Volume I Part II
excerpted from the book
The Hidden Evil
The Financial Elite's Covert War
Against the Civilian Population
by Mark M. Rich
Lulu Enterprises, 2008, paperback

Gary Allen
Public opinion is manufactured by the
CFR's [Council on Foreign Relations] ventriloquists in the mass
Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member
[The CFR] control or own major newspapers,
magazines, radio and television networks [and] the most powerful
companies in the book publishing business. (The Associated Press,
New York Times, Washington Post, and LA Times have their own wire
services, which most mainstream news outlets use.)
Gaylon Ross
The CFR could not accomplish their goals
without complicity of the mainstream news media which they absolutely
control with an iron fist. Occasionally they will hold a public
meeting, and invite the open press in order to give the impression
that they are a harmless group engaged only in social activities.
Gary Allen
At the center of Insider power, influence,
and planning in the United States is the pervasive Council on
Foreign Relations. The CFR was created by the Rockefellers and
their allies to be the focus of their drive for a 'New World Order".
David Rockefeller, Bilderberg Meeting, Baden-Baden Germany, 1991
We are grateful to The Washington Post,
the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications
whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their
promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been
impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had
been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.
But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march
towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an
intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the
national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
Gary Allen
[The mainstream media] are the Establishment's
official landscape painters whose job it is to make sure the public
does not discover the C.F.R. [Council on Foreign Relations] and
its role in creating a world socialist dictatorship.
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister
Think of the press as a great keyboard
on which the government can play.
journalist John Swinton, New York Press Club 1953
There is no such thing at this date of
the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You
know it and I know it... The business of / journalists is to destroy
the truth, to lie outright... We are the tools of rich men behind
the scenes. We are jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we
dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the
property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.
Most people pay attention to the events illuminated by corporate-owned
spotlights [media] because they're big, common, socially accepted,
and because they're all most people have ever known. When you
start listening to independent news broadcasts, your conditioning
begins to come undone, you start to connect the dots and find
that events that were puzzling and seemed unrelated are part of
the same picture.
... By listening to these broadcasts you
can become familiar with who really runs this planet, what they've
done, and where they're taking you. Most of the topics discussed
on these shows will never be covered on mainstream news. If you
do begin to listen to these shows, you may find yourself watching
mainstream news less frequently due to its high rubbish content.
You may also become temporarily upset after realizing you've been
deceived, you've been misled, conned, tricked - and that most
of your friends and relatives have too.
Senator Barry Goldwater
The intellectual influence of the academic
community ... is subservient to the wealth of the great tax-free
Antony Sutton
Twentieth-century history, as recorded
in Establishment textbooks and journals, is inaccurate. The prevailing
Establishment version is seen to be not only inaccurate, but designed
to hide a pervasive fabric of deceit and immoral conduct. [They
are effective] not so much because of outright censorship, although
that is an important element, but more because of the gullibility
of the American 'educated public'.
Texe Marrs
The rewriting and deceitful misinterpretation
of American and world history is one of the main methods used
to manipulate and shape public opinion. The establishment of the
American Historical Society was no doubt an unprecedented step
in instituting this diabolical plan to rewrite the past.
Antony Sutton
Through foundations controlled by [a financial]
elite, research by compliant and spineless academics, 'conservatives'
as well as 'liberals' has been directed into channels ' useful
for the objectives of the elite essentially to maintain this subversive
and unconstitutional power apparatus. Through publishing houses
controlled by this same financial elite unwelcome books have been
squashed and useful books promoted.
It is understandable that universities
and research organizations, dependent on financial aid from foundations
that are controlled by this same New York financial elite, would
hardly want to support and to publish research on these aspects
of [authentic] international politics.
Antony Sutton
During the past one hundred years any
theory of history or historical evidence that falls outside a
pattern established by the American Historical Association and
the major foundations with their grant-making power has been attacked
or rejected.
Gary Allen
[The Rockefellers] do not pour money into
local school board races; they put their bucks into the schools
that train the teachers and they finance the writing of textbooks.
The existing system of education is little more than a conditioning
mechanism. It has little to do with education in the true sense,
and a lot to do with control of the individual. This requires
suppression of individualist tenancies and a careful spoon-feeding
of approved knowledge.
According to the results of congressional investigations and independent
researchers, mainstream history is written by the financial elite.
The CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] and interlocking Think
Tanks have literally rewritten history using schools and publishing
houses which they control by grants from their private multi-billion-dollar
bank accounts (Tax-exempt Foundations).
Gary Allen
Jacob Schiff ... long-time associate of
the Rothschilds, financed the Communist Revolution in Russia to
the tune of $20 million. According to a report on file with the
[US] State Department, his firm Kuhn Loeb and Co. bankrolled the
first five year plan for Stalin.
Congressman Louis McFadden chairman of the House Banking Committee,
June 15, 1933
The Soviet government has been given United
States Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal
Reserve Banks acting through the Chase Bank and the Guaranty Trust
Company and other banks in New York City.
Antony Sutton
Our textbooks tell us that the Nazis and
Soviets were bitter enemies and their systems are opposites. [But
in the] 1920s, W. Averill Harriman was a prime supporter of the
Soviets with finance and diplomatic assistance... Averill Harriman,
his brother Roland Harriman, and E.S. James and Knight Woolley,
through the Union Bank ... were prime financial backers of Hitler...
How could a rational man support Soviets and Nazis at the same
Wall Street funded both Communists and Nazis.
For over 100 years it has been a standard operating procedure
of the Rockefellers and their allies to control both sides of
every conflict.
After the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street ensured the communists
would retain-control of Russia.
Gary Allen
The Bolsheviks were not a visible political
force at the time the Czar abdicated. And they came to power not
because of the downtrodden masses of Russia called them back,
but because very wealthy men in Europe and the United States sent
them in.
James Perloff
Probably no name symbolized capitalism
more than Rockefeller. Yet that family has for decades supplied
trade and credit to Communist nations. After the Bolsheviks took
power, the Rockefellers' Standard Oil of New Jersey bought up
Russian oil fields, while Standard Oil of New York built the soviets
a refinery and made an arrangements to market their oil in Europe.
During the 1920's the Rockefellers' Chase Bank helped found the
American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, and was involved in financing
Soviet raw material exports and selling Soviet bonds in the U.S.
Gary Allen
In the late 1960s Rockefeller and other
industrialists ... were willing to finance and subsidize the Soviet
Union while the Vietnam War was underway, knowing that the Soviets
were supplying the other side.
Antony Sutton quoting a report by Averill Harriman to the State
Department in June, 1944
Stalin paid tribute to the assistance
rendered by the United States to Soviet industry before and during
the 'war.
Gary Allen about Antony Sutton's book 'Wall Street and the Bolshevik
No one has even attempted to refute [Antony
Sutton's book 'Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution']... They
can't. But the misinformation machines that compose our mediacracy
can ignore Sutton. And they do.
Antony Sutton
The synthesis sought by the Establishment
is called the New World Order. Without controlled conflict this
New World Order will not come about . ... And this is being done
with the calculated, managed, use of conflict... This explains
why the International bankers backed the Nazis, the Soviet Union,
[and] North Korea ... against the United States. The 'conflict'
[builds] profits while pushing the world ever closer to One World
Communist Russia was not only heavily funded by Wall Street, but
was the actual creation of Wall Street. The Communist Revolution
was instigated by Wall Street.
U.S. intelligence cracked the radio code that Tokyo used to communicate
with its embassies [during World War II]. The decoded messages
... revealed that spies in Hawaii informed Tokyo of the exact
locations of warships at Pearl Harbor. Washington was also aware
that the attack would come on or around December 7th.
... On December 6th [1941], Captain Johan
Ranneft of the Dutch naval attaché in Washington acknowledged
that U.S. naval intelligence informed him that Japanese carriers
were about 400 miles northwest of Honolulu. Apparently Ranneft
informed Washington, but no alert was passed to the commanders
in Hawaii.
James Perloff
[Franklin] Roosevelt and [General] Marshall
stripped [Oahu, Hawaii] of most of its air defense shortly before
the [Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor], and allotted it only one-third
of the surveillance planes need to reliably detect approaching
Antony Sutton in his book 'Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler'
General Motors, Ford, General Electric,
Dupont [and other] U.S. companies intimately involved with the
development of Nazi Germany were ... controlled by the Wall Street
elite [such as] the J.P. Morgan firm, the Rockefeller Chase Bank
and to a lesser extent the Warburg Manhattan bank.
