The Bilderberg Plan for 2009:
Remaking the Global Political Economy
by Andrew G. Marshall
http://globalresearch.ca/, May
26, 2009

From May 14-17, the global elite met in
secret in Greece for the yearly Bilderberg conference, amid scattered
and limited global media attention. Roughly 130 of the world's
most powerful individuals came together to discuss the pressing
issues of today, and to chart a course for the next year. The
main topic of discussion at this years meeting was the global
financial crisis, which is no surprise, considering the list of
conference attendees includes many of the primary architects of
the crisis, as well as those poised to "solve" it.
The Agenda: The Restructuring of the Global
Political Economy
Before the meeting began, Bilderberg investigative
journalist Daniel Estulin reported on the main item of the agenda,
which was leaked to him by his sources inside. Though such reports
cannot be verified, his sources, along with those of veteran Bilderberg
tracker, Jim Tucker, have proven to be shockingly accurate in
the past. Apparently, the main topic of discussion at this year's
meeting was to address the economic crisis, in terms of undertaking,
"Either a prolonged, agonizing depression that dooms the
world to decades of stagnation, decline and poverty ... or an
intense-but-shorter depression that paves the way for a new sustainable
economic world order, with less sovereignty but more efficiency."
Other items on the agenda included a plan to "continue to
deceive millions of savers and investors who believe the hype
about the supposed up-turn in the economy. They are about to be
set up for massive losses and searing financial pain in the months
ahead," and "There will be a final push for the enactment
of Lisbon Treaty, pending on Irish voting YES on the treaty in
Sept or October,"[1] which would give the European Union
massive powers over its member nations, essentially making it
a supranational regional government, with each country relegated
to more of a provincial status. _
Shortly after the meetings began, Bilderberg
tracker Jim Tucker reported that his inside sources revealed that
the group has on its agenda, "the plan for a global department
of health, a global treasury and a shortened depression rather
than a longer economic downturn." Tucker reported that Swedish
Foreign Minister and former Prime Minister, Carl Bildt, "Made
a speech advocating turning the World Health Organization into
a world department of health, advocating turning the IMF into
a world department of treasury, both of course under the auspices
of the United Nations." Further, Tucker reported that, "Treasury
Secretary Geithner and Carl Bildt touted a shorter recession not
a 10-year recession ... partly because a 10 year recession would
damage Bilderberg industrialists themselves, as much as they want
to have a global department of labor and a global department of
treasury, they still like making money and such a long recession
would cost them big bucks industrially because nobody is buying
their toys.....the tilt is towards keeping it short."[2]
_After the meetings finished, Daniel Estulin
reported that, "One of Bilderberg's primary concerns according
to Estulin is the danger that their zeal to reshape the world
by engineering chaos in order to implement their long term agenda
could cause the situation to spiral out of control and eventually
lead to a scenario where Bilderberg and the global elite in general
are overwhelmed by events and end up losing their control over
the planet."[3]
_On May 21, the Macedonian International
News Agency reported that, "A new Kremlin report on the shadowy
Bilderberg Group, who this past week held their annual meeting
in Greece, states that the West's financial, political and corporate
elite emerged from their conclave after coming to an agreement
that in order to continue their drive towards a New World Order
dominated by the Western Powers, the US Dollar has to be 'totally'
destroyed." Further, the same Kremlin report apparently stated
that, "most of the West's wealthiest elite convened at an
unprecedented secret meeting in New York called for and led by"
David Rockefeller, "to plot the demise of the US Dollar."[4]__The
Secret Meeting of Billionaires
The meeting being referred to was a secret
meeting where, "A dozen of the richest people in the world
met for an unprecedented private gathering at the invitation of
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to talk about giving away money,"
held at Rockefeller University, and included notable philanthropists
such as Gates, Buffett, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, George
Soros, Eli Broad, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller Sr. and Ted
Turner. One attendee stated that, "It wasn't secret,"
but that, "It was meant to be a gathering among friends and
colleagues. It was something folks have been discussing for a
long time. Bill and Warren hoped to do this occasionally. They
sent out an invite and people came." Chronicle of Philanthropy
editor Stacy Palmer said, "Given how serious these economic
times are, I don't think it's surprising these philanthropists
came together," and that, "They don't typically get
together and ask each other for advice." The three hosts
of the meeting were Buffet, Gates and David Rockefeller.[5] [See:
Appendix 2: Bilderberg Connections to the Billionaire's Meeting].
