Inside the Global Banking Intelligence
Complex: BCCI Operations
from the book
Revolution or World War III
by David Degraw

To get a more complete understanding of
our current crisis, we need to look at the history of events that
led up to it. We need to peer deeply into the inner workings of
the Global Banking Intelligence Complex. Without acknowledging
and exposing the covert forces that are aligned against us, we
will not be able to effectively overcome them.
In the past I have shied away from going
too deeply into the details of the intelligence world out of fear
of being written off and dismissed as a conspiracy theorist. If
I hadn't spent the majority of the past 20 years investigating
global financial intelligence operations, I certainly wouldn't
believe half of this myself. Given the severity of our current
crisis and the imminent devastating implications, I now realize
that I must go deeper into covert activities than I publicly ever
have. The information I am about to report is very well-sourced
and documented, and needs to be covered before we can proceed
to exposing present operations.
I: All Roads Go Through BCCI
Here is a partial list of the economic
and political scandals that I investigated throughout the 1980s
and early '90s:
The Savings & Loan scandal;
Stock market manipulation and money laundering;
Iran-Contra Affair;
The October Surprise and Iran hostage
Iraqgate-BNL and the rise and funding
of Saddam Hussein;
Pakistan's nuclear program and the selling
of bomb-making technology to Libya, Iran and North Korea;
The rise and funding of the Afghan Mujahideen
(founding and funding of the Taliban and Osama bin Laden's Al
Qaeda network);
Illegal weapon sales to Iran and Saudi
The proliferation of Middle Eastern terrorism;
The international drug trade run by people
like Manuel Noriega and Pablo Escobar.
All of these scandals had one vital thing
in common, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI).
In December 1992, the US Senate Foreign
Relations Committee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International
Operations delivered a report on their investigation into the
bank, entitled "The BCCI Affair." The report would disclose
the largest political corruption case in the history of the global
economy. As the Senate Committee summed it up:
"BCCI's criminality included fraud
by BCCI and BCCI customers involving billions of dollars; money
laundering in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas; BCCI's bribery
of officials in most of those locations; support of terrorism,
arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies; management
of prostitution; the commission and facilitation of income tax
evasion, smuggling, and illegal immigration; illicit purchases
of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes limited
only by the imagination of its officers and customers.
Among BCCI's principal mechanisms for
committing crimes were its use of shell corporations and bank
confidentiality and secrecy havens; layering of its corporate
structure; its use of front-men and nominees, guarantees and buy-back
arrangements; back-to-back financial documentation among BCCI
controlled entities, kick-backs and bribes, the intimidation of
witnesses, and the retention of well-placed insiders to discourage
governmental action."
The BCCI scandal gave citizens of the
world a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the covert global
banking intelligence power structure, revealing power politics
in its purest form. BCCI was modeled after the world's most powerful
intelligence agencies and multinational corporations. It represented
the evolution of organized crime into the new world of the global
economy, rendering nation-states obsolete. BCCI transcended religions
and nationalities; it cut across the entire political spectrum,
uniting countries and groups that, on the surface, were considered
rivals, yet were unified in their pursuit of power.
BCCI consisted of a complex alliance of
intelligence agencies, multinational corporations, weapons dealers,
drug traffickers, terrorists, global bankers and high-ranking
government officials. It involved leaders from 73 countries and
formed what was described as "an elaborate corporate spider
As former US Senate investigator Jack
Blum described it:
"The problem that we are all having
in dealing with this bank is that it had 3,000 criminal customers
and every one of those 3,000 criminal customers is a page one
story. So if you pick up on one of [BCCI's] accounts you could
find financing from nuclear weapons, gun running, narcotics dealing,
and you will find all manner and means of crime around the world
in the records of this bank."
BCCI would become known as the Bank of
Crooks and Criminals with clientele such as Saddam Hussein, Manuel
Noriega, Pablo Escobar, Abu Nidal, the Qassar brothers, Muammar
Gaddafi, Ben Banerjee, Cyrus Hashemi, Ferdinand Marcos, Rodriguez
Gacha, Alan Garcia, Daniel Ortega, Adolfo Calero, Adnan Khashoggi,
Manucher Ghorbanifar, Sarkis Soghanalian, the Palestine Liberation
Organization, Islamic Jihad holy warriors the Mujahideen, including
Osama bin Laden and many others.
In a 1991 Time magazine article entitled,
"The Dirtiest Bank of All," investigative journalists
Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne summed up BCCI this way:
"Nothing in the history of modern
financial scandals rivals the unfolding saga of the Bank of Credit
& Commerce International, the $20 billion rogue empire that
regulators in 62 countries shut down early this month in a stunning
global sweep. Never has a single scandal involved so much money,
so many nations or so many prominent people.
Superlatives are quickly exhausted: it
is the largest corporate criminal enterprise ever, the biggest
Ponzi scheme, the most pervasive money-laundering operation and
financial supermarket ever created for the likes of Manuel Noriega,
Ferdinand Marcos, Saddam Hussein and the Colombian drug barons."
