
excerpts from the book
9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in
the USA
by Webster Griffin Tarpley
Progressive Press, 2008, paperback

MIHOP [made it happen on purpose] drills provided cover and operational
capabilities for terror operations run through the official bureaucracy.
The most obvious is the exercise that morning at the headquarters
of the National Reconnaissance Office in Chantilly, Virginia involving
the simulation of an airliner crashing into the NRO 'S headquarters
tower. It involved, in other words, a plane crashing into a building.
Given all we have learned about the intimate relationship between
military drills and terrorist acts, it is clear that there is
a strong prima facie case here that the NRO drill in question
was in fact a control center or vehicle for crashing aircraft
or other flying objects into the towers of the World Trade Center.
... [The] MIHOP drills point towards the
basic fact that the 9/11 terror operations were not just facilitated
or allowed, but manufactured and produced, by activities taking
place inside the US military-security bureaucracy, under the cover
of theoretically legal and sanctioned drills.
Senator Daniel K. Inouye, during the Iran-Contra scandal
There exists a shadowy government with
its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism,
and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest,
free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.
We live in an era in which political and social reality are incessantly
manipulated by huge and pervasive intelligence agencies - CIA,
FBI, MI-6, FSB (KGB), Mossad.
The reliable conceptual model for understanding terrorism is one
that situates the secret intelligence agency, or factions thereof,
in the center of the process, recruiting prospective terrorists
from the immiserated masses and forming them into clandestine
organizations which are henceforth subject to guidance from outside,
behind, and above. High-profile international terrorism is not
spontaneous: it is artificial and synthetic. It requires expert
terrorist controllers. Because of this, the starting point for
realistic appraisal of 9/11 is not primarily the sociology of
the Middle East, but rather the historical record of NATO and
CIA state-sponsored terrorism in western Europe and elsewhere
in the post-World War II period.
Synthetic terrorism is a strategy used by oligarchs for the purpose
of waging on the people - particularly on the middle class.
Former Italian Prime Minister Aldo] Moro had been killed by NATO
intelligence, using the Red Brigades as tool and camouflage at
the same time. The cause of the assassination was Moro' s determination
to give Italy a stable government by bringing the Italian Communist
Party into the cabinet and the parliamentary majority. This plan
was opposed as a violation of the Yalta spheres of influence,
which made Italy a vassal of the US by the Henry Kissinger wing
of the US foreign policy establishment, as well as by certain
factions of the Italian ruling elite grouped around the reactionary
P-2 lodge, which was still secret at that time. Accordingly, my
study named Kissinger, NATO, and British intelligence as prime
suspects, and not the Warsaw Pact embassies named by the Italian
9/11 was an example of state-sponsored, false-flag, synthetic
terrorism, hereinafter called simply synthetic terrorism... the
9/11 events were organized and directed by a rogue network of
high government and military officials of the United States, with
a certain participation by the intelligence agencies of Britain
and Israel, and with a more general backup from the intelligence
agencies of the other Echelon states Australia, New Zealand, Canada.
The September [11th] criminals were financiers, top-level bureaucrats,
flag-rank military officers, top intelligence officials, and technical
Some of the most revealing information on a cataclysmic event
like 9/11 generally becomes available in media reports in the
immediate aftermath of the event. This is before the editors and
producers have fully assimilated the party line of the oligarchy
on what has happened.
The 9/11 commission represents the triumph of oligarchical scholasticism,
the embalming of what had been a living tragedy into a smoothed-over
textbook account from which virtually all of the truth has been
George Orwell in his book '1984'
In some ways she was far more acute than
Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. Once when
he happened in some connection to mention the war against Eurasia,
she startled him by saying casually that in her opinion the war
was not happening. The rocket bombs which fell daily on London
were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, "just
to keep the people frightened."
Edward Herman, professor of Political Science at the University
of Pennsylvania
Pravda and Izvestia in the former Soviet
Union would have been hard-pressed to surpass the American media
in their subservience to the official agenda... They have abandoned
the notion of objectivity or even the idea of providing a public
space where problems are discussed and debated... It's a scandal
that reveals the existence of a system of propaganda, not of serious
media so essential in a democratic society.
The vast majority of international terrorism conducted on a spectacular
scale is indeed state-sponsored terrorism.
A faction or network of the government uses its access to the
levers of power to promote the terrorist action.
