excerpts from the book
Full Spectrum Dominance
U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond
by Rahul Mahajan
Seven Stories Press, 2003,

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, April 28, 2003, when asked
about US empire-building
"We don't seek empires. We're not
imperialistic. We never have been. I can't imagine why you'd even
ask the question."
The Gulf War and the sanctions likely killed over 1 million people
and led to a large-scale breakdown of Iraqi society.
The war was an integral, and perhaps the primary, component in
a sweeping new vision of U.S. foreign policy associated with a
group of ideologues who call themselves neoconservatives and who
have emerged as the dominant influence in this administration.
Although the roots of virtually every neoconservative idea can
be discerned in the policies of the l990's, this is the first
time in the post-Cold War era that their vision of using direct
military means to extend the dominance of the United States has
become the central approach.
This doctrine [of "odious debt"] was first used in 1898,
after the Spanish-American War. The United States had "liberated"
Cuba and decided to own it. The most blatant expression of the
ownership was the Platt Amendment to the Cuban constitution that
gave the United States the right to intervene in Cuba whenever
it wished. When Spain pressed for repayment of Cuba's debt to
Spain, the United States argued that the debt was invalid because
it had been "imposed upon the people of Cuba without their
consent and by force of arms."
This basic idea, that debts incurred by
an unrepresentative regime need not be repaid by the people, has
become part of customary international law and is one of the many
arguments that the group Jubilee 2000 used in its largely unsuccessful
efforts to get the Third World's foreign debt cancelled. In practice,
it is honored more in the breach than the observance.
Very few, even among the neoconservatives, believe that regime
change in Iran by military force will be easy to achieve. But
with Iraq taken, the U.S. military has now almost completely surrounded
Iran. There are U.S. forces in Turkey, Iraq, the Gulf States,
Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan, every state that abuts
Iran except for Russia. The United States also exercises effective
military control over the Straits of Hormuz, through which most
of Iran's oil must travel before it is exported to the world.
In its drive to war, the United States showed open contempt for
the United Nations. On September 12, 2002, when Bush addressed
the General Assembly, the message was, "The United Nations
must do what we say or it risks becoming
irrelevant." In late 2002 and early 2003, the U.N. became
an unwitting accomplice in the war, disarming Iraq while the United
States moved ahead with its military mobilization and war plans.
Then, on March 16, 2003, Bush issued twin ultimata-one to Iraq
to "disarm" in 24 hours, and the other to the U.N. to
pass a resolution for war within 24 hours. When neither entity
acceded to these demands, war was essentially declared on both.
Shortly after the United States went to
war without U.N. approval, in blatant defiance of the unique authority
granted to the Security Council, Richard Perle, then chair of
the Defense Policy Board, published an op-ed in the Guardian entitled
"Thank God for the death of the UN." In it, he said
very openly that the "abject failure" of the U.N. gave
the world anarchy and that the United States was the only fit
guarantor of order. He defined the future role of the U.N. quite
clearly: "The 'good works' part
will survive, the low-risk peacekeeping bureaucracies will remain,
the chatterbox on the Hudson will continue to bleat."
In the following weeks, the Bush administration,
while employing less violent rhetoric, moved to implement Perle's
vision. George Bush, when pressed on the "vital role"
he said the U.N. should be playing, said, "That means food.
That means medicine. That means aid." What that clearly did
not mean was exercising any authority over the postwar ordering
of Iraq.
Many of the supposed advocates of the
U.N.'s authority did not really challenge this vision, except
in detail. U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, for example, urged
that the U.N. play a lead role in relief and reconstruction, adding
that the involvement of the U.N. would "bring legitimacy"
to the Iraqi government that was to be created. Germany, a steadfast
opponent of the war, suggested that it might play a role in reconstruction
even if the U.N. was not in charge. Others suggested that the
U.N. even be given some nominal authority in the creation of the
interim Iraqi government.
But none of them challenged the basic
idea that Iraqi society would be reconstructed under U.S. military
occupation. With the United States occupying the country, of course,
any authority the U.N. might have on paper (most likely a joint
authority with the occupying forces in any case) would be moot
in practice, given the clear U.S. goals and the leverage its presence
would give it.
In essence, what the United States was
pushing for and what the supporters of the U.N. were implicitly
agreeing to was casting the United Nations in the role of a subordinate
agent of U.S. policy. Worse, the U.N. was to be an enabler for
U.S. aggression-helping to clean up the mess, even for a war that
it explicitly didn't authorize, thus freeing the United States
to move on to project its force elsewhere.
The final straw came when the United States
called for the sanctions to be lifted. For over a decade, every
U.S. government official maintained that the regime, not the sanctions,
was the cause of malnutrition and social decay in Iraq; miraculously,
when the regime was gone, the United States suddenly discovered
that sanctions were a problem, independent of regime. This development
occasioned a complete role reversal, as France and Russia, the
permanent members of the Security Council previously most opposed
to the sanctions, initially called for their continuation. The
reason for the switch was clear; the United States, in the process
of creating the Iraqi government it wanted, wanted to make sure
that the United Nations had no further power over Iraqi oil money,
so that instead that power would be wielded, directly or indirectly,
by the United States. In particular, the money would then be directly
available to finance reconstruction projects, the lion's share
of which were to go to American corporations.
