America and the WorId:
The End of Easy Dominance
by Sherle R. Schwenniger
The Nation magazine, November 20, 2000

Nearly a decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union, foreign
policy pundits are still struggling to give a name to the post-cold
war world. That they have so far failed is just as well. For the
problems and challenges the next administration faces may be as
different from the last decade's as the post-cold war world was
from the cold war era. That's bad news for policymakers in Washington,
many of whom have grown accustomed to the easy dominance the United
States has enjoyed over the past decade.
Despite a bumbling start, the Clinton Administration has made
hegemony look easy. It is remarkable how little the United States
has had to sacrifice to support its dominant position in the world.
Over the past decade, US foreign assistance, for instance, has
fallen to a pitiful 0.1 percent of GDP, the lowest of any country
in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Even its military spending has declined to a modest 3 percent
of GDP, the lowest level in fifty years. Of course, the United
States still maintains a vast military capability, but it is increasingly
unwilling to risk American lives in its use, as its conduct in
the Balkans amply illustrated.
In addition to bearing burdens for world security, dominant
great powers generally export capital to the world, investing
in the infrastructure and industries of less developed countries.
At the height of its power, in 1913, Britain exported capital
on a scale equal to 9 percent of its GDP per annum, financing
much of the infrastructure of the United States, Canada, Australia
Argentina. By contrast, the United States sucks in capital
not just from Europe and Japan but also from capital-poor emerging
economies, to the tune of 4 percent of US GDP.
In the 1980s scholars like Yale University historian Paul
Kennedy warned of American overstretch-the tendency of US commitments
to outstrip the domestic economic base. Today, there is hardly
any stretch at all. Indeed, the problem is understretch. Washington
has continued to proclaim ambitious world order goals but has
rarely offered any resources or effort in support of those goals.
Even the Administration's more important international initiatives-NATO
enlargement, NAFTA and world financial liberalization-have been
done on the cheap.
In its rhetoric Washington has indeed sounded like a crusading
hyperpower, about which the French have warned. In reality it
has more often acted like a comfortable status quo power, and
it has been out of step with other democracies on most progressive
causes, unwilling to sign the treaties to ban landmines and to
establish the International Criminal Court, and unable to ratify
the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Kyoto Protocol on global
climate change.
What Washington has lacked in commitment and leadership, however,
it has often made up for in public relations and spin. Clinton
& Co. have proved particularly adept at claiming credit for
international developments for which they have had only marginal
responsibility and at assigning blame to others when things have
gone wrong.
So effective has Washington's spin been that who would now
doubt it was the Clinton team that brokered the Oslo accords between
Israel and the PLO? (Actually, it was an obscure Norwegian foreign
minister.) Or that it was the United States that has borne the
greatest burden of financial crisis management and international
peacekeeping? (In fact, Japan put up most of the money- some $80
billion-for bailing out the Asian economies during the 1997-98
crisis. And European troops have shouldered the greatest burden
on the ground in Bosnia and Kosovo, contributing more than 80
percent of the NATO troops there, while Australia led the UN mission
in East Timor.) On the other hand, who would doubt-until President
Clinton fessed up-that it was the UN, not Washington, that was
principally responsible for the debacles in Somalia and Rwanda?
In short, the perception of US power and influence has in
many cases exceeded its reality. The one clear exception has been
in the area of international finance, where the dollar and, along
with it, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department have
reigned supreme. Not only has Washington had its way in the IMF,
pushing financial liberalization (without adequate safeguards)
on such unprepared countries as South Korea, Thailand and Russia,
it has also come to dominate world monetary policy in a way not
seen since the 1950s.
That this dominance has come so easily is less the result
of thoughtful American policy than the unusual circumstances of
the post cold war period-Europe's preoccupation with the European
monetary union, Japanese deflation, Russian weakness, low oil
prices, geopolitical inertia in East Asia, to name a few. But
as recent events have illustrated, these circumstances have begun
to change, some in a fundamental way. As a result, the next administration
will face more difficult policy choices, and many of these choices
will entail either a greater commitment of effort and resources
on the part of the United States or more willingness to share
power with others, or in some cases both.
In the Middle East, Washington will find it more difficult
to pose both as Israel's ally and as an honest broker of peace,
while maintaining leverage over the oil-producing Arab states
in the Persian Gulf. Bringing the UN and the European Union into
the peace process, as the Clinton Administration did at the recent
summit, may help to ease these contradictions, but it will also
diminish Washington's sense of dominance in the region.
