled
the Haitian military, built more schools than had been constructed
in the previous century, and doubled the minimum wage - his clearly
promising social program was not the type of change the IRI was
looking for.
In a 2005 speech, President George W.
Bush congratulated the IRI on its accomplishments, saying, "The
world is safer and freer and more peaceful because of the International
Republican Institute." This statement is far from the truth
in the case of the IRI's activities in Haiti. The year following
Aristide's overthrow - notably by IRI-supported opposition groups
- was one of the most politically tumultuous times in recent Haitian
history. Violence and corruption were at a high, with frequent
kidnappings and a crooked police force crippling the justice system
and Haitian society. The elections to choose a leader to replace
Aristide had to be delayed on four separate occasions. The irony
of the IRI's involvement in bringing about this situation should
not be missed. The organization's activities in Haiti helped to
cast a shadow over US foreign policy initiatives throughout Latin
America. Yet Haiti is not the only victim of IRI policy.
The IRI in Venezuela
After a failed coup attempt against Venezuela's
democratically elected but left-leaning President Hugo Chávez
in 2002, the Bush Administration faced accusations of being involved
in the attempted overthrow. Despite Washington's energetic denials,
it became apparent that the Bush administration had tentatively
interfered in Venezuela by providing opposition groups with considerable
donations through the IRI. The US government has encouraged sensationalizing
the negative aspects of the Venezuelan government and demonized
its President more aggressively than might be warranted. Though
Chávez has become more confrontational and his popularity
has fluctuated since coming to power in 1999, he took office with
and maintains considerable public support. Since 1998, the poverty
rate has dropped from 54 percent to 38.5 percent (30 percent if
food and health subsidies are considered). The people of Venezuela
gained free health care and more than half the population was
enrolled in free, public education. Yet, on April 11, 2002 Venezuelan
military leaders briefly removed Chávez from power and
replaced him with a pro-US businessman named Pedro Carmona. Despite
the objections of almost all Latin American nations, the US hailed
the overthrow of Chávez as a victory for democracy and
the Venezuelan people. Before the coup had even been completed,
the IRI president at the time, George Folsom, claimed, "The
Venezuelan people rose up to defend democracy." However,
Chávez was reinstalled just two days later after his supporters
took to the streets and Carmona was deposed. Upon his return to
power, Chávez condemned the United States for its quick
recognition of the new and illegitimate government.
Between 2000 and 2001, the National Endowment
for Democracy (one of the main sponsors of the IRI) tripled its
funding in Venezuela from $257,831 to $877,435. This allocation
was granted to anti-Chávez groups, including two that participated
in the protests that resulted in his brief overthrow in 2002.
The IRI office in Caracas received $339,998 in 2001, a seven-fold
increase from its meager $50,000 grant in 2000. Though the IRI
claims to have used these funds in its work with the Youth Participation
Foundation (FPJ), the organization ostensibly no longer existed
at that time. Instead, funds were used to sponsor political party-building
workshops, which conceivably could have been a legitimate use
of funds had the participants not have been handpicked solely
from opposition groups. During the month before the coup, the
IRI flew a group of anti-Chávez politicians, union leaders
and activists to Washington to meet with US officials.3 While
it is possible that the meeting was perfectly innocent, the timing
and secrecy delegitimize any explanation of coincidence. If the
IRI is indeed guilty of intervening in Venezuelan politics, one
must wonder which of its professed high moral standards it was
pursuing at the time.
The IRI and John McCain
The aforementioned events in Haiti and
Venezuela are significant, not only because they reflect gross
abuses of power and the misuse of taxpayers' dollars, but also
because they received McCain's stamp of approval during his tenure
as chairman. McCain held that position for nearly a decade, so
he cannot claim to have inherited these policies, nor can he argue
that he did not know they were taking place. In fact, McCain has
boasted that he has been a very involved chairman, informing the
press, "All board members are involved in determining where
IRI will work and in overseeing those activities." Further
evidence of the overlap in IRI policy and McCain's foreign policy
is his "rogue state rollback" plan, first mentioned
during his 2000 presidential campaign. When questioned about his
policy plans regarding "rogue states," McCain responded
that he would "arm, train, equip, both from without and from
within, forces that would eventually overthrow the governments"
Though McCain goes on to say that he would then install democratically
elected governments, the IRI's tactics have, in the past, been
directed towards governments that could already claim that mark
of legitimacy. The prospect of IRI-influenced policies like "rogue
state rollback" applied by the White House is a frightening
one that shows a disregard for true democracy, which can not be
achieved by outside intervention as McCain proposes, but only
through the desire and efforts of a country's own citizens.
The IRI has not only provided Senator
McCain with certain detrimental policy tendencies, but has also
heightened the superiority complex necessary to be comfortable
with intervening in the affairs of other nations. Those who see
McCain as a different kind of Republican point to his broad-minded
stance on immigration. He had, after all, reminded Americans that
illegal Mexican immigrants "are God's children as well."