In another report Beaty and Gwynne added:
"This is the story of how the wealthy
and corrupt in Latin America managed to steal virtually every
dollar lent to their countries by Western banks, creating the
debt crisis of the 1980s; how heads of state skimmed billions
from their national treasuries and hid them in Swiss and Caymanian
accounts forever free from snooping regulators; how Pakistan and
Iraq got materials for nuclear weaponry and how Libya built poison-gas
II: BCCI & US Intelligence
Even though BCCI was a Middle Eastern-based
bank, investigations by the US Senate, NY Attorney General Robert
Morgenthau and several award-winning journalists revealed that
BCCI was run by the CIA and top US officials. CIA covert operations
were run through BCCI's "black network." Former CIA
directors George Bush Sr., William Casey and Richard Helms, former
Defense Secretary Clark Clifford and former Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger were all key players and shielded the bank from
investigations throughout its reign. BCCI founder Agha Hasan Abedi
and former CIA director William Casey met secretly for years.
BCCI's Mohammed Irvani was partners with former CIA director Richard
Helms. BCCI frontmen Kamal Adham and A.R. Khalil were top Saudi
intelligence directors and primary CIA liaisons for the entire
Middle East. Many high-ranking Republicans and Democrats were
vital to the bank's operations, along with top corporate executives
at First American Bank, Bank of America, PR firm Hill & Knowlton,
cable company TCI, and auditing firms Price Waterhouse and Ernst
& Young - to name just a few US companies that played crucial
The CIA, DIA, and NSC used BCCI as their
own private bank, sending billions of dollars in covert funding
and weapons to organizations and countries with which we are now
in conflict - most notably the Mujahideen in Afghanistan (which
evolved into Al Qaeda and the Taliban), Pakistan's ISI, Saddam
Hussein in Iraq and the government of Iran.
BCCI investigations gave us the most detailed
and well-documented view into the inner workings of the "war
racket" that we have ever had. The BCCI Affair blatantly
exposed how global intelligence agencies and banking interests
covertly fund terrorists and drug cartels all over the world.
As investigative reporter Chris Floyd wrote, "Instead of
stopping the drug-runners and terrorists, the CIA decided to join
them, using BCCI's secret channels to finance 'black ops' all
over the world."
Reporting in Time magazine, Beaty and
Gwynne revealed some of the details:
"From interviews with sources close
to B.C.C.I., TIME has pieced together a portrait of a clandestine
division of the bank called the 'black network,' which functions
as a global intelligence operation and a Mafia-like enforcement
squad. The black network - so named by its own members - stops
at almost nothing to further the bank's aims the world over.
The more conventional departments of B.C.C.I.
handled such services as laundering money for the drug trade and
helping dictators loot their national treasuries. The black network,
which is still functioning, operates a lucrative arms-trade business
and transports drugs and gold. According to investigators and
participants in those operations, it often works with Western
and Middle Eastern intelligence agencies. The strange and still
murky ties between B.C.C.I. and the intelligence agencies of several
countries are so pervasive that even the White House has become
entangled. As TIME reported earlier this month, the National Security
Council used B.C.C.I. to funnel money for the Iran-contra deals,
and the CIA maintained accounts in B.C.C.I. for covert operations.
Moreover, investigators have told TIME that the Defense Intelligence
Agency has maintained a slush-fund account with B.C.C.I., apparently
to pay for clandestine activities.
The black network was a natural outgrowth
of B.C.C.I.'s dubious and criminal associations. Its original
purpose was to pay bribes, intimidate authorities and quash investigations.
But according to a former operative, sometime in the early 1980s
the black network began running its own drugs, weapons and currency
Sources have told investigators that B.C.C.I.
worked closely with Israel's spy agencies and other Western intelligence
groups as well, especially in arms deals. The bank also maintained
cozy relationships with international terrorists, say investigators
who discovered suspected terrorist accounts for Libya, Syria and
the Palestine Liberation Organization in B.C.C.I.'s London offices.
U.S. intelligence agencies were well aware
of such activities. 'B.C.C.I. played an indispensable role in
facilitating deals between Israel and some Middle Eastern countries,'
says a former State Department official. 'And when you look at
the Saudi support of the contras, ask yourself who the middleman
was: there was no government-to-government connection between
the Saudis and Nicaragua.'"
III: Af-Pak Covert Operations
The CIA worked in partnership with BCCI
in what was, at the time, the agency's largest covert operation
ever, pumping an estimated $10 billion into funding the Afghan
Mujahideen's anti-Soviet Jihad.
In a 1992 article entitled, "The
Riyadh Connection," Time magazine reported:
"B.C.C.I. was similarly entwined
in another key U.S. intelligence operation of the 1980s: the supply
of arms and money to the Afghan rebels. While such clandestine
support was legally condoned, B.C.C.I. officials have told reporters
that CIA Director William Casey struck a deal that included off-the-books
operations never reported to the U.S. Congress."