In the Balkans the next administration will have to choose
between honoring the concessions Washington made to Belgrade at
the end of the war, acknowledging Yugoslav sovereignty over Kosovo,
and the promises it made to the KLA at the Rambouillet conference
concerning Kosovo's independence. In either case, US troops may
come to be seen as an occupying force and as a target of both
the Serbs and Kosovars. The administration will also have to decide
whether in the face of these new risks it will continue to commit
troops in the former Yugoslavia in order to maintain US leadership
in NATO or finally give its full support to European plans for
an autonomous military capability and let the Europeans grapple
with these difficult problems.
These foreign-policy landmines have the merit of being relatively
well marked and thus navigable with some foresight. The others
surveyed below may not be so evident or so easily sidestepped.
A More Demanding Neighborhood
One of the foundations of easy dominance has been a quiescent
hemisphere, one that has required little in the way of development
assistance or even crisis management other than coping with the
occasional refugee flow from Cuba and Haiti and the periodic Mexican
financial crisis. At the same time, Washington has been able to
put most of the burden for stopping the drug trade on Colombia
and its immediate neighbors, blaming Colombian drug lords and
a complicit government for the cancerous effects of America's
drug habit.
America's neighborhood is not likely to be so obligingly quiet
in the four years ahead. Both Mexico and Colombia will require
much greater attention, and every year brings a possibly costly
and disruptive transition in Cuba closer. The election of Vicente
Fox, which ended more than seventy years of one-party rule in
Mexico, has raised legitimate Mexican demands for a new kind of
regional partnership. The former governing party, the PRI, had
in recent years become the perfect partner for an America committed
to easy dominance. The PRI was willing to open up Mexico to US
trade and investment, yet it was so authoritarian and corrupt
that Washington felt little moral obligation to go beyond a simple
free trade agreement to assist with Mexico's larger development
Fox's election changed that comfortable calculus. He immediately
announced a bold vision for broadening NAFTA, suggesting an increase
in US immigration quotas, a new multilateral approach to stopping
the drug trade and the creation of a regional development fund
similar to the various funds that the European Union offers its
less developed members. Fox's call for US and Canadian financial
assistance for building Mexican infrastructure and for closing
the development gap flies in the face of Washington's approach
of trade, not aid. Yet to deny Fox entirely would strike a blow
to the US goal of consolidating Mexican democracy and slowing
Mexican immigration. At a minimum, mollifying Mexico's new democratic
president will require increasing the capitalization of the largely
moribund North American Development Bank and extending its investment
mandate beyond environmental projects along the border.
The next administration will not be able to ignore so easily
the substantial commitment of resources entailed in the path the
Clinton Administration and Congress have embarked on with respect
to the "war on drugs" in Colombia. Washington's longstanding
game of blaming the supplier for the drug trade has contributed
to the disintegration of the Colombian state and the development
of paramilitary forces that compete with various guerrilla groups
for control of the country's lucrative drug economy. The Administration's
initial plan, calling for $1.3 billion to help the government
fight drug traffickers, with the bulk of the money earmarked to
train and equip army and police forces, will make Colombia the
third-largest recipient of US foreign aid.
No one seriously expects this initial assistance to stanch
the drug flow, given the entrenched nature of the drug economy
in Colombia and the risk of the fighting spreading to neighboring
countries. The ultimate bill is likely to be many times higher.
Eventually, the next administration will confront the choice of
whether to pour more money and American resources, including US
military personnel, into a losing policy or to change its approach
to the drug problem.
A Less Stable East Asia
If easy dominance has assumed a quiescent neighborhood, it
also has depended upon a predictable status quo in East Asia.
While the end of the cold war transformed the geopolitical and
economic landscape of Eurasia, the geopolitics of East Asia has
remained pretty much frozen. For more than two decades, it has
been characterized by a cold peace on a divided Korean peninsula,
a one-China fiction that has prevented conflict between China
and Taiwan, and a network of bilateral US security relationships
with Japan, South Korea and (informally) Taiwan.