Lifting of the sanctions should have been
opposed on the basis that only a legitimate Iraqi government,
and not one imposed by the U.S. military, should have unfettered
access to the oil money. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, Kuwait's oil
was included under the embargo, along with Iraqi oil, so that
neither the Iraqi government nor the puppet government it tried
to set up could plunder Kuwait's oil wealth for its own purposes;
the principle with the U.S. invasion of Iraq is the same. Since
other countries deemed it politically impossible to act on those
grounds, they fell back on a legalistic attempt to require that
U.N. weapons inspectors declare Iraq free of weapons of mass destruction.
After initial opposition, as of this writing, France had already
moved to suggest a compromise plan that would partly serve those
U.S. goals.
Using Iraq's oil money to finance basic
humanitarian and reconstruction goals also clearly violates the
obligation of the United States and United Kingdom under the Geneva
Convention-having waged an aggressive war against Iraq, they were
and are financially responsible for meeting those needs themselves.
The United States reached new heights
of arrogance toward the U.N. when it refused to allow U.N. weapons
inspections to resume after the war was over, instead taking over
operations itself.
Vice President Dick Cheney, announcing the lifting of the 25-year
executive ban on assassinations in the case of Osama bin Laden,
said that the war on terrorism was "different than the Gulf
War was, in the sense that it may never end. At least, not in
our lifetime."
It's often been noted that a "search for enemies" is
a necessary part of U.S. foreign policy; there's a need to justify
incredible levels of military spending even as the United States
has a near-monopoly on military power, and maintenance of U.S.
world dominance occasionally requires that some seemingly recalcitrant
state be battered into submission. Although there are examples
where any enemy would do, in many cases ... we already know who
the enemies are-countries with important strategic resources and
some potential for independent policy.
We can see the structure of the emerging
foreign policy in much more detail by examining two closely linked
documents, the Bush administration's recently (September 2002)
promulgated National Security Strategy (NSS) and "Rebuilding
America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century"
{RAD), put out by the Project for the New American Century {PNAC)
in September 2000.
Both documents can trace their roots back
to the "Defense Planning Guidance" written in 1992 by
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, then Number 3 in the
Defense Department, and I. Lewis Libby, now Vice President Cheney's
chief of staff. So stark was its vision of unilateral military
domination by the United States, without even lip service to the
fiction that the United States is merely primus inter pares (first
among equals) with respect to its allies, that the government
was forced to repudiate it and have it rewritten with a more multilateral
flavor before release. Now, the original rhetoric can be more
openly embraced.
The name "Project for the New American
Century" harkens back to Henry Luce's prophetic 1941 proclamation
of the twentieth century as the "American century."
The group is a private think-tank concerned, as the name suggests,
with maintaining and extending U.S. world dominance. It's not
just any think-tank, however; its board includes neoconservative
leading lights like William Kristol and Robert Kagan, as well
as John Bolton, now undersecretary of state for arms control.
It was prepared with the input, inter alia, of Wolfowitz, Libby,
Dov Zakheim (now chief financial officer for the Defense Department),
and Eliot Cohen and Devon Cros, who serve on the advisory Defense
Policy Board then chaired by Richard Perle.
"Rebuilding America's Defenses"
came to the public's attention with the publication on September
15, 2002, of an article in the Scotland Sunday Herald luridly
proclaiming that the document was Bush's "secret blueprint
for U.S. global domination." Although it's not quite that,
it does shed a great deal of light on post-9/11 policy decisions
and helps to flesh out the rather scanty NSS, which reads like
a collection of press releases.
The NSS starts off with a straightforward
proclamation of the new challenges to "national security":
"Enemies in the past needed great armies and great industrial
capabilities to endanger America. Now, shadowy networks of individuals
can bring great chaos and suffering to our shores for less than
it costs to purchase a single tank." It states clearly the
problem of asymmetric warfare: "Terrorists are organized...
to turn the power of modern technologies against us." After
this, one is hard-pressed to find anything dealing with the threat
of al-Qaeda-style terrorism anywhere in the document.
Instead, we find a recipe for the United
States somehow to solve all its problems by exacerbating all the
reasons for them-by a further extension of its military dominance
and a more aggressive approach toward countries that get in the
way of "U.S. interests." It calls for openly basing
U.S. global hegemony on complete American military dominance,
relative not only to enemies but to allies as well: "our
military must... dissuade future military competition."
It is here that it dovetails strongly
with "Rebuilding America's Defenses" (RAD), which is
essentially a blueprint for a new post-Cold-War American military
and foreign policy that is structured to take advantage of the
"unipolar moment." It is intended to sound the alarm
against all of those (including, according to the document, Bill
Clinton and his advisers) who saw the end of the Cold War as the
opportunity for a "strategic pause" in which the United
States could rest on its laurels (and its overwhelming military
superiority). Instead, the end of any potentially meaningful military
opposition to U.S. power calls, in the minds of the neoconservatives,
for increased military spending and a dramatic transformation
of both military technology and the role of the military: "Preserving
the desirable strategic situation in which the United States now
finds itself requires a globally preeminent military capability
both today and in the future."
