How The World Really Works
[a review of several books that
can help readers acquire the essential knowledge necessary to
understand how the world really works]
by Alan B. Jones
ABJ Press, 1996, paperback

from the book
A Century of War
by F William Engdahl
Following the War [World War I] Britain and France carved up
the Middle East... Britain obtaining protectorate status over
Palestine (Israel) and the important oil-producing areas, especially
Iraq. Their protectorate over Palestine set the stage for their
planned later creation in that area of a Jewish homeland, which
intent was proclaimed to British Zionists in a letter from Britain's
Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Walter Lord Rothschild, representing
the English Federation of Zionists. The letter became known as
the Balfour Declaration, which was not implemented until after
World War 2. The British intent was to project their control into
the oil-laden Middle East by creating a Jewish-dominated Palestine,
beholden to Britain for survival, and surrounded by a pack of
squabbling, balkanized Arab states.
During the Versailles Treaty talks after
the war [WWI], Round Table members Lionel Curtis, Balfour, Milner,
and others, formed an above-ground group called the Royal Institute
of International Affairs for the purpose of coordinating Anglo-American
cooperative efforts. They decided also to form an American branch,
but gave it a different name in order to obscure its antecedents.
Thus was born the Council on Foreign Relations, originally staffed
by J.P. Morgan men and financed by Morgan money. The CFR, of course,
is still very much with us.
After 1971, a White House policy was initiated, under the effective
control of Henry Kissinger, to control the economies of the nations
and to reduce their populations, rather than to facilitate technology
transfer and industrial growth. The strategy was to force the
price of the cartelized world oil up by about a factor of four,
recover the Arab oil receipts back into the British and American
central banks, and lend them to the Third World to acquire control
over those countries. To this end, the Bilderberg group, containing
the world's top financial and political insiders, met privately
in Saltsjoebaden, Sweden in May 1973 to discuss how the coming
flood of oil dollars was to be handled. Mr. Engdahl lists many
of the participants, including Kissinger, George Ball, David Rockefeller,
and others. Then in October of that same year, the "Yom Kippur"
war broke out, with Syria and Egypt invading Israel, with the
U.S. supporting Israel, and the British staying demurely neutral.
Kissinger performed his "shuttle diplomacy" among the
participants, to assure the war followed the script previously
worked out in Sweden. The Arab OPEC countries declared an embargo
on all oil shipments to the U.S. and mainland Europe (but not
Britain), and started cranking up the price, which rose by the
scheduled factor of four by the end of the year. Nixon, drowning
in the Watergate affair, tried to get the Treasury to find a way
to get the Arabs to reduce their prices, but was rebuffed, and
advised to support the "recycling" of the oil dollars
at the current prices. Nixon agreed, and the deed was done. The
great bulk of the petro-dollars were repatriated in purchasing
U.S. government debt and in deposit accounts in Chase Manhattan,
Citibank, et al. From there they were loaned to the Third World,
which could not otherwise buy the fuel they needed to survive,
whence many of those countries became enslaved to the bankers,
and forced to follow their edicts on how to run their countries.
American officials in the mid 70s openly claimed in news conferences
that they were "neo-Malthusians." Malthus, says Engdahl,
was an English clergyman who, in 1798, wrote an essay claiming
that human populations expanded geometrically, while their means
of subsistence expanded only linearly. Hence, populations must
be limited, and, if necessary, governments should enhance the
operations of nature to produce the needed mortality. Consistent
with such pseudo-science, Henry Kissinger produced, in April 1974,
the classified National Security Council Study Memorandum 200
(NSSM 200), directed to Washington high officialdom, defining
a program aimed at population reduction in Third World countries
possessing needed raw materials, since growing populations with
aspirations for a better standard of living give rise to high
prices for such materials. Kissinger named 13 target countries
for population control, including Brazil, India, Egypt, Mexico,
Ethiopia, Columbia, and others.
[In the 1970s] most of the Third World, including the bulk of
South America, Africa, and the Asian underbelly, unable to afford
the oil they needed, found not only their industrial development
stopped, but even food purchases curtailed, and starvation threatening.
Far from living standards continuing the growth begun during the
50's and 60's, many of these countries were being pushed back
to a condition of bare subsistence.
In the Third World, not only did the purchase of nuclear power
plants become out of the question, but bare survival was in doubt.
Those countries had been suckered into floating interest rate
contracts on their Eurodollar loans, and those interest rates
had now gone out of sight. Oil costs were up 140% after the Iran
Oil Shock, and the U.S. dollar itself, mandatorily required for
making oil purchases, was now becoming more expensive against
other currencies. The great bulk of the Third World was essentially
instantaneously bankrupted.
... The International Monetary Fund became
the collection agency for the big banks.
... By 1987, the amount then owed [by
third world countries] in principal and interest amounted in total
to some $1.3 trillion dollars, a sum virtually impossible ever
to repay, even under healthy economic conditions.
from the book
Tragedy and Hope
by Carroll Quigley
Carroll Quigley
The greatest of [the international banking]
dynasties were the descendants of Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812)
of Frankfort.
Carroll Quigley
[The most important international banking
families] include Baring, Lazard, Erlanger, Warburg, Schroder,
Seligman, the Speyers, Mirabaud, Mallet, Fould, and above all
Rothschild and Morgan.
The concept behind the movement that produced the elitist control
structure, the core of which remains hidden today, was elucidated
by John Ruskin, who was appointed to the fine arts professorship
at Oxford in 1870. He made an immense impact on the undergraduates,
all of them members of the privileged, ruling class in England.