__Bilderberg founding member David Rockefeller,
Honourary Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, Honourary
Chairman and Founder of the Trilateral Commission, Chairman of
the Council of the Americas and the Americas Society, former Chairman
and CEO of Chase Manhattan.__At the meeting, "participants
steadfastly refused to reveal the content of the discussion. Some
cited an agreement to keep the meeting confidential. Spokesmen
for Mr. Buffett, Mr. Bloomberg, Mr. Gates, Mr. Rockefeller, Mr.
Soros and Ms. Winfrey and others dutifully declined comment, though
some confirmed attendance."[6] Reports indicate that, "They
discussed how to address the global slump and expand their charitable
activities in the downturn."[7]
_The UK newspaper The Times reported that
these "leading billionaires have met secretly to consider
how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world's
population," and that they "discussed joining forces
to overcome political and religious obstacles to change."
Interestingly, "The informal afternoon session was so discreet
that some of the billionaires' aides were told they were at 'security
briefings'." Further, "The billionaires were each given
15 minutes to present their favourite cause. Over dinner they
discussed how they might settle on an 'umbrella cause' that could
harness their interests," and what was decided upon was that,
"they agreed that overpopulation was a priority." Ultimately,
"a consensus emerged that they would back a strategy in which
population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous
environmental, social and industrial threat," and that, "They
need to be independent of government agencies, which are unable
to head off the disaster we all see looming." One guest at
the meeting said that, "They wanted to speak rich to rich
without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers,
painting them as an alternative world government."[8]_
The Leaked Report
Bilderberg investigative reporter Daniel
Estulin reportedly received from his inside sources a 73-page
Bilderberg Group meeting wrap-up for participants, which revealed
that there were some serious disagreements among the participants.
"The hardliners are for dramatic decline and a severe, short-term
depression, but there are those who think that things have gone
too far and that the fallout from the global economic cataclysm
cannot be accurately calculated if Henry Kissinger's model is
chosen. Among them is Richard Holbrooke. What is unknown at this
point: if Holbrooke's point of view is, in fact, Obama's."
The consensus view was that the recession would get worse, and
that recovery would be "relatively slow and protracted,"
and to look for these terms in the press over the next weeks and
_Estulin reported, "that some leading
European bankers faced with the specter of their own financial
mortality are extremely concerned, calling this high wire act
"unsustainable," and saying that US budget and trade
deficits could result in the demise of the dollar." One Bilderberger
said that, "the banks themselves don't know the answer to
when (the bottom will be hit)." Everyone appeared to agree,
"that the level of capital needed for the American banks
may be considerably higher than the US government suggested through
their recent stress tests." Further, "someone from the
IMF pointed out that its own study on historical recessions suggests
that the US is only a third of the way through this current one;
therefore economies expecting to recover with resurgence in demand
from the US will have a long wait." One attendee stated that,
"Equity losses in 2008 were worse than those of 1929,"
and that, "The next phase of the economic decline will also
be worse than the '30s, mostly because the US economy carries
about $20 trillion of excess debt. Until that debt is eliminated,
the idea of a healthy boom is a mirage."[9]
_According to Jim Tucker, Bilderberg is
working on setting up a summit in Israel from June 8-11, where
"the world's leading regulatory experts" can "address
the current economic situation in one forum." In regards
to the proposals put forward by Carl Bildt to create a world treasury
department and world department of health under the United Nations,
the IMF is said to become the World Treasury, while the World
Health Organization is to become the world department of health.
Bildt also reaffirmed using "climate change" as a key
challenge to pursue Bilderberg goals, referring to the economic
crisis as a "once-in-a-generation crisis while global warming
is a once-in-a-millennium challenge." Bildt also advocated
expanding NAFTA through the Western hemisphere to create an American
Union, using the EU as a "model of integration."
_The IMF reportedly sent a report to Bilderberg
advocating its rise to becoming the World Treasury Department,
and "U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner enthusiastically
endorsed the plan for a World Treasury Department, although he
received no assurance that he would become its leader." Geithner
further said, "Our hope is that we can work with Europe on
a global framework, a global infrastructure which has appropriate
global oversight."[10]
Bilderberg's Plan in Action?
