The Trilateral Commission (TC)
excerpted from the book
The Bilderberg Group
by Daniel Estulin
Independent Publishers Group,
2005, paperback

David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405
Some even believe we are part of a secret
cabal working against the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as "internationalists"
and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more
integrated global political and economic structure - one world,
if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud
of it.
The Trilateral Commission was established in 1973. Its founder
and primary mover was international financier David Rockefeller,
longtime chairman of the Rockefeller family-controlled Chase Manhattan
Bank. Journalist Bill Moyers spoke about the power of David Rockefeller
in a TV documentary, The Secret Government in 1980: "David
Rockefeller is the most conspicuous representative today of the
ruling class, a multinational fraternity of men who shape the
global economy and manage the flow of its capital ... Private
citizen David Rockefeller is accorded privileges of a head of
state ... He is untouched by customs or passport offices and hardly
pauses for traffic lights."
The first meeting of the Trilateral Commission
was held in Tokyo between October 21 and 23, 1973. Sixty-five
persons represented the North American group. Of those, 35 were
also affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations.
The Trilateral Commission is divided into
three regions - American, European and Pacific Asian. American
headquarters are in Washington; European, in Paris; and Asian,
in Tokyo. The 2006 annual three-day Trilateral Commission meeting
was held in Tokyo, the 2007 was held in Brussels and the 2008,
from April 25 to 28 in Washington, D.C. The meetings are closed
to the public, and the non-aligned media denied access.
Gary Allen, in The Rockefeller File, made a prediction concerning
the Trilateral Commission
If the Triangle Papers are any indication,
we can look for four major thrusts toward world economic controls.
The first, he noted, would pursue a renovated
world monetary system; the second would loot U.S. resources for
the further radicalization of "have-not" nations; the
third would step-up trade with the Communists, and the fourth
would milk the energy crisis to gain greater international control.
In the decades since Allen assessed the
Commission's intentions in its first position papers, what has
the TC actually accomplished?
No. 1: We've seen two regional economic
blocks emerge - the European Community, and the Union of the Americas
with the adoption of the National Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
The soon-to-be-created Asian monetary union is waiting in the
No. 2: The U.S. and western nations have
heavily subsidized and carried debt for Third World countries.
No. 3: The U.S. sent billions of dollars
worth of technology to the Soviets and the Chinese, and established
burgeoning trade following its détente with the Chinese
and the Russians.
No. 4: We've seen one energy crisis after
another beginning with the 1973 Suez Crisis, more recently the
Desert Storm action of the early '90s to restore world oil production
to Kuwait following Iraq's invasion to annex the oil fields, and
now the ongoing war in Iraq. U.S. justification for invading Iraq
was to secure weapons of mass destruction - these threatened world
stability - but they never materialized; so obviously, the Americans'
true purpose was to manipulate the flow of Middle East oil, despite
promises to free the Iraqi people to build their own democracy.
In the late 1970s, then-Federal Reserve Chairman, Paul Voicker
- a Trilateralist, who once worked for the Rockefeller's Chase
Manhattan Bank - didn't mince words when he told the American
people how these "economic pressures" would affect them.
"The standard [of living] of the average American has to
Volcker was a man of his word. Under his
"fiscal austerity" program implemented during President
Jimmy Carter's administration in October 1979, the Treasury bill
rate increased an unfathomable six percent during a six month
period. Interest rates soared from five percent in 1977 to over
18 percent in 1980, as measured by the rate paid by the government
on Treasury bills. The increase added further momentum to the
inflation that sent the '80s and early '90s into an economic slump
that was comparable to the Great Depression in the way it restructured
the global economy and eliminated industrial jobs.
professor Zbigniew Brzezinski of Columbia University, in his book
Technotronic Era
... people, governments and economies
of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and
[Zbigniew] Brezezinski (1970) in Foreign Affairs, the CFR publication...
He suggested the "creation of a community of the developed
nations, which can effectively address itself to the larger concerns
confronting mankind .... A council representing the United States,
Western Europe, and Japan, with regular meetings of the heads
of governments as well as some small standing machinery, would
be a good start.
These words must have been the call-to-arms
that set David Rockefeller in action, for in the spring of 1972,
he broached the idea of a Trilateral Commission at the annual
Bilderberger meeting in Knokke, Belgium.