"He told them that they were the
possessors of a magnificent tradition of education, beauty, rule
of law, freedom, decency, and self discipline, but that this tradition
could not be saved ... unless it could be extended to the lower
classes in England itself and to the non-English masses throughout
the world. If this precious tradition were not extended to these
two great majorities, the minority of upper-class Englishmen would
ultimately be submerged by these majorities and the tradition
Listening transfixed in his audience was
Cecil Rhodes, later to be the prime exploiter of the diamond (Dc
Beers Consolidated Mines) and gold (Consolidated Gold Fields)
resources in South Africa, who, with the help of financing by
Lord Rothschild, attained an annual income in the middle 1890's
of "at least a million pounds sterling a year (then about
five million dollars) which was spent so freely for his mysterious
purposes that he was usually overdrawn on his account. These purposes
centered on his desire to federate the English-speaking peoples
and to bring all the habitable portions of the world under their
control. For this purpose Rhodes left part of his great fortune
o found the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford in order to spread the
English ruling class tradition throughout the English-speaking
... [Cecil] Rhodes died in 1902, but the
secret society retained control of his fortune, which was added
to by funds of other supporters, including Alfred Beit and Sir
Abe Bailey. Milner became the chief Rhodes trustee, and, during
his governorship in South Africa (18971905) he recruited young
men from Oxford, etc., to assist him, men whom he later helped
"into positions of influence in government and international
finance, and [who] became the dominant influence in British imperial
and foreign affairs up to 1939." Originally known as Milner's
Kindergarten, "In 1909-1913 they organized semisecret groups,
known as Round Table Groups, in the chief British dependencies
and the United States. These still function in eight countries
.... In 1919 they founded the Royal Institute of International
Affairs (Chatham House) for which the chief financial supporters
were Sir Abe Bailey and the Astor family (owners of The Times).
Similar Institutes of International Affairs were established in
the chief British dominions and in the United States (where it
is known as the Council on Foreign Relations) in the period 1919-1927j
... Carroll Quigley identifies Round Table leaders in Canada,
South Africa, India, and elsewhere.
The power and influence of [the] Rhodes-[Alfred]
Milner group[Round Table] in British Imperial Affairs and in foreign
policy since 1889, although not widely recognized, can hardly
be exaggerated. We might mention as an example that this group
dominated The Times from 1890 to 1912 and has controlled it completely
since 1912 (except for the years 1919-1922).
Carroll Quigley
More than fifty years ago the [JP] Morgan
firm decided to infiltrate the Left-wing political movements in
the United States. This was relatively easy to do, since these
groups were starved for funds and eager for a voice to reach the
people. Wall Street supplied both.
Carroll Quigley
The original purpose for establishing
[The New Republic magazine] was to provide an outlet for the progressive
Left and to guide it quietly in an Anglophile direction. This
latter task was entrusted to a young man, only four years out
of Harvard, but already a member of the mysterious Round Table
group, which has played a major role in directing England's foreign
policy since its formal establishment in 1909. This new recruit,
Walter Lippmann, has been, from 1914 to the present [1966], the
authentic spokesman in American journalism for the Establishments
on both sides of the Atlantic in international affairs.
The organization of tax-exempt fortunes of international financiers
into foundations [was] to be used for educational, scientific,
and other public purposes. [Wall Street elites] had to adjust
to a good many government actions thoroughly distasteful to the
group. The chief of these were in taxation law, above all else,
in the inheritance tax. These tax laws drove the great private
fortunes dominated by Wall Street into tax-exempt foundations,
which became a major link in the Establishment network between
Wall Street, the Ivy League, and the federal government.
... The foundations managed to acquire
control over the primary Ivy League colleges, including Harvard,
Yale, Columbia, and Princeton.
Carroll Quigley
The substantive powers of the world were
in the hands of investment bankers ... who remained largely behind
the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed
a system of international cooperation and national dominance which
was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of
their agents in the central banks.
from the book
The Naked Capitalist
by W. Cleon Skousen
(which is a review of Carroll Quigley's 1966 book Tragedy and
Cleon Skousen quoting Carroll Quigley
During the past two centuries when the
peoples of the world were gradually winning their political freedom
from the dynastic monarchies, the major banking families of Europe
and America were actually reversing the trend by setting up new
dynasties of political control through the formation of international
financial combines... these banking dynasties had learned that
all governments must have sources of revenue from which to borrow
in times of emergency. They had also learned that by providing
such funds from their own private resources, they could make both
kings and democratic leaders tremendously subservient to their
will. It had proven to be a most effective means of controlling
political appointments and deciding political issues.
Cleon Skousen
The "international" (or "merchant"
or "private" or "investment") bankers differ
from legitimate commercial or savings bankers, particularly regarding
the former's preoccupation with handling government debt, and
its efforts to convince both government and business that the
bankers could manage government debt better than government could.
Cleon Skousen
The dynastic 'banker families' in England
had established their monopoly control over finance by setting
up the Bank of England as a privately controlled institution which
had the appearance of an official government institution. Similar
centers of financial control had been set up in France, Germany,
Italy and Switzerland.
Cleon Skousen quoting Carroll Quigley
The international bankers intended to
use the financial power of Britain and the United States to force
all the major countries to operate "through central banks
free from all political control, with all questions of international
finance to be settled by agreements by such central banks without
interference from governments.
Cleon Skousen quoting Carroll Quigley
The goals of the dynastic bankers have
been nothing less than to create a world system of financial control
in private hands able to dominate the political system of each
country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was
to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks
of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at
in frequent private meetings and conferences. he apex of the system
was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland,
a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks
which were themselves private corporation.
Cleon Skousen quoting Carroll Quigley
The goals of the dynastic bankers as been
nothing less than to create a world system of financial control
in private hands able to dominate the political system of each
country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was
to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks
of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at
in frequent private meetings and conferences. he apex of the system
was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland,
a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks
which were themselves private corporation. Each central bank,
in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England,
Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles
Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank,
sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury
loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level
of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative
politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.