During the Cold War, especially in the
'60s and the '80s, it was a commonplace technique to justify new
weapons programs by claiming that the
Soviet Union was ahead of the United States, that there was for
example, a "missile gap." Those claims were absurd,
and U.S. military planners knew they were, but they preserved
the posture of U.S. military policy as being primarily defensive
against the Soviet threat. With the new National Security Strategy,
the gloves are off-although we admit that nobody comes close to
us militarily, we intend to accelerate our buildup so that no
one can ever imagine rivaling us militarily and challenging our
The authors of RAD note that this whole
revolutionary transformation of the military and its role seems
to be politically impossible in the climate of 2000, "absent
some catastrophic and catalyzing event-like a new Pearl Harbor."
At that time, the authors must have despaired of the possibility,
but within a year they had their Pearl Harbor and the chance to
turn their imperial fantasies into reality. Conspiracy theorists
will no doubt rejoice, but this, like so many events in the history
of U.S. foreign policy, is simply another example of Pasteur's
famous axiom that "Fortune favors the prepared mind."
In this stark military vision of world
domination, China inevitably looms large as a country not in the
U.S. sphere and with a fully developed military deterrent. In
fact, according to RAD it will be America's primary strategic
challenge in the near future. Consonant with Zbigniew Brzezinski's
analysis in his book The Grand Chessboard that reunification of
Korea would be a problem for U.S. strategic interests because
the United States needs an excuse to keep troops in the area to
bottle up China and keep Japan in its sphere of influence, RAD
suggests that, although "conventional wisdom has it that
the 37,000-man U.S. garrison in South Korea is merely there to
protect against the possibility of an invasion from the North,"
and "Korean unification might call for the reduction in American
presence on the peninsula and a transformation of U.S. force posture
in Korea," what would be needed is "a change in their
mission... not the termination of their mission."
From these two documents, one can discern
the central principles of the neoconservative vision:
* Military transformation, i.e., massive
spending to upgrade military technology so as to further increase
America's already unquestioned superiority.
* Military bases, i.e., the continued
expansion throughout the world of an American military presence
that was already at its greatest global reach and dispersion everywhere-"the
United States should seek to establish a network of 'deployment
bases' or 'forward operating bases' to increase the reach of current
and future forces." They are to be a primary element of U.S.
political hegemony over both the countries hosting the bases and
over the countries menaced by them.
* "Regime change," i.e., the
overt establishment of governments that are strongly beholden
to the U.S. military and thus under the more or less direct control
of the United States. In this regard, there is a need for a military
transformation strategy to take account of the greater requirements
imposed by frequent regime change and postwar military occupation-"past
Pentagon wargames have given little or no consideration to the
force requirements necessary not only to defeat an attack but
to remove these regimes [Iraq and North Korea] from power and
conduct post-combat stability operations."
Left conspicuously out of these documents
is the fourth component, broadly hinted at in the Bush-Cheney
energy policy: maximal control over the production and transportation
of oil.
Put them all together, and we see the
broad contours of imperial strategy emerging out of the wreckage
of the World Trade Center.
... American political dominance must be based on overwhelming
military superiority, reinforced periodically by small "theater
wars" fought against foes that are helpless to resist, to
be followed potentially by American military occupation and installation
of regimes that will obey American dictates. It goes without saying
that American ideas of economic system and policy will be imposed
in this process, just as in Bosnia, whose U.S.-imposed constitution
commits it to the "free market" and requires that the
head of the Central Bank be non-Bosnian. Indeed, according to
the NSS, "lower marginal tax rates" and "pro-growth
legal and regulatory policies to encourage business investment"
in foreign countries are essential to our national security.
In RAD, this picture is unleavened by
any invocation, no matter how spurious, of a serious threat posed
by any of these states on the contrary, it is understood that
"America and its allies... have become the primary objects
of deterrence." Presumably because it was prepared when the
neoconservatives were out of power, it is far more honest than
most openly obtainable documents that are so clearly linked to
current government policy. Its frequent invocations of "the
American peace" can only be read as a recipe for a Pax Americana
in the imperial sense and not as having anything to do with peace:
"If an American peace is to be maintained, and expanded,
it must have a secure foundation on unquestioned U.S. military
preeminence 't48
This stark picture of plans for unprovoked
aggression in pursuit of American world dominance is leavened
only slightly by the NSS, which contains a tortured attempt to
justify these plans by invoking the already infamous preemption
doctrine. Recognizing correctly that "traditional concepts
of deterrence will not work against a terrorist enemy... whose
most potent protection is statelessness," it goes on to logically
leap tall buildings with a single bound, claiming that this consideration
requires the unprovoked targeting of small, weak, eminently deterrable
states, none of which could conceivably withstand an American
military attack.
Instead of following this insight to the
obvious conclusion that traditional ideas of war don't work very
well against stateless multinational terrorist networks, it opportunistically
seizes on the 9/11 attacks to tie completely unrelated, and even
diametrically opposed, plans for a hyperaggressive foreign policy
to the need to protect people from terrorist attacks.