Pakistan would play a pivotal role in
support of the Afghan Mujahideen. Pakistan was run by a corrupt
militant oligarchy and was the operational home of BCCI. In "
Modern Jihad: Tracing the Dollars Behind the Terror Networks,"
investigative reporter Loretta Napoleoni revealed details:
"As soon as Abedi's bank [BCCI] came
on board, all [CIA] covert operations were passed to its 'black
network', virtually a secret banking institution within the bank.
Its headquarters were in Karachi and it was from this city that
the underground network acted as a full-service bank for the CIA.
With about 15,000 employees, it operated in a similar fashion
to the Mafia. It was a fully integrated organization; it financed
and brokered covert arms deals among different countries, it shipped
goods using its own fleet, insured them with its own agency and
provided manpower and security en route. In Pakistan, BCCI officials
knew whom to bribe and when to do it. They also knew where to
channel the funds. Richard Kerr, the former CIA director who admitted
that the CIA had secret BCCI accounts in Pakistan, confirmed that
those accounts had been opened to distribute the CIA funds to
Pakistani officers and members of the Afghan resistance. By the
mid-1980s, the black network had gained control of the port of
Karachi and handled all customs operations for CIA shipments to
Afghanistan, including the necessary bribes for the ISI [Pakistan's
intelligence service]. It was BCCI's job to make sure that cargoes
of arms and equipment were discharged quickly.
As the war progressed, costs soared. There
was constant shortage of money along the pipeline to supply the
Mujahedin and so the ISI and CIA began looking for additional
sources of income. One that proved viable was drug smuggling.
Soon the narcotics-based economy took over the traditional agrarian
economy of Afghanistan. Within two years the Pakistan-Afghanistan
borderland had become the biggest centre for the production of
heroin in the world and the single greatest supplier of heroin
on American streets, meeting 60 per cent of the US demand for
narcotics. Annual profits were estimated between $100 billion
and $200 billion. . . . In 1995, the former CIA director of Afghan
operations, Charles Cogan, admitted that the CIA had indeed sacrificed
the drug war to fight the Cold War."
In "Afghanistan 1979-1992: America's
Jihad," investigative journalist Tim Weiner reported:
"The CIA's pipeline leaked. It leaked
badly. It spilled huge quantities of weapons all over one of the
world's most anarchic areas. First the Pakistani armed forces
took what they wanted from the weapons shipments. Then corrupt
Afghan guerrilla leaders stole and sold hundreds of millions of
dollars' worth of anti-aircraft guns, missiles, rocket-propelled
grenades, AK-47 automatic rifles, ammunition and mines from the
CIA's arsenal. Some of the weapons fell into the hands of criminal
gangs, heroin kingpins and the most radical faction of the Iranian
military. While their troops eked out hard lives in Afghanistan's
mountains and deserts, the guerrillas' political leaders maintained
fine villas in Peshawar and fleets of vehicles at their command.
The CIA kept silent as the Afghan politicos converted the Agency's
weapons into cash."
Through this operation Osama bin Laden's
Al Qaeda network was formed. Bin Laden had accounts in BCCI and
ran a CIA/BCCI-funded camp. [I'll go into further detail on this
aspect of the BCCI Affair in the next report.]
BCCI also funded Pakistan's nuclear weapons
program when they set up the Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences
and Technology. Pakistan then went on to sell the technology to
Libya, Iran and North Korea. As a Chicago Sun Times report summed
it up:
"[Pakistan's] President Pervez Musharraf
has pledged that the disgraced founder of Pakistan's nuclear weapons
program can keep the vast wealth he accumulated selling bomb-making
technology to rogue states around the world. Just days after Musharraf
provoked worldwide consternation by pardoning Abdul Qadeer Khan
for supplying nuclear expertise to Libya, Iran and North Korea,
he told the Sunday Telegraph he would also spare the scientist's
property or assets. 'He can keep his money,' Musharraf said, adding
there had been good reason not to investigate the origin of Khan's
suspicious wealth before 1998, when Pakistan successfully tested
its first nuclear weapon. ' you have to ask yourself whether you
act against the person who enabled you to get the bomb.' Khan
is thought to have earned millions of dollars from his sale of
nuclear know-how, beginning in the late 1980s. Much of the money
was funneled through [BCCI] bank accounts in the Middle East."
IV: Iran-Contra Affair
George Bush Sr. and current Secretary
of Defense Robert Gates were key players in the BCCI financed
Iran-Contra Affair. As the US Independent Counsel For Iran/Contra
Matters investigation stated:
"Robert M. Gates was the Central
Intelligence Agency's deputy director for intelligence (DDI) from
1982 to 1986. He was confirmed as the CIA's deputy director of
central intelligence (DDCI) in April of 1986 and became acting
director of central intelligence in December of that same year.
Owing to his senior status in the CIA, Gates was close to many
figures who played significant roles in the Iran/contra affair
and was in a position to have known of their activities."
Leslie Alan Aspin, a British CIA agent
who was killed in 1989, had classified documents proving Bush
Sr.'s involvement in illegal covert weapon sales to Iran. A 1991
report in New York Magazine by Christopher Byron revealed some
details and was later summed up in The Reference Shelf:
"In a ten-page statement dated May
1. 1987, Aspin describes how he organized a 1984 BCCI financed
TOW missile shipment from Portugal to Iran on behalf of Oliver
North. Though North was at that time on the staff of the National
Security Council, his recently declassified diaries indicate that
he was spending much of his time working for Bush."