Reorganizing the Federal Reserve
Following the Bilderberg meeting, there
were several interesting announcements made by key participants,
specifically in regards to reorganizing the Federal Reserve. On
May 21, it was reported that US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
"is believed to be leaning heavily towards giving the Federal
Reserve a central role in future regulation," and "it
is understood that the Fed would take on some of the work currently
undertaken by the US Securities and Exchange Commission."[11]
_On Wednesday, May 20, Geithner spoke
before the Senate Banking Committee, at which he stated that,
"there are important indications that our financial system
is starting to heal." In regards to regulating the financial
system, Geithner stated that, "we must ensure that international
rules for financial regulation are consistent with the high standards
we will be implementing in the United States."[12]
__US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner,
former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York__
_Bloomberg reported that, "The Obama administration
may call for stripping the Securities and Exchange Commission
of some of its powers under a regulatory reorganization,"
and that, "The proposal, still being drafted, is likely to
give the Federal Reserve more authority to supervise financial
firms deemed too big to fail. The Fed may inherit some SEC functions,
with others going to other agencies." Interestingly, "SEC
Chairman Mary Schapiro's agency has been mostly absent from negotiations
within the administration on the regulatory overhaul, and she
has expressed frustration about not being consulted."
_It was reported that "Treasury Secretary
Timothy Geithner was set to discuss proposals to change financial
regulations last night at a dinner with National Economic Council
Director Lawrence Summers [who was also present at Bilderberg],
former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker [also at Bilderberg], ex-SEC
Chairman Arthur Levitt and Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard University
law professor who heads the congressional watchdog group for the
$700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program."[13] The Federal
Reserve is a privately owned central bank, owned by its shareholders,
consisting of the major banks the make up each regional Fed bank
(the largest of which is JP Morgan Chase and the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York). This plan would essentially give a privately
owned bank, which has governmental authority, the ability to regulate
the banks that own it. It's the equivalent of getting a Colonel
to guard a General to whom he is directly answerable. Talk about
the fox guarding the hen house. It is literally granting ownership
over the financial regulator to the banks being regulated.
_As Market Watch, an online publication
of the Wall Street Journal, reported, "The Federal Reserve,
created nearly 100 years ago in the aftermath of a financial panic,
could be transformed into a different agency as the Obama administration
reinvents the way government interacts with the financial system."
Referring to Geithner's Senate appearance, it was reported that,
"Geithner was also grilled on the cozy relationships that
exist between the big banks and the regional Federal Reserve banks.
Before Geithner joined the administration, he was president of
the New York Fed, which is a strange public-private hybrid institution
that is actually owned and run by the banks." In response,
"Geithner insisted that the private banks have no say over
the policies of the New York Fed, but he acknowledged that the
banks do have a say in hiring the president, who does make policy.
The chairman of the New York Fed, Stephen Friedman, was forced
to resign earlier this month because of perceived conflicts of
interest due to his large holdings in Goldman Sachs."[14]
The IMF as a Global Treasury
The Bilderberg agenda of creating a global
treasury has already been started prior to the Bilderberg meeting,
with decisions made during the G20 financial summit in April.