Given these plans for repeated open aggression
by the United States, it is no surprise that subversion of the
International Criminal Court (ICC) and renunciation of any concept
of international accountability for the United States is an essential
part of this new policy. Not only has the United States not ratified
the treaty creating the court, the National Security Strategy
takes us a step further:
"We will take the actions necessary
to ensure that our efforts to meet our global security commitments
and protect Americans are not impaired by the potential for investigations,
inquiry, or prosecution by the International Criminal Court (ICC),
whose jurisdiction does not extend to Americans and which we do
not accept."
The United States has already concluded
bilateral agreements with Afghanistan, the Dominican Republic,
East Timor, The Gambia, Honduras, Israel, the Marshall Islands,
Mauritania, Micronesia, Palau, Romania, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan,
Kuwait, and India, in which each side agrees not to extradite
the other's nationals for trial before the International Criminal
The American Servicemembers Protection
Act is known to many insiders as the "Invade the Hague"
Act because it authorizes the president to go to war to prevent
American personnel from being tried in international courts. Despite
the numerous protestations of concern for ordinary American soldiers,
the real concern with regard to the ICC is the potential trial
of Henry Kissinger-and perhaps of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and
others in the near future. Indeed, according to the New York Times,
"In most of their public utterances, [Bush] administration
officials have argued that they feared American soldiers might
be subject to politically motivated charges. But in private discussions
with allies, officials say, they are now stressing deep concerns
about the vulnerability of top civilian leaders to international
legal action.''
A recipe for aggression is not complete
without a strategy for impunity.
A Survey of U.S. Foreign Policy Since
The attacks of 9/11 provided the neoconservatives with their new
Pearl Harbor ... Within hours of the attacks, they set about their
task of reshaping the world.
The White House military budget request
for fiscal 2004 totaled $399.1 billion. This represents roughly
a 30 percent increase from the late '90s ...
The release of an explicit target list that includes China, the
main strategic concern of the neoconservatives, as well as most
of the list of "rogue states" the United States seems
to be gunning for anyway, completes the picture of a transition
to an overt policy of nuclear dominance based on a politically
and militarily credible threat of a nuclear first strike.
As early as January 2002, military analyst William Arkin noted
the theme of bases:
Since Sept. 11, according to Pentagon
sources, military tent cities have sprung up at 13 locations in
nine countries neighboring Afghanistan, substantially extending
the network of bases in the region. All together, from Bulgaria
and Uzbekistan to Turkey, Kuwait and beyond, more than 60,000
U.S. military personnel now live and work at these forward bases.
... the war on Afghanistan gave the United States control of the
Afghan government ... but far more important is the fact that
it has created a permanent U.S. military presence throughout the
In Afghanistan that presence includes
5,000 troops at the old Russian airbase at Bagram and another
3-4,000 in Kandahar, as well as numerous smaller deployments.
In Pakistan, the United States has taken an airfield in Jacobabad
for its own use, in addition to partial use of other fields-this
is "part of what one Pakistani source predicts will become
a 'semipermanent presence' of U.S. forces in Pakistan." This
presence also includes a series of permanent and semipermanent
bases as well as various bilateral agreements which allow for
the use of landing strips, bases and facilities in surrounding
countries, especially Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and
U.S. presence in the region drives a military
wedge between China and Russia. It also gives the U.S. military
leverage over the oil of Central Asia, which might one day become
an important source for China and Japan.
... an unprecedented level of U.S.-Indian
military cooperation, with large joint exercises involving army,
air force, and navy, and a resumption of U.S. military sales to
India. Most significant, the U.S. and Indian navies are jointly
patrolling the Straits of Malacca, one of the three primary chokepoints
for world oil flow-25 percent of what is shipped goes through
the strait. Virtually all oil going to Japan passes through the
straits. With China's demand for oil projected to grow far faster
than its production capacity, China will also become heavily dependent
on the straits. The United States thus has potential control over
the flow of oil to those countries and therefore political power
over them.
One of the early responses of the Bush
administration to 9/11 was to seek to undo congressional restrictions
on U.S. military connections with Indonesia, imposed largely because
of the success grassroots activists had in highlighting Indonesia's
horrible abuses in its occupation of East Timor (which ended in
1999). In the aftermath of the Bali bombing, with Indonesia fully
signed on to the "war on terrorism," resumption of high-level
cooperation is once again on the agenda.
The U.S. military has also gone back to
the Philippines. Y They were formally released from colonial status
in 1946, but remained in a very explicit neocolonial relationship
to the United States long after. Most Filipinos date Philippine
independence not to 1946 but to 1991, when a massive popular movement
essentially forced the Philippine government to kick the U.S.
military out of its major bases, including Clark and Subic Bay.
At that time, the Philippine constitution was amended to prohibit
the presence of foreign troops, except in transit and for training
From February through July 2002, over
1,300 U.S. soldiers were in the Philippines, ostensibly helping
the Philippine military to hunt down the Abu Sayyaf group, a small
collection of bandits and kidnappers allegedly part of the global
terrorist threat facing Americans. In fact, there is much reason
to suspect that the true target of joint U.S.-Filipino operations
is quite different. After a visit by Secretary of State Colin
Powell in August, the government of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo declared
"all-out war" on the Communist Party of the Philippines
{CPP) and its armed wing, the New People's Army {NPA)-and virtually
at the same time Powell added those two groups to the State Department's
list of "foreign terrorist organizations." Popular resistance
to a U.S. military role forced a delay in plans to deploy U.S.
troops in the spring of 2003-in the end, 1,200 soldiers arrived
in April 2003, but the government of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was
forced to deny them any direct role in combat.