Washington has long resisted any change in the status quo,
out of fear of calling into question its privileged position in
the region or upsetting regional stability. But the area has developed
its own dynamic, and the local powers have become far less cautious
in the waning years of the Clinton Administration. Despite initial
US misgivings, South Korean President Kim Dae Jung has persevered
with his "sunshine" policy toward the North, seeking
the stage for the détente that now seems to be developing
its own momentum. The Taiwanese people have for the first time
elected a president who is openly committed to an independent
Taiwan, and although he has prudently backtracked from his earlier
positions, his people's determination to rebuff Chinese pressures
for unification continues to grow. Meanwhile, China has entered
a painful period of economic restructuring, and the nation's economic
difficulties may drive Beijing to seek to end the status quo across
the strait and press its territorial claims in the South China
The situation in the region is further complicated by the
fall of Suharto in Indonesia, which has increased fears of that
country violently breaking apart; the Indian and Pakistani nuclear
tests and US plans for a national missile defense, which have
reinforced Beijing's determination to accelerate its nuclear modernization;
and the growing resentment of America's international economic
policy and military presence, which in South Korea may only increase
as détente with the North takes hold.
In the face of these new realities, it will be difficult for
Washington to maintain its traditional bilateral agenda in East
Asia, by which it has been able to balance relationships separately
with China and Taiwan, China and Japan, and Japan and Korea. The
belated end of the cold war in East Asia may force the United
States to make some painful choices it has long been able to avoid-for
example, whether to abandon Taiwan or to confront China, and whether
to have a China-first or a Japan-first strategy. The only alternative
is for the next administration to jettison bilateralism in favor
of developing a multilateral forum in which some of the current
contradictions in US policy can more easily be worked out. But
that means sharing power in a more open way than Washington has
thus far been willing to do.
A More Assertive Russia
Another factor making easy dominance possible has been Washington's
one-sided relationship with a weak Russia. This relationship has
rested on the assumption that Moscow was so enfeebled (or Yeltsin
so inept and his associates so corrupt) that the United States
could enlarge NATO, dictate economic policy, bomb its former allies,
unilaterally change or abrogate the ABM Treaty and seek to wrestle
the oil-producing Caspian Sea areas out of its control, all without
a murmur of dissent, let alone a serious adverse reaction from
Moscow. Even today, that perception persists, fed by the latest
indicators of Russian decline: the mysterious sinking of the Russian
nuclear submarine Kursk and the fire at the nation's tallest television
tower in Moscow.
Russia may be weak as a result of years of disinvestment,
but Moscow will never again be as compliant as was Yeltsin's Russia
this past decade. Washington's push for a national missile defense
has given Russian President Vladimir Putin a platform for improving
ties with America's European allies, China and South Korea, and
for complicating US diplomacy that Moscow has largely lacked in
the post-cold war world. More important, the next administration
will be faced with the reality that the United States needs Russia
as much as Russia needs the West. It needs a reasonably strong
Russia not just to maintain the safety of its nuclear weapons
but also to counterbalance a potentially more assertive China,
to check Taliban-like extremists and terrorists in Central Asia
and the Caspian Sea, to help stop nuclear proliferation in Iran
and Iraq, and to develop peacefully the oil resources of the Caspian
Sea basin.
The next administration will need to decide whether to make
good on President Clinton's promise to take the Baltic states
into NATO, thus risking Russian antagonism and countermeasures
(a cutoff of oil). It will also need to decide whether to continue
the bid to supplant Russia in the Caspian Sea region and to extend
US control of the world oil market, or to recognize that US efforts
are near failure. Washington's two-pronged strategy entailed establishing
military relationships with fragile authoritarian governments
in the Caucasus and Central Asia to give them more independence
from Russia, and a pipeline policy that sought to redirect the
transport of oil and gas away from Russia and Iran. Both aspects
of Washington's strategy are now in disarray. The countries in
the region, including Azerbaijan and Georgia, both of which once
lobbied for NATO membership, now realize that the United States
lacks both the will and resources to meet their security needs,
and US as well as European oil companies have balked at putting
up money for Washington's preferred pipeline route through Turkey,
which they believe makes no economic sense.
Washington may not like it, but it will eventually have to
accept that only Russia is capable of maintaining enough order
to develop the region's oil resources peacefully. Only Russia
can help solve the Abkhazia separatist problem in northwestern
Georgia; similarly, only Russia can help bring about an Armenia/Azerbaijan
settlement in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh territory. And only
Russia can serve as a buffer between the Caspian Sea countries
and the spread of Islamic extremism in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Ironically, twenty years after Washington armed the mujahedeen
to drive the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan, Russia must now
protect the West from the blowback of that policy.