Two months after the Bilderberg meeting, in July 1972, David Rockefeller
lent his famous Pocantico Hills estate in New York's Hudson Valley
to be the headquarters for the first organizational meetings of
the Trilateral Commission. Two-hundred-and-fifty financiers and
industrialists, with interlocking memberships in the Bilderberg
Group and the CFR, attended that first get-together.
Washington Post, January 16, 197,7 about the Trilateral Commission
Trilateralists are not three-sided people.
They are members of a private, though not secret, international
organization put together by the wealthy banker, David Rockefeller,
to stimulate the [E]stablishment dialogue between Western Europe,
Japan and the United States. But here is the unsettling thing
about the Trilateral Commission. The President-elect [Carter]
is a member. So is the Vice President-elect Walter F. Mondale.
So are the new Secretaries of State, Defense and Treasury: Cyrus
R. Vance, Harold Brown and W. Michael Blumenthal. So is Zibigniew
Brzezinski, who is a former Trilateral director and Carter's national
security adviser, also a bunch of others who will make foreign
policy for America in the next four years.
The Establishment crowd "got the
message." Soon after, Katherine Graham, Chairperson of the
Board of Washington Post Companies, was offered a Trilateral membership
to go along with her memberships in the Bilderberg Group and Council
on Foreign Relations. From then on, that leading newspaper no
longer felt it necessary to shine the light of truth on the newest
of "private" organizations. -
Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw, in The Commanding ' Heights
The Establishment, represented by the
TC (Trilateral Commission) , CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)
and Bilderberg elite were incensed that [Richard Nixon's] government
officials were now in the business of setting prices and wages.
David Rockefeller's plan for the Trilateral Commission which he
... [to encourage] unity among the industrialized
powers as a temporary alterative to a United Nations increasingly
dominated by radicalized Third World states, so that together
they could achieve his goal of amore integrated global political
and economic structure.
Doug Henwood, economist, Left Business Observer 1991
... each member of the Triad [Trilateral
Commission - US, EU, Japan] has gathered under itself a handful
of poor countries to act as sweatshops, plantations, and mines:
the U.S. has Latin America; the EC, Eastern and Southern Europe
and Africa; and Japan, Southeast Asia. In a few cases, two Triad
members share a country - Taiwan and Singapore are split between
Japan and the U.S.; Argentina, between the U.S. and the EC; Malaysia,
between the EC and Japan; and India is shared by all three.
Will Banyon
[David] Rockefeller's strategy reveals
something fundamental about wealth and power: it does not matter
how much money one has; unless it is employed to capture and control
those organizations that produce the ideas and the policies that
guide governments and the people who eventually serve in them,
the real power of a great fortune will never be realized.
U.S. Senator Goldwater in his book 'With No Apologies', termed
the Trilateral Commission
... David Rockefeller's newest international
cabal. It is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation
of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of
the political government of the United States.
Senator Jesse Helms, December 15, 1987
This campaign against the American people
- against traditional American culture and values - is systematic
psychological warfare. It is orchestrated by a vast array of interests
comprising not only the Eastern establishment but also the radical
left. Among this group, we find the Department of State, the Department
of Commerce, the money center banks and multinational corporations,
the media, the educational establishment, the entertainment industry,
and the large tax-exempt foundations.
Mr. President, a careful examination of
what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these
interests are working to create what some refer to as a New World
Order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations,
the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission,
the Dartmouth Conference, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies,
the Atlantic Institute, and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate
and to coordinate the plans for this so-called New World Order
in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles
The influence of establishment insiders
over our foreign policy has become a fact of life in our time.
This pervasive influence runs contrary to the real long-term national
security of our Nation. It is an influence which, if unchecked,
could ultimately subvert our constitutional order.
U.S. Senator Goldwater in his book 'With No Apologies'
What the Trilaterals truly intend is the
creation of worldwide economic power superior to the political
governments of the nationstates involved .... As managers and
creators of the system, they will rule the future.
Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington in a 1974 report:
The Crisis of Democracy
[A democratic republic] is only one way
of constituting authority, and it not necessarily a universally
applicable one... there are potentially desirable limits to the
indefinite extension of political democracy... A government will
have little ability,, short of cataclysmic crisis to impose on
its people the sacrifice which may be necessary... In many situations,
the claims of expertise, seniority, experience and special talents
may override the claims of democracy as a way of constituting
authority .... The arenas where democratic procedures are appropriate
are, in short, limited.
