"Catastrophic Global Warming",
Ecological Brainwashing and World Government
by Olga Chetverikova
http://globalresearch.ca/, December
10, 2009

After an annual meeting of the Bilderberg
Club in May 2009, the establishment of the global management system
of institutions seemed to have been given a boost, repeating the
plots of American apocalyptic blockbusters.
As soon as the financial top had opted
for a lingering crisis, global managers were instructed to work
in two major ways: first, to invent a myth about the danger of
swine flu pandemic (in order to take control of the national healthcare
systems and reorganize the World Health Organization (WHO) into
a global healthcare ministry) and impose a threat of global warming
to gain control of world natural resources and introduce a unified
'green' tax (alongside with creation of a new sub-national managing
body- an international ministry of ecology).
Both tasks aim to intimidate the population
and thus substantiate any policies undertaken by international
organziations. Chairman of the Board of Governors 'British Petroluem',
Peter Suterlan, once frankly admitted that he would like to impose
fear of global warming in order to increase taxes and make people
revise their lifestyle.
The implementation of the first scenario
suggested by the Bilderberg Club is currently underway.
After the WHO announced the A/H1N1 pandemic
on July 11, 2009, a real hysteria was launched in mass media worldwide,
and people were told to get prepared for the pandemic in November
and undergo vaccination (in 2005 the WHO added an amendment to
its Charter which says that duirng a pandemic the organization
does not recommend but gives instructions and orders, and the
number of vaccines should be no less than 4.6 billion). The operation
reached its peak when in late September Barack Obama signed a
decree to impose 'a flu pandemic sanitary emergency', which means
that the citizens could be vaccinated against their will and kept
in special quarantine zones. Amid panic, Americans and West Europeans
were involved in mass immunization, which unveiled that the pandemic
had been paid in order to let pharmaceutical companies thrive
on it, and also as a weapon against 'unwanted' population (and
now we all know what a swine flu vaccine is). It was also used
as a so-called 'innovative' mechanism of handling political processes-
which was so actively used in Ukraine. In view of this, the WHO
gained extra powers and strengthened its status.
Now we are witnessing another show titled
"The UN Copenhagen climate change conference", currently
held in the Danish capital (it will run through December 18) and
aiming to work out a document to limit global emissions and replace
the Kyoto Protocol which expires in 2012. Thirty thousand participants,
including 60 heads of states and prime mnisters, have arrived
there on December,7.
The EU, being one of the major organizers
of the summit, had elected its first President, who was immediately
described in the media as a creature of the Bilderberg club: on
November, 15, a few days before his appointment, Herman Van Rompuy
met with the club`s top managers at Val Duchesse castle outside
Brussels, where he spoke about the need to revise the mechanism
of the EU`s financing and suggested a unified 'green' tax which
would go directly to Brussels. The fact that the issue was covered
in the media proves that members of the Bilderberg Club are no
longer going to conceal that they are the real bosses in Europe.
Such confidence annoyed some of the European
Parliament members. One of them, an Italian Mario Borghezio, said:
"All three candidates (for the role of the EU president)
often attended meeting at the Bilderberg club, and I think that
they should explain whether they are honest candidates representing
their native country or just members of secret groups which had
been organized to discuss pressing social and other kinds of issues".
Another MP, an Englishman Nigel Farage criticized Rompuy`s appointment
and called him a 'puppet-leader' in the hands of Barroso. He even
dared to say that the EU is an authoritarian dictatorship ruled
by bureaucracy which is not elected by anybody. Commenting on
the Lisbon Treaty, Farage told the delegates: "It took you
8,5 years of intimidation, lying and disrespect towards democratic
referendums to lobby this deal!"
Immediately after his appointment as the
EU President, Van Rompuy (known in Europe as 'master of compromising')
assured his patrons that he perfectly understood all the tasks
he was facing. Speaking at a press-conference, Herman Van Rompuy
said that 2009 has become the 'first year of global management'
(he meant the G20), while the Climate Summit in Copenhagen is
a next step in this direction'.
The Danish government carried out a reshuffle
and appointed Lykke Friis, pro-dean at the Copenhagen University,
as Climate Minister to replace Connie Hedegaard, a member of the
Bilderberg Club. The latter swapped her title to First Commissioner
on the EU Climate, which was introduced in October 2009 especially
in order to control the reduction of CO2 emissions by 20% by the
year 2020. Hedegaard is a member of numerous committees and organizations,
including the Danish Atlantic Treaty Association led by Robert
What goals are being pursued in Copenhagen
this time? __Lord Christopher Monckton, former adviser to Margaret
Thatcher, explained: "When I read this treaty I see that
the authors are talking about the establishment of 'one world
Marxist government'. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth
from the countries of the West to third world countries, in satisfaction
of what is called, coyly, 'climate debt' - because we've been
burning CO2 and they haven't. We've been screwing up the climate
and they haven't. And the third purpose of this new entity, this
government, is enforcement," Monckton warned. He then noted
that the new treaty would be supported by most of the third world
countries 'as they think they will receive money for it'. And
the US President will sign it without expecting two thirds of
the Senate and the Congress to ratify it.
