What Does Israel Want?
by Ilan Pappe
The Electronic Intifada, July
14, 2006

Imagine a group of high ranking generals
who simulated for years Third World War scenarios in which they
can move huge armies around, employ the most sophisticated weapons
in their disposal and enjoy the immunity of a computerized headquarters
from which they can direct their war games. Now imagine that they
are informed that in fact there is no Third World War and their
expertise is needed to calm down some of the nearby slums or deal
with soaring crime in deprived townships and impoverished neighborhoods.
And then imagine - in the final episode in my chimerical crisis
- what happens when they find out how irrelevant have their plans
been and how useless are their weapons in the struggle against
the street violence produced by social inequality, poverty and
years of discrimination in their society. They can either admit
failure or decide none the less to use the massive and destructive
arsenal at their disposal. We are witnessing today the havoc wreaked
by Israeli generals who opted for latter course of action.
I have been teaching in the Israeli universities
for 25 years. Several of my students were high ranking officers
in the army. I could see their growing frustration since the outbreak
of the first Intifada in 1987. They detested this kind of confrontation,
called euphemistically by the gurus of the American discipline
of International Relations: 'low intensity conflict'. It was too
low to their taste. They were faced with stones, molotov bottles
and primitive arms which required a very limited use of the huge
arsenal the army has amassed throughout the years and did not
test at all their ability to perform in a battlefield or a war
zone. Even when the army used tanks and F-16s, it was a far cry
from the war games the officers played in the Israeli Matkal -
headquarters - and for which they bought, with American tax payer
money - the most sophisticated and updated weaponry existing in
the market.
The first Intifada was crushed, but the
Palestinians continued to seek ways of ending the occupation.
They rose again in 2000, inspired this time by a more religious
group of national leaders and activists. But it was still a 'low
intensity conflict'; no more than that. But this is not what the
army expected, it was yearning for a 'real' war. As Raviv Druker
and Offer Shelah, two Israeli journalists with close ties to the
IDF, show in a recent book, Boomerang (p. 50), major military
exercises before the second Intifada were based on a scenario
that envisaged a full-scale war. It was predicted that in the
case of another Palestinian uprising, there would be three days
of 'riots' in the occupied territories that would turn into a
head-on confrontation with neighboring Arab states, especially
Syria. Such a confrontation, it was argued, was needed to maintain
Israel's power of deterrence and reinforce the generals confidence
in their army's ability to conduct a conventional war.
The frustration was unbearable as the
three days in the exercise turned into six years. And yet, the
Israeli army's main vision for the battlefield is today still
that of 'shock and awe' rather than chasing snipers, suicide bombers
and political activists. The 'low intensity' war questions the
invincibility of the army and erodes its capability to engage
in a 'real' war. More important than anything else, it does not
allow Israel to impose unilaterally its vision over the land of
Palestine - a de-Arabized land mostly in Jewish hands. Most of
the Arab regimes have been complacent and weak enough to allow
the Israelis to pursue their policies, apart from Syria and Hizballah
in Lebanon. They have to be neutralized if Israeli unileteralism
is to succeed.
After the outbreak of the second Intifada
in October 2000, some of the frustration was allowed to evaporate
with the use of 1,000 kilo bombs on a Gaza house or during operation
Defense Shield in 2002 when the army bulldozered the refugee camp
in Jenin. But this too was a far cry from what the strongest army
in the Middle East could do. And despite the demonization of the
mode of resistance chosen by the Palestinians in the second Intifada
- the suicide bomb - you needed only two or three F-16 and a small
number of tanks to punish collectively the Palestinians by totally
destroying their human, economic and social infrastructure.
I know these generals as well as one could
know them. In the last week, they have had a field day. No more
random use of one-kilo bombs, battleships, choppers and heavy
artillery. The weak and insignificant new minister of defense,
Amir Perez, accepted without hesitation the army demand for crushing
the Gaza strip and grinding Lebanon to dust. But it may not be
enough. It can still deteriorate into a full scale war with the
hapless army of Syria and my ex-students may even push by provocative
actions towards such an eventuality. And, if you believe what
you read in the local press here, it may even escalate into a
long distance war with Iran, backed by a supreme American umbrella.
Even the most partial reports in the Israeli
press of what was proposed by the army to Ehud Olmert's government
as possible operations in the coming days, indicate clearly what
enthuses the Israeli generals these days. Nothing less that a
total destruction of Lebanon, Syria and Tehran.