Cleon Skousen
There is a growing volume of evidence
that the highest centers of political and economic power have
been forcing the entire human race toward a global, socialist,
dictatorial-oriented society.
And what has been most baffling about it has been the fact that
this drift toward dictatorship with its inevitable obliteration
of a thousand years of struggle toward human freedom, is being
plotted, promoted, and implemented by the leaders of free nations
and the super-rich of those nations whose positions of affluence
would seem to make them the foremost beneficiaries of the free
enterprise, property-oriented, open society in which so much progress
has been made.
Cleon Skousen
The world hierarchy of the dynastic superrich
is out to take over the entire planet, doing it with Socialistic
legislation where possible, but having no reluctance to use Communist
revolution where necessary.
Cleon Skousen
Power from any source tends to create
an appetite for additional power. Power coming from wealth tends
to create an appetite for political power, and vice versa. It
was almost inevitable that the superrich would one day aspire
to control not only their own wealth, but the wealth of the whole
world. To achieve this, they were perfectly willing to feed the
ambitions of the power-hungry political conspirators who were
committed to the overthrow of all existing governments, and the
establishment of a central world-wide dictatorship along socialist
This, of course, was a risky business
for the Anglo-American secret society. The super-rich were gambling
on the expectation that when the violence and reconstruction had
been completed by the political conspirators, the super-rich would
then take over ... to guide mankind hopefully and compulsively
into a whole new era of universal peace and universal prosperity.
To take such a risk, the cadre of the
super-rich had to ignore the most elementary aspects of the ferocity
of the left-wing conspiratorial mentality. Mao Tse-tung has articulated
the basic Communist conviction that political power comes from
the barrel of a gun, and once they seize control it is their expressed
intention to use the gun to prevent the super-rich or anyone else
from taking that control away from them. [Similarly, Hitler repeatedly
told Britain that he intended to realize his goals by going to
war, not by diplomatic negotiation.
Cleon Skousen
The secret society of the London-Wall
Street [banking] axis ... [has] attempted to control the global
conspiratorial groups by feeding them vast quantities of money
for their revolutionary work, and then financing their opposition
if they seemed to be getting out of control.
Rene Wormser, in the book 'Foundations: Their Power and Influence'
Foundations use their funds to subvert
and control American education.
Rene Wormser, in the book 'Foundations: Their Power and Influence'
By 1956 the Ford Foundation had spent
more than one billion dollars in contributions to 'education'
and had thereby become a well-nigh all-encompassing influence
over hundreds of colleges and universities.
Cleon Skousen
Official Ford Foundation reports show
that millions upon millions are being poured into revolutionary,
communist-dominated or global collectivist organizations under
the direction of McGeorge Bundy.
Cleon Skousen
[Bilderberg Group meetings] are held each
year as an international master planning conclave. They are secret
and attendance is restricted to invited 'guests.' These turn out
to be about 100 men from the top inner circle representing the
four major dimensions of power: the international banking dynasties,
their corporations involved in vast, international enterprises,
the American tax-exempt foundations, and the establishment representatives
who have gained high offices in government, especially the United
States government. These conferences always have the same chairman
- his royal highness Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who,
with his family, owns a massive fortune in the Royal Dutch Shell
Oil Corporation. Then, close at hand, will always be David Rockefeller
representing his family and especially Standard Oil of New Jersey
which is one of the largest corporate structures in existence.
It is interesting that in the past two decades when political
revolutions have occurred in various parts of the world, these
two companies usually end up with all of the oil and natural gas
concessions. This has been largely true in Africa, the Middle
East, South America, and the Far East. These are also the companies
whose installations seem to be virtually off limits to the bombers
in both sides of any recent war.
Trusted [Bilderberg Group] members of the major media are invited,
but also never report on the substance of the proceedings ...
the New York Times, the Atlanta Constitution, Look magazine, and
Life magazine. Similar personages continue to represent the major
newspapers and TV networks... A few familiar names on that list
were Lloyd Bentsen, Tom Foley, David Gergen, Richard Holbrooke,
Peter Jennings, Henry Kissinger, and David Rockefeller.
Mr. Skousen summarizes that the elites who wish to set up their
world dictatorship recognize their main enemy to be the great
middle class of the United States, which, being made up of individuals
who have acquired a little education, property, and independence,
will fight strenuously to keep them. The strategy of the elites
is to squeeze the middle class to death by creating or exacerbating
the major problems facing the society, including class warfare,
crime, education, moral decay, etc., and then creating in response
spurious governmental programs to "cure" the problems
that they just created.
from the book
Tax Exempt Foundations
by William H Mcllhany II
The 1954 hearings of the House of Representatives'
Special Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations, were
chaired by Rep. Carroll Reece. Norman Dodd was the Research Director
of the 1954 House of Representatives' Special Committee to Investigate
Tax Exempt Foundations.
Norman Dodd, the Research Director of the 1954 House of Representatives'
Special Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations (the
Reece Committee).
minutes from the 1911 trustees meeting
of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
[The trustees of the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace, at a 1911 meeting] raised a question.
And they discussed the question and the question was specific,
'Is there any means known to man more effective than war, assuming
you wish to alter the life of an entire people?' And they discussed
this and at the end of a year they came to the conclusion that
there was no more effective means to that end known to man. So,
they raised question number two, and the question was, 'How do
we involve the United States in a war?