PBS [Public Broadcasting Service] is a non-profit media enterprise
owned and operated by the nation's public television stations.
A trusted community resource, PBS uses the power of noncommercial
television, the Internet and other media to enrich the lives of
all Americans through quality programs and education services
that inform, inspire and delight. Available to 99 percent of American
homes with televisions and to an increasing number of digital
multimedia households, PBS serves nearly 90 million people each
The cornerstone of PBS's programming is
the evening television news program, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.
Jim Lehrer, however, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
For most of PBS' history, funding was provided by AT&T [a
CFR company]; Archer Daniels Midland, whose Chairman Dwayne Andreas
was a member of the Trilateral Commission; PepsiCo [a CFR company],
whose newly promoted Chief Executive Officer, Indra Krishnamurthy
Nooyi, is a Bilderberger and a Trilateral Commission Executive
Committee member; and Smith Barney [a CFR company], one of the
world's leading financial institutions. Furthermore, Smith Barney
is interlocked with Citigroup Inc., a global financial services
company that is a member of the Bilderberg Group, the CFR and
the Trilateral Commission.
Journalists who participate in The NewsHour
With Jim Lehrer are some of the best-known political pundits in
the United States, such as Paul Gigot, David Gergen, William Kristol
and William Safire. All of them belong to the Bilderberg Group,
the CFR or the Trilateral Commission.
Craig S. Karpel wrote "Cartergate: The Death of Democracy"
for Penthouse's November 1977
The presidency of the United States and
key cabinet departments of the federal government have been taken
over by a private organization dedicated to the subordination
of the domestic interests of the United States to the < international
interests of the multi-national banks and corporations. It would
be unfair to say that the Trilateral Commission dominates the
Carter Administration; the Trilateral Commission is the Carter
Henry Kissinger's declaration to the head of state of Canada
Jimmy Carter is not the President of the
United States. The Trilateral Commission is the President of the
United States; I represent the Trilateral Commission.
Trilateral Commission
Interlocking directorates and world market
shares provide the greatest political power because individual
transnational corporations participate not as individual or autonomous
companies but as parts of a whole network or integrated systems.
The Trilateral Commission is the further extension of this network.
The Trilateral/Bilderberg/CFR model is composed of top financial
managers and Establishment insiders. The key, however, to achieving
the centralized power the TC covets is finding "a way to
get us to surrender our liberties in the name of some common threat
or crisis. The foundations, educational institutions, and research
think tanks supported by members of the Trilateral Commission
and Council on Foreign Relations oblige by financing so-called
'studies' which are then used to justify their every excess. The
excuses vary, but the target is always individual liberty. Our
And despite the primarily financial nature
of both their motives and methods, they are not without political
goals: "Although the Commission's primary concern is economic,
the Trilateralists have pinpointed a vital political objective:
to gain control of the American Presidency.
In the spring of 1972, a high profile
group of men gathered for dinner with W. Averell Harriman, the
grand old man of the Democratic Party, a Bilderberger and member
of the CFR. Also present were Milton Katz, a CFR member and Director
of International Studies at Harvard, Robert Bowie, who would later
become Deputy Director of the CIA, George Franklin, David Rockefeller's
coordinator for the Trilateral Commission, and Gerald Smith, U.S.
Ambassador-at-Large for Non-Proliferation Matters. The focus of
their discussion was the not-too-distant 1976 U.S. Presidential
elections. Harriman suggested that if the Democrats wanted to
recapture the White House, "we had better get off our high
horses and look at some of those southern governors." Several
names cropped up. Among them were James Earl Carter, governor
of Georgia, Reubin Askew, governor of Florida, and Terry Sanford,
former governor of North Carolina and, at the time, President
of Duke University.
Katz is reported to have promptly informed
David Rockefeller that Carter was a viable candidate and could
be sold politically to the American public. In the fall of 1973,
Rockefeller invited Carter for dinner in London, in order to better
acquaint himself with Georgia's governor. As he listened to the
southern gentleman, he became convinced that Carter was ideally
suited to become the next U.S. president.
The Times of London gave an account of
the developing Rockefeller-Carter relationship: "Governor
Jimmy Carter, 1976 Democratic
Presidential candidate, has for reasons
known only to himself professed to be an innocent abroad, but
the record is somewhat different. As Governor of Georgia, a state
aspiring to be the centre of the New South, he led the state trade
missions abroad. While in London in the autumn of 1973 he dined
with another American visitor, but by no means an innocent, Mr.