Texe Marrs
Max Warburg, a major German banker, and
his brother Paul Warburg, who had been instrumental in establishing
the Federal Reserve System in the United States, were directors
of Interssen Gemeinschaft Farben or I.G. Farben, the giant German
chemical firm that produced Zyklon B gas used in Nazi extermination
p65 Gary Allen
The financing for Adolph Hitler's rise
to power was handled through the Warburg-controlled Mendelsohn
Bank of Amsterdam and / later by the J. Henry Schroeder Bank with
branches in Frankfurt, London and New York. Chief legal council
to the J. Henry Schroeder Bank was the firm Sullivan and Cromwell
whose senior partners included John Foster and Allen Dulles.
author James Perloff
In 1939, on the eve of the [German] blitzkrieg,
the Rockefellers' Standard Oil of New Jersey sold $20 million
in aviation fuel to ... I.G. Farben [and] even had an American
subsidiary called American I.G.
author James Perloff
US. companies which contributed heavily
to the Nazi war machine include Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH)
and Union ' Banking Corporation (UBC), both of New York. Prescott
Bush (grandfather of President George W. Bush) was a partner at
BBH and director of UBC. UBC of New York, which was founded and
chaired by E. Roland Harriman, is now confirmed to have been a
Nazi front company.
'Bush-Nazi Link Confirmed', a story in The New Hampshire Gazette,
October 10, 2003
Newly-uncovered government documents in
The National Archives and Library of I Congress reveal that Prescott
Bush ... served as a business partner ... for the financial architect
of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942.
Professor [Texe] Marrs in an article titled 'How Bush's Grandfather
Helped Hitler's Rise to Power', London Guardian, September 25,
Prescott Sheldon Bush ... father of the
[former] President George [H. W.] Bush ... was a partner in the
Wall Street firm of Brown Brothers Harriman for 40 years. It was
Brown Brothers Harriman that helped to finance ... the 1917 communist
revolution in Moscow and the rise of Hitler and Nazism, through
money made possible by it and the affiliated Guaranty Trust Company.
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who served in an intelligence
unit for the German branch of [I.G.] Farben was also a member
of the Nazi SS. Bernhard eventually became a founding member of
the Bilderbergers.
Gary Allen in his book 'The Rockefeller File'
The alliance between Nazi German and the
Rockefellers is truly shocking. Hitler's Luftwaffe ran on Standard
petrol, and the Rockefellers were partners in I.G. Farben Industries,
whose thousands of war products included the poison gas used in
Nazi death camps.
Antony Sutton
American I.G. Farben, General Electric,
Standard Oil of New Jersey, Ford, and other U.S. firms [were]
directly responsible for bringing the Nazis to power.
Antony Sutton
German bankers on the Farben Aufsichsrat
(the supervisory Board of Directors) [of I.G. Farben] in the late
1920s included the Hamburg banker Max Warburg, whose brother Paul
Warburg was a founder of the Federal Reserve System in the United
States. Not coincidentally, Paul Warburg was also on the board
of American I.G., Farben's wholly owned U.S. Subsidiary.
Paul Warburg [an international banker and a founder of the Federal
Reserve System in the United States] aided the Nazis while working
for I.G. Farben in the U.S., while his brother helped them while
working for the same company in Germany.
Antony Sutton
The two largest tank producers in Hitler's
Germany were Opel, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors
(controlled by the J.P. Morgan firm), and the Ford A.G. subsidiary
of the Ford Motor Company of Detroit, In brief, American companies
associated with the Morgan-Rockefeller international investment
bankers ... were intimately related to the growth of Nazi Industry.
The Guardian of London, March, 29, 2002, ran an article entitled,
'IBM Dealt Directly with Holocaust Organisers'
Newly discovered documents from Hitler's
Germany prove that the computer company IBM directly supplied
the Nazis with technology which was used to help transport millions
of people to their deaths in the concentration camps at Auschwitz
and Treblinka.
The Village Voice, March 27, 2002, in an article entitled, How
IBM Helped Automate the Nazi Death Machine in Poland
[There was] a strategic business alliance
between IBM and the [Third] Reich, beginning in the first days
of the Hitler regime and continuing right through World War II.