The Red Brigades [Italy, 1970s] or the Baader-Meinhof group/Red
Army faction [Germany, 1970s] ... were created by and controlled
by NATO intelligence.
Terrorism in the modern era is the means by which oligarchies
wage secret wars against the people which it would be politically
impossible to wage Openly. Oligarchy, in turn, always has one
and the same political program, which has not changed since the
time of Thucydides, Plato and the writer that classical historians
call The Old Oligarch: the purpose and program of oligarchy is
to perpetuate oligarchy.
We must be deeply suspicious of the ruling elite of the United
States, which is of course also an oligarchy, but an oligarchy
which operates behind the mask of democratic institutions and
formal democracy.
The US oligarchy will be more than willing to trade in its democratic
costumes for a bureaucratic-authoritarian or even totalitarian
garb if the democratic forms prove to be impossible to maintain,
most likely because of financial and economic difficulties.
The most. important institutional actors in the world of terrorism
[are] secret intelligence agencies like CIA, FBI, NSA, KGB, Stasi,
MI-6, and the rest. Secret intelligence agencies are institutions
in which the very essence of oligarchy is at work: as the enjoyment
of oligarchical privileges comes inevitably at the expense of
the people, covert methods of control become indispensable.
Secret intelligence agencies in their modern forms go back to
the Republic of Venice, which was famous for its intelligence
directorate, the Council of Ten, and its pervasive network of
spies, informers, and provocateurs - and the Republic of Venice
was the longest-lasting oligarchical system in world history.
Secret intelligence agencies are fatalist or realist in that they
regard all large-scale sociological and political changes as inevitable.
As soon as they identify a budding phenomenon which they have
not yet penetrated, their only thought is how to infiltrate their
agents and assets into it, so they can steer or influence it as
it ripens.
... This applies to terrorist groups most
emphatically. Here the attention of the secret intelligence agencies
is so strongly focused that their task is most often that of founding,
and much more, seldom that of infiltrating and taking over some
group which already exists.
The world of secret intelligence agencies is a realm of falsehood,
camouflage, deception, violence, unspeakable cruelty, treachery,
and betrayal. It is the most desolate and grim sector of human
endeavor, where no human values can subsist. It knows neither
hope nor mercy nor redemption.
We start from the strong presumption that terrorism is intrinsically
an activity which is controlled by a faction of government, probably
acting under the influence of financier factions which are generally
the ultimate source of authority in the globalized universe.
The Kennedy Assassination
President Kennedy had been alerted by
the Bay of Pigs debacle to the treachery and incompetence of CIA
director Allen Dulles, whom he fired. He refused to listen to
the adventurist advice of former Secretary of State Dean Acheson.
He overrode his main military advisers, Lyman Lemnitzer and Curtis
LeMay, who wanted to make the Cuban missile crisis the occasion
for general thermonuclear war with the USSR. Kennedy clashed with
Roger Blough of US Steel, who was acting as a representative of
Wall Street. Kennedy challenged the power of the Federal Reserve
to be the sole controller of the US money supply. Kennedy seemed
determined to return to the New Deal policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt,
and also to the strong presidency Roosevelt had embodied, but
which the US oligarchy was determined never to permit again. (There
had in any case been an attempt to assassinate FDR in Florida
before he was even inaugurated.) Kennedy was probably planning
to fire FBI boss J. Edgar Hoover, who regarded himself as an unaccountable
state within the state. Documents indicate that Kennedy was scaling
down the US presence in Vietnam, rather than escalating it as
his incompetent hawkish advisers wanted, and that he may have
been preparing to liquidate the Vietnam matter entirely after
his re-election in November 1964. Kennedy was assassinated in
Dallas in November, 1963.
The leading terrorist state of the post-1945 era in Europe was
unquestionably the United States, often acting together with the
British MI-5 and MI-6 in the framework of NATO intelligence. US
state-sponsored terrorism generally aimed at maintaining what
can be called the division of the world into spheres of influence
as established at the Big Three (US, UK, USSR) conference at Yalta
in the Crimea in early 1945. Since the US could not simply arrest
and execute its opponents the way Stalin could, terrorism was
a favored tool of the US in attempting to maintain domination
and discipline within the western bloc.