David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan Bank. Mr. Rockefeller was
then establishing, with the help of Professor Brzezinski of Columbia
University, an international group now known as the Trilateral
Commission. He was looking for American members.., was impressed
by the Governor, if only because he had ventured abroad, and invited
him to join. Governor Carter, perhaps because he was already eyeing
the White House from afar, was only too happy to accept."
Rockefeller felt that Carter "could
project an image of a Southern Governor that could be used to
fool many voters by appearing 'conservative' or 'moderate,' while
in fact favoring the most left-wing of agendas. The idea was to
use Carter to court both White and Black voters who could be delivered
by the Democrat Party's big urban political machines.
In fact, before moving forward, we should
backtrack to the "screening" process and to 1973. That
year, Carter and Askew were invited to David Rockefeller's Tarrytown,
New York estate. Also present was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was
helping Rockefeller screen prospects for the Trilateral Commission.
Carter's southern gentility charmed both men, but what impressed
them more was that Carter had already opened up trade offices
for the state of Georgia in Brussels and Tokyo. This seemed to
fit perfectly with the aspirations of the Trilateral Commission.
However, what truly impressed them wasn't
Carter's independence. Rather, what endeared Carter to the Establishment
crowd was his ruthlessness and ambition. As Gary Allen writes
in his controversial 1976 book, jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter: "Carter's
overwhelming ambition and corruptibility made him vulnerable.
It included conniving with his own personal banker, Bert Lance,
to funnel bank depositors' money into Carter's peanut business
and into the bank accounts of Lance associates and family members
to finance Carter's campaign, while waiting for federal matching
funds. The illegalities involved were enough to send the whole
gang to jail. And the key to exposure was in the hands of David
Rockefeller and his fellow banking insiders."
Thus, a peanut farmer was plucked out
of the peanut field by the CFI/Bilderberg and soon-to-be Trilateral
Commission organizations and "discovered" as a potential
presidential candidate.
In Carter's acceptance speech after winning
the nomination at the Democratic National Convention, he attacked
the "unholy, self-perpetuating alliances [that] have been
formed between money and politics.., a political and economic
elite who have shaped decisions and never had to account for mistakes
nor to suffer from injustice. When unemployment prevails, they
never stand in line for a job. When deprivation results from a
confused welfare system, they never do without food, or clothing
or a place to sleep. When public schools are inferior or torn
by strife, their children go to exclusive private schools. And
when bureaucracy is bloated and confused, the powerful always
manage to discover and occupy niches of special influence and
On the basis of the last paragraph, one
may actually feel inclined to believe that jimmy Carter truly
was an outsider. But, was he really? Let's see. Twelve individuals
belonging to the CFR/TC combines, according to a June 1976 article
in the Los Angeles Times, helped Carter prepare his first major
speech on foreign policy: Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Cooper,
Richard Gardner, Henry Owen, Edwin 0. Reischauer, Averell Harriman,
Anthony Lake, Robert Bowie, Milton Katz, Abram Chayes, George
Ball and Cyrus Vance. With a writing team like this, how could
Carter come up with a bad political speech? But each of these
men was an insider heavyweight with an agenda. Most belonged to
the Bilderberg Group. All were members of the Council on Foreign
Relations and the Trilateral Commission. In the speech they created
for Carter, they created what the American people craved to hear
from a prospective leader.
Carter's early support group from Atlanta,
in his pre-candidate days, featured several people "with
very close ties to the Rockefeller family, such as Gambrell, Kirbo
and Austin."" The "outsider" Gambrell family
was a major shareholder in Eastern Airlines, where David's brother
Laurence Rockefeller was the biggest individual shareholder.
However, Carter played the role of an
outsider to perfection. And, immediately upon entering the White
House, he filled many of the administrative positions with CFR
and Trilateralist insiders. An astounding 40 of the American Trilateral
members joined the Carter Administration. In all, 291 members
of either the CFR or TC or both formed part of the Carter presidency;
among them, of course, both President Carter and Vice President
The December 2, 1976 edition of the Wall
Street Journal covered the screening of sixteen prospects in Plains,
Georgia, and reported that Cyrus Vance, Trilateralist, was to
be given the post of Secretary of State. At the time, he was a
director of IBM, Pan-Am Airways, and a member of the Foreign Policy
Task Force, vice-chairman of the CFR as well as a former Deputy
Director of Defense. With such an associate, Carter could hardly
be called an outsider. Michael Blumenthal, a Trilateralist and
a member of the CFR, was given the post of Secretary of Treasury.