Although the G20 seemed to frame it more in context of being formed
into a global central bank, although it is likely the IMF could
fill both roles. _ _Following the G20 meeting at the beginning
of April, 2009, it was reported that, "The world is a step
closer to a global currency, backed by a global central bank,
running monetary policy for all humanity," as the Communiqué
released by the G20 leaders stated that, "We have agreed
to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn)
into the world economy and increase global liquidity," and
that, "SDRs are Special Drawing Rights, a synthetic paper
currency issued by the International Monetary Fund that has lain
dormant for half a century." Essentially, "they are
putting a de facto world currency into play. It is outside the
control of any sovereign body."[15] [See Appendix 2: Creating
a Central Bank of the World]_ _Following the Bilderberg
meeting, "President Obama has asked Congress to authorize
$100 billion in loans to the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
to help create a $500 billion global bailout fund," which
would give the IMF the essential prerogative of a global treasury,
providing bailouts for countries in need around the world. Further,
"the bill would allow the IMF to borrow up to $100 billion
from the U.S. and increase the U.S. fiscal contribution to the
IMF by $8 billion." Elaborating on the program, it was reported
that, "World leaders began on the global bailout initiative,
called the New Arrangement for Borrowing (NAB), at the G-20 summit
in early April. The president agreed at that time to make the
additional funds available." Obama wrote that, "Treasury
Secretary Geithner concluded that the size of the NAB is woefully
inadequate to deal with the type of severe economic and financial
crisis we are experiencing, and I agree with him."[16]
_With the G20 decision to increase the
usage of IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), forming a de facto
world currency, it was recently reported that, "Sub-Saharan
Africa will receive around $10 billion from the IMF in Special
Drawing Rights (SDRs) to help its economies weather the global
financial crisis," and that, "As part of a $1.1 trillion
deal to combat the world economic downturn agreed at April's G20
summit, the IMF will issue $250 billion worth of SDRs, which can
be used to boost foreign currency reserves."[17]
_Recent reports have also indicated that
the IMF's role in issuing SDRs goes hand in hand with the Bilderberg
discussion on the potential collapse of the US dollar, and, "Transforming
the dollar standard into an SDR-based system would be a major
break with a policy that has lasted more than 60 years."
It was reported that, "There are two ways in which the dollar's
role in the international monetary system can be reduced. One
possibility is a gradual, market-determined erosion of the dollar
as a reserve currency in favor of the euro. But, while the euro's
international role - especially its use in financial markets -
has increased since its inception, it is hard to envisage it overtaking
the dollar as the dominant reserve currency in the foreseeable
future." However, "With the dollar's hegemony unlikely
to be seriously undermined by market forces, at least in the short
and medium-term, the only way to bring about a major reduction
in its role as a reserve currency is by international agreement."
This is where the SDRs come into play, as "One way to make
the SDR the major reserve currency relatively soon would be to
create and allocate a massive amount of new SDRs to the IMF's
members."[18] This is, interestingly, exactly what is happening
with Africa and the IMF now.
_Former IMF Managing Director Jacques
de Larosière recently stated that the current financial
crisis, "given its scope, presents a unique opening to improve
institutions, and there is already a danger that the chance might
be missed if the different actors cannot agree to changes by the
time economic growth resumes." He is now an adviser with
BNP Paribas, a corporation highly represented at Bilderberg meetings,
and he was head of the Treasury of France when Valéry Giscard
d'Estaing was President of France, who is a regular of the Bilderberg
The Guardian Covers Bilderberg
The British paper, the Guardian, was the
only major mainstream news publication to provide ongoing coverage
of the Bilderberg meeting over the weekend. His first columns
were satirical and slightly mocking, referring to it as, "A
long weekend at a luxury hotel, where the world's elite get to
shake hands, clink glasses, fine-tune their global agenda and
squabble over who gets the best sun loungers. I'm guessing that
Henry Kissinger brings his own, has it helicoptered in and guarded
24/7 by a CIA special ops team."[20] However, as the weekend
dragged on, his reporting took a change of tone. He reported on
the Saturday that, "I know that I'm being followed. I know
because I've just been chatting to the plainclothes policemen
I caught following me," and he was arrested twice in the
first day of the meetings for attempting to take photographs as
the limousines entered the hotel.[21]
_He later reported that he wasn't sure
what they were discussing inside the hotel, but that he has "a
sense of something rotten in the state of Greece," and he
further stated, "Three days and I've been turned into a suspect,
a troublemaker, unwanted, ill at ease, tired and a bit afraid."
He then went on to write that, "Bilderberg is all about control.
It's about "what shall we do next?" We run lots of stuff
already, how about we run some more? How about we make it easier
to run stuff? More efficient. Efficiency is good. It would be
so much easier with a single bank, a single currency, a single
market, a single government. How about a single army? That would
be pretty cool. We wouldn't have any wars then. This prawn cocktail
is GOOD. How about a single way of thinking? How about a controlled
internet?," and then, "How about not."