A demonstration which the government does not want to take place
- the demonstration proceeds peacefully and responsibly, with
marchers walking in orderly fashion within the cordons of parade
marshals who are there to prevent trouble. Families with children,
elderly people, and youth are all petitioning effectively for
the redress of their grievances. The political effect is potentially
quite positive. All of a sudden, a group of radical demonstrators,
calling themselves anarchists but in reality police agent provocateurs,
breaks away from the main body of the demonstration and begins
smashing the windows of stores along the route. The anarchists
have Molotov cocktails in hand, and they hurl them at the first
units of riot police who arrive, injuring some of them seriously.
The police, by now thoroughly provoked indeed, begin to fire tear
gas grenades in all directions, and wade in to the peaceful crowd
with their truncheons, mercilessly beating everyone who falls
into their hands. Demonstrators are herded into blind allies,
beaten, arrested, and carted off. It will be a long time before
some of them come to another demonstration. Television coverage
focuses on the violent minority, trying to make it look like the
anarchist police agents are typical of the demonstration as a
whole. Pundits pontificate; George Will is particularly indignant.
This is the model for provocations of all types. It represents
a spectacle for the gullible, a theatrical if bloody manipulation
of Led pseudo-reality, and it points toward the reality of 9/11.
If the real authorship of state-sponsored terrorism is to be successfully
concealed, then a collection of scapegoats is the first ingredient
required. These may be defined as the patsies, or alternatively
as fall-guys, scapegoats, useful idiots, stooges or dupes. It
is necessary that they be of low mental ability and great gullibility,
since their mission is to be part of false-flag groups which pretend
to be working for a cause, while in reality they are under the
control of a private network inside the US government.
It is vital for the terrorist controllers that the patsies not
realize that this or that comrade in arms is actually a double
agent, a provocateur working for the parallel CIA or some other
complicit agency,(of which more will be said later. The best candidates
for the patsy role are psychotics, psychopaths, or sociopaths.
They may be fanatics bursting with criminal energy and criminal
intent, or they may be pathetic ideologues and naifs. Frequently
they are also misfits, bunglers, and generally maladroit in what
they undertake.
If the real authorship of state-sponsored terrorism is to be successfully
concealed, then a collection of scapegoats is the first ingredient
required. These may be defined as the patsies, or alternatively
as fall-guys, scapegoats, useful idiots, stooges or dupes. It
is necessary that they be of low mental ability and great gullibility,
since their mission is to be part of false-flag groups which pretend
to be working for a cause, while in reality they are under the
control of a private network inside the US government... It is
vital for the terrorist controllers that the patsies not realize
that this or that comrade in arms is actually a double agent,
a provocateur working for the parallel CIA or some other complicit
agency,(of which more will be said later. The best candidates
for the patsy role are psychotics, psychopaths, or sociopaths.
They may be fanatics bursting with criminal energy and criminal
intent, or they may be pathetic ideologues and naifs. Frequently
they are also misfits, bunglers, and generally maladroit in what
they undertake.
The most famous patsy is(of course)Lee Harvey Oswald, the archetype
of the embittered, lonely misfit and drifter. gut he was a misfit
with a difference, one who was able to move from the Marine Corps
to émigré status in the USSR, then back to Texas
and New Orleans as an activist for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.
Oswald was someone who seemed to go out of his way to be abrasive
and to attract attention. He handed out leaflets for the Fair
Play for Cuba Committee and got involved in altercations with
anti-Castro Cubans. He appeared in a radio debate, and was interviewed
on television. He took a surprise trip to Mexico City to visit
the Soviet Embassy there. He did everything possible to get noticed.
Indeed, he got noticed so much that at various times there may
have been two or even three Oswald doubles running around, something
that would have required the resources of a major intelligence
organization like the CIA or the FBI.
... Oswald was most likely an FBI informant,
working for Special Agent Guy Bannister in New Orleans. But this
did not protect him from being fingered as the assassin, nor did
it save him from being silenced by Jack Ruby before he could ever
testify in his own defense. The problem with Oswald, as with so
many patsies, is that he was neither physically nor technically
capable of carrying out the crime which has been ascribed to him:
using his antiquated Italian 1917 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle with
its crude little telescopic sight, it is clear that Oswald could
never have fired with sufficient speed and accuracy the four or
five shots (at minimum) that were actually heard on Dealey Plaza
that day, and which are necessary to account for the number of
wounds suffered by President Kennedy and Governor Connally, plus
other shots that missed their target.