This appointment was quickly followed by that of Harold Brown,
TC/CFR, to the post of Secretary of Defense. Zbigniew Brzezinski,
Bilderberg, CFWTC, was chosen to become Carter's National Security
Advisor. Andrew Young, CFR, TC, became U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations, and Paul A. Voicker became Chairman of the Federal
Reserve Board."
U.S. News and World Report took note of
the unmistakable influence of Trilateralists on Jimmy Carter:
The Trilateralists have taken charge of foreign policy-making
in the Carter Administration, and already the immense power they
wield is sparking some controversy. Active or former members of
the Trilateral Commission now head every key agency involved in
mapping U.S. strategy for dealing with the rest of the world."
In fact, if we are to compare Carter's
words in 1976 to what Ronald Reagan said during his campaign against
Carter in 1980, as quoted in Time's issue of October 20, we may
be shocked at the similarity of language and ideas. These are
Reagan's words: "I think there is an elite in this country,
and they are the very ones who run an elitist government. They
want a government by a handful of people because they don't believe
the people themselves can run their lives... Are we going to have
an elitist government that makes decisions for people's lives,
or are we going to believe as we have for so many decades, that
the people can make these decisions for themselves?"
Was Reagan an anti-Trilateralist? Hardly.
Reagan's campaign was managed by William J. Casey, former Chairman
of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Reagan's future
Director of the CIA. Casey was a full-fledged Trilateralist. Active
CFR and Trilateralist members such as Caspar Weinberger, Anne
Armstrong, David Packard, George H. Weyerhauser, Bill Brock and
William A. Hewitt helped manage Reagan's campaign.
Additionally, Reagan's 59-member transition
team responsible for selection and screening of candidates for
major governmental posts consisted of 28 CFR members, 10 Bilderbergers
and 10 Trilateralists. Amongst them figured such "outsiders"
as Henry Kissinger, Alexander Haig, George Shultz (former Secretary
of Treasury under Nixon), Donald Rumsfeld and Alan Greenspan.
Yet, this maneuvering would never have
become nearly as effective or even possible had it not been for
the close cooperation between the media and people under the control
of the Bilderberger/CFPTC apparatus. When in December 1975, seven
months before the Democratic National Convention, the Gallup Poll
indicated that only 5% of registered Democrats wanted Carter as
President, alarms went off in the plush offices of David Rockefeller.
For Carter to win the nomination, they needed to create the most
elaborate media campaign in history - just like the media circus
we have come to expect today from any top name in the entertainment
industry - all in the effort to convince the electorate that James
Earl Carter was indeed America's only hope for a better future.
But, former Georgia Governor Lester Maddox
spoke out against Carter's candidacy: "Based on false, misleading
and deceiving statements and actions... Jimmy Carter, in my opinion,
neither deserves or should expect one vote from the American people."
Nevertheless, the American people, with
the help of incessant bombardment from the media, convinced themselves
that Carter was indeed their first choice.
Cyrus Vance (CFR), then on the board of
the New York Times, and Hedley Donovan, then editor-in-chief of
Time magazine, (a CFWTC member as well as director of the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace) used Time's elaborate range
of resources to aid Carter's campaign. First, Time painted Carter
as an "outsider with no connections to the corrupt politics
of Washington.
But of course Time had been pushing Carter
for sometime: "After Time devoted a flattering 1971 cover
photo to him as a progressive Southern governor, it used that
cover photo in all of Time's ads in other magazines through 1975.
The Time reports on the Carter campaign were so adulatory that
they could scarcely be differentiated from the campaign's own
Senator Barry Goldwater in his book 'With No Apologies'
David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski
found jimmy Carter to be their ideal candidate. They helped him
win the nomination, and the presidency.
Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File
"To the Rockefellers socialism is
not a system for redistributing wealth - especially not for redistributing
their wealth - but a system to control people and competitors.
Socialism puts power in the hands of the government. And since
the Rockefellers control the government, government control means
Rockefeller control.
Before the Bolshevik revolt, Russia had surpassed the U.S. as
the world's number one oil producer. In 1900, the oil-saturated
Baku fields in Russia were producing more crude oil than the United
States and, in 1902, produced more than half of the total world
The chaos and destruction of the Revolution
destroyed the Russian oil industry. In Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Revolution, [Anthony] Sutton writes: "By 1922, half the wells
were idle," and the other half barely functioning, because
they lacked the technology to make them operational.