_He makes a very astute point, countering
the often postulated argument that Bilderberg is simply a forum
where people can speak freely, writing: "I am so unbelievably
backteeth sick of power being flexed by the few. I've had it flexed
in my face for three days, and it's up my nose like a wasp. I
don't care whether the Bilderberg Group is planning to save the
world or shove it in a blender and drink the juice, I don't think
politics should be done like this," and the author, Charlie
Skelton, eloquently stated, "If they were trying to cure
cancer they could do it with the lights on." He further explained
that, "Bilderberg is about positions of control. I get within
half a mile of it, and suddenly I'm one of the controlled. I'm
followed, watched, logged, detained, detained again. I'd been
put in that position by the "power" that was up the
_On Sunday, May 17, Skelton reported that
when he asked the police chief why he was being followed, the
chief responded asking, "Why you here?" to which Skelton
said he was there to cover the Bilderberg conference, after which
the chief stated, "Well, that is the reason! That is why!
We are finished!"[23] Do reporters get followed around and
stalked by police officers when they cover the World Economic
Forum? No. So why does it happen with Bilderberg if all it is,
is a conference to discuss ideas freely?
_On the Monday following the conference,
Skelton wrote that, "It isn't just me who's been hauled into
police custody for daring to hang around half a mile from the
hotel gates. The few journalists who've made the trip to Vouliagmeni
this year have all been harassed and harried and felt the business
end of a Greek walkie-talkie. Many have been arrested. Bernie,
from the American Free Press, and Gerhard the documentarian (sounds
like a Dungeons and Dragons character) chartered a boat from a
nearby marina to try to get photos from the sea. They were stopped
three miles from the resort. By the Greek navy." As Skelton
said himself, "My dispatches on the 2009 conference, if they
mean anything at all, represent nothing more acutely than the
absence of thorough mainstream reporting."[24]
_Skelton's final report on Bilderberg
from May 19, showed how far he had gone in his several days of
reporting on the meeting. From writing jokingly about the meeting,
to discovering that he was followed by the Greek State Security
force. Skelton mused, "So who is the paranoid one? Me, hiding
in stairwells, watching the pavement behind me in shop windows,
staying in the open for safety? Or Bilderberg, with its two F-16s,
circling helicopters, machine guns, navy commandos and policy
of repeatedly detaining and harassing a handful of journalists?
Who's the nutter? Me or Baron Mandelson? Me or Paul Volker, the
head of Obama's economic advisory board? Me or the president of
_Skelton stated that, "Publicity
is pure salt to the giant slug of Bilderberg. So I suggest next
year we turn up with a few more tubs. If the mainstream press
refuses to give proper coverage to this massive annual event,
then interested citizens will have to: a people's media."
_Amazingly, Skelton made the pronouncement
that what he learned after the Bilderberg conference, was that,
"we must fight, fight, fight, now - right now, this second,
with every cubic inch of our souls - to stop identity cards,"
as, "It's all about the power to ask, the obligation to show,
the justification of one's existence, the power of the asker over
the subservience of the asked." He stated that he "learned
this from the random searches, detentions, angry security goon
proddings and thumped police desks without number that I've had
to suffer on account of Bilderberg: I have spent the week living
in a nightmare possible future and many different terrible pasts.
I have had the very tiniest glimpse into a world of spot checks
and unchecked security powers. And it has left me shaken. It has
left me, literally, bruised." Pointedly, he explains that,
"The identity card turns you from a free citizen into a suspect."[25]
Who was there?
_Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, the
largest shareholder in Royal Dutch Shell__Among the members of
the Bilderberg Group are various European monarchs. At this years
meeting, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands was present, who happens
to be the largest single shareholder in Royal Dutch Shell, one
of the world's largest corporations. She was joined by one of
her three sons, Prince Constantijn, who also attended the meeting.
Prince Constantijn has worked with the Dutch European Commissioner
for the EU, as well as having been a strategic policy consultant
with Booz Allen & Hamilton in London, a major strategy and
technology consulting firm with expertise in Economic and Business
Analysis, Intelligence and Operations Analysis and Information
Technology, among many others. Prince Constantijn has also been
a policy researcher for RAND Corporation in Europe. RAND was initially
founded as a global policy think tank that was formed to offer
research and analysis to the US Armed Forces, however, it now
works with governments, foundations, international organizations
and commercial organizations.[26] Also present among European
Royalty was Prince Philippe of Belgium, and Queen Sofia of Spain.