Norman Dodd, the Research Director of the 1954 House of Representatives'
Special Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations (the
Reece Committee) talking about the trustees of the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace, at the 1911 trustees' meeting
minutes from the 1911 trustees meeting of the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace
[The Carnegie trustees upon encountering
resistance from established historians, set about] to build their
own stable of kept historians, and they even got a working agreement
with the Guggenheim Foundation to grant scholarships to their
selected candidates who were seeking graduate degrees .... The
extent to which the Carnegie trustees were able to build their
stable of submissive historians is significant .... Though encountering
resistance at first, this group succeeded gradually in capturing
more influence in the American Historical Association and affiliated
William H Mcllhany II, commenting on the minutes from the 1911
trustees meeting of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
It is important to remember that the [Carnegie
Endowment supported U.S. entry into the war, not for any patriotic
purpose, but so that the war would provide an excuse for, if not
necessitate, Andrew Carnegie's goal of British-American regional
Andrew Carnegie,1893
Time may dispel many pleasing illusions
and destroy many noble dreams, but it shall never shake my belief
that the wound caused by the wholly unlooked-for and undesired
separation of the mother from her child is not to bleed forever.
Let men say what they will, therefore, I say that as surely as
the sun in the heavens once shown upon Britain and America united,
so surely is it one morning to rise, shine upon, and greet again
the reunited state, the British-American union.
Norman Dodd, the Research Director of the 1954 House of Representatives'
Special Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations (the
Reece Committee), speaking about a meeting with Rowan Gaither,
the president of the Ford Foundation in December 1953
Rowan Gaither, the president of the Ford
Of course, [Mr. Dodd,] you know that we
at the executive level here were, at one time or another, active
in either the OSS, the State Department, or the European Economic
Administration. During those times, and without exception, we
operated under directives issued by the White House. We are continuing
to be guided by just such directives. Would you like to know the
substance of these directives?
Norman Dodd, the Research Director of
the 1954 House of Representatives' Special Committee to Investigate
Tax Exempt Foundations (the Reece Committee):
And I said, 'Yes, Mr. Gaither, I'd like
to know.
Rowan Gaither, the president of the Ford
The substance was to the effect that we
should make every effort to so alter life in the United States
as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union.
Cecil Rhodes attached to his will a "Confession of Faith"
The idea gliding and dancing before our
eyes like a willow - a wish at last frames itself into a plan.
Why should we not join ... a secret society with but one object:
the furtherance of the British Empire, for the bringing of the
whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of
the United States, for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one
The real objective [of the global banking elite] is to reorganize
the world by socializing its governments and then merging them
into one, by, for example, altering life in the United States
such as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet
Cleon Skousen
[The] world hierarchy of the dynastic
super-rich is out to take over the entire planet, doing it with
socialistic legislation where possible, but having no reluctance
to use Communist revolution where necessary.
from the book
The Creature from Jekyll Island
by G. Edward Griffin
Central banks have utilized and promoted wars for their own profit,
starting with the Rothschild involvement with the Napoleonic wars,
and continuing up to the present day.
The Fed [Federal Reserve] is merely a cartel with a government
The Fed's [Federal Reserve] real objective [is] not to protect
the public, but rather to sacrifice the public to the interests
of the banking cartel.
A purpose of the Bretton Woods system is to create a world government
ruled by the banking elites, using the United Nations as the core
of a political structure and the IMF as the world central bank,
issuing and controlling the world's only important currency [the
The [global banking] elites understand that they will never be
able to consolidate and hold their power by means of a gradualist
program unless and until they are able to make the IMF the sole
issuer of the world's only important currency [the dollar].
Harvard professor Richard Cooper, a CFR [Council on Foreign Relations]
member and Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs in the
Carter administration writing in 1984 in the CFR's house organ
Foreign Affairs, 1984
I suggest a radical alternative scheme
for the next century: the creation of a common currency for all
the industrial democracies, with a common monetary policy and
a joint Bank of Issue to determine that monetary policy .... How
can independent states accomplish that? They need to turn over
the determination of monetary policy to a supranational body.
It is highly doubtful whether the American
public, to take just one example, could ever accept that countries
with oppressive autocratic regimes should vote on the monetary
policy that would affect monetary conditions in the United States
.... For such a bold step to work at all, it presupposes a certain
convergence of political values.
John Foster Dulles, 1939
Some dilution or leveling off of the sovereignty
system as it prevails in the world today must take place to the
immediate disadvantage of those nations which now possess the
preponderance of power .... The establishment of a common money
... would deprive our government of exclusive control over a national
money .... The United States must be prepared to make sacrifices
afterward in setting up a world politico-economic order which
would level off inequalities of economic opportunity with respect
to nations.
[President Jimmy] Carter advisor Richard Gardener, 1974
The house of world order will have to
be built from the bottom up .... An end run around national sovereignty,
eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the
old-fashioned frontal assault.
Paul Volcker, in 1979
The standard of living of the average
American has to decline .... I don't think you can escape that.
The gist of the game of bailout is to simultaneously (1) deliver
into the clutches of the New World Order (both) the Third World
countries, whose leaders are to be the recipients of riches from
the taxpayers of the developed countries, riches that they are
expected to squander and never pay back, but thereby remain in
thrall to the bankers forever, and (2) drag down the economies
and comforts of the strong countries to the point, for example,
of economic collapse and a breakdown in civil order, perhaps exacerbated
by widespread "terrorist" bombings, following which,
the countries' citizens will be grateful to yield their sovereignty
and receive in return the support, acceptance, and protection
of an economically and militarily strong central organization
claiming to be ready and able to provide such support. Such a
capitulation might be made easier to accept if it could be previously
arranged for Russia to disappear as an external threat, and to
appear to be in just as much economic and social difficulty as
the United States.
