Millennium Frenzy
by Jeremy Seabrook
Third World Network Features, Penang, Malaysia,
May 1999 (World Press Review)

The millennium is a time for endings and consummations. Its
coming is heralded by signs and portents. There is no doubt that
the whole world is apprehensive at the prospect of an apocalypse
foretold. Indeed, this anxiety arises precisely out of Western
global hegemony and a fear that this uncontrolled dominance may
be a progenitor of doom.
It is a paradox that a culture that has ceased in any meaningful
way to practice the religious values it claims to embody should
nevertheless seek to act out a secular version of its debased
and neglected beliefs, should appear hell-bent on precipitating
the dreaded Day of Judgment-not in the hereafter, of course, but
in the present-day world that the West bestrides with all its
power and might.
It seems that faith, crushed beneath the weight of fabulous
material wealth, nevertheless asserts itself. And it reappears
in the almost mystical conviction that the global social and economic
system that has grown out of Western wealth and power can continue
in perpetuity even if, in the process, the Earth, its treasures,
and its peoples are all sacrificed. In this way, faith and apocalypse
are fused.
Of course, this is not how the prospect of the millennium
is being greeted in the West. There, it is presented as a celebration:
the party to end all parties, a feasting and jubilation such as
the world has never witnessed. Certain singers, entertainers,
and movie stars are commanding millions of dollars to appear for
one night in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, or New York. Flights to exotic
destinations have been fully booked for months; airlines have
tripled their fares, since millions of privileged people wish
to awaken to the dawn of a new millennium on some soon-to-be-spoiled
beach in Africa or in some five-star mountaintop hotel.
To create the once-in-a-thousand years occasion presents certain
problems. Since to provide its happy people with perpetual fun
is now the deepest purpose of Western civilization, it is quite
a headache to achieve the orgiastic transcendence called for by
the event, the gargantuan hype befitting a millennium. The celebration
is, in some measure, a consequence of the certainty that we are
entering the last days: Party now, for tomorrow we perish.
All this is no more than culmination, an intensification of
the daily reality of a world tormented to extinction by an indifferent
hedonism careless of a future already consumed. The millennium
is expected to yield only more of what already exists-a continuation
of the rapacious, extractive devouring of the Earth.
Those who have seen evidence of millennarian fantasies in
the mere cultural artifacts of the West-in, for instance, the
growth of cults and survivalism; the fascination with horror stories,
aliens, and ghouls; all the purveyors of frissons of fear to those
whose lives appear impregnably comfortable and secure- have been
looking in the wrong place. These are all harmless diversions-from
Ecstasy to Disneyland-the vapid, visionless imaginings of the
market, the pedestrian interpreters of a future already inscribed
in the predictable certitudes of junk culture.
The real millennarists are more subtle. These bearers of apocalypse
are the more deceptive since they do not peddle apocalypse. They
have penetrated all the governments on the planet. Their nostrums
of salvation permeate every instrument of governance in the world.
They do not meet in seedy backstreets. Rather, they assemble
in hushed teakwood conference suites with leather folders at their
elbow. They sink into soft padded chairs beneath the purring of
unobstrusive air conditioners. The tones of their discourse are
measured. The utterances and revelations that fall from their
lips are grave and stolid. They speak an unintelligible tongue
called economics, of a blandness and ambiguity in keeping with
their tasteful handcrafted suits, silk ties, and soft leather
All this serves to conceal the impossible vision they are
evoking, the lurid fantasies that lurk beneath the cliches. They,
the officials of the International Monetary Fund, representatives
of the World Trade Organization, functionaries of the World Bank,
or emissaries from some United Nations agency, step from their
first-class berths into VIP lounges before being whisked away
to the I capital city, where, between | the lobster, tiger prawns,
and | ancient whiskey, they will | confide to the country's leaders,
rulers, and governing classes, the secrets of growing rich like
the West. They pour into the receptive ears of the elite recipes
for securing the same advantages which they so conspicuously enjoy.
They have come bearing not gifts but loans, packages, blueprints
for rescue, moneys made available for structural adjustments and
economic rectification. Theirs is a blind faith in privatization,
liberalization, transparency, economic reform, fiscal rectitude,
good governance, human rights, democracy, and freedom.
What they mean is: Sell us your country's resources, its minerals,
forests, fishing grounds, precious stones, crops, natural landscapes
for tourist traps, the labor of its people, the lands of subsistence
farmers and peasants, the real estate occupied by the urban poor,
and we will make you rich.
The real merchants of millennial fantasy are those whose errorless
vision, clarity of understanding, high-octane intelligence, peerless
know-how, and sense of justice and humanity have brought whole
continents to the verge of collapse, have driven millions of people
in Indonesia, Brazil, and Russia into incalculable suffering and
These bringers of the millennium know neither remorse nor
repentance. They are enthusiastically received everywhere. The
sobriety, seriousness, and high-mindedness of their presentation
disguise the millennial madness of their proposals. This only
makes them more dangerous. No wonder they are inviting us all
to celebrate the millennium and to party like there is no tomorrow.
For there will be no tomorrow if their diagnoses and prescriptions
continue to dominate this poor wasting world we must call our
World Order