Private Bankers
_As usual, the list of attendees was also
replete with names representing the largest banks in the world.
Among them, David Rockefeller, former CEO and Chairman of Chase
Manhattan, now JP Morgan Chase, of which he was, until recently,
Chairman of the International Advisory Board; and still sits as
Honourary Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, Chairman
of the Board of the Americas Society and Council of the Americas,
Honourary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, which he founded
alongside Zbigniew Brzezinski; also a founding member of the Bilderberg
Group, prominent philanthropist and is the current patriarch of
one of the world's richest and most powerful banking dynasties.
_Also present was Josef Ackermann, a Swiss
banker who is CEO of Deutsche Bank, also a non-executive director
of Royal Dutch Shell; Deputy Chairman of Siemens AG, Europe's
largest engineering corporation; he is also a member of the International
Advisory Council of Zurich Financial Services Group; Chairman
of the Board of the Institute International of Finance, the world's
only global association of financial institutions; and Vice Chairman
of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum.[27]
_Roger Altman was also present at the
Bilderberg meeting, an investment banker, private equity investor
and former Deputy Treasury Secretary in the Clinton Administration.
Other bankers at this years meeting include Ana Patricia Botin,
Chairman of the Spanish bank, Banco Español de Crédito,
formerly having worked with JP Morgan; Frederic Oudea, CEO and
newly appointed Chairman of the Board of French bank Societe Generale;
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, an Italian banker and economist, formerly
Italy's Minister of Economy and Finance; Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman
of Investor AB; Marcus Wallenberg, CEO of Investor AB; and George
David, CEO of United Technologies Corporation, who also sits on
the board of Citigroup, member of the Business Council, the Business
Roundtable, and is Vice Chairman of the Peterson Institute for
International Economics. [For more on the Peterson Institute,
see: Appendix 1]
_Canadian bankers include W. Edmund Clark,
President and CEO of TD Bank Financial Group, also a member of
the board of directors of the C.D. Howe Institute, a prominent
Canadian think tank; Frank McKenna, Deputy Chairman of TD Bank
Financial Group, former Canadian Ambassador to the United States,
former Premier of New Brunswick; and Indira Samarasekera, President
of the University of Alberta, who is also on the board of Scotiabank,
one of Canada's largest banks.
Central Bankers
Of course, among the notable members of
the Bilderberg Group, are the world's major central bankers. Among
this years members are the Governor of the National Bank of Greece,
Governor of the Bank of Italy, President of the European Investment
Bank, James Wolfensohn, former President of the World Bank, and
Nout Wellink, on the board of the Bank for International Settlements
(BIS).[28] Jean-Claude Trichet, the President of the European
Central Bank was also present.[29] There is no indication that
the Governor of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke was present,
which would be an odd turn of events, considering that the Federal
Reserve Governor is always present at Bilderberg meetings, alongside
the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, William
C. Dudley. I have contacted the New York Fed inquiring if Dudley
visited Greece or went to any meetings in Greece between May 14-17,
or if another senior representative from the New York Fed went
in his stead. I have yet to get a response.