The politicians at the top are more tamed,
to a point. They have only partially satisfied the army's hunger
for a 'high intensity conflict'. But their politics of the day
are already donned by military propaganda and rational. This why
Zipi Livni, Israeli foreign minister, an otherwise intelligent
person, could say genuinely on Israeli TV tonight (13 July 2006)
that the best way to retrieve the two captured soldiers 'is to
destroy totally the international airport of Beirut'. Abductors
or armies that have two POWs of course immediately go and buy
commercial tickets on the next flight from an international airport
for the captors and the two soldiers. 'But they can sneak them
with a car', insisted the interviewers. 'Oh indeed' said the Israeli
Foreign Minister, 'This is why we will also destroy all the roads
in Lebanon leading outside the country'. This is good news for
the army, to destroy airports, set fire to petrol tanks, blow
up bridges, damage roads and inflict collateral damage on a civilian
population. At least the airforce can show its 'real' might and
compensate for the frustrating years of the 'low intensity conflict'
that had sent Israel's best and fiercest to run after boys and
girls in the alleys of Nablus or Hebron. In Gaza the airforce
has already dropped five such bombs, where in the last six years
it dropped only one.
This may be not enough, though, for the
army generals. They already say clearly on TV that 'we here in
Israel should not forget Damascus and Teheran'. Past experiences
tell us what they mean by this appeal against our collective amnesia.
The captive soldiers in Gaza and Lebanon
have already been deleted from the public agenda here. This is
about destroying the Hizballah and Hamas once and for all, not
about bringing home the soldiers. In a similar way in the summer
of 1982, the Israeli public have totally forgotten the victim
that provided the government of Menachem Begin with the excuse
of invading Lebanon. He was Shlomo Aragov, Israel's ambassador
to London on whose life an attempt was made by a splinter Palestinian
group. The attack on him served Ariel Sharon with the pretext
of invading Lebanon and staying there for 18 years.
Alternative routes for the conflict are
not even raised in Israel, not even by the Zionist left. No one
mentions commonsensical ideas such as an exchange of prisoners
or a commencement of a dialogue with the Hamas and other Palestinian
groups at least over a long ceasefire to prepare the ground for
more meaningful political negotiations in the future. This alternative
way forward is already backed by all the Arab countries, but alas
only by them. In Washington, Donald Ramsfeld may have lost some
of his deputies in the Defense Department, but he is still the
Secretary. For him, the total destruction of the Hamas and Hizballah
- whatever the price and if it is without loss of American life
- will 'vindicate' the raison d'être for the Third World
Theory he propagated early on in 2001. The current crisis for
him is a righteous battle against a small axis of evil - away
from the quagmire of Iraq and a precursor for the so far unattained
goals in the 'war against terror' - Syria and Iran. If indeed
to a certain extent the Empire was serving the proxy in Iraq,
the full fledged support President Bush gave to the recent Israeli
aggression in Gaza and Lebanon, shows that may be pay off time
has come: now the proxy should salvage the entangled Empire.
Hizballah wants back the piece of southern
Lebanon Israel still retains. It also wishes to play a major role
in Lebanese politics and shows ideological solidarity with both
Iran and the Palestinian struggle in general, and the Islamist
one, in particular. The three goals do not always complement each
other and resulted in a very limited war effort against Israel
in the last six years. The total resurrection of tourism on the
Israeli side of the border with Lebanon testifies that, unlike
the Israeli generals, for its own reasons the Hizballah is very
happy with a very low intensity conflict. If and when a comprehensive
solution for the Palestine question will be achieved even that
impulse would die out. Crossing 100 yards into Israel proper is
such an action. Retaliating to such a low key operation with a
total war and destruction indicates clearly that what matters
is the grand design not the pretext.
There is nothing new in this. In 1948,
the Palestinians opted for a very low intensity conflict when
the UN imposed on them a deal which wrested from their hand half
of their homeland and gave it to a community of newcomers and
settlers, most of whom arrived after 1945. The Zionist leaders
waited for long time for that opportunity and launched an ethnic
cleansing operation that expelled half of the land's native population,
destroyed half of its villages and dragged the Arab world into
unnecessary conflict with the West, whose powers were already
on the way out with the demise of colonialism. The two designs
are interconnected: the wider Israel's military might expands,
the easier it is to complete the unfinished business of the 1948:
the total de-Arabization of Palestine.
It is not too late to stop the Israeli
designs from creating a new and terrible reality on the ground.
But the window of opportunity is very narrow and the world needs
to take action before it is too late.
Ilan Pappe is senior lecturer in the University
of Haifa Department of political Science and Chair of the Emil
Touma Institute for Palestinian Studies in Haifa. His books include
among others The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (London and
New York 1992), The Israel/Palestine Question (London and New
York 1999), A History of Modern Palestine (Cambridge 2003), The
Modern Middle East (London and New York 2005) and forthcoming,
Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (2006)
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