The United States has had a major land-based
military presence in the Middle East, especially in the Persian
Gulf region, ever since the Gulf War. Since 9/11, that presence
has grown. As of March 2003, in numerous bases in the Gulf region,
the U.S. deployment exceeded 250,000 troops. Permanent bases include
three in Oman, a much upgraded and expanded al-Udeid in Qatar,
bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia, and a new Special
Forces deployment in Djibouti. With this, the United States has
a military presence abutting Bab el Mandeb Strait (connecting
the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden) as well as at the Straits of
Hormuz {connecting the Persian Gulf to the Sea of Oman), two of
the major chokepoints for world oil traffic.
Since 9/11, the United States has also
moved to deploy Special Forces in Georgia, and to train an anti-terrorist
force to patrol the Pankisi Gorge, an alleged refuge for al Qaeda
elements and for Chechen fighters. It's also worth mentioning
the giant Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, which has 7,000 troops stationed,
and whose existence is one of the primary consequences of the
Yugoslavia war. Its proximity to the planned Trans-Balkan AMBO
(Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria Oil) pipeline, which will bring
Caspian oil from Black Sea ports to the Adriatic Sea without having
to pass through the highly congested Bosporus trait, is notable.
Redeployment of European-based U.S. forces to southeastern Europe
is one of the key necessities noted in "Rebuilding America's
Defenses," and is an essential part of bringing Eastern Europe
directly under the U.S. "security umbrella."
U.S. intervention in Colombia brings together
the themes of suppressing armed popular resistance movements and
oil. For several years, the United States has given major support
to organized state terror in Colombia under the guise of a "drug
war." This has involved massive defoliation campaigns reminiscent
of Vietnam, in which not only coca crops but many normal food
crops are destroyed; experimental use of a biological defoliant,
"Agent Green" has been proposed. During this time, tens
of thousands of Colombians have been killed, over two million
made into internal refugees, and the social fabric of much of
rural Colombia destroyed.
Since 9/11, the counter-drug efforts have
been completely recast. In November, U.S. Special Forces began
"training" the Colombian military in counterinsurgency,
in accord with an explicit 2002 budget appropriation of $94 million
to help protect the Cano-Limon pipeline, which carries 100,000
barrels a day to the coast of Colombia for Occidental Petroleum.
Seen as a symbol of foreign domination, the pipeline has been
bombed over 900 times since the early 1980s by the FARC and the
ELN, which also extract oil royalty payments from local government
U.S. operations in Venezuela, a major
oil-producing country, after 9/11 have been perhaps the most revealing
of all. Anyone who followed New York Times coverage of the presidency
of Hugo Chavez Frias knew that Chavez was likely to be a primary
target for U.S. attempts at "regime change," an understanding
made explicit by pronouncements shortly after installation of
the Bush administration.
People who attempted to understand Venezuela
and the Chavez phenomenon simply by reading mainstream media reports
could have been forgiven if they thought that he was a military
dictator hated by the population, a consistent impression projected
especially in the coverage by the New York Times. When there was
a coup attempt on April 12, in fact, both the Times and the State
Department initially reacted by hailing the coup as a victory
for democracy-even though the first action of the coup leader,
the "responsible businessman" Pedro Carmona Estanga,
was to dissolve the National Assembly.
After the news got out that Chavez had
been elected with 62 percent of the vote) and after a spontaneous
popular uprising helped put this "hated man" back in
power, the powers-that-be in the United States were forced to
recant and admit that a coup is not a good way to remove a democratically-elected
government. One Bush administration official, however, hastened
to add that Chavez should understand that "legitimacy is
something that is conferred not just by a majority of the voters"-an
area where the Bush administration should have an especially keen
Since then, it has (very quickly) transpired
that the United States did not just welcome the coup attempt with
open arms. It actively fostered the coup. The National Endowment
for Democracy (NED), which, as the name suggests, is a quasi-governmental
organization designed to subvert democracy in other countries,
gave $877,000 to anti-Chavez forces over the course of the year
leading up to the coup. Among the NED's other exploits is the
buying of the 2000 elections in Yugoslavia, where it spent roughly
$25 million dollars to support opposition groups against Milosevic.
According to Stratfor, the private military
intelligence corporation (http://www.stratfor.com), the CIA had
been working on organizing oil union leaders and military commanders
against Chavez since the summer of 2001. Otto Reich, assistant
secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs and one of the
Reagan administration's point men in its Central American operations,
met several times with coup leaders and advised Carmona during
the coup attempt-he claims, of course, that he knew nothing of
the attempt.
Chavez had long been a target, not so
much for his actions against the Venezuelan oligarchy, but for
his actions affecting the world oil market. Venezuela under Chavez
has returned to its original role of fostering cooperation between
oil-producing nations (Venezuela is the actual founder of OPEC),
and played an instrumental role in bringing the price of oil back
from its low of $7 per barrel in 1998. Chavez has also moved toward
solidarity with non-oil-producing nations, giving Cuba oil at
cut-rate prices, and has moved to increase the royalties foreign
companies like Exxon-Mobil have to pay for Venezuelan oil.