In The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen notes
that the revolution crushed America's competition. The Revolution
effectively eliminated Standard Oil's competition from Russia
for several years until Standard could move in and get a piece
of the Russian oil business."
Even though channels linking the Rockefellers and the Soviets
have been largely censored, Antony Sutton's detailed document,
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, exposes how John D.
Rockefeller and American super capitalists financed the Bolshevik
Revolution in Russia. At the outset of his investigation, he found
"virtually nothing written on the close relationship over
the past century that the Rockefellers have had with its supposed
arch-enemies, the Communists. [Nevertheless,] there has been a
continuing, albeit concealed, alliance between international political
capitalists and international revolutionary socialists to their
mutual benefit.
Current knowledge makes clear that Wall Street bankers reacted
with help as early as 1905, when Lenin and Trotsky's initial rebellion
had failed. They arranged safe passage for Lenin to Switzerland,
where he remained out of harm's way.
The American International Corporation had already been founded
in New York in 1915. Its principal responsibility was to coordinate
financial assistance to the Bolsheviks. J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers,
and the National City Bank provided the funding, while the new
corporation's Chairman of the Board was Frank Vanderlip, former
president of National City Bank, and member of the Jekyll Island
group, which had written the Federal Reserve Act in 1910.
In New York Trotsky received word to return to Russia immediately.
Conditions were now ripe for a Revolution. With $10,000 for "traveling
expenses," he left New York on March 26, 1917, on the S.S.
Kristianiafjord, along with 275 Communist revolutionaries under
the watchful eye of Lincoln Steffens, an American Communist and
John D. Rockefeller's emissary, to make sure Trotsky was returned
safely to Russia.
Where did Trotsky get his passport? How
was it arranged and why? It appears that John D. Rockefeller himself
obtained a special passport for Trotsky through Woodrow Wilson,
the President of the United States.
Through the 1920s and '30s, lone U.S. Congressman Louis McFadden
tracked the secret financial manipulations of the Federal Reserve
System for the benefit of the Soviet Union. By June 10, 1932,
he was fed up with the deliberate drainage of U.S. funds to Russia
and harangued the House: "Open up the books of Amtorg, the
trading organization of the Soviet government in New York, and
of Gostorg, the general office of the Soviet Trade Organization,
and of the State Bank of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been
taken from the United States Treasury for the benefit of Russia.
Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank
of Soviet Russia by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York."
Years later, during World War II, Amtorg's
bank of choice to handle the billions of dollars of Lend Lease
transactions for Soviet Russia was, of course, the Chase National
Unfortunately, funneling U.S. taxpayers'
money to the Soviet Union was not a profitable enough operation
for the Wall Street gang of profiteers. They finally engaged in
treason for profit when they secretly began transferring the most
sophisticated and expensive American technology to the Soviets
in 1943.105 Then, the Soviet Purchasing Commission requested from
the U.S. government 200 pounds of uranium oxide, 220 pounds of
uranium nitrate, and 25 pounds of uranium metal, commodities virtually
unknown at that time, for their war efforts. On April 29, 1943,
the Board of Economic Warfare granted a special license to Chematar
Corp. of New York to fill this order.
This provided the Soviets with the resources
to build their own atomic bomb (if they had the formula), while
at the same time, Winston Churchill demanded from President Roosevelt
that Stalin be barred from sharing scientific intelligence leading
to the development of nuclear weapons before Britain or the U.S.
had produced an atom bomb first. It was enough that the Allies
were in a race with Hitler to beat him at building atomic capabilities
without worrying about another "madman" launching a
nuclear threat on the world.
While the rich became richer, Americans
were told that a détente was necessary, because without
bilateral agreements the enemy would attack. For the illusion
of a partnership among equals to become a reality, there must
at least be the "semblance of parity among the senior member
states before you can justify a merger.
Is this why, according to hundreds of
U.S. State Department documents, the Soviet industrial and military
capabilities such as trucking, aircraft, oil, steel, petrochemicals,
aluminum, and computers were constructed at the U.S. taxpayers'
expense in the Soviet Union? For the sake of parity?
As Sutton pointed out in 1972, "There
was no such thing as Soviet technology."
