Them vs. Us:
Propaganda and Public Relations in Foreign Policy
exerpted from the book
Toxic Sludge Is Good For You:
Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry
"The Torturers' Lobby"
by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton

The latter half of the twentieth century has been marked by
growing disillusionment as the American people have learned of
the gulf that separates official rhetoric from the actual conduct
of US foreign policy. This disillusionment has led to a set of
attitudes that on the surface seem paradoxical. On the one hand,
the people of the United States donate billions of dollars each
year to overseas charitable causes, and although attitudes about
most aspects of US foreign policy tend to vary with the times,
surveys of public opinion consistently show a deep concern abut
the plight of needy people in other countries. According to one
survey, 89% of the American people feel that "wherever people
are hungry or poor, we ought to do what we can to help them."
Only 5% feel that fighting world hunger is "not important."
Eliminating world hunger and poverty rank far ahead of "protecting
American business abroad" and even ahead of "defending
our allies' security" as an international concern.
On the other hand, the public's attitude toward government
foreign aid programs has been thoroughly negative since at least
the early 1970s, when pollsters began taking surveys on that question
When asked to volunteer their views of "the two or three
biggest foreign-policy problems facing the nation," respondents
regularly identify "reducing foreign aid" as one of
their top concerns. According to the Gallup polling organization,
a sharp difference has emerged between the attitudes of the general
public and the attitudes of people that pollsters (somewhat misleadingly)
designate as opinion leaders"-i.e., heads of business, the
professions, politicians, the news media and labor union officials.
With respect to economic aid, over 90 percent of "opinion
leaders" support it, but the general public favors such aid
by only a thin margin. Most people .see foreign aid as helpful
to the economies of recipient countries, but not to the United
States. Moreover, they perceive it as benefiting the rich more
than the poor, and 75 percent feel that it gets t US "too
involved in other countries' affairs." Public support for
military aid is even weaker. Although it still receives the support
of a two-to-one majority among "opinion leaders," roughly
the same majority within the general public opposes military aid.
Moreover, four out of five Americans believe that military aid
"lets dictatorships repress their own people," and five
out of six believe that it "aggravates our relations with
other countries" and "gets us too involved in their
At the same time, the field of foreign policy offers a fertile
breeding ground for propaganda. Most efforts at molding public
opinion target the portion of the public which is undecided, uninformed
or vaguely informed about an issue, and foreign countries are
by definition faraway places inhabited by people whose language
and customs are unfamiliar and different from ours. It is no accident
that the US public relations industry first rose to prominence
as a result of the Creel Committee's propaganda efforts during
World War I. Every successive war has brought new innovations
and growth in both the technique and scope of public relations.
Wartime propaganda has a long history, going back to Attila
the Hun. The classical rhetorical model is crude but effective.
"Before ordinary human beings can begin the organized killing
known as war,' they must first 'kill' their opponents psychologically,"
observes Vincent Kavaloski. "This is the ritual-as old as
civilization itself- known as 'becoming enemies.' The 'enemy'
is described by our leaders as 'not like us,' almost inhuman.
They are evil. They are cruel. They are intent on destroying us
and all that we love. There is only one thing the 'enemy' understands-violence.
This 'logic of the enemy image' leads to one inescapable conclusion:
the enemy must be killed. Indeed, destroying the enemy is an heroic
act, an act of salvation and purification."
Author John MacArthur notes, for example, that during World
War I, the French and British seized on Germany's conquest of
Belgium for propaganda purposes. The British-sponsored Bryce Committee
claimed that German "murder, lust and pillage prevailed over
many parts of Belgium on a scale unparalleled in any war between
civilized nations during the last three centuries." The committee's
claims, which were never documented or corroborated. included
allegations that German soldiers had publicly raped Belgian girls,
bayoneted a two-year-old child, and mutilated a peasant girl's
breasts. The London Times claimed that a witness had seen Germans
"chop off the arms of a baby which clung to it's mother's
skirts"-a story which was embellished further when the French
press published a drawing showing German soldiers eating the hands.
One of the striking features of war in the late half of this
century has been the degree to which it has become closely integrated
with sophisticated public relations, to the degree that military
strategy itself has been transformed. For propaganda reasons,
war has been redefined using new terminology-as a "police
action" or "limited engagement." The dead have
become "casualties," "missing in action' or the
result of "collateral damage" and "friendly fire."
The Vietnam War contributed substantially to the military's
new emphasis on propaganda and psychological warfare. The war's
planners realized that the use of US troops to accomplish traditional
military objectives-capturing and holding territory-backfired
when the US presence inspired anti-American nationalism among
the Vietnamese. As the conflict dragged on, the steady stream
of soldiers returning in body bags fed anti-war sentiment at home.
Future wars the planners concluded, should avoid extended placements
of US troops on foreign soil. Instead, they proposed two alternative
strategies: (1) brief blitzkriegs using overwhelming force to
quickly and decisively defeat the enemy; and (2) replacing US
forces with foreign proxies, special operations forces and mercenaries
to engage the enemy using guerrilla tactics of unconventional
warfare. In either case, the psychological war for "hearts
and minds" took precedence over the conventional war for
terrain and physical assets.
from the book:
Toxic Sludge Is Good For You:
Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry
by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton
Common Courage Press, Box 702, Monroe, MA 04951