Venezuela shows most clearly that "regime
change" has nothing to do with installing democracy (in a
slightly less direct way, so do Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine).
The key question for U.S. planners is still, as it has been for
a long time, how to minimize the potential for independent policy
in the rest of the world, especially in the Third World.
Ever since the Bush administration's presentation to the General
Assembly on September 12, 2002, and the passage of UNSCR 1441
in November 2002, the claim that war was necessary to enforce
international law and, incidentally, to make the U.N. "relevant,"
was high on the list of justifications.
At the same time, other nations possess WMD and are in violation
of U.N. resolutions. Israel, for example, is in violation of,
at a very conservative count, over 30 resolutions, pertaining
among other things to the very substantive issue of the continuing
illegal occupation of another people, along with violations of
the Fourth Geneva Convention through steady encroachment on and
effective annexation of that land. Israel's repeated invasions
and bombing of Lebanon were clear violations of U.N. resolutions
in some cases and international law in every case. Indonesia,
another U.S. ally, violated U.N. resolutions for a quarter of
a century in East Timor with relative impunity. Morocco is illegally
occupying Western Sahara. And so on. In each of these cases, the
United States wouldn't be required to go to war to help uphold
international law; it could start simply by terminating aid and
military sales to these countries.
The United States itself is also a very
odd country to claim a mandate to uphold international law. Ever
since a 1986 International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling against
the United States and in favor of Nicaragua, the United states
has refused to acknowledge the ICJ's authority (the $17 billion
in damages it was ordered to pay were never delivered). Shortly
after that judgment, the United States actually vetoed a Security
Council resolution calling on states to respect international
The following [are the] principles of U.S. humanitarian intervention:
* The humanitarian crisis is an excuse,
not a reason. The United States intervenes when it sees something
to gain, frequently economic and political control or a military
* The United States doesn't particularly
care whether its intervention ameliorates the humanitarian crisis
or exacerbates it. The intervention is structured primarily to
serve the aforementioned interest.
* The United States has little interest
in traditional humanitarian and peacekeeping methods, which involve
a patient presence on the ground. Such interventions don't serve
the purpose of gaining greater power and control. A massive use
of military force, on the other hand, always benefits the United
States as an empire by showing its willingness to use force, its
devastating superiority, and most of all, its impunity.
In the current dominant mode of global control, power is exercised
mainly through economic means, mostly I through multilateral institutions
like the IMF, World Bank, and World Trade Organization. As a result
of IMF/World Bank structural adjustment in the 1980s and '90s
and even more because of the proliferation of "free trade"
agreements in the '90s-the process usually referred to as globalization-the
world had come to the point where, before 9/11, the U.S. Treasury
Department had more control over the economic decisions of Third
World countries than did the duly elected governments of those
countries-with the partial exception of the Middle East and Central
Asia, where "globalization" had made much less of a
dent. With their freedom of action taken away, it didn't matter
who was elected to rule in most Third World countries; no longer
could they try seriously to implement a substantial reform program
dedicated to improving human welfare.
Actually, it has never been a secret that U.S. Middle East policy
revolves around oil. Strong U.S. interest in the region's oil
dates from after World War I, in particular after the 1920 San
Remo agreement, in which Britain and France essentially divided
the oil of the Middle East between them. Britain had early on
established the standard colonial means of dealing with oil; pressuring
a weak, corrupt government to grant an oil concession, essentially
a deal whereby some corporation gained the right to all the oil
that lay under the land in the area covered by the concession,
and was required to pay only token royalties to the government
of the country. In the first 50 years of Middle East oil concessions,
Western corporations and a small ruling elite in the Middle East
got very rich, but the people benefited minimally if at all.
Unhappy U.S. oil companies complained
strenuously about their exclusion, and through the intervention
of the U.S. government (Herbert Hoover played a major role in
this), replaced the San Remo agreement with the 1928 "Red-line"
agreement, which gave them a 23.5 percent share of all oil concessions
in the former Ottoman Empire (excluding Kuwait); later this agreement
came to apply only to Iraq. In 1933, Texaco and Chevron gained
the ultimate prize-a 60-year concession on the lion's share of
Saudi oil, which they later shared with Exxon and Mobil in the
formation of Aramco. Around that time, Gulf also obtained 50 percent
of the Kuwaiti concession.
World War II brought the strategic significance
of oil into sharp relief, as availability of supplies was often
the determining factor in military engagements. Though the United
States produced almost two-thirds of the world's oil at the time,
it moved very firmly to maintain and extend control over Middle
East oil, already seen as the largest supply in the world. In
1943, in an attempt to woo Ibn Saud, President Franklin Roosevelt
made Saudi Arabia eligible for Lend-Lease aid by declaring its
defense to be of vital interest to the United States; in 1945,
after the Yalta Conference, he personally visited Ibn Saud.
The significance of Saudi oil was already
clear-a 1945 State Department document called it "a stupendous
source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes
in world history."
In 1951, Iran nationalized its oil, whose
concession had belonged to British Petroleum. Oil companies colluded
to embargo Iran's oil, and the country suffered without oil income
for two years until a joint U.S.-British coup toppled the democratically
elected government and restored the tyrannical Shah Reza Pahlavi
to power. The post-coup division gave rights over 40 percent of
Iran's oil to American companies.