A description of the WTO in a full-page ad in the New York Times
The World Trade Organization - the third
pillar of the New World Order, along with the United Nations and
the International Monetary Fund.
Monetary Control Act of 1980 gives the Fed [Federal Reserve the
power to] create new Federal Reserve Notes and give them away
to foreign governments, or, to be formal, "loan" them,
receiving as collateral debt instruments (bonds, etc.) held by
those foreign governments. With the power to create dollars not
only for the American governments, but now for any foreign government
as well, the Fed has become very close to becoming a central bank
for the entire world.
Griffin makes a case for the view that e sudden demise of "Communism"
is a ploy agreed upon between the banking elites and the Soviet
leaders to enable bailout funds to flow to those states, further
eroding the American economy, while terminating, at least for
now, the militarily threatening posture of the USSR. The communist
leaders would mostly remain in power, though renamed Social Democrats,
or something similar. They and the elites would continue to work
together for one socialist world.
A cabal of English aristocrats and bankers [created] the Bank
o England in 1694. King William, in need of money to fight a certain
war, money which he couldn't raise by taxing or borrowing, granted
a charter to a favored group of intriguers to form a bank which
would be given a monopoly on issuing English bank notes, i.e.,
English paper money, which would be created out of nothing and
credited to the government in return for a government IOU, the
only "backing" that would be required. The government
would pay interest on this "loan," making it look legitimate
to the public, but the bank's even larger payback was that it
was empowered to make additional commercial loans, at interest,
using the same government IOU's as "backing," just as
though the IOU's were hard, metallic gold. The banks, by receiving
interest on money they could create and lend out at will, were
thereby going to get rich, the king was going to be able to raise
any amount of "money" he wanted, and the public, remaining
ignorant of what was going on, was going to pay for it all by
having their savings devalued by the expansion of the currency.
(Our Federal Reserve does essentially the same thing, with added
refinements which greatly increase its leverage over commercial
The world outlook of the international financiers...Their success
depends upon a pattern of character traits including cold objectivity,
immunity to patriotism, and indifference to the human condition.
The Rothschild Formula
Propel governments into war for the profits
they yield.
[International] bankers arranged the Bolshevik coup in Russia
in 1917, and then supported the regime thereafter, both for the
profit involved and, presumably, to build up a "credible
The Wall Street biggies came through [the Depression] very well
indeed, including John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Joseph P.
Kennedy, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Douglas Dillon, etc.
G. Edward Griffin
Virtually all of the inner club was rescued
[from The Depression]. There is no record of any member of the
interlocking directorate between the Federal Reserve, ' the major
New York banks, and their prime customers having been caught by
On August 9, 1929 the pin was inserted into the bubble. On that
date, the Federal Reserve raised its discount rate to six percent
and simultaneously began to sell securities on the open market.
Both actions acted to shrink bank reserves and therefore the money
supply... The market reached its peak on September 19, then started
its slide downward. On October 24 the slide became a torrent,
and on October 29, the market collapsed.
While the uninformed were in the process
of loosing their shirts, the insiders who had sold out before
the crash were now to be found, with cash at the ready, on the
buying side. Companies whose stock had dropped to a fraction of
their value were still basically viable, but their ownership,
in large measure, had been shifted from, to use Andrew Mellon's
phrase, the "less competent people," who had been sucked
into the speculative maelstrom created by the Fed's easy credit,
to the financial elites, who had been made privy to the crash
that was around the corner. Great fortunes were made or added
to by the latter.
from the book
by George Orwell
from 1984
If leisure and security were enjoyed by
all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied
by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for
themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner
or later realize that the privileged minority had no function,
and they would sweep it away. In the long run, a hierarchical
society was only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance.
During the consolidation of power stage [of a state, non-state]
sources of public information [are] suppressed, guaranteeing the
future uniformity of public opinion on all matters of significance
[to the new ruling elite].
from 1984
A ruling group is a ruling group so long
as it can nominate its successors. The Party is not concerned
with perpetuating its blood but with perpetuating itself. Who
wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical
structure remains always the same.
How does continuous war act to keep the Lows "stupefied by
poverty" and thereby assure the maintenance of the social
structure? The goal of the wars is to enable the economy to be
kept going for the benefit of the High, its military, and its
bureaucracy and control personnel (the Thought Police, etc.),
but at the same time to assure that any excess production capacity
is prevented from producing consumer goods for the lower classes.
That excess capacity is instead directed to producing excess military
goods which will ' ultimately rust away or be destroyed in warfare;
that is, the excess capacity is deliberately wasted in order to
turn it away from the production of goods which would result in
added leisure or well-being for the lower classes. Those classes
are instead continually forced into group activities expressing
hatred toward the current enemy (any enemy) and dependency upon
and love toward their benevolent rulers for protecting them from
that enemy. They are thereby led to accept the consumer shortages,
the poverty, and the other privations to which they are subjected.
Their economic status is kept at the subsistence level, forcing
their priorities to be focused on simply acquiring basic food,
clothing, and shelter. They are thus denied either the time or
the inclination to question the fairness or permanence of their
societal condition, or to otherwise evolve into a threat to the
established hierarchy.
from 1984
What is our motive? Why should we want
power? He then proceeds to answer is own question: "The Party
seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in
the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth
or luxury or long life or happiness; only power, pure power ....
Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship
in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in
order to establish the dictatorship .... The object of power is
power ....
from 1984
The real power, the power we have to fight
for night and day, is not power over things, but over men ....
[And] how does one man assert his power over another?" He
answers his own question: "By making him suffer. Obedience
is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that
he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting
pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces
and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.
In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph,
and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy - everything.
from 1984
If you want a picture of the future,
imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
from the book
Report from Iron Mountain
[The Report says that] the prime political function of warfare
is to preserve poverty in the society as an aid to maintaining
the elite class in control.