Key Iran-Contra asset Oliver North was
involved in the operations and was working directly for Bush Sr.,
who was Vice President at the time. North maintained several accounts
in BCCI which he used to finance his covert operations. As Time
magazine reported:
" the National Security Council used
B.C.C.I. to funnel money for the Iran-contra deals. When American
arms destined for Iran and Iraq passed through Israel, for example,
B.C.C.I. was frequently the broker and financier. There was, for
example, the highly sensitive question of B.C.C.I.'s direct involvement
in the secret arms-for-hostages deals in Iran during the 1980s,
in which it acted as a broker and financier of weapons sales.
Ollie North maintained three accounts at the B.C.C.I. Paris branch,
and B.C.C.I. was used to transfer money to the contras."
George Bush Sr. would go on to pardon
convicted Iran-Contra figures - former Defense Secretary Caspar
Weinberger and five former CIA employees; Elliott Abrams, Robert
McFarlane, Duane Clarridge, Alan Fiers, and Clair George. Robert
Gates then went on to serve as Director of the CIA under Bush
Sr., and is currently serving as Secretary of Defense under President
Obama, having been selected to that position by former President
George Bush Jr..
V: Kissinger Associates & Iraqgate-BNL
George Bush Sr. and former Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger were also heavily involved in another illegal
covert operation run through an Italian BCCI-linked bank called
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL). BNL was used to covertly funnel
billions of dollars to Saddam Hussein. This scandal would become
known as Iraqgate.
In April 1992, former Congressmen Henry
B. Gonzalez (TX-20) stated the following in the Congressional
"Kissinger Associates, Scowcroft,
Eagleburger, Stoga, Iraq, and BNL
Mr. GONZALEZ: 'Mr. Speaker, today I will
talk about Henry Kissinger, his consulting firm Kissinger Associates,
two former Kissinger Associates directors, Lawrence Eagleburger
and Brent Scowcroft, and the chief economist at Kissinger Associates,
Alan Stoga.
I will explore their links to Banca Nazionale
del Lavoro [BNL] and Iraq, and the Bush administration's handling
of the BNL scandal. But first, I will provide some background
information on the BNL scandal.
The $4 billion plus in BNL loans to Iraq
between 1985 and 1990 were crucial to Iraqi efforts to feed its
people and to build weapons of mass destruction. In addition,
the BNL loans were crucial to Reagan and Bush administration efforts
to assist Saddam Hussein.
It is truly amazing that the BNL scandal
went on as long as it did. Various agencies within our Government
knew of BNL's role in bankrolling Iraq-yet they supposedly did
not know that the loans were unauthorized or not properly reported.
Several of BNL's high level friends in
the United States should have been aware of the BNL loans to Iraq.
The high level patrons that I am referring to are Henry Kissinger,
and his Kissinger Associates compadres, Brent Scowcroft and Lawrence
I will reveal that both Mr. Eagleburger
and Mr. Scowcroft played a key role in the Bush administration's
handling of the BNL scandal, even though BNL was a paying client
of Kissinger Associates just months prior to the BNL scandal becoming
Kissinger Deliberately Misleads Public
Until recently, Mr. Kissinger was a member
of the BNL's international advisory board and during the height
of the BNL-Atlanta scandal BNL was a paying client of Kissinger
While Henry Kissinger was a paid member
of the BNL's advisory board for international policy between 1985
and June 1991, he received at least $10,000 for attending each
meeting of the BNL advisory board.
Other BNL advisory board members included
David Rockefeller, the chairman of the Rockefeller Group and a
director of Chase Manhattan Bank, Pierre Trudeau, the former Prime
Minister of Canada, Lord Thornycroft, the former British Minister
of Defense, and other politically well-connected international
After my April 25, 1991, floor statement
on Mr. Kissinger, he told the Financial Times newspaper that he
had resigned from the BNL advisory board a week before the BNL
indictment in February 1991 because `he did not want to answer
questions about such incidents.'
Two weeks ago, the prominent TV show,
'60 Minutes,' revealed that Kissinger had not resigned from the
BNL advisory board in February 1991, as he had told the Financial
Times. In fact, `60 Minutes' reported that Mr. Kissinger served
on BNL's advisory board until his contract expired in the summer
of 1991, more than 4 months after the date he had previously reported.
Mr. Kissinger was not the only Kissinger
Associates employee that dealt with BNL. Mr. Brent Scowcroft,
the vice chairman and Mr. Lawrence Eagleburger, the president
of Kissinger Associates also had relationships with BNL.
Brent Scowcroft, BNL, and Iraq
One of the most prominent of the Kissinger
Associates alumni is Brent Scowcroft, President Bush's current
National Security Adviser and head of the NSC staff. . . .
Scowcroft often took charge of the National
Security Council while Kissinger was fulfilling his duties as
Secretary of State, and in 1975 he succeeded Kissinger as National
Security Adviser to President Ford.