Recently discovered Nazi documents ... make clear that IBM's alliance
with the Third Reich went far beyond its German subsidiary. A
key factor in the Holocaust in Poland was IBM technology provided
directly through ... IBM New York, mainly to its headquarters
at 590 Madison Avenue.
The Kilgore Committee under the United States Senate charged with
post World. War II investigations concluded that "the United
States accidentally played an important role in the technical
arming of Germany.
Antony Sutton
It is not at all difficult to visualize why Nazi industrialists
were puzzled by 'investigations' [U.S.. Senate Kilgore Committee]
and assumed at the end of the war [World War II] that their Wall
Street friends would bail them out and protect them from the wrath
of those who had suffered... Apparently these Nazis were angry
that they were even on trial and boasted that their "friends"
in Wall Street would rescue them.
The Kilgore Committee in 1946 described the attitudes of Nazi
war criminals
Their general attitude and expectation
was that the war was over and we ought now to be assisting them
in helping to get I.G. Farben and German industry back on its
feet ... as soon as things got a little settled they would expect
their friends in the Untitled States and England to be coming
Antony Sutton
At the end of World War II Wall Street
moved into Germany through the Control Council to protect their
old cartel friends and limit the extent to which the denazification
fervor would damage old business relationships. General Lucius
Clay, the deputy military governor for Germany, appointed ...
Banker William Draper [to] ... put his control team together from
businessmen who had represented American business in pre-war Germany.
When we examine the Control Council for
Germany we find that the head of the finance division was Louis
Douglas, director of the Morgan-controlled General Motors [and
the head of the] Economics Division was William Draper, a partner
in the Dillon, Read Firm that had so much to do with building
Nazi Germany in the first place. All three men [Douglas, Clay,
and Draper] were, not surprisingly ... members of the Council
on Foreign Relations.
Antony Sutton
The story of American ties to German fascism
has been avoided like the plaque by the major U.S. media. After
World War 11 the Tribunals set up to investigate Nazi war criminals
were careful to censor any materials regarding Western assistance
to Hitler.
Antony Sutton
[At] the very core of Nazism [we] find
Wall Street, including Standard Oil of New Jersey and I.T.T.,
represented ... [up] to as late as 1944.
Antony Sutton
referring to Wall Street's role in funding
the Nazis as being one part of a consolidation plan for world
[The] interplay of ideas and cooperation
[referring to Wall Street's role in funding the Nazis] was only
one facet of a vast and ambitious system of cooperation and international
alliance for world control.
Antony Sutton, quoting Georgetown Professor Dr. Carroll Quigley
[Wall Street's role in funding the Nazis
was] nothing less than to create a world system of financial control,
in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each
country and the economy of the world as a whole.
The Council on Foreign Relation, played an important role in funding
the Nazis, and orchestrated the investigations to prevent their
connections from being made public. This evidence also suggests
that Wall Street/CFR not only funded, but created the Nazi war
Congressman [Charles] Lindberg said in a Congressional Record
dated, December 22, 1913
This new law [the Federal Reserve Act)
will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. It may
not do so immediately, but ... if the trusts can get another period
of inflation, they figure they can unload the stocks on the people
at high prices during the excitement and them bring on a panic
and buy them back at low prices. The people may not know it immediately,
but the day reckoning is only a few years removed.
James Perloff
The Federal Reserve has since [1929] created
an endless series of booms and busts by the strategic tightening
and relaxation of money and credit.
Gary Allen
Having built the Federal Reserve as a
tool to consolidate and control wealth, the international bankers
were now ready to make a major killing. Between 1923 and 1929
the Federal Reserve expanded (inflated) the money supply by sixty-two
percent. Much of this new money was used to bid the stock market
up to dizzying heights. At the same time that enormous amounts
of credit money were being made available ... the mass media began
to ballyhoo tales of instant riches to be made in the stock market.
Ferdinand Lundberg
For profits to be made on [stock] funds
the public had to be induced to speculate, and it was so induced
by misleading newspaper accounts, many of them bought and paid
for by the brokers that operated the pools.
James Perloff
The Federal Reserve prompted the speculation
by expanding the money supply a whopping sixty-two percent between
1923 and 1929. When the central bank became law in 1913, Congressman
Charles Lindbergh had warned: "From now on, depressions will
be scientifically created." Like two con men working a mark,
the Fed made credit easy while Establishment newspapers hyped
what riches could be made in the stock market.