[The Report says that] individual citizens will willingly rise
to the defense of their society when they see it being threatened
by an external enemy. The enemy, of course, must be formidable
and the threat real, or at least perceived to be real. Such a
major threat to one's society justifies to the individual the
loss of life associated with meeting that threat, including even
the loss of one's own life. It may be very difficult, says the
Report, to find a substitute for war that produces the desired
waste of resources and is at the same time so readily acceptable
to the populace.
from Report from Iron Mountain
The permanent possibility of war is the
foundation for stable government; it supplies the basis for general
acceptance of political authority. It has enabled societies to
maintain necessary class distinctions, and it has ensured the
subordination of the citizen to the state.
from G. Edward Griffin's book "The Creature from Jekyll
[Report from Iron Mountain] was commissioned
and executed, not by ivory tower dreamers and theoreticians, but
by people who are in charge. It is the brainchild of the CFR [Council
on Foreign Relations]. Furthermore, it should be obvious that
the stratagems outlined in the report are already being implemented.
All one has to do is hold the report in one hand and the daily
newspaper in the other to realize that every major trend in American
life is conforming to the recommendations of the report. So many
things that otherwise are incomprehensible suddenly become perfectly
clear: foreign aid, wasteful spending, the destruction of American
industry, a job corps, gun control, a national police force, the
apparent demise of Soviet power, a UN army, disarmament, a world
bank, a world money, the surrender of national independence through
treaties, and the ecology hysteria. The Report From Iron Mountain
has already created our present. It is now shaping our future.
from the book
The Greening
by Larry Abraham
The environmental issue has clearly been selected as the major
policy initiative to be developed... It might be possible to enhance
the environmental threat, or even to invent a fake issue if an
appropriate real one could not be found.
from the book The Greening
[The real goal of the secret elites] is
nothing less than to control natural resources worldwide.
George Kennan in the Council on Foreign Relations journal 'Foreign
Affairs', April 1970, entitled "To Prevent a World Wasteland
... A Proposal"
Not only the international scientific
community but the world at large has great need, at this dark
hour, of a new and more promising focus of attention. The great
communist and Western powers, particularly, have need to replace
the waning fixations for the cold war with interests which they
can pursue in common and to everyone's benefit. For young people
the world over, some new opening of hope and creativity is becoming
an urgent spiritual necessity. Could there, one wonders, be any
undertaking better designed to meet these needs, to relieve the
great convulsions of anxiety and ingrained hostility that now
rack international society, than a major international effort
to restore the hope, the beauty, and the salubriousness of the
international environment in which man has his being?
Politically, [in the 1991 book 'Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing
of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology, by Jim] MacNeill
teaches that environmental interdependence means the end of national
sovereignty. It will provide the 'external necessity' for a world
government with new laws and regulations aplenty.
[MacNeill offers] the same old worn-out
menu of eco-hoaxes: overpopulation, ozone hole, global warming,
deforestation, bio-diversity, acid rain, rising sea levels, soil
degradation, ad nauseam." The "alternate enemies"
are to consist of those who resist the imposition of international
controls over these areas, such as us taxpayers.
[The global elites] genuinely believe they are the destined elite
worthy to rule the world. Environmentalism is merely the rally,
ragged rationalization designed to hoodwink the world into accepting
their rule.
from the book The Greening
The U.S. branch of the Institute [of International
Affairs] was called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and
was officially founded in 1921. Prior to the formation of the
CFR, a tight reciprocity existed between the Round Table group
in the U.K. and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
in the U.S., and once the Council was formed, most if I not all
of the Carnegie Trustees comprised its original board of directors.
Professor Arthur S. Miller's "The Secret Constitution and
the Need for Constitutional Change"
Those [in the United States] who finally
rule take their signals and commands not from the electorate as
a body but from a small group of men (plus a few women). This
group will be called the establishment. It exists even though
that existence is stoutly denied. It is one of the secrets of
the American social order. A second secret is the fact that the
existence of the establishment, the ruling class, is not supposed
to be discussed .... A third secret is implicit in what has been
said - that there is really only one political party of any consequence
in the United States, one that has been called the 'Property Party.'
The Republicans and the Democrats are in fact two branches of
the same (secret) party.
from the book The Greening
The name of the game is the creation of
world banks, regional currencies, multinational trusts, giant
foundations, land expropriations, and massive transfers of natural
resources - the cartelization of the world's natural resources
- which will ultimately evolve into transfers of national sovereignty.
from the book The Greening
The figures at the helm of each and every
one of the major environmental foundations (such as the World
Wildlife Fund, the Heritage Trust, the Nature Conservancy, the
National Wildlife Federation, The Sierra Club, the World Wilderness
Congress, Conservation International, and the Center for Earth
Resource Analysis are key members of the elite political organizations
previously and repetitiously identified (i.e., the Royal Institute
of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, and the Trilateral Commission).
from the book The Greening
A terrifically dangerous group of elitists
... actually believe they are Plato's 'philosopher kings.' They
alone are fit to rule the world. After all, without their guiding
light, nothing 'can save humankind from itself.
from the book
Final Judgment
by Michael Collins Piper
John Kennedy [had] policy differences with Israel and its Mossad.
There were perhaps three significant issues: Algeria, nuclear
weapon development, and Palestinian resettlement... Israeli leaders
felt that a new Arab state of Algeria would represent an added
threat to the security of Israel, and since both Kennedy and France's
DeGaulle were supportive of Algerian independence, those two men
were to be regarded as enemies of the Israeli state. The feeling
toward Kennedy, however, went much deeper. The Israelis felt that
Kennedy had betrayed them. JFK's father, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.,
as Ambassador to Great Britain in the late 30's, had been supportive
of Neville Chamberlain and of his policy of appeasing Hitler.