In 1982, Scowcroft joined Kissinger in
setting up Kissinger Associates. Scowcroft served as vice chairman
and head of Kissinger Associate's Washington, DC, office until
becoming the head of the National Security Council under President
Bush in January 1989.
Alan Stoga-Kissinger Associates
Another link between Kissinger Associates,
BNL and Iraq is Alan Stoga. Alan Stoga is a former economist at
First Chicago Bank and is currently a director of Kissinger Associates.
Mr. Stoga is said to be an expert in country risk analysis and
international finance. He has been interested in the Middle East
for many years and has made extensive visits to the area.
BNL was a client of Mr. Scowcroft's while
he was the vice-chairman of Kissinger Associates. Mr. Scowcroft
regularly provided advice to BNL's management and received hefty
fees in return.
Mr. Scowcroft and his staff at the National
Security Council, along with the State Department, masterminded
the Bush administration's handling of the BNL scandal in order
to mitigate the damage it would have caused to United States-Iraq
relations. In the process they trampled on United States law enforcement
efforts and repeatedly misled the Congress and the American public
about the United States policy toward Iraq.
As for Mr. Kissinger, he misled the public
about his relationship with BNL and about his firm's contact with
Saddam Hussein. Mr. Stoga misled the Banking Committee about the
reasons for his trip to Iraq in the summer of 1989 when he met
with Saddam Hussein to discuss Iraq's debt problems.'"
Kissinger and his firm Kissinger Associates
played a key role throughout BCCI's entire existence. The Senate
investigation report had an entire chapter focusing on Kissinger's
role, entitled "BCCI And Kissinger Associates." After
the report was released to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
Henry Kissinger got them to redact several sections from the Government
Printing Office's final hardcopy version.
VI: The Ultimate Conspiracy: The BCCI
In Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne's ground-breaking
book on BCCI, entitled "The Outlaw Bank," they detailed
the overwhelming evidence proving the dominant role US intelligence,
governmental agencies and global banking interests played in BCCI
operations and in covering up the bank's scandalous and illegal
activities. As they reported:
"Perhaps the most disturbing aspect
of the BCCI affair in the United States was the failure of U.S.
government and federal law enforcement to move against the outlaw
bank. Instead of swift retribution, what took place over more
than a decade was a cover-up of major, alarming proportions, often
orchestrated from the very highest levels of government. When
the Justice Department finally moved decisively against BCCI in
late 1991, it did so reluctantly."
As the US Senate report revealed:
"The political connections of BCCI's
U.S. lawyers and lobbyists were critical to impeding Congressional
and law enforcement investigations from 1988 through 1991, through
a variety of techniques that included impugning the motives and
integrity of investigators and journalists, withholding subpoenaed
documents, and lobbying on Capitol Hill to protect BCCI's reputation
and discourage efforts to close the bank down in the United States."
As Beaty and Gwynne revealed in detail,
government documents exposing BCCI's criminality went back to
1979. As they wrote, "authentic, unambiguous information"
on the bank's illegal activity was presented to the State Department,
Justice Department, Drug Enforcement Agency, Internal Revenue
Service, Commerce Department, Customs Department, Central Intelligence
Agency, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency,
Department of Energy, and the White House's National Security
Perhaps more than anyone, the Treasury
Department and Federal Reserve had extensive information on BCCI's
criminal activities. As investigations revealed, "the detail
of information was exceptional." During pivotal BCCI years,
James Baker, after serving as President Reagan's Chief of Staff,
was Treasury Secretary from 1985 - '88. After Baker left the Treasury
Department, he became Bush Sr.'s Secretary of State from 1989
- '92. At the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, after serving as
a director at the Council on Foreign Relations, became Fed Chairman
in 1987 and served in that position throughout BCCI's reign.
VII: Wall Street & US Banking Industry
BCCI penetrated deeply into Wall Street
and the US banking industry. With the help of former Defense Secretary
Clark Clifford, BCCI secretly owned Washington's largest bank,
First American, and Bank of America was a vital BCCI lifeline.
As Beaty and Gwynne revealed:
"B.C.C.I. even accomplished a Stealth-like
invasion of the U.S. banking industry by secretly buying First
American Bankshares, a Washington-based holding company with offices
stretching from Florida to New York.
Five of Bank of America's senior officers
were either on BCCI's board of directors or helped to manage Abedi's
bank. For the next decade the two banks would move billions of
dollars a week through each other's international offices, and
the Bank of America would be an invaluable, if hidden, ally, since
it would continue to accept BCCI's letter-of-credit business after
virtually no other Western bank would touch it. Indeed, it could
be argued that Bank of America became the single most important
financial institution helping BCCI stay afloat.
In the United States alone, Bank of America
transferred more than $1 billion a day for BCCI until the moment
of BCCI's global seizure in July 1991.