The 1958 uprising in Iraq, mentioned earlier,
directly imperiled the Anglo-American condominium over the region's
oil, whence the strenuous reaction from the United States. Qassem,
Iraq's ruler at the time, antagonized the oil companies further
in 1961 with the passage of Law 80, which nationalized the oil
lying under the 99.5 percent of Iraq's land that was then largely
unexplored and not in production. As mentioned before, he paid
for his temerity.
By the 1970s, the strategic situation
and U.S. power in the Middle East had changed dramatically. The
United States was bogged down in Vietnam, Britain had withdrawn
its troops from the region (although Israel had emerged as a new
military power at the same time), and the Soviet Union was playing
a newly assertive role. In 1971, Libya nationalized a British
Petroleum concession; in 1972, Iraq completed its nationalization;
in 1975, Kuwait and Venezuela nationalized; and by 1980, Saudi
Arabia had as well. The United States was able to make only symbolic
gestures in response, like placing Iraq on the State Department's
list of state sponsors of terrorism.
In 1980, responding to the Soviet invasion
of Afghanistan, the Carter Doctrine was promulgated: "An
attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf
region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of
the United States of America." This was followed by implementation
of plans to create a Rapid Deployment Force, which eventually
evolved into the Central Command, the organization in charge of
prosecuting Gulf Wars 1 and 2.
Gulf War 1 obtained for the U.S. military
a permanent land-based presence in the Middle East, gave the United
States partial control over Iraqi oil (through the U.N. sanctions),
and enhanced the power of Saudi Arabia, a longtime U.S. ally,
in the global oil market.
There are two components to the question of oil as a material
prize: First, the profits to be made on oil concessions (oil is
unique among commodities in that the primary source of profits
is the "downstream" production, not the "upstream"
refining and retail marketing); and second, the investment of
petrodollars. Both considerations militate for the long-term U.S.
strategy of propping up despotic but weak feudal elites throughout
the region. At first, these feudal elites, uninterested in the
well-being of their populations, signed sweetheart deals with
Western oil companies. Later, as the elites began to appropriate
a larger share of the profits and especially after the nationalizations
of the 1970s, the consideration was that these elites would happily
invest those profits in the United States and Europe rather than
in regional development.
In the l990s, Saudi Arabia and the small
Gulf states recycled tens of billions of petrodollars into the
United States in arms transactions alone. Currently, it is estimated
that total Arab flight capital is somewhere from $1-1.2 trillion,
a staggering figure and at least twice the GDP of the Arab world.
Unlike the oil concessions, which benefit specifically oil companies,
these petrodollar investments benefit all First World corporations.
Oil is not only the most traded commodity in terms of value in
the world, it is by far the most important strategic commodity,
because every country requires oil to run. Control the flow of
oil to a country and you have a knife to its jugular; controlling
the price of oil also gives significant political leverage.
Since the most powerful entities that
depend on Middle East oil are the European Union, Japan, and more
recently China, control of Middle East oil is presumably primarily
directed at them as competitors or potential competitors.
World oil consumption is growing rapidly, but non-OPEC production
has already peaked. The Middle East has two-thirds of the world's
oil reserves and will be increasingly important as a source of
oil in the future-according to the Bush-Cheney energy policy,
by 2020 Persian Gulf oil will supply between 54 and 67 percent
of world needs. According to the USEIA, world oil consumption
will increase from 75 mbd in 1999 to 119 in 2020. Thus, Middle
East production will have to be dramatically higher.
... what is really on the horizon is a
colonial re-appropriation of the Middle East's energy reserves.
George Kennan
We have about 50 percent of the world's
wealth but only 6.3 percent of its population.... In this situation
we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real
task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships
which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without
positive detriment to our national security. To do so we will
have to dispense with all sentimentality and daydreaming, and
our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate
national objectives. We need not deceive ourselves that we can
afford the luxury of altruism and world benefaction.
He went on to add,
"We should cease to talk about such
vague and-for the Far East-unreal objectives as human rights,
the raising of living standards and democratization. The day is
not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power
concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans,
the better."
Convergence of Israeli and American "strategic interests"
in the Middle East: One of the questions on everyone's lips is
the role of Israel's supporters in shaping this new foreign policy.
Undoubtedly, they are in the ascendant in the public eye; undoubtedly
they have significant power on Capitol Hill and in the larger
society, especially when combined with the Christian Right. They
benefit also from a strong feeling of cultural affinity-Israel
has always been represented since the early days of the Zionist
movement as an outpost of Europe in the Middle East.
However, notwithstanding their considerable
influence, it is equally certain that Israel supporters do not
run things in Washington. It is the United States that is the
superpower and it is an American elite that the government is
attempting to serve. What is happening is that, with the fall
of the Soviet Union, there is a greater and greater convergence
between U.S. and Israeli "strategic interests." For
the Sharonist wing in Israel, and the neoconservatives in the
United States, the convergence is almost complete.
The reason is simple-in the calculations
of the policymakers, the Arab states no longer have a choice.
