Creating a Right-Wing Nation,
State by State
by Joshua Holland
www.alternet.org, November 16,

We've heard much talk of the states serving
as "progressive laboratories" in recent years. But conservatives
have been working to shape state laws for the past 30 years. The
center of gravity for that effort is the American Legislative
Exchange Council (ALEC), the nation's largest network of state
Founded in 1973, ALEC was the brainchild
of paleocon Paul Weyrich, a leading "Movement conservative"
and the head of the Free Congress Foundation (in 1973 Weyrich
also co-founded the Heritage Foundation). It is the connective
tissue that links state legislators with right-wing think tanks,
leading anti-tax activists and corporate money. ALEC is a public-policy
mill that churns out "model legislation" for the states
that are unfailingly pro-business. The organization fights against
civil rights laws, as well as consumer, labor and environmental
According to the National Resources Defense
Council, corporations "funnel cash through ALEC to curry
favor with state lawmakers through junkets and other largesse
in the hopes of enacting special interest legislation -- all the
while keeping safely outside the public eye."
Corporations that support ALEC "pay
to play." In addition to dues of up to $50,000 dollars per
year, they also pay as much as $5,000 dollars to sit on the "task
force" committees that draft ALEC's legislative templates.
You pay, and you get to write state laws to your exquisite advantage.
ALEC's record of achievement makes it
one of the most successful parts of the conservative movement,
but many progressives aren't aware of it. They should be; ALEC
claims as members 34 state Speakers of The House, 25 Senate Presidents,
31 Senate Leaders and 33 House Leaders.
Given that ALEC claims to have successfully
passed 200 bills into law in 2003, keeping tabs on the organization
is a good way to get a handle on where the right will train its
sights next.
Two staffers for People For the American
Way (PFAW) went [undercover] to ALEC's August meeting to get that
scoop. Earlier this month I attended a conference of labor and
community activists in Washington, D.C. to hear a summary of what
PFAW's staffers picked up at the summit. This report draws heavily
on their work, for which I'm grateful (disclosure: during the
past year I've received modest support from PFAW for some of my
own activism, and I'm an honorary Fellow with its Young People
For program).
On The Horizon
For the most part, there were few surprises
at ALEC's August summit in Plano, Texas. The usual suspects pushed
policies we have come to expect from the conservative movement.
These, according to a profile by PFAW, include "rolling back
civil rights, challenging government restrictions on corporate
pollution," as well as "limiting government regulations
of commerce [and] privatizing public services."
George W. Bush was the keynote speaker,
discussing how successful his tax cuts have been (if you care
to, you can read his speech here). Grover Norquist, Dick Armey
and Newt Gingrich rounded out the right's star power. (According
to one of PFAW's observers, Norquist told a room full of legislators
that "those on the left aren't stupid, they're evil.")
The main messages were that public pensions
and Social Security should be privatized and Bush's tax cuts should
become permanent (clearly a federal issue, but they pushed it
nonetheless). Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings defended
No child Left behind, which she argued wasn't "just good
policy, it's good politics."
School vouchers -- a long-standing objective
of ALEC -- were high on the agenda. There were two pieces of model
legislation that advance vouchers. Related are the "Virtual
Public Schools Act" and "The Family Tax Credit Program
Act." Both are alternatives to public education that, unlike
vouchers programs, divert public education funds to home-schooled
children as well as those enrolled in private schools. Apparently
it is, among other things, a sop to Christian conservatives.
Much was made of the need for "tort
reform." There was talk of "judicial hellholes,"
where pesky consumer groups and environmentalists were "regulating"
through litigation - ALEC's members call it a "tax on the
consumer" -- and of limiting damage awards and "reforming"
class-action suits.
Most of ALEC's model legislation sounds
eminently reasonable at first glance. One initiative, the "Jury
Patriotism Act" -- already passed in 13 states -- makes it
more difficult for people to skip jury duty, but would also increase
the amount paid to jurors, especially low-income jurors serving
on long cases. That sounds like a good idea until you come to
the fine print: the increased jury pay wouldn't come from general
revenues, but from significantly increased fees required to bring
suit, closing the courthouse doors to a growing number of people.
Another go-to issue for ALEC's members
is the environment. In 2002, the organization issued a widely
read report, "Global Warming and the Kyoto Protocol: Paper
Tiger, Economic Dragon" [PDF], written by the CATO institute's
"climate skeptic" Patrick Michaels. Exxon - the leading
funder of efforts to "debunk" climatology - donated
almost one million dollars to ALEC since 1998, according to ExxonWatch.
Dupont, Dow and Edison electric are among the other firms that
have paid millions to write ALEC's model legislation.
Some of ALEC's environmental initiatives
include "environmental audit immunity" (wonky PDF),
a legal regime whereby polluters could self-regulate and any environmental
violations could not be punished as long as they inform the EPA
of the damage done.
Another is attacking state and regional
limits on greenhouse gas emissions. ALEC has fought what have
been called "sons of Kyoto" state laws tooth and nail,
calling global warming "the new mantra for environmentalists
and non-governmental organizations in their quest to redistribute
international and domestic wealth."
Perhaps the most troubling of ALEC's environmental
aims is criminalizing activism. Its model "Animal and Ecological
Terrorism Act" does just that. As Karen Charman wrote on
The Texas [version of the] bill defines
an "animal rights or terrorist organization" as "two
or more persons organized for the purpose of supporting any politically
motivated activity intended to obstruct or deter any person from
participating in an activity involving animals or ... natural
resources." The bill adds that "'Political motivation'
means an intent to influence a government entity or the public
to take a specific political action." Language in the New
York bill is similarly broad.
The Center for Constitutional Rights'
Michael Ratner told Charman, "The definitional sections of
this legislation are so broad that they sweep within them basically
every environmental and animal-rights organization in the country."
Activism clearly frightens the big-business
right. Aside from the over-the-top hostility towards environmental
activists, there was much talk of campaigns such as the current
effort ... to raise awareness of Wal-Mart's labor and environmental
practices, and the harm the firm inflicts on Main Street America.
A panel on socially responsible investing
likened the practice to a new form of Marxism. According to PFAW's
observers, the moderator argued that "progressives control
campuses, control foundations, control the media -- corporations
are the last bastion of conservatism and if they take them over,
it's game over."
A PLAN for Push-Back
The good news is that ALEC is not unopposed
by groups on the left. Established organizations like USPIRG and
the Center for Policy Alternatives offer progressive model legislation
to state lawmakers, and community and labor activists have worked
to shine a hard light on ALEC and its proposals.
But as is often the case, many of these
efforts are single-issue, as opposed to ALEC's broad ideological
umbrella of positions, and too often they act state-by-state instead
of working as well-coordinated nationwide networks.
That's beginning to change. ALICE (the
American Legislative Issue Campaign Exchange) is trying to create
a similarly broad network at the local level. A collaboration
of the Center on Wisconsin Strategy, the Economic Analysis and
Research Network and several other progressive groups, ALICE is
a clearinghouse of information and legislation that's trying to
back up tens of thousands of progressives in local government.
Another organization that's promising
-perhaps the most ambitious of its kind -- is the Progressive
Legislative Action Network (PLAN). Launched with much fanfare
in August and co-chaired by the Center for American Progress'
David Sirota and former Montana legislator Steve Doherty, PLAN
most resembles the structure of ALEC. It not only provides model
legislation across state and issue lines, it also helps push those
bills by joining grass-roots activists and state lawmakers with
the "strategic advocacy tools" they need to advance
"progressive economic and social policies."
Stay tuned.
Joshua Holland is an AlterNet staff writer.