Later in his life, he renounced his former views and pledged his
support for the Jewish community. That community remained suspicious
of him, however, and was even more so following John Kennedy's
Senate speech proclaiming his support for an independent Algeria.
Kennedy, however, recognizing in 1960
that he needed both money and votes from the Jewish community,
made moves to appease the pro-Israel lobby, very successfully,
it turned out. His contact with the lobby was Abraham Feinberg,
president of the Israel Bond Organization, who later acknowledged,
"My path to power was cooperation in terms of what they needed
- campaign money." Kennedy met with Feinberg "and a
host of other wealthy Jewish Americans" in Feinberg's New
York apartment. The group agreed to support Kennedy to the tune
of $500,000. Kennedy, said Feinberg, "got emotional"
with gratitude. To his own intimates, however, Kennedy was outraged.
He said that he was told, "We're willing to pay your bills
if you'll let us have control of your Middle East policy,"
and he vowed that if he did get to be President, he was going
to do something about eliminating the influence of special interest
lobbies - especially foreign pressure groups - in American election
campaigns. After his election, he did introduce such campaign
reform legislation, and he did proclaim an even-handed Middle
Eastern policy - that the United States "will act promptly
and decisively against any nation in the Middle East which attacks
its neighbor," a policy clearly directed at both the Israelis
and the Arabs. Israel, says Piper, "was not happy."
Of much greater import, however, was Kennedy's
stance on nuclear weaponry. Upon becoming President, he was informed
by the Eisenhower administration that Israel was secretly developing
nuclear weapons at a desert site known as Dimona. Kennedy was
determined to support a non-proliferation policy, however, and
set about, as one of his primary concerns, to derail the Dimona
development. Therefore, says Piper, "from the very beginning
of his presidency, John F. Kennedy found himself at severe odds
with the government of Israel."
Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion
publicly announced that the Dimona project was for the purpose
of studying "desert flora and fauna." Charles DeGaulle,
who had helped Israel design the Dimona nuclear reactor as a power
plant, was not amused. Nor was John Kennedy. According to Israeli
historians Raviv and Melman, writing in 1990, Kennedy met with
Ben-Gurion, stated his position, and demanded periodic international
inspection of the site. Ben-Gurion resisted, and there thus began
what amounted to a "secret war" between Kennedy and
Israel, which was not resolved until Kennedy was killed and replaced
by Lyndon Johnson. Author Seymour Hersh, writing in 1991, said:
"Israel's bomb, and what to do about it, became a White House
fixation, part of the secret presidential agenda that would remain
hidden for the next thirty years." Hersh, further noting
that this secret war had never been noted by any of Kennedy's
biographers, evoked the following comment from Piper: "If
indeed it had been, ... the mystery behind the JFK assassination
might have been unraveled long, long ago."
For here, found in 1990, was the missing
motivation. The relations between Ben-Gurion and Kennedy deteriorated
down to the level of personal hatred. Ben-Gurion, who, according
to Abraham Feinberg, hated old Joe Kennedy as an "anti-Semite,"
harbored a contempt for the younger Kennedy, says Piper, that
"was growing by leaps and bounds - almost pathologically."
Hersh writes that on Kennedy's part, he was getting fed up with
the fact that the Israeli "sons of bitches lie to me constantly
about their nuclear capability." Hersh then wrote, "Kennedy's
relationship with Ben-Gurion remained at an impasse over Dimona,
and the correspondence between the two became increasingly sour.
None of those letters has been made public." Given the fact
of Piper's present book, those letters today would be of very
great interest.
Kennedy further proposed, said Piper,
that Palestinian refugees "either be permitted to return
to their homes in Israel or be compensated by Israel and resettled
in the Arab countries or elsewhere. Former Undersecretary. of
State George Ball writing in 1992, quoted as follows from a Ben-Gurion
letter commenting on the Kennedy proposal, sent to the Israeli
Ambassador in Washington for him to convey to Jewish leaders in
America: "Israel will regard this plan as a more serious
danger to her existence than all the threats of the Arab dictators
and kings, than all the Arab armies, than all of Nasser's missiles
and his Soviet MIGs .... Israel will fight against this implementation
down to the last man."
Author Seymour Hersh reported that in
one of Ben-Gurion's last communications with Kennedy he wrote:
"Mr. President, my people have a right to exist and this
existence is in danger." He then demanded that Kennedy sign
a security treaty with Israel. Kennedy refused, whereupon David
Ben-Gurion, on June 16, 1963, resigned from office. Piper suggests
that it was at this time, just before his resignation, that Ben-Gurion
gave the order to the Mossad's assassinations chief, Yitzhak Shamir,
to proceed with plans for Kennedy's assassination.
JFK would not countenance a nuclear Israel, and Israel perceived
Kennedy's Palestinian resolution and nuclear non-proliferation
policies as threats to Israel's very existence.
Joe Kennedy went to [Chicago Mafia boss] Sam Giancana to ask for
his help in getting his son John elected President. Giancana ...
asked what the quid pro quo would be, and Kennedy responded, "You
help me now, Sam, and I'll see to it that Chicago - that you -
can sit in the goddamned Oval Office if you want .... He'll be
your man. I swear to that. My son - the President of the United
States - will owe you his father's life. He won't refuse you,
ever. You have my word.
from the book
Dope. Inc.
by Executive Intelligence Review [EIR] commissioned by Lyndon
H. LaRouche, Jr.
Israeli intelligence had been providing weapons and terrorist
training to the Medellin Cartel's assassination squads in collaboration
with British mercenaries .... The funds to purchase the weapons
had been provided by the U.S. State Department through a program
personally run by Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams.
