Volume II Part II
excerpted from the book
The Hidden Evil
The Financial Elite's Covert War
Against the Civilian Population
by Mark M. Rich
Lulu Enterprises, 2008, paperback

Dr. Robert Hare in his book, Without Conscience
Lying, deceiving, and manipulation are
natural talents for psychopaths. When caught in a lie or challenged
with the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed-they
simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so
that they appear to be consistent with the lie.
Psychopaths show a stunning lack of concern
for the devastating effects their actions have on others. Often
they are completely forthright about the matter, calmly stating
that they have no sense of guilt, [and] are not sorry for the
pain and destruction they have caused [which] is associated with
a remarkable ability to rationalize their behavior.
psychiatrist Scott Peck in his book 'People of The Lie'
Evil people [cannot] be rapidly influenced
by any means other than raw power.
Dr. Renato Sabbatini in his article 'The Psychopath's Brain'
Corrupt and callous politicians, social
or career fast climbers, authoritarian leaders, abusing and aggressive
persons, are psychopaths ... A common characteristic is that they
engage systematically in deception and manipulation of others
for personal gain. In fact, many successful and adapted non-violent
sociopaths can be found in our society.
Dr. Robert Hare in his book 'Without Conscience'
Achieving power for the sake of having
power is the nature of the psychopath.
To accomplish objectives [psychopaths] will use their mask of
sanity to place themselves in positions within [a] community.
These positions may include school boards, charitable organizations,
churches, politics, law enforcement, or any position which they
believe will offer them power over others. These are the places
where most psychopaths end up, not jail.
Try to imagine someone who seeks power for no reason other than
to have power, or someone who deceives just to experience the
delight of having done so. Or someone who tortures another person
physically or emotionally for the enjoyment of watching them suffer.
Imagine someone doing these things, and not losing a moment of
sleep at night (zero remorse). And add to all this, the ability
to conceal themselves from an extremely naive public.
The people who control the planet [the ruling elite] have created
wars for profit and control, which have resulted in the deaths
of millions of people, for which they exhibit no remorse. They've
allowed attacks to occur, created depressions, and overthrown
governments to further their ambitions. They have repeatedly lied
about these events using the media, which they control, and academia,
which they also control by their Tax-exempt Foundations.
These wealthy people masquerade as the
saviors of society. They disguise themselves using public front
organizations, which appear to be humanitarian in nature. They've
repeatedly not only lied about major historical events, but have
deliberately created these catastrophes for their own benefit.
Their own publications indicate that they plan to install a global
dictatorship with them in complete control. These people are textbook
Gary Allen
[The ruling elite] come from the very
highest social strata. They are immensely \wealthy, highly educated
and extremely cultured. Many of them have lifelong reputations
for philanthropy. Nobody enjoys being put in the position of accusing
prominent people of conspiring to enslave their fellow Americans,
but the facts are inescapable.
If you were to research the people throughout history that have
committed atrocities against populations, you would probably find
that most were psychopaths. Although mainstream history books
do describe some of these events, they don't emphasize the pattern
which they were part of. This pattern consists of a steady stream
of psychopaths lying, deceiving and murdering their way to the
top, which then resulted in the atrocities.
Dr. Renato Sabbatini in his article 'The Psychopath's Brain'
Under stressing social situations such
as in wars, general poverty and breakdown of the economy, sweeping
epidemics or political fighting, etc., sociopaths may acquire
the status of regional or national leaders and saviors... When
they are in positions of power, they can inflict far more damage
than as individuals.
When the controlling faction of a society is evil the sickness
permeates into the lower levels. Immoral attitudes are projected,
while moral ones are ridiculed, and enemies are created. The destructive
process ends with a holocaust, genocide or persecution of some
Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald, November of 1975
[The most important issue of our time
is the] drive of the Rockefellers and their allies to create a
one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism
under the same tent, all under their control.
Dr. Robert Hare
Psychopaths view people as little more
than objects to be used for their own gratification. The weak
and the vulnerable - whom they mock, rather than pity-are favorite
The controlling psychopathic faction of a society (the financial
elite), will recruit lower-level psychopaths to do their bidding.
These lower-level deviants naturally seek employment in law enforcement,
security, the military, politics, or other positions which they
believe will offer them power.
Psychopaths naturally gravitate toward positions of power.
James Perloff quoting from a document released by the House Committee
on Un-American Activities, on September 23, 1956 'Propaganda the
Alert Citizen - which outlined the tactics used by the Establishment
[ruling elite] to discredit opposition to its policies
The tactic used had a prototype in a directive
issued by the Communist Party... It read: When certain obstructionists
become too irritating, label them, after suitable build-ups, as
Fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic, and use the prestige of anti-Fascist
and tolerance organizations to discredit them.
Gary Allen
Because the Establishment [ruling elite]
controls the media, anyone exposing the Insiders will be the recipient
of a continuous fusillade of [criticism] ... from newspapers,
magazines, TV and radio. In this manner one is threatened with
the loss of 'social respectability' if he dares broach the idea
that there is organization behind any of the problems currently
wrecking America.
the Reece Committee - the congressional committee investigating
tax-exempt foundations in 1953 - stated
The far-reaching power of the large foundations
and of the interlock has so influenced the press, the radio, and
even the government that it has become extremely difficult for
objective criticism of foundation practices to get into news channels
without having first been distorted, slanted, discredited, and
at times ridiculed.
the Reece Committee - the congressional committee investigating
tax-exempt foundations in 1953 - declared
The major foundations and their associated
intermediary organizations have entrenched themselves behind a
totality of power which presumes to place them beyond serious
criticism and attack.
Dan Smoot, former FBI agent and activist
Two different committees of Congress -
one Democrat-controlled and one Republican-controlled - have tried
to investigate the ... tax-exempt foundations which are interlocked
with and controlled by, and provide the primary source of revenue
for, the Council on Foreign Relations and its affiliates.
... Both committees were gutted with ridicule
and vicious denunciation ... by internationalists in the Congress,
by spokesmen for the executive branch of government, and by big
respected publishing and broadcasting firms which are a part of
the controlled propaganda network of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Anyone who exposes the activities of the elite usually receives
an assortment of character assassination from the mainstream media,
anti-hate organizations, and official experts. Lawsuits may be
filed. An IRS audit may occur. Other tactics are used, such as
being threatened, framed, blackmailed, and murdered. Accidents
which result in death or injury may be reverse engineered to appear
as though they were not planned.
Abraham Lincoln
The money powers prey upon the nation
in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity.
It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy,
and more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces as public enemies,
all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes.
Congressional whitewashes include the Roberts Commission (Pearl
Harbor cover-up), and the Kerry Subcommittee (Iran Contra Scandal,
Federal Drug Trafficking). The Warren Commission (investigating
the death of JFK) is said to have been heavily whitewashed, the
9/11 Commission was a whitewash.
Dan Smoot, former FBI agent in his book 'Kissinger on the Couch'
All American advocates of supranational
government, or world government, claim their principal motive
is to achieve world peace. Yet, these are generally the same Americans
whose eager interventionism helped push America / into two world
author Alan B. Jones
The U.N. [is] a front for the banking
elites to be used as the core of a political structure for a world
government, using the IMF as the world central bank.
Those who expose the financial elite typically receive character
assassination from radio, TV, print media, official "experts,"
and "anti-hate" organizations. A combination of framings,
murders, "accidents," and lawsuits may occur. "Educational"
material is distributed to law enforcement to help them understand
the "paranoid extremists" who believe that multinational
corporations are installing a global dictatorship.
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