The Obama Administration at Bilderberg
_National Security Adviser General James
Jones__The Obama administration was heavily represented at this
years Bilderberg meeting. Among the attendees were Keith B. Alexander,
a Lieutenant General of U.S. Army and Director of the National
Security Agency, the massive spying agency of the United States;
Timothy Geithner, US Treasury Secretary and former President of
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Richard Holbrooke, the Obama
administration's special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan; General
James Jones, United States National Security Advisor; Henry Kissinger,
Obama's special envoy to Russia, longtime Bilderberg member and
former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor; Dennis
Ross, special advisor for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia
to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; David Patraeus, Commander
of CENTCOM, (U.S. Central Command, in the Middle East), Lawrence
Summers, Director of the White House's National Economic Council,
former Treasury Secretary in the Clinton administration, former
President of Harvard University, former Chief Economist of the
World Bank; Paul Volcker, former Governor of the Federal Reserve
System and Chair of Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board;
Robert Zoellick, former Chairman of Goldman Sachs and current
President of the World Bank;[30] and Deputy Secretary of State
James Steinberg.[31]
Other Notable Names
Among many others present at the meeting
are Viscount Étienne Davignon, former Vice President of
the European Commission, and Honourary Chairman of the Bilderberg
Group; Francisco Pinto Balsemão, former Prime Minister
of Portugal; Franco Bernabè, CEO of Telecom Italia and
Vice Chairman of Rothschild Europe; Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister
of Sweden; Kenneth Clarke, Shadow Business Secretary in the UK;
Richard Dearlove, former head of Britain's Secret Intelligence
Services (MI6); Donald Graham, CEO of the Washington Post Company;
Jaap De Hoop Scheffer, Secretary-General of NATO; John Kerr, member
of the British House of Lords and Deputy Chairman of Royal Dutch
Shell; Jessica Matthews, President of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace; Richard Perle of the American Enterprise
Institute; Romano Prodi, former Italian Prime Minister; J. Robert
S. Prichard, CEO of Torstar Corporation and President Emeritus
of the University of Toronto; Peter Sutherland, former Director
General of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT),
first Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO),
and is currently Chairman of British Petroleum (BP) and Goldman
Sachs International as well as being a board member of the Royal
Bank of Scotland, Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, Vice
Chairman of the European Roundtable of Industrialists, and longtime
Bilderberg member; Peter Thiel, on the board of directors of Facebook;
Jeroen van der Veer, CEO of Royal Dutch Shell; Martin Wolf, Associate
Editor and Chief Economics Commentator of the Financial Times
newspaper; and Fareed Zakaria, US journalist and board member
of the Council on Foreign Relations.[32] There were also some
reports that this years meeting would include Google CEO Eric
Schmidt, as well as Wall Street Journal Editor Paul Gigot,[33]
both of whom attended last years meeting.[34]
Clearly, it was the prerogative of this
year's Bilderberg meeting to exploit the global financial crisis
as much as possible to reach goals they have been striving toward
for many years. These include the creation of a Global Treasury
Department, likely in conjunction with or embodied in the same
institution as a Global Central Bank, both of which seem to be
in the process of being incorporated into the IMF.
_Naturally, Bilderberg meetings serve
the interests of the people and organizations that are represented
there. Due to the large amount of representatives from the Obama
administration that were present, US policies revolving around
the financial crisis are likely to have emerged from and serve
the interests of the Bilderberg Group. Given the heavy representation
of Obama's foreign policy establishment at the Bilderberg meeting,
it seemed surprising to not have received any more information
regarding US foreign policy from this year's meeting, perhaps
having to do with Pakistan and Afghanistan.
_However, the US recently decided to fire
the general who oversaw the Afghan war, being replaced with "Lt.
Gen. Stanley McChrystal, a former Green Beret who recently commanded
the military's secretive special operations forces in Iraq."[35]
From 2003 to 2008, McChrystal "led the Pentagon's Joint Special
Operations Command (JSOC), which oversees the military's most
sensitive forces, including the Army's Delta Force," and
who Pulitzer-Prize winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh
singled out as the head of VP Cheney's "executive assassination
_So, given these recent changes, as well
as the high degree of representation Obama's foreign policy establishment
held at Bildebrerg this year, there were likely to have been some
decisions or at least discussion of the escalation of the Afghan
war and expansion into Pakistan. However, it is not surprising
that the main item on the agenda was the global financial crisis.
Without a doubt, the next year will be an interesting one, and
the elite are surely hoping to make it a productive one.
APPENDIX 1: Bilderberg Connections to
the Billionaire's Meeting
Peter G. Peterson, one of the guests in
attendance at the secret billionaires meeting, was the former
United States Secretary of Commerce in the Nixon administration,
Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc., from 1977
to 1984, he co-founded the prominent private equity and investment
management firm, the Blackstone Group, of which he is currently
Senior Chairman, and in 1985, he became Chairman of the Council
on Foreign Relations, taking over when David Rockefeller stepped
down from that position. He founded the Peterson Institute for
International Economics and was Chairman of the New York Federal
Reserve Bank from 2000-2004. The Peterson Institute for International
Economics is a major world economic think tank, which seeks to
"inform and shape public debate," from which, "Institute
studies have helped provide the intellectual foundation for many
of the major international financial initiatives of the past two
decades: reform of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), adoption
of international banking standards, exchange rate systems in the
G-7 and emerging-market economies, policies toward the dollar,
the euro, and other important currencies, and responses to debt
and currency crises (including the current crisis of 2008-09)."