They can't go to the Soviet sphere; they certainly can't embark
on an independent economic policy any more than any Third World
country could by itself. When Israel invaded southern Lebanon
in 1982, many U.S. policymakers were deeply concerned about the
possibility that disaffected Arab states would deal more with
the Soviet Union. Today, the United States can easily get away
with more and more open support for the policies of a "Greater
Israel"-and that is what is being done, notwithstanding the
rhetorical support for a "Palestinian state."
The protests of February 15, 2003, were something new in the history
of the world. In every country, there are people who follow U.S.
policy, understand what it's about, and accept the importance
of opposing it. The 11 million who marched against the war on
Iraq were only part of a larger phenomenon. At Davos, at the World
Economic Forum, according to an accidentally leaked e-mail from
Newsday writer Laurie Garrett, the mood was more anti-American
than ever. On March 1, 2003, the Turkish parliament actually rejected
a resolution allowing for Turkey to be used as a staging area
for the war-even though the inducement was $15 billion in aid
and grants and even in spite of the obvious risk of severe punishment
from the IMF. France not only openly opposed the U.S. drive to
war, it even did its own counter-"diplomacy," getting
52 African nations to agree to a declaration calling for more
At a global AIDS conference in Barcelona,
when U.S. Health Secretary Tommy Thompson was heckled by demonstrators,
the audience cheered the hecklers. And the audience did not come
from the slums of Manila or Calcutta-they were government officials
and "important" NGO representatives. At the World Summit
on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, Colin Powell was booed.
The press is reporting that around the
world George W. Bush is considered a far greater threat to world
peace than Saddam Hussein or Kim Jong Il or whomever the United
States targets tomorrow.
While the American empire has never ridden
higher in terms of absolute power, its base of acquiescence and
support is getting weaker by the day. The dark vision can be opposed,
and maybe even stopped.
At exactly the time of maximal ferment,
both domestically and internationally, the antiwar movement in
the United States was afflicted with a variety of self-appointed
spokespeople who were very careful to tell us the right and wrong
ways to oppose the war. For Todd Gitlin, Marc Cooper, Michael
Walzer, Michael Berube, and others, it was right for us to oppose
the war on Iraq because it was poorly thought out, because it
was a "distraction" from the war on terrorism, and similar
reasons; it was and is not all right to question the fundamental
goodness of America's role in the world, it wasn't all right to
oppose the war on Afghanistan, and it wasn't all right to oppose
the sanctions on Iraq or to argue that Iraq posed no significant
threat beyond its borders.
As Walzer wrote in the New York Review
of Books, "Defending the embargo, the American overflights,
and the U.N. inspections: This is the right way to oppose, and
to avoid, a war." That's the embargo that destroyed a society,
the American overflights combined with bombing that were the prelude
to a war, and the U.N. inspections that prepared the way for that
war by disarming the targeted enemy.
Without delving too much into their tendentious
reasoning, or into their total lack of contribution to any antiwar
movement, their continuing role now is very clear. They were and
are trying to keep the antiwar movement both from becoming a more
sustained movement and from being an anti-imperialist movement,
two considerations that are linked.
The dangers of this approach should by
now be evident. The mainstream of the anti-Vietnam War movement
was always actuated more by immediate concern with American casualties
than with other important issues, and many continued to think
of the Vietnam War as an aberration rather than an epitome of
U.S. foreign policy. As a result, once U.S. troops withdrew in
1973, the movement largely disappeared even as the United States
violated the Paris Peace Accords and continued to heavily arm
South Vietnam. From 1975 to 1994, while Vietnam was subject to
some of the most crippling sanctions ever levied by the United
States (Iraq is Number One), while Vietnam was losing the "peace"
and being slowly prepared for recolonization, there was hardly
a peep out of the movement.
The anti-Gulf War movement, which was
even more focused on potential American casualties and less prepared
to deal with the realities of U.S. foreign policy, collapsed almost
immediately. As a result, when the anti-Iraq-sanctions advocacy
group, Voices in the Wilderness, formed in 1996, they truly were
voices in the wilderness.
Few had paid any attention for five years
while the people of Iraq suffered.
The war on Iraq was actively opposed around
the world, not just because of the sympathy and solidarity people
felt with the people of Iraq, but because people knew that the
war was about more than Iraq. The war was a major step toward
ushering in that dark vision mentioned earlier. In that vision,
there is no law between nations, only the rule of force; there
are no institutions with any legitimacy except the American military
and the American corporation; the rising tide of economic inequality
reaches cancerous proportions; the despoliation of the planet
is accelerated beyond all reason for the most venal calculations
of immediate gain; democracy is a shell game designed to fool
the masses; the continent of Africa, except for the oil-bearing
regions, is consigned to Outer Darkness; and all movements for
global justice are crushed immediately into nonexistence.
The failure of the anti-Vietnam War movement
to oppose Vietnam's slow strangulation through the ensuing "peace"
was a real tragedy. It was avoidable had there been a better understanding
of the situation-many did oppose the Vietnam War out of deeply
held moral convictions and were repulsed by the vision of their
country as, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "the
greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." Had that
moral repulsion found a sustained, mass-based political avenue,
the United States might have contributed something unique to the
world's history: an empire brought down and transformed by the
force of the moral vision of its citizens.
It still can.
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