Thus Bank of America acted as a sort of
global vacuum cleaner, sucking up many BCCI branch deposits and
thereby providing the fuel Abedi needed to keep his Ponzi scheme
Stock Market Manipulation & Money
Long before the Commodities Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC) was covering-up wide-scale manipulation of the
stock market during this economic crisis, they were working overtime
to conceal BCCI money laundering and market manipulation. As the
1992 US Senate Report stated:
"In the entire BCCI affair, perhaps
no entity is more mysterious and yet more central to BCCI's collapse
and criminality than Capcom, a London and Chicago based commodities
futures firm which operated between 1984 and 1988. Capcom is vital
to understanding BCCI because BCCI's top management and most important
Saudi shareholders were involved with the firm. Moreover, Capcom
moved huge amounts of money - billions of dollars - which passed
through the future's markets in a largely anonymous fashion.
Capcom was created by the former head
of BCCI's Treasury Department, Ziauddin Ali Akbar, who capitalized
it with funds from BCCI and BCCI customers. Additionally, the
company employed many of the same practices as BCCI, especially
the use of nominees and front companies to disguise ownership
and the movement of money. Four Americans, Larry Romrell, Robert
Magness, Kerry Fox and Robert Powell - none of whom had any experience
or expertise in the commodities markets - played important and
varied roles as frontmen.
The commodities markets in the U.K. and
the U.S. are not restricted, regulated or supervised as stringently
as the banking industry or the securities markets.
Moreover, the commodities markets can
sustain almost limitless volume, a necessary prerequisite for
crime on the scale of that contemplated by BCCI since fraudulent
transactions may be hidden in a multitude of legitimate ones.
In a letter to the directors, the Chairman of Capcom, Larry Romrell,
reported 165 million in trading during the first four months of
operation, and profits of 883,393. That trend continued until
1988 leading Akbar to boast to agent Mazur: 'We have contracted
165,000 contracts totaling $53 billion with Drexel Burnham,' and
later, 'we have done over $90 billion total in 1988.'
While the number of contracts and dollar
volume seems unbelievable, a commodities company can artificially
create massive volume by many small or no-risk trading methods.
Indeed, the volume generated by Capcom helped it to generate respectability
and acceptance with reputable banks and brokers. For example,
listed under 'Auditors and Advisers' in Capcom's 1987 Annual Report
were the following major international banks: Manufacturers Hanover
Trust Company, London, National Westminster Bank Plc, Manufacturers
Hanover Trust Company, New York, Deutsche Westminster Bank, A.G.,
and National Westminster Bank, plc. Elsewhere, Capcom noted its
ties to Dean Witter Reynolds, American Express Bank, Refco, Prudential
Bache Trading Corp., and Sumitomo Trust and Banking, Ltd."
Also, long before the modern techniques
of market manipulation and money laundering, like high frequency
trading, round trip trading and quote stuffing, BCCI mastered
a technique called "mirror image trading."
The Senate report continued:
"Capcom and Money Laundering
There is evidence that Capcom engaged
in money laundering for a variety of clients both in the United
States and in London. For example, some 50 transactions were identified
in the Futures, Inc. accounts with insufficient or no supporting
documentation regarding the source or disposition of funds. These
transactions totaled more than $125,000,000.
In testimony to the Subcommittee, Customs
agent Robert Mazur testified how Akbar used 'mirror-image' trading
to launder huge sums of money. Mirror image trading involves buying
contracts for one account while selling an equal number from another
account. Since both accounts are controlled by the same individual
any profit or loss is effectively netted. According to Mazur,
Akbar explained that because these 'mirror image' transactions
can be lost among many millions of dollars worth of legitimate
transactions 'it would take forever for anyone to ever find it.'
Using mirror-image trading, Akbar bilked
the BCCI Treasury accounts and laundered money for one of Capcom's
most notorious clients, General Manuel Antonio Noriega. Although
complex, the series of transactions involving Noriega, BCCI and
Capcom provide an illustration of textbook money laundering.
In terms of the broader lessons of Capcom,
regulation of the futures markets need to be greatly strengthened.
Even a cursory background check on Akbar would have revealed that
he had managed the Treasury accounts at BCCI which lost $400 million
in the futures markets in the early eighties. Moreover, regulators
who appeared before the Subcommittee testified on the one hand
that annual audits of Capcom US turned up nothing irregular, but
that Capcom's books and records were a mess. That such a contradiction
was allowed to continue for four years indicates that the CFTC
needs to critically review the effectiveness of the various exchange
audits. Finally, money laundering should be made a crime under
the Commodities Futures Trading Act."
VIII: The Savings and Loan Scandal
The Savings and Loan scandal was a significant
part of the BCCI Affair. Looking back through piles of documents
and research I've gathered, it is stunning how similar that crisis
was to our current crisis. Both operations were put into motion
as a result of the deregulation of key sectors of the financial
system; in both of these cases the real estate sector was a main
component. This is a clear pattern in financial intelligence operations.
The first essential mission is to create legislation that allows
for the creation of dark spaces, or "dark pools," within
key areas of the financial system where intelligence operations
can then be executed without oversight or accountability.