It has also "made important contributions to key trade policy
decisions" such as the development of the World Trade Organization,
NAFTA, APEC, and East Asian regionalism.[37]
_It has a prominent list of names on its
board of directors. Peter G. Peterson is Chairman of the board;
George David, Chairman of United Technologies is Vice Chairman,
as well as being a board member of Citigroup, and was a guest
at this year's Bilderberg meeting; Chen Yuan, Governor of the
China Development Bank and former Deputy Governor of the People's
Bank of China (China's central bank); Jessica Einhorn, Dean of
Washington's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
(SAIS) of the Johns Hopkins University, former Visiting Fellow
of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), former Managing Director
of the World Bank, and currently on the board of Time Warner and
the Council on Foreign Relations; Stanley Fischer, Governor of
the Central Bank of Israel, former Vice President at the World
Bank, former Managing Director at the IMF, former Vice Chairman
of Citigroup, and has also been a regular participant in Bilderberg
meetings; Carla A. Hills, former US Trade Representative, and
was the prime negotiator of NAFTA, she sits on the International
Advisory Boards of American International Group, the Coca-Cola
Company, Gilead Sciences, J.P. Morgan Chase, member of the Executive
Committee of the Trilateral Commission, Co-Chair of the Council
on Foreign Relations, and played a key part in the CFR document,
"Building a North American Community," which seeks to
remodel North America following along the lines of the European
Union, and she has also been a prominent Bilderberg member; David
Rockefeller also sits on the Peterson Institute's board, as well
as Lynn Forester de Rothschild; Jean-Claude Trichet, President
of the European Central Bank, who is at every Bilderberg meeting;
Paul A. Volcker, former Governor of the Federal Reserve System,
regular participant of Bilderberg meetings, and current Chair
of Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.
_Honourary Directors of the Peterson Institute
include Bilderbergers Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, a prime architect
of the current crisis; Frank E. Loy, former Under Secretary of
State for Global Affairs, and is on the boards of Environmental
Defense, the Pew Center for Global Climate Change, Resources for
the Future, and Population Services International; George P. Shultz,
former US Secretary of State in the Reagan administration, President
and Director of Bechtel Group and former Secretary of the Treasury.[38]
APPENDIX 2: Creating a Central Bank of
the World
Jeffrey Garten, Undersecretary of Commerce
for International Trade in the Clinton administration, former
Dean of the Yale School of Management, previously served on the
White House Council on International Economic Policy under the
Nixon administration and on the policy planning staffs of Secretaries
of State Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance of the Ford and Carter
administrations. He also was a managing director of Lehman Brothers
and the Blackstone Group, is also a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations. As early as 1998, Garten wrote an article for the New
York Times in which he advocated the creation of a global central
_Amid the current financial crisis, Garten
wrote an article for the Financial Times in which he advocated
for "the establishment of a Global Monetary Authority to
oversee markets that have become borderless," acting as a
global central bank.[40] In late October, Garten wrote an article
for Newsweek in which he said that world "leaders should
begin laying the groundwork for establishing a global central
_Three days after the publication of Garten's
Newsweek article, it was reported that, "The International
Monetary Fund may soon lack the money to bail out an ever growing
list of countries crumbling across Eastern Europe, Latin America,
Africa, and parts of Asia, raising concerns that it will have
to tap taxpayers in Western countries for a capital infusion or
resort to the nuclear option of printing its own money."
Further, "The nuclear option is to print money by issuing
Special Drawing Rights, in effect acting as if it were the world's
central bank."[42]
[For a detailed look at the moves to
create a global central bank, regional currencies, a global reserve
currency and a world governing body, see: Andrew G. Marshall,
The Financial New World Order: Towards a Global Currency and World
Government: Global Research, April 6, 2009]_
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[41] Jeffrey Garten, We Need a Bank Of the World. Newsweek: October
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[42] Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, IMF may need to "print money"
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_Andrew G. Marshall is a Research Associate of the Centre for
Research on Globalization (CRG). He is currently studying Political
Economy and History at Simon Fraser University.
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