The government bureaucracy can be thought of as a gigantic freight
train. With the successful terrorist act, a switch is turned,
and the entire train goes rumbling in a new direction. The transformation
achieved by a successful act of spectacular terrorism goes beyond
what can be achieved by mere directives emanating from the office
of the president or some cabinet secretary. Public opinion is
shocked and stunned; the Congress is stampeded; the entire bureaucracy
senses that the terrorist controllers have proven that it is they
who are the strongest... The bureaucracy therefore inclines to
the side of the plotters.
Once the new policy has been institutionalized,
every bureaucrat will attempt to defend it as a matter of self-preservation.
Bureaucratic inertia will now adapt itself to the new party line.
When we get to the level of spectacular international terrorism
of the type represented by 9/11, it is clear that only skilled
professionals have the physical ability to produce the effects
... [Expert professionals] are the well-trained,
well-equipped operatives who really do have the technical, physical,
and mental ability to bring about the terrorist acts which the
public sees. They are the members of the team which was indeed
able, using the best state-of-the-art sniper rifles and related
equipment, to fire the requisite number of shots in Dealey Plaza,
and to fire them with sufficient accuracy within the objective
time limits imposed by the situation. They are the ice-cold technocrats
of death who were able to direct the aircraft into the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon. The expert professionals are the persons
who can accomplish the amazing feats which the media attribute
to the pathetic patsies.
The expert professionals [assassins/terrorists] do not have to
be ideologues, they are not raving fanatics in the way that the
patsies tend to be. They are proud of their professional competence.
Not infrequently, they are mercenary in their motivation, they
do not try to get noticed. They are not abrasive, and they do
not go out o their way to pick quarrels with passersby. They do
not give interviews, and would never hand out leaflets. Their
goal is the lowest possible profile, even complete anonymity.
They would always like to escape attention, and to melt away into
the shadows. They come from out of town, and disappear as soon
as their work is done. Their main occupational hazard is not that
of arrest by the police, but the risk of being liquidated by their
own employers as a basic security measure.
General Edward Lansdale was one of the most prominent practitioners
of special forces, special operations, and related utopian military
methods during the / Cold War. He was one of the leading architects
of the catastrophic US involvement in Vietnam. Lansdale was the
founder of the US Special Warfare ( School at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina. Lansdale worked closely together with Allen Dulles,
the Wall Street lawyer who became the head of the CIA during the
Eisenhower administration, and who cooked up the plan for the
Bay of Pigs and foisted it off on the newly inaugurated President
Kennedy. When the Bay of Pigs failed, and Kennedy wisely decided
to cut his losses by not throwing more military assets into what
was already a hopeless debacle, the Allen Dulles clique and many
counterinsurgency-oriented military officers blamed not their
own incompetent planning, but Kennedy. In February, 1962, Robert
Kennedy told Lansdale that his covert Operation Mongoose, a plot
to kill Castro, should be frozen, and the emphasis shifted to
gathering intelligence.
The Dulles-Lemnitzer-Lansdale networks
should not be thought of as an extinct feature of the past, but
rather as a living presence in the Pentagon, CIA, NSA, and other
agencies. Given the track record of this network, they must necessarily
come under scrutiny in the context of 9/11.
Operation Northwoods was a plan to provoke a war with Cuba ...
The Northwoods documents start from the premise that the US should
be seeking war with Cuba over the short term for the purpose of
regime change... Part of the effort would be to demonize Castro
and his communist government.
... How could Castro be demonized? Northwoods:
"Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots,
the arrest of Cuban agents and the release of prepared documents
substantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting
the idea of an irresponsible government." In addition, "hijacking
attempts against civil air and surface craft could appear to continue
as harassing measures condoned by the Government of Cuba."
Northwoods planners did not hesitate to
prescribe attacks on US ships, planes or installations: "We
could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,"
they wrote; "casualty lists in US newspapers would cause
a helpful wave of national indignation.
Operation Northwoods document
it is possible to create an incident which
will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked
and shot down a chartered civil airliner enroute from the United
States to Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama or Venezuela. The destination
would be chosen only to cause the night plan route to cross Cuba.
The passengers could be a group of college students off on a holiday
or any grouping of persons with a. common interest to support
chartering a non-scheduled flight.
a, An aircraft at Eglin APB would be painted
and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft
belonging to a CIA proprietary organization in the Miami. area.