Of the technology that did exist, almost
90 to 95% came directly or indirectly from the United States and
its Allies. "Even stranger," commented Sutton in testimony
he gave to the Subcommittee of the Platform Committee of the Republican
Party, "the U.S. apparently wants to make sure this enemy
remains in the business of being an enemy.
The Soviets' merchant marine, for example,
was the largest in the world, containing nearly 6,000 vessels.
But, Sutton further testified, "About two-thirds of the vessels
were built outside the Soviet Union. About four-fifths of the
engines for these ships were also built outside the Soviet Union."
"All Soviet automobile, truck, [guns,
tanks, aircraft] and engine technology come from the West. The
Gorki organization, built by the Ford and Austin companies, produced
most of the trucks that once carried Soviet-supplied military
equipment down the Ho Chi Minh Trail [during the Viet Nam War].
Automobile factories can also be used to build tanks. The same
Gorki organization under the guise of 'peaceful trade,' produced
in 1964 the first Soviet wire-guided anti-tank system. The Soviets
have the largest iron and steel plant in the world. It was built
by McKee Corporation. It is a copy of the U.S. steel plant in
How many billions did the United States
spend on defense against a phantom enemy it created, nurtured,
supported and built up? Do the costs justify the means? Of course,
they do! Remember, the Great Merger will be controlled by the
same Bilderberg-CFR-TC combines that are orchestrating behind-the-scenes
regional blocks and "temporary" monetary unions.
In the early 1950s, Anglo-American leadership faced their first
real challenge from the then-Western Alliance partners, as the
post-WWII liberal economic system was discernibly going to pieces.
France, the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as American nationalist
forces were proposing a new orientation in favor of a commitment
for renewed industrial development worldwide. "Such a policy
would have meant industrialization of key sectors of the Third
World and thus the eventual emergence of new, sound, and strong
nations - a repeat of the British nightmare at the turn of the
20th century. Such a policy would also have meant that France,
the Federal Republic of Germany, and Japan, with their special
relations with Third World nations, would experience an industrial
boom, as their economies mobilized to provide the capital goods
needed by the new nations. In the beginning of 1973, the West
German deutschmark had already smashed the British pound and by
July-August was on its way to gaining hegemony over the ailing
U.S. dollar.
Economic development would have meant
future competition from up-and-coming nations: competition, which
needless to say, had to be strangled in the cradle. From the Establishment's
point of view, there is a clear advantage to conducting business
in this manner. "First, economic exchanges [with weaker nations]
can always be used as a tool of political power through boycotts,
bribery, and manipulation of trade incentives. Second, economic
relationships can operate on a more fundamental level, shaping
the political economic foundations of a weaker, less developed
economy through the opportunity offered to it in the form of trade
and finance. The weaker country in the economic relationship,
like a weaker class, then becomes not just a group of assorted
individuals but a particularized, isolated and dependent participant
in the world economy."
Latin America is important to the United States because it has
the potential to provide a huge market for American exports of
technology and heavy industrial equipment, which could galvanize
many of America's faltering companies and provide thousands of
new jobs. In the Bilderberg/CFR/TC "post industrial"
age, this has to be prevented at all costs.
David Rockefeller said in his Memoirs
Some even believe we are part of a secret
cabal working against the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as 'intemationalists' and of conspiring
with others around the world to build a more integrated global
political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If
that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
What we have witnessed from this "cabal" is the gradual
collapsing of the U.S. economy that began in the 1980s.
The corporate raiders, financed by the
dirty-money junk bond networks, bought up significant chunks of
corporate America, and terrified the rest. The raiders' targets,
and those who feared they might become targets, turned to Wall
Street's investment banks and law firms for "protection."
As such, the leveraged buy-out/junk bond operation functioned
as a giant protection racket, destroying some as a way of collecting
tribute from the rest. At the same time, dirty money poured into
the real estate market, notably through the giant Canadian developers
.... These firms built the skyscrapers, which were then filled
up with service workers - bankers, lawyers, accountants, clerks,
and other white-collar types ....
The pouring of hot money into the real
estate markets caused real estate prices to rise. The "wealth"
created by these rising values provided more money to pump into
the bubble ....
The speculator went from being the enemy
to being the role model ....
The old-style productive industry became
the realm of "losers," replaced by the hot new "industries"
of finance and information ....