To show you how history repeated itself,
here's an excerpt from the 1993 book, "Banking Scandals:
The S&Ls and BCCI," edited by Robert Emmet Long:
"The Savings and Loan debacle - the
greatest scandal in the history of American banking - first came
to national attention in the mid-1980's. At that point, the failure
of the thrifts, as S&Ls are sometimes known, appeared to be
a controllable and containable situation. Both government officials
and representatives of the Savings and Loan industry gave assurances
that the S&L industry was still sound, and both worked to
head off a full-scale investigation. The delay in confronting
the situation cost taxpayers billions of dollars. The price tag
for bailing out the failed banks steadily escalated, from estimates
of $50 billion at first to $500 billion and then $750 billion
or even a staggering $1 trillion.
The Savings and Loan scandal was unparalleled
in the extent of its chicanery and in its ultimate cost to taxpayers,
who will be paying for it for decades to come In a series of steps
beginning in 1980, the S&Ls were deregulated at the same time
that the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance protection for depositors
rose from $40,000 to $100,000. The combination stimulated get-rich-quick
investments of a highly speculative nature on the part of bankers,
who looted the treasuries of the institutions they were entrusted
to protect."
It was also George Bush Sr. who, then
as Vice President, oversaw the "task force on deregulation
and bank supervision" that led directly to the S&L crisis.
In fact, his son, Neil Bush became known as the "poster boy"
of the S&L crisis. Neil was nicknamed "the Silverado
Kid" after he cost US taxpayers $1.3 billion while running
Silverado Banking, Savings & Loan. In 1989, after becoming
president, George Bush Sr. promptly bailed out the S&L industry,
costing taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.
Many of the failed S&L thrifts served
as secret intelligence shell companies and were traced back to
BCCI and the CIA. In a study entitled, "Organized Crime,
The CIA and the Savings and Loan Scandal," Criminal Justice
Professor Gary W. Potter explains:
"It is not our intent to discuss
the unethical and even illegal business practices of the failed
savings and loans and their governmental collaborators. The outlandish
salaries paid by S & L executives to themselves, the subsidies
to the thrifts from Congress which rewarded incompetence and fraud,
the land 'flips' which resulted in real estate being sold back
and forth in an endless 'kiting' scheme, and the political manipulation
designed to delay the scandal until after the 1988 presidential
elections are all immensely interesting and important. But they
are subjects for others' inquiries. Our interest is in the savings
and loans as living, breathing organisms that fused criminal corporations,
organized crime, and the CIA into a single entity that served
the interests of the political and economic elite in America.
Let us begin by quickly summarizing the most blatant examples
of collaboration between financial institutions, the mob, and
the intelligence community.
First National Bank of Maryland_Palmer
National Bank_Indian Springs Bank_Vision Banc Savings_Hill Financial
Savings_Sunshine State Bank
All told at least twenty-two of the failed
S & L's can be tied to joint money laundering ventures by
the CIA and organized crime figures. If the savings and loan scandals
of the 1980s reveal anything, they demonstrate what has often
been stated as a maxim in organized crime research: that corruption
linking government, business, and syndicates is the reality of
the day-to-day organization of crime. Investigations of organized
crime in the United States, Europe, and Asia have all uncovered
organized crime networks operating with virtual immunity from
law enforcement and prosecution."
For further details on BCCI and CIA connections
to the S&L crisis, let's return to "Banking Scandals:
The S&Ls and BCCI:"
"The banking scandals involving S&Ls
and the rogue Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)
are linked through David Paul, former CEO of CenTrust Savings
Bank, a Miami S&L that was seized in February 1990. Like S&L
kingpin Charles Keating, Paul knew that he could ingratiate himself
with politicians by helping them raise campaign money. Political
intervention by the likes of Keating Five senators Alan Cranston
of California and Donald Reigle of Michigan helped keep CenTrust
open for two years after it otherwise would have been closed.
CenTrust's involvement with BCCI was even greater than its interaction
with S&L scoundrels. By mid 1988, CenTrust owed its survival
to BCCI and one of the bank's alleged front men, Ghaith Pharaon,
who helped win approval of a CenTrust bond issue that brought
new capital into CenTrust and improved the condition of its books
just in time for the thrift to pass a crucial examination by regulators.
Sunbelt Savings, Western Savings, and
State Savings have all been named by the Houston Post as members
of a daisy chain of failed thrifts with links to organized crime
and even, perhaps, to the CIA. All three have collapsed, at a
cost to taxpayers of over $3 billion."