At a designated time the duplicate would be substituted for the
actual civil aircraft and would be loaded with the selected passengers,
all boarded under carefully prepared aliases. The actual registered
aircraft would be converted to a drone.
b. Take off times of the drone aircraft
and the actual aircraft will be scheduled to allow a rendezvous
south of Florida. From the rendezvous point the passenger-carrying
aircraft will descend to minimum altitude and go directly into
an auxiliary field at Eglin AFB where arrangements will have been
made to evacuate the passengers and return the aircraft to its
original status. The drone aircraft meanwhile will continue to
fly the filed flight plan. When over Cuba the drone will being
transmitting on the international distress frequency a "MAY
DAY' message stating he is under attack by Cuban NIG aircraft.
The transmission will be interrupted by destruction of the aircraft
which will be triggered by radio signal. This will allow ICAO
radio stations in the Western Hemisphere to tell the US what has
happened to the aircraft instead of the US trying to "sell"
the incident.
author Sean McPhilemy, whose book, The Committee: Political Assassination
in Northern Ireland, 1998 ... systematically documented the murderous
collusion among the British government, the British military,
the Royal Ulster Constabulary, Loyalist paramilitary death squads,
and respected Protestant citizens in planning and perpetrating
the murders of Republican paramilitaries and Catholics.
The CIA has long recruited media managers and media personalities
to be its agents of influence. The corporate bosses of the media
conglomerates, in their capacity as powerful oligarchs, may also
be more or less witting parties to the unfolding [terrorist] operation.
It is hardly likely that the command center of 9/11 could have
been in the upper reaches of government, and far more likely that
it was outside of government altogether... in a myriad of private
military firms, technology companies, think tanks, law firms,
public relations firms, and front companies of all types.
Large-scale synthetic terrorism of the 9/11 type is generally
conducted, not so much by identifiable institutions acting as
a totality, but rather by a network or faction of like-minded
plotters which cuts across the institutions transversally. It
is not the visible, elected government which plots terrorism,
but rather the parallel, invisible, or secret government, and
that secret government is hidden inside the public and elected
The essence of this phenomenon is a private
network which has ensconced its operatives in decisive, influential
positions, from which entire bureaucracies can be controlled,
manipulated, or paralyzed.
... The secret, private network at the
higher levels of the US government which was behind 9/11 has been
around for some time.
... It is an aggressive, imperialistic,
murderous network, restlessly seeking to preserve itself through
conflict and confrontation.
After the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the US oligarchy made
a collective pledge that never would they ever allow an elected
leader actually to exercise the constitutional powers of the presidency.
The oligarchy favors [presidential] candidates who are intellectually
and morally incapable of governing according to the full powers
of the office, and who are therefore willing to have their options
pre-determined by servants of finance oligarchy from the Washington
establishment. In any case, much of the original power of the
presidency has been transferred to the unelected and unaccountable
Federal Reserve Board.
The United States devastated Iraq at the beginning of the decade
[2003]... The unspeakable suffering in Iraq was made much worse
by the US-backed and UN-enforced economic sanctions of 1990-2003,
which, in violation of all relevant international law, banned
the import of food and medicine... The estimates of the number
of Iraqi victims of these murderous sanctions vary widely, but
it seems likely that the number of fatalities involved is between
500,000 and 1,000,000, with infants, children, and elderly people
- all non-combatants - accounting for the majority. Some estimates
take the death toll above 2 million Iraqis.
'Global Hawk' is a guidance system developed by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for the Pentagon. Global Hawk
is a robot plane.
Global Hawk press release, April 2001
The Global Hawk, a jet-powered aircraft
with a wingspan equivalent to a Boeing 737 flew from Edwards Air
Force Base in California and landed ... at the Royal Australian
Air Force base at Edinburgh, in South Australia... it set a world
record for the furthest a robotic aircraft has flown between two
points. The Global Hawk flies along a pre-programmed flight path.
The existence of [Global Hawk robotic aircraft] technology in
a fully operational form raises the possibility that it might
have been installed in commercial airliners, and further that
it may have been such airliners under the control of a Global
Hawk equivalent which crashed into the WTC and the Pentagon.
writer Thierry Messan of Réseau Voltaire's [an international
nonprofit organization in Paris]
From 10 AM to 8 PM approximately, American
officials did not think that those strikes [9/11 WTC attacks]
were the result of Middle Eastern terrorists, but that they manifested
an attempted military coup by American extremists capable of provoking
nuclear war.