Executive Intelligence Review
A leading anti-drug prosecutor in Switzerland,
Paolo Bernasconi, told Italy's La Stampa newspaper in January
1990 that the leading money-laundering centers include the United
States (Miami and Wall Street), Canada, Great Britain, and, of
course, Switzerland.
London Economist, June 1989
It is obvious that drug dealers use banks
.... The business ... has become part of the financial system
.... If you had morals or ethics in this business, you would not
be in it.
Executive Intelligence Review
As one banker stated in an off-the-record
discussion in London in 1986: Dope is the biggest source of new
financial business in the world today .... I know banks which
will literally kill to secure a chunk of this action. The banker
worked for one of Wall Street's biggest investment houses, Merrill
Executive Intelligence Review
A competent war on drugs must begin with
a war against the banking institutions and bankers who 'launder'
Dope, Inc.'s ill-gotten gains...Shut down the drug money-laundering
by the major Anglo-American banks, and the dope cartel would choke
to death on its own profits... Dope, Inc.'s vulnerable flank is
the international network of banks and other financial institutions
that 'launder' the cartel's $558 billion per year in gross revenue...
Action by governments against the drug bankers could rapidly shut
down Dope, Inc.
Executive Intelligence Review
No government has ever touched the system
which allowed [the drug trade to develop]. At best, a few accounts
here and there have been seized. To this day, money-laundering
is not even a criminal offense in 8 out of the 15 industrial nations.
In the United States, the center of the problem, government action,
is a joke: No top management has ever been charged or prosecuted
for criminal money-laundering activity.
Executive Intelligence Review
[The Anti-Defamation League (ADL)] is
a public relations front for the Rothstein-Lansky branch of American
Organized Crime, though it operates formally as a tax-exempt public
interest organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue
Service Codes.
Executive Intelligence Review
A listing of ADL (Anti-Defamation League)
financial contributors and award recipients over the recent decades
reads like a 'Who's Who' of the Meyer Lansky international crime
Executive Intelligence Review
Canadian Edgar Bronfman [is] an honorary
vice chairman of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League). His family's
criminal dynasty started with his father Sam, who, with Arnold
Rothstein, was dispatched to Hong Kong in 1920 to arrange for
supplies of opium, and who further organized the smuggling and
retail distribution of the illegal drugs.
Executive Intelligence Review
Since the late 1950s, Beijing has deliberately
integrated its external financial affairs with the top British
drug-running firms in Hong Kong and Macao and the overseas Chinese
drug wholesaling and dirty money networks throughout the Orient
.... Beijing's financial dependence on Hong Kong is a matter of
public record. On Oct. 2, 1978, Chase Manhattan's newsletter East-West
Markets estimated that the financial flow into mainland China
in 1978 (excluding [payments for exports) through Hong Kong would
total $2.5 billion.... Beijing does all its banking through Hong
Kong, largely through the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, and secondarily
through the Standard and Chartered Bank. The astonishing $2.5
billion financial reflow back to Communist China represents the
fruits of Beijing's twenty-year program of moving into the higher
echelons of the drug traffic, by agreement with the British ....
Beijing's current policy represents a direct line of continuity
between the current regime and Britain's nineteenth-century corrupt
collaborators in China. Correspondingly, the fortunes of the Beijing
Communists are linked to the opium trade and the British oligarchy.
They have staked China's economy - its capacity to import urgently
needed foreign goods - on the opium trade.
The cover-up of the PRC's drug war against us far exceeds in effectiveness
the Warren Commission attempted cover-up of the Kennedy assassination.
The PRC cover-up was orchestrated by Henry Kissinger following
his trip to China in 1972. Nixon fought it, but was outmaneuvered
and eventually driven from office. The PRC never did stop growing
and distributing opium, though they outlawed its domestic consumption,
ruthlessly enforced that proscription, and brought production
under state monopoly control. Corroborated reports indicate that
today [1992] the PRC is the world's largest opium producer, [at]
800 metric tons of opium per year.
Cecil Rhodes' will (abridged)
To establish a trust, to and for the establishment
and promotion and development of a secret society, the true aim
and object whereof shall be the extension of British rule throughout
the world and especially the occupation by British settlers of
the entire continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the valley of the
Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia [Crete], the whole
of South America, the islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed
by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard
of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States
of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the consolidation
of the whole Empire and finally, the foundation of so great a
power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the best
interests of humanity.
The operative elements of a plausible scenario [for the Kennedy
assassination] might be as follows:
* Joe Kennedy was supplied booze by Bronfman
and the British, and (like Bronfman himself) remained interested
his whole life in becoming a part of, and being accepted by, the
British elites.
* Upon JFK's election, Joe and his son
John started doing the task assigned by the British-Bronfman combine
of expunging the unwanted Mafia elements from the American crime
syndicate and preserving the desired ones, including Lansky and
* The Kennedys did OK until their anti-Semitism
got in the way, causing them to choke on Israel's covert development
of nuclear weapons.
* The British, seeing their creation,
Israel, being threatened, concurred with Israeli Prime Minister
David Ben-Gurion's desire to terminate John Kennedy.
* The assassination was then ordered and
executed as described by Michael Collins Piper in Final Judgment.
The Permindex operation [and] its more modem replacement entity
known as Resorts International, which is the real headquarters
organization of the overtly criminal aspects of the drug business,
including money-laundering, drug and gun-running, and assassination.
Executive Intelligence Review
Henry Kissinger is the nominal head of
Kissinger Associates whose members represent a de facto board
of directors for the entity we call Dope, Inc.
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