The effect of all this deregulation and
speculation has been the decimation of the physical economy of
the United States. Over the last three decades, the productive
capacity of the U.S. economy has been cut in half, measured in
terms of market baskets of goods on a per-capita, per-household,
and per-square-kilometer basis. At the same time, the monetary
claims on that declining production have risen hyperbolically!
As a result, the rich have grown richer,
and the poor, poorer, while the middle class has continued to
shrink. This is the price the interconnected organizations of
"international insiders" have exacted behind our backs.
They have sacrificed our dreams, our independence and our self-sufficiency
at the altar of their New World Order.
Richard N Cooper a Trilateralist and one of the authors of a 1977
Trilateral Commission Task Report entitled, Toward a Renovated
International System, defined the Commission's objectives for
world control.
The support for human rights will have
to be balanced against other important goals of world order. Some
Trilateral conceptions of détente with the Soviet Union
and other Communist states tend to conflict with a policy of promoting
human rights.
Regular Bilderberger attendees are/were Richard Hoibrooke, Donald
Rumsfeld, Donald Graham, Henry Kravis, Marie-Josee Kravis, Vernon
Jordan, Richard Haass, Michael Ledeen, William Luti, Jessica Mathews,
Kenneth Mehiman, Dennis Ross, Paul Wolfowitz. James Wolfensohn;
George Soros. The Rothschild dynasty of Europe is the most powerful
force within the Bilderberg Group.
James Woolsey, former head of CIA and Project for the New American
Century member, in an article titled 'The New Petroleum' in the
journal Foreign Affairs, January/February 1999
The underlying goal of the U.N. force
in Gulf War I which included 500,000 American troops, was to ensure
continued and unfettered access to petroleum.
\World Socialist Web site
More than 92% of Europe's oil and 81%
of its gas, will have to be imported from oversees within 30 years.
The country, or countries, able to establish control over this
vital resource will secure a major advantage over their international
rivals. This is a prime factor motivating U.S. policy in the Middle
East. By occupying Iraq and seizing its oil resources, the U.S.
hopes to establish its undisputed hegemony over Europe and Japan.
In Zbigniew Brzezinski's 1997 book The Grand Chessboard, "Russia"
and "vital energy reserves," as it turns out, are mentioned
more frequently than any other country or subject in the book.
According to Brzezinski, global U.S. and thus Bilderberg hegemony
depended on having complete control of Russia's vital energy reserves
in Central Asia. As long as Russia remained strong, it remained
a threat - a potential block to the complete imposition of Bilderberg-led
economic and military will. Bilderberg energy imperatives and
geopolitical control are once again coming to play a key role
in the lives of hundreds of 1-millions of unsuspecting people.
Brzezinski spelled out in The Grand Chessboard
the compelling energy issue driving American policy: "A power
that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world's three
most advanced and economically productive regions. A mere glance
at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost
automatically entail Africa's subordination, rendering the Western
Hemisphere and Oceania geopolitically peripheral to the world's
central continent. About 75 percent of the world's people live
in Eurasia, and most of the world's physical wealth is there as
well, both in its enterprise and underneath its soil. Eurasia
accounts for 60 percent of the world's GNP and about three-fourth
of the world's known energy resources.
At a 1997 symposium held in Bonn, Germany, Dr. Sergei Glazyev,
Chairman of the Economic Policy Committee of the State Duma of
the Russian Federation, made a stark declaration: "This colonization,
masked as reforms, destroyed the basic institutions of Russian
society along the following basic lines: (1) destruction of the
financial system of the state, by means of an endless buildup
of the state debt pyramid, shrinking of the tax base, deepening
of the non-payments crisis, and disorganization of the monetary
system; (2) destruction of the scientific and technological potential
of the country, achieved by means of a many-fold reduction in
state financing of science, the collapse of technological cooperation
and scientific production integration in the course of mass privatization,
and the refusal of the government to have any scientific and technical,
industrial or structural policy at all; (3) sale of controlling
blocs of shares in the leading and most valuable Russian firms,
in industry, electric power and telecommunications, to foreign
companies; (4) Transfer of the right to exploit the most valuable
Russian raw materials deposits to transnational corporations;
(5) establishment of foreign control over the Russian stock exchange;
establishment of direct foreign control over the shaping of Russian
domestic and foreign economic policy."
Henry Kissinger at the 2007 Bilderberg Group conference
Aggressive, unilateralist U.S. foreign
policy has forced 'axis of evil' states to accelerate their pursuit
of nuclear weapons to immunize themselves against U.S. military
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