1. The government's assertion that the so-called [9/11] hijackers
operated without being detected by official surveillance is untenable,
and evidence is strong that the alleged hijackers acted in coordination
with a faction within the government itself. The hijackers were
therefore in all probability expendable double agents or patsies.
2. The government's assertion that the
four supposedly hijacked airliners were taken over and piloted
by the four accused hijackers identified by the FBI is at or beyond
the limits of physical and technical reality. The planes were
in all probability guided to their targets by some form of remote
access or remote control.
3. The government's assertion that the
failures of air defense were caused by the fog of war is lame
and absurd. Air defense was in all probability sabotaged by moles
operating inside the government.
4. The government's assertion that a Boeing
757-200 hit the Pentagon is physically impossible. Some other
type of flying object, possibly a cruise missile, must therefore
be considered.
5. The government's assertion that the
Twin Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed as a result of
the impact of aircraft and of the subsequent fire is physically
impossible. The fall of the towers cannot be explained without
the hypothesis of controlled demolition of some form, possibly
including unconventional methods employing new physical principles.
6. The government's assertion that World
Trade Center 7 collapsed at 5:20 PM EDT on September 11 purely
as a result of fire is physically impossible. The collapse of
WTC 7 is coherent with controlled demolition of the conventional
7. The government's assertion that United
Flight 93 crashed because of actions by the hijackers or because
of a struggle in the cockpit is physically impossible, given the
pattern in which the wreckage was distributed. All evidence points
towards the hypothesis that United 93 was shot down by US military
8. The government's refusal to investigate
insider trading in American Airlines and United Airlines put options,
the wholesale seizure and destruction of evidence, the systematic
intimidation of witnesses by the FBI, and a series of other incidents
point unmistakably to an attempted cover-up on the part of the
entire US government and establishment.
The anthrax incidents of October 2001 must be regarded as an integral
part of the entire 9/11 operation ... since it is here that the
cause-and-effect relationship reaching into the secure weapons
labs and military facilities of the US federal government is the
most obvious. Anthrax cannot be synthesized by a rag-tag band
in a distant cave. Weaponized anthrax can only be obtained at
the US Army's biological weapons facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland,
and at a very few other centers of the same type controlled by
other governments. The existence of weaponized anthrax is ipso
facto a strong case for US government collusion in terror attacks
on this country [9/11].
9/11 was carried out primarily by a US-centered rogue network
or invisible government faction, but it was not carried out alone.
The foreign intelligence service which contributed the most indirect
support to 9/11 was unquestionably the British MI-6. The cooperation
and interpenetration of the Anglo-American intelligence agencies
is so overwhelming and so thoroughly institutionalized that it
is hardly noticed by US commentators. The CIA and MI-6 are virtually
Siamese twins sharing a number of vital organs.
President Abraham Lincoln to his friend Herndon on February 15,
Allow the President to invade a neighboring
nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion,
and you allow him to do so, whenever he may choose to say he deems
it necessary for such purpose - and you allow him to make war
at pleasure .... Kings had always been involving and impoverishing
their people in wars.
US society today is neither a tyranny nor a democracy; it is organized
from top to bottom according to the principle of oligarchy or
In an oligarchical society characterized by the preponderant role
of secret intelligence agencies - such as the United States at
the beginning of the twenty-first century - anyone who rules out
conspiracies 'a priori' runs the risk of not understanding very
much of what is going on.
"Conspiracy theorist" as an all-purpose term of 'ad
hominem' argument to dismiss arguments which cannot be refuted,
goes back to the years after the Kennedy assassination, when the
public was expected to accept that it was US government policy
that this great crime, along with the further assassinations of
Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy in 1968, would remain permanently
unsolved, and that those who objected would be vilified.
Received opinion in the United States has come to regard the official
version of the events of 9/11, that is to say the 9/11 myth, as
... in the aftermath of 9/11 US public
life has come to be founded more and more upon an outright fantastic
myth which is often invoked, but never demonstrated or proven.
... the prevalence of the [9/11] myth
reflects a mass psychopathology of delusion and false consciousness,
a turning away from reality into a politics of myth.