Once again, George Bush Sr.'s role in
BCCI and the S&L crisis cannot be understated. To recap, over
the course of BCCI's entire reign, Bush Sr. led the CIA, then
served as Vice President before becoming President. He had extraordinarily
close relations with Saudi Arabia, the most oil-rich nation in
the world. Kahlam Adham was a top BCCI executive and head of Saudi
Arabian intelligence, he was known as "the godfather of Middle
East Intelligence" and was the CIA's main liaison to the
region. BCCI's Chief Operations Officer was Khalid bin Mahfouz,
who also led Saudi Arabia's largest national bank and was a major
player in the oil industry. Mahfouz was known as "the most
powerful banker in the Middle East." As already mentioned,
Saudi Arabian intelligence was mixed in tightly with Wall Street
banking interests in BCCI's Capcom money laundering operations
in the futures market. George Bush Sr. also did everything within
his power to conceal these operations, as investigative reporter
Chris Floyd wrote:
"When a few prosecutors finally began
targeting BCCI's operations in the late Eighties, President George
Herbert Walker Bush boldly moved in with a federal probe directed
by Justice Department investigator Robert Mueller. The U.S. Senate
later found that the probe had been unaccountably 'botched'-witnesses
went missing, CIA records got 'lost,' Lower-ranking prosecutors
told of heavy pressure from on high to 'lay off.' Most of the
big BCCI players went unpunished or, like [Khalib bin] Mahfouz,
got off with wrist-slap fines and sanctions. Mueller, of course,
wound up as head of the FBI, appointed to the post in July 2001-by
George W. Bush."
Robert Mueller, who has been running the
FBI since September 4, 2001, under Bush Jr. and now Obama, was
Bush Sr.'s go-to guy at the Justice Department in covering up
BCCI and S&L operations. Back in 1992, Beaty and Gwynne reported
the following in Time magazine:
"In the U.S. investigators now say
openly that the Justice Department has not only reined in its
own probe of the bank but is also part of a concerted campaign
to derail any full investigation. Says Robert Morgenthau, the
Manhattan district attorney, who first launched his investigations
into B.C.C.I. two years ago: 'We have had no cooperation from
the Justice Department since we first asked for records in March
1990. In fact they are impeding our investigation, and Justice
Department representatives are asking witnesses not to cooperate
with us.'"
In summation, George Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger,
James Baker, Robert Mueller, Robert Gates and Alan Greenspan were
all heavily involved in BCCI activities. Former President Bill
Clinton even played a crucial role in continuing the cover-up
by killing follow-up investigations upon taking office. More stunning
than the BCCI operations and the cover-up, was that even after
the BCCI Affair was finally exposed, all of these major players
were not held accountable. The fact that people like this not
only got to walk away, but remained in top positions of power
for years after the scandal was exposed, with Robert Gates now
serving as the Secretary of Defense and Robert Muller still serving
as the head of the FBI, tells you all you need to know about the
rule of law in the United States.
When you look back at the S&L crisis
and understand how that scandal worked, you can clearly see how
that operation served as a forerunner to, and evolved into, our
current economic crisis. Of course this time it would happen under
the presidency of George Bush Jr., and the cover-up would be maintained
by a different Democratic President, Barack Obama.
IX: The Lessons of BCCI
While investigating BCCI operations, I
began to clearly understand for the first time how the Global
Banking Intelligence Complex runs both political parties in the
United States. After years of researching and investigating BCCI,
I've come to understand how power really operates, who the real
power players are and how the mainstream media, which is tightly
controlled by these forces, keeps the American public in the dark
and marginalized by never reporting on the roots of power. The
harsh truth is that American democracy and the rule of law are
an illusion.
Above all, the BCCI scandal taught me
two major lessons. First, when there is blatant criminal activity
that goes unpunished, global banking intelligence interests are
behind it. Second, you always have to follow the money. At the
heart of power is the money supply, the ability to create, issue
and manipulate global currencies. This is what the most powerful
have always known. As the old House of Rothschild maxim goes,
"Let us control the money of a nation, and we care not who
makes its laws."
When you peel back all the layers, the
ultimate power in this world lies within the Global Banking Intelligence
Complex, or the "money powers" as our Founding Fathers
and early presidents called them. If you research our forefathers,
you will see that they understood this point very well. The main
theme throughout American history has always been the war between
democracy and the concentration of power within the banks.
This may seem obvious to some, but this
very obvious point has been omitted from mainstream media and
public consciousness within the United States. This very viewpoint
has been completely removed from the debate surrounding our current
economic crisis and the failed financial reform process. And when
it comes to the funding of perpetual wars, the banking interests
behind the scenes are never even mentioned.
So this long winding road has led me right
into the heart of our current crisis. It has been from this viewpoint
that I have closely watched this crisis unfold. I've been following
all these power players for years now and it's given me an insider's
view and front row seat into our current political environment.
Watching old BCCI players and their protégés continue
to maintain positions as top US government officials over the
years reveals a very different reality when you consider significant
issues like 9/11; the Af-Pak and Iraq wars; the private military
complex; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Pakistani, Iranian
and North Korean nuclear weapons programs; global weapons sales;
mainstream media propaganda campaigns; campaign finance laws;
lobbying efforts; electronic voting machines; the current economic
crisis, along with the bailout and stock market manipulation.
When I think about the "War on Terror"
and the modern global banking system, the BCCI Affair is child's
play in comparison. The Global Banking Intelligence Complex is
on steroids and stronger than ever, with power and wealth concentrated
in unprecedented fashion.
Now that we have a fundamental understanding
of how financial intelligence operations worked throughout the
1980s and early '90s, now that we've scratched just below the
surface, I will now expose operations throughout the late '90s
and past decade.
or World War III
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