One of McCain's favorite rhetorical phrases "boots on the
ground," is a telling implication of McCain's predilection
for intervening in the affairs of other nations, and a warning
about the nature of his potential foreign policy. Even conservative-minded
voters should have reason to be concerned, exhibited by a statement
taken from American Conservative Magazine: "Such narcissism,
unseemly in anyone, is especially unbefitting in a president,
yet it is key to understanding McCain's evolution from conventional
Republican realist to relentless interventionist." McCain's
campaign website also illustrates the bias the Arizona Senator
may have inherited from the IRI. On it, McCain promises to build
strong alliances with those governments "who reject the siren
call of authoritarians like Hugo Chávez." This unfounded
statement neglects to acknowledge that not only was Chávez
democratically elected, but that Venezuela's popularly elected
Asamblea Nacional is responsible for all legislation and can over-rule
any presidential decree or veto with a simple majority vote. McCain
has affirmed, "There is such thing as good international
citizenship," but it unfortunately seems as though the model
upon which he has based his own regional policies is on the same
misguided model as the IRI.
In a March 2008 speech, McCain said, "We
must also lead by attracting others to our cause, by demonstrating
once again the virtues of freedom and democracy, by defending
the rules of international civilized society and by creating the
new international institutions necessary to advance the peace
and freedoms we cherish." The IRI is undoubtedly an example
of such a "necessary" institution in McCain's mind,
but the organization has undermined democracy, setting an example
that favors government subversion and illegal interference in
the affairs of sovereign nations rather than true promotion of
democracy. McCain's IRI does not set a model for democracy, it
is a model for bureaucracy and an abuse of power that has no place
in the White House.
Big Business and Big Bucks for the IRI
McCain and his presidential campaign have
benefited financially from the Arizona senator's connection with
the IRI. During his time in the Senate, McCain became a champion
of big oil, proposing a tax plan that will give the top five oil
companies $3.8 billion a year in tax breaks. One oil company that
has benefited from a friendship with McCain is Chevron, which
also happens to be a contributor to the IRI. Chevron has its own
murky past in Latin America and is currently being sued by Ecuador
as part of a $16 billion lawsuit for allegedly exposing tens of
thousands of native peoples living in the rainforest to fatal
levels of pollution. The IRI's connection to Chevron is almost
as suspicious as the one it has to Blackwater, the private security
firm that has played a controversial role in the Iraq War, or
to Lockheed Martin, the world's number one military contractor.
The overlap in funding between the IRI
and the John McCain's political career is worrisome: McCain received
$392,000 in donations from IRI donor companies and their employees
since January 2005 and his presidential campaign has received
$670,000 from institute donors. Senator McCain has over 100 lobbyists
working for his campaign and his connection to big business through
the IRI contradicts his promise that if elected, "the United
States will not bow to special interests seeking to block progress."
McCain's IRI and the Presidential Campaign
The most disturbing problem with the credibility
of McCain's foreign policy background is that much of his experience
in international relations has come from his time with a very
compromised IRI. The policies the IRI has pursued, if reinforced
by the full might of the White House, could have a devastating
impact on an already deeply fractured relationship between the
US and Latin America.
As more Latin American governments shift
to the left, they become almost too numerous to extinguish by
either brute force or financial might, which could be described
as the IRI's modus operandi since its inception. Now is the time
for a US administration to be willing to negotiate with our southern
neighbors in a spirit of constructive engagement and compromise.
A new president could spearhead such progress. This feat will
be difficult to accomplish for a politician who "grew up"
in the shadow of a cloak-and-dagger operation like the IRI.
Last year, the IRI presented Antonio Saca,
president of El Salvador, with its "Freedom Award" for
what McCain called a transformation of El Salvador's politics
and economy. Yet in 2006, just two years after Saca was elected
President, crime had reached an all time high in El Salvador.
In response, death squads unofficially linked to Saca's ruling
ARENA Party emerged to supposedly suppress the surge in crime.
What resulted was rampant corruption, which remains a problem
for the Salvadoran government to this day. Despite a questionable
record, McCain has praised Saca, claiming, "Advocates of
freedom have no better ally in the region than President Saca."
This is a worrisome statement considering Saca has publicly praised
people like Colonel Monterrosa, leader of the massacre at El Mazote,
stating, "Colonel Monterrosa knew how to defend the nation,
with nobility" Though Saca has been championed as a Latin
American success story and a friend of the IRI, slipping popularity
ratings and alleged ties to brutal disciplinary groups would appear
to make his friendship a contradiction to the ideals of both the
IRI and John McCain.
McCain's Future in Latin America
The IRI has a long and infamous history
in Latin America. Should he reach office, McCain will have to
deal with foes like Hugo Chávez and other left-leaning
leaders of governments that are typically targeted by the IRI.
In a campaign speech, McCain claimed, "Relations with our
southern neighbors must be governed by mutual respect, not by
an imperial impulse or byanti-American demagoguery." Yet
the policies McCain has endorsed during his time with the IRI
have in no way implied a respect for the democratically elected
leaders of the region or the sovereign rights of other nations.
In order to salvage his reputation with our southern neighbors,
McCain will need to sever his ties to the right-wing organization
or have his Latin American policy suffer the consequences. Unfortunately,
it seems unlikely that he will embrace such a change in favor
of a policy of constructive engagement. In an interview with the
Arizona Republic, McCain said, "Given my decades of involvement
in promoting democratic values, it is safe to assume that I will
remain a supporter of legitimate democracy-building." This
statement implies that McCain will continue to support policy
much like that which he has advocated during his time as the IRI's
chairman, a prospect for US-Latin American relations that is about
as "safe" as the IRI is "legitimate."
Sarah Hamburger is a Research Associate
at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) in Washington, DC
Read other articles by Sarah, or visit Sarah's website.
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