Why does anybody believe the official story of 9/11, with all
of its absurdities?
psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank in his book 'Bush On The Couch'
The individual who clings tenaciously
to unverified beliefs confuses his beliefs with fact, and often
inflicts this confusion on others in his struggle to resolve it
in his favor. When many people are persuaded to subscribe to the
same pretense, of course, it can gain the aura of objectivity.
British psychoanalyst Ron Britton
Shared phantasy can gain the same or even
greater status than knowledge.
Shared beliefs can come to define a community; religion is, after
all, a communal structure, uniting groups in shared beliefs. In
societies where religion is especially powerful, such shared beliefs
can actually become law, imposed on others, often restricting
their behavior.
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Art of War
No one can be called a good man who, in
order to support himself, takes up a profession that obliges him
at all times to be rapacious, fraudulent, and cruel, as of course
must be all of those no matter what their rank - who make a trade
of war.
The basic neocon outlook ... is an embrace of war, violence, hatred,
coups, martial law, and ... terrorism.
Neocons are famous for helping one another up the career ladder,
and for teaching courses based only on neocon texts. They are
narrow-minded, sectarian, and essentially ignorant of philosophy
and history. They are an ideological faction, often a fanatical
neocon Leo Strauss
It is the participation in bloody political
struggles ... which raises man above the brutes.
[neocon Leo Strauss's] universal and homogeneous state [refers]
to something which the ordinary person might identify as peace,
progress, and prosperity, with a good measure of equality and
international harmony. For most people, such a situation might
seem to be almost ideal, but for the self-styled neocon intellectual,
it represents the abolition of all human values and of everything
that makes life worth living.
The US Constitution mandates that the government pursue the General
Welfare, but for the neocons this is anathema, since among other
things it threatens their most cherished principle - oligarchy.
Irving Kristol interviewed in late summer 2001 - by Corey Robin,
assistant professor of political science at Brooklyn College in
the City University of New York, Washington Post, May 2004
I think it would be natural for the United
States ... to play a far more dominant role in world affairs..,
to command and give orders as to what is to be done. People need
that. There are many parts of the world where an authority willing
to use troops can make... a healthy difference.
Corey Robin, assistant professor of political science at Brooklyn
College in the City University of New York, Washington Post, May
Though conservatives reputedly favor wealth
and prosperity, law and order, stability and routine, they disdained
Clinton for his very pursuit of these virtues. His quest for affluence,
they argued, produced a society that lost its depth and political
Corey Robin, assistant professor of political science at Brooklyn
College in the City University of New York, Washington Post, May
[Bill] Clinton's vision of a benign international
order, conservatives argued, betrayed an unwillingness to take
on a world of power and violence, of mysterious evil and unfathomable
hatred. Coping with such a world requires pagan courage and barbaric
virtue, qualities many conservatives embrace over the more prosaic
goods of peace and prosperity.
The neocons ... see 9/11 as an opportunity to exalt their "political
virtues such as heroism and struggle" over "the numbing
politics of affluence" because of their new-found ability
to go to the public with "calls for sacrifice and destiny."
The neocons were afflicted by a self-righteous and hypocritical
Corey Robin, assistant professor of political science at Brooklyn
College in the City University of New York, Washington Post, May
At the turn of the millennium, the neocon
faction was searching for new opportunities for conflict and violence.
When those opportunities arrived, the neocons rejoiced and rushed
into their favorite enterprise of sending other people's children
into useless wars.
Nazi Carl Shmitt, the main legal theorist of the Third Reich
For [the main legal theorist of the Third
Reich Nazi Carl] Shmitt, politics comes down to the distinction
between friend and foe. Starting from this extremely meager reduction
of human motivation, he goes on to equate politics with warfare:
if there is no warfare or conflict, then politics is dead, and
life is no longer worth living. Schmitt therefore wants politics
to be the monopoly of a strong state, and he does not like the
idea that the state or the government could be influenced by the
citizens. Schmitt's thought is thus revealed as authoritarian,
dictatorial, fascistic.
George Orwell ... suggested in '1984' that the endless war among
Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia was really a war waged by each
of these states against its own population, for the purpose of
perpetuating a hierarchical society.