The No-Longer-Dominant Dollar
In the post-cold war world, a country's power and influence
turn less on its military capabilities than on its financial power-on
the position of its currency in the world's financial system and
its ability to influence the flow of capital in the world economy.
In this regard, the United States has enjoyed supreme power over
the past decade, particularly the last half of the decade. It
has been able to control world interest rates while ignoring European
and Japanese calls for greater management of exchange rates. In
addition, a strong dollar has allowed it to run ever larger current
account deficits even as the US savings rate plummeted into negative
Conditions in the post-cold war world have been especially
propitious for the dollar. The uncertainty over European monetary
union, Japan's zero-interest policy and the fact that much of
the debt overhang of the 1 980s was denominated in dollars have
all contributed to the dollar's strength. So have the decade's
emerging markets financial crises, which sent floods of capital
into the dollar looking for a safe haven. And, of course, so has
the "new economy" miracle and all the hype in international
investor circles that it has enjoyed.
But a number of powerful forces could erode the dollar over
the next decade. A country's currency can ignore fundamentals
only for so long, and some US fundamentals are not good. The US
current-account deficit has increased from $110 billion in 1995
to a projected $400 billion in 2000-4 percent of GDP. At the same
time, the savings rate has fallen from 6 percent to a negative
0 4 percent in August 2000. As a result of these ever larger deficits,
the United States will soon have an international debt equal to
20 percent of GDP, a level more consistent with a developing country
than an advanced industrialized economy.
At some point, investors will be reluctant to hold more debt
denominated in dollars, and European and Japanese investors and
companies will lose their appetite for US assets. Then the dollar
will fall from grace, and the era of easy dominance will end.
Until now, the dollar has benefited from the fact that there was
no alternative for investors to turn to in times of crisis. But
with the maturing of the euro, there eventually will be. One should
not be misled by the euro's current woes or by the fact that its
value has fallen more than 25 percent since its advent. These
are the natural growing pains of a new currency whose economies
are exporting large sums of capital. Indeed, on the indicators
that matter most to a currency's future, the euro has done extremely
well. Since its creation, as much international debt has been
issued or denominated in euros as in dollars, indicating an underlying
confidence of the world's largest financial institutions in the
At the same time, the dollar's future may also be affected
by the efforts of other regions, either to imitate the euro's
success or to develop greater independence from the US Treasury
and Federal Reserve. Japan, China, South Korea and the ten members
of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN + 3) have
announced a regionwide system of currency swaps and a liquidity
fund to help them deal with future Asian crises and to avoid the
dictates of the IMF and US Treasury. Indeed, these various efforts
herald a new monetary regionalism, whereby we may eventually see
three major competing regional currency zones: the dollar, the
euro and possibly the yen. In this competition, the euro-zone,
with its larger economy, its balance between savers and consumers,
its more consensual, democratic culture and its ability to induce
sound policies and reforms in candidate countries, may have clear
advantages over an emerging dollar zone of debtors and unreformed
The emergence of a euro zone, and possibly a yen zone, as
rivals to the dollar would be a huge blow to America's international
position. Washington's main hope for stemming this quiet revolt
against its financial hegemony is to seek greater cooperation
with Europe and the Asian economies in the management of world
monetary policy. But that goes against the prevailing wisdom in
The end of easy dominance will require that America's foreign
policy leaders be more honest with the US public: Dominance can
by maintained only with much greater sacrifice, and thus only
if it has the full support of the American people. Public opinion
surveys suggest that the American people are less interested in
dominance than their elites and less willing to maintain far-flung
military commitments, but more willing to support the UN and more
open to sharing power with other countries than is normally assumed.
In short, there is no obvious public constituency for dominance
with sacrifice, but there is support for a modest and constructive
internationalism. The sooner the next administration comes to
grips with this reality, the more likely it is to forge a foreign
policy that will be able to both advance US interests and promote
a progressive world order.
Sherle R. Schwenninger is a senior fellow at the World Policy
Institute at the New School University and a program adviser to
the New America Foundation. Research support provided by the Elections
2000 Fund of the Nation Institute.
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