And the 'world government', which would
be empowered to interfere in other countries` economic and ecological
policies, and the 'enforcement'- these all are just mechanisms
to 'transfer resources' which actually means reforming economies
of the non-western countries with the use of progressive technologies
in order to gain control these resources within that level of
consumption permitted in the West that would guarantee a drop
in the planet`s population.
It is no secret that the 1992 UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change was adopted after the idea of global
warming resulting from anthropogenic factors had been promoted
among scientists. In 1997 the Kyoto Protocol was prtensented as
an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change. The Protocol sets binding targets
for 37 industrialized countries and the European community for
reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions .These amount to an average
of five per cent against 1990 levels over the five-year period
2008-2012. The US, being the world`s biggest emitter of greenhouse
gases, has not ratified the Protocol. The EU (now comprising the
Baltic States and the countries of Eastern Europe) took the burden
of the responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8%,
Japan and Canada- by 6%. The Protocol limits emission in Russia
and Ukraine to a percentage increase or decrease from their 1990
levels. The developing countries, including China and India were
not included in numerical limitation of the Kyoto Protocol.
However, the implementation of the Kyoto
deal failed to help in resolving environmental problems but added
a new commodity to the international market: quota on GHG. It
turned into a pure speculation and let the financial capital grasp
onto a vital energy sector in the developing countries. Due to
their imperfect industrial policies, the developed states could
not succeed in modernization and GHG reducing. That is why they
found another means to fulfill their obligations: a developed
state helps a developing one to reduce emissions and then counts
the limited tons of GHG as if those were reduce on its territory.
Very soon hundreds of companies and foundations joined this 'green'
quota games hoping to thrive on it. In the long run, the international
environmental market received the strongest expansion ever, and
it originally there were only three purchasers: the World Bank,
the governments of the Netherlands and Japan, now their number
has increased sharply, and professional speculators now make up
to 40% of the participants in hydrocarbon exchanges.
Having accepted the conditions, Russia
later faced an ambiguous situation: the country has large stocks
of free greenhouse gases but this is because in 1990s its industry
was in severe crisis, and all emissions then even fell below 30%.
The international community plans to introduce
new emission quotas to restrict industrial development and impose
western environmental standards that require implementation of
very costly projects (and these expenses will never be compensated
by the sums earned on 'green' quotas trading). And taking into
consideration that climate in Russia requires constant expenditures
on energy, the country will hardly be able to restore its industrial
A group of developed nations have prepared
a brand new document especially for the Copenhagen summit. The
document says that the divison into developed and developing nations
has long become outdated, while today all the states should be
obliged to cut GHG emissions and provide assisstance to the poorest
countries. The treaty is expected to be legally binding as well
so that the states approved new rules at the governmental level.
But the differences between the participants were so great that
they only managed to agree on a road map plan without discussing
the figures.
However, high promises of financial and
investment assisstance proved to be more effective than legal
mechanisms, and ahead of the summit the leading developing nations
followed in the West`s footsteps and pledged GHG emissions cuts
by 2020. The EU announced a 20% reduction from the 1990 level,
while the US said it will reduce its emissions by 17% from the
2005 level (in accordance with a draft law approved by the House
of Representatives). India claimed it wil reduce 20-25%, whiel
South Korea and China announced the figures of 30% and 40-45%
Russian WWF, Greenpeace and Ecoprotection
activists said 'Russia should play the leading role at the talks.
We can and should remain at the 1990 level of 30%. And then we
shoud proceed with further reduction". At the Russa-EU summit
in November, Dmitry Medvedev said the country would try to reduce
its GHG emissions up to 25% by 2020, and added that by 2050 Russia
will be ready to cut emission by no less than 50% in comparison
to the 1990 level.
This kind of unanimity hides the real
differences between the participants of the summit and the gravity
of environmental problems and adds fuel to the fire caused by
the idea of 'catastrophic global warming'. Recently, the Prince
of Wales Charles has delivered a report in which he said that
'nations have less than 100 months to act to save the planet from
irreversible damage due to climate change.
Global management does everything to hide
the real state of affairs. It ignores information and scientific
research from alternative sources, especially if the threat of
global warming and its anthropogenic factors are being argued
(mind the recent leakage of e-mails from the University of East
Anglia`s Climatic Research, the so-called 'climate gate'). __In
the past 20 years a powerful system of ecological 'brainwashing'
has been created which serves the participants in 'green' business
who can thus control the Earth`s natural resources. But in their
attempts to keep the world`s population deluded, global speculators
and their servants among politicians have long surpassed reasonable
limits. __I remember an old Russian proverb: the devil is scary
when you cannot see him but when you do he makes you laugh. __Translated
from the Russian original by the Strategic Cultural Foundation
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