[Frederick] Nietzsche was full of contempt and hatred for the
middle class, family life, and the quest for economic security,
which he always saw in connection with the inferior "last
men." Nietzsche is the great glorifier of war, conflict,
violence, and cruelty, which he regards not just as unavoidable
but also as positive goods We think that hardness, forcefulness,
slavery, danger in the alley and the heart, life in hiding, stoicism,
the art of experiment and deviltry of every kind, that everything
evil, terrible, tyrannical in man, everything in him that is kin
to beasts of prey and serpents, serves the enhancement of the
species 'man' as much as its opposite does."
It is from [Frederick] Nietzsche that today's neocons derive their
endless fascination with warfare and bloodshed:
Frederick Nietzsche in 'Zarathustra'
You should always be such men as are always
looking for an enemy - for your enemy. And with some of you there
is hate at first sight. You should seek your enemy and wage your
war - a war for your opinions .... You should love peace as a
means to new wars. And the short peace more than the long. I do
not exhort you to work but to battle. I do not exhort you to peace,
but to victory. May your work be a battle, may your peace be a
victory! You say it is the good cause that hallows even war? I
tell you: it is the good war that hallows every cause. War and
courage have done more great things than charity.
Frederick Nietzsche in 'Zarathustra'
You should always be such men as are always
looking for an enemy - for your enemy. And with some of you there
is hate at first sight. You should seek your enemy and wage your
war - a war for your opinions .... You should love peace as a
means to new wars. And the short peace more than the long. I do
not exhort you to work but to battle. I do not exhort you to peace,
but to victory. May your work be a battle, may your peace be a
Frederick Nietzsche
"What does nihilism mean?
That the highest values are devalued.
The goal is missing: the answer to 'why?' is missing.
the Roman Emperor Caligula
Let them hate me, as long as they fear
A storm cellar for neocons and failed pols in the Rumsfeld Pentagon
has been the Defense Policy Board, chaired by Richard Perle, the
virulent neocon warmonger whom British Labour Party Foreign Secretary
Dennis Healey dubbed the "prince of darkness" back in
the 1980s. On September 19, 2001, Perle used the Defense Policy
Board as the springboard for the neocon war drive against Iraq
that produced an unprovoked and aggressive war in March 2003.
Other members / of the Defense Policy Board included: Henry Kissinger,
George Shultz, Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Fred Ikle, James Schlesinger,
Dan Quayle, Harold Brown, James Woolsey, and Newt Gingrich.
The presence of a large mass of apocalyptic Armageddon thinkers
in American life is a serious problem, since some versions of
this belief structure call upon the individual to act in ways
which are thought to accelerate the end time towards world catastrophe,
thus speeding the return of the Messiah.
... Apocalyptic and Armageddon thinkers
in the high ranks of the military services represent an even more
serious problem than they do in the society in general. How can
we let a self-styled "evangelical Christian" close to
a nuclear button, when that person's demented belief structure
may dictate that the launching of a rogue missile attack on Russia,
China or some Arab state would bring with it the beneficial by-product
of the end of the world and the creation of the kingdom of God
on earth.
The 'Armageddon Factor - the powerful Christian fundamentalist
elements in the United States, who are applying massive pressure
on the American Administration, to give full backing to the Israelis,
so that the fundamentalists can achieve their Armageddon aims.
a speech by Reverend Colonel James Ammerman in a videotape popular
among militia groups in the 1990s was 'The Imminent Military Takeover
of the United States'.
There is a network of colonels and above,
throughout the military, who would stand by the Constitution and
against the President. They know who they are, and they are in
close communication with each other. They could control the country
if they need to.
Nicolo Machiavelli warned the Italian princes in his 'Art of War'
[1521] that unemployed mercenaries and professional soldiers would
inevitably stir up coups and conflicts in order to procure jobs
and glory for themselves.
Defeated and unemployed military officers represent a dangerous
phenomenon in any society, and today this problem is compounded
by the issue of a mercenary (or all-volunteer) force.
Nicolo Machiavelli in his 'Art of War' , 1521
Governments should fear those persons
who make war their only business. And if a prince has not enough
power over his infantry to make them disband and return cheerfully
to their former occupations when a war is over, he is on the road
to being ruined. For no infantry can be so dangerous as that which
is composed of men who make war their only calling, because a
prince either must keep them continually engaged in war, or must
constantly keep them paid in peacetime, or must run the risk of
their stripping him of his kingdom.
Nicolo Machiavelli in his 'Art of War' , 1521
Governments should fear those persons
who make war their only business.
11th, 2001
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