Curtis Dall, a syndicate manager for Lehman Brothers was on the
floor of the New York Stock Exchange on the day of the 1929 stock
market crash
[The Crash] was the calculated 'shearing'
of the public by the World-Money powers triggered by the planned
sudden shortage of call money in the New York money market.
Gary Allen
The "shearing [the 1929 stock market
collapse] caused a "despair [which] produced a willingness
to accept a major expansion of government controls over the economy...
In 1929, America was a long way from total government. The next
depression will be used as the excuse for complete socialist-fascist
controls at home and the creation of a World Superstate internationally.
James Perloff
Plummeting stock prices ruined small investors,
but not the top insiders" on Wall Street. Paul Warburg had
issued a tip in March of 1929 that the crash coming. Before it
did, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Joseph P. Kennedy, and
other money barons got out of the market... Early withdrawal from
the market not only preserved the fortunes of these men, it also
enabled them to return later and buy up whole companies for a
G. Edward Griffin's book, The Creature from Jekyll Island
There is no record of any member of the
interlocking directorate between the Federal Reserve, the major
New York banks, and their prime customers having been caught by
surprise [by the stock market collapse of 1929].
Herbert Hoover's description of the Secretary of the Treasury,
Andrew Mellon's views
Mr. Mellon had only one formula: 'Liquidate
labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, [and] liquidate
real estate. It will purge the rottenness out of the system. Values
will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up the wrecks
from less competent people.
James Perloff
FDR is probably best remembered for the
New Deal, Of course since a large portion of the work force
was unemployed [during the Depression], there was not enough tax
revenue to pay for [the New Deal] programs. So the government
turned to its other source - borrowing. In effect, the international
bankers, having created the Depression, now loaned America the
cash to recover from it. Naturally, the interest on these loans
would be borne on the backs of taxpayers for years to come.
The Great Depression was artificially created so the larger Wall
Street firms, which control the stock market could eliminate competition
and make profits out of lending America money to recover from
in 1934 General Smedley D. Butler went public after he was approached
by Wall Street and offered up to 300 million dollars to lead an
army of 500,00 veterans equipped with munitions from Remington
Company to Washington D.C., in order to overthrow the U.S. Government
by force.
Jules Archer in his book 'The Plot to Seize the White House'
The backing of the revolution reportedly
came from the American Liberty League, which was headed by Morgan
and DuPont... General Butler claimed that the American Liberty
League was the primary means of funding the plot. The main backers
were the DuPont family, as well as leaders of U.S. Steel, General
Motors, Standard Oil, Chase National Bank, and Goodyear Tire and
Rubber Company.
George Seldes in his book 'Facts and Fascism'
Most papers suppressed the whole story
[of the 1934 attempted coup against FDR] or threw it down by ridiculing
Jules Archer in his book 'The Plot to Seize the White House'
Press coverage of what was obviously a
startling story of utmost importance to the security of the nation
[the 1934 attempted coup against FDR] was largely one of distortion,
suppression, and omission.
Representative John W. McCormack, former Speaker of the House
There was no doubt that General Butler
was telling the truth [about the 1934 attempted coup against FDR]...
We believed his testimony one hundred percent. He was a great,
patriotic American in every respect.
Jon Spivak, a reporter assigned to cover the congressional hearings
about the 1934 attempted coup against FDR
What was behind the plot was shrouded
in a silence which has not been broken to this day . ... It would
be regrettable if historians neglected this episode and future
generations of Americans never learned of it.
Jules Archer in his book 'The Plot to Seize the White House'
It would seem time that school textbooks
in America were revised to acknowledge our debt to the almost
forgotten hero [General Smedley Butler] who thwarted the conspiracy
to end democratic government in America.
[The U.S. financial elite] funded the Communist Revolution and
the Nazi Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of millions.
They built the dictatorship in Russia, which resulted in the brutal
slaughter of millions of people during the Russian Holocaust.
The same cabal allowed the attacks on Pearl Harbor to take place
and deliberately created the Great Depression.
There was at least one blatant attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government
by force in 1933-34, which congress confirmed to be genuine. Entire
volumes could probably be written on their [the U.S. financial
elite] evil deeds. By control of the Tax-exempt Complex and other
institutions, they control academia and have literally rewritten
Hidden Evil
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