from the book
Past, Present and Future
a book by
Walter Laqueur, 1996

Clerical fascism and the Third World
One species of fascism with a time-honored past had a recent revival
and may have a promising future in some parts of the world. This is clerical
fascism, which can take various forms, such as the confluence of fascism
and radical, fundamentalist religion.
The term fundamentalism is as imperfect as most of the terms used in
political and general discourse today. But no one so far has produced a
concept that fits better and is more widely accepted. If fundamentalism
is interpreted as orthodox, going back to the origins, meaning the sacred
texts, the legitimacy of present-day fundamentalists is dubious. Often they
provide their own, novel interpretations of these texts, which are by no
means identical with tradition. Fundamentalism interpreted as anti-modernism
is more accurate, but since modernity has a variety of meanings, this is
not always helpful. Thus, in the final analysis, fundamentalism has come
to represent a radical, militant, fanatical movement trying to impose its
beliefs on others by means of force, and thus, it is a political movement.
The similarities between fascism and fundamentalism were noted even
in the early 1920s, well before Hitler had become a household name. One
of the earliest accounts of fundamentalism in the United States was entitled
"Faszismus und Fundamentalismus in den USA." The author showed
in great detail how political fanaticism fueled religious intolerance, how
extreme nationalism and populism went hand in hand with radical religion,
and how the Ku Klux Klan cooperated with the fundamentalists. Both were
based on the same social strata, the poorly educated and discontented looking
for primitive and violent solutions.
The term clerico fascisti was coined even earlier, in 1922. It refers
to a group of Catholic believers in Rome and northern Italy who advocated
a synthesis of Catholicism and fascism. The affinities between the Muslim
Brotherhood and fascism were observed in the 1930s, as was the fact that
the extreme Muslim organizations supported the Axis powers in World War
In a remarkable book published in 1937, a German Catholic writer labeled
Nazism a new political Islam and Hitler-Mohammed its prophet. Why this "new
German" (neudeutsch) Islam. According to Hitler from Mein Kampf onward,
the sword has always been the carrier, prophet, and propagator of a new
religion "Hatred was always the main moving force of all revolutionary
change, pervasive fanaticism and even hysteria were impelling the masses
rather than any scientific perception."
Nazism contained a pagan element, and Italian Fascism featured an anticlerical
trend, but they appeared only at the margins of these movements. Once in
power, the fascist states were eager not to jeopardize their relations with
the church. On the other hand, the clergy played a crucial role in fascist
or pro-fascist regimes and movements. Fascist and para-fascist parties in
Latin America and the various "integralist" movements rejected
the pagan element in Nazism and invoked the need for a Christian spiritual
revolution (Father Charles Coughlin in the United States). Sir Oswald Mosley
in Britain wrote in retrospect that it had been the weakness of fascism
in Britain that it had not been more Christian in inspiration. Neither Engelbert
Dollfuss and Kurt von Schuschnigg in Austria nor the Slovak governments
of Monsignor Tiso (often labeled at the time as a clerical fascist) were
inspired by fanatic religiosity; they were authoritarian rather than totalitarian.
The Croat state of the Ustasha, on the other hand, provides a good example
of the dual impact of religion and fascism resulting in state terrorism
unprecedented even by Balkan standards.
It has been argued that there could be no lasting understanding between
fascism and religion simply because both were holistic weltanschauungen,
staking claims to the whole human being in all respects. "Thou shall
have no other gods before me" says the Bible, but it also demands to
"render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the
things that are God's," and the Talmud announces unambiguously, "Dina
de malkuta dina" (The law of the [worldly] kingdom is the law). But
Islam is, according to the fundamentalists, din va dawla, both a religion
and a political-social system. Islam does not call for Muslims to disobey
non-Muslim rulers. But it implies that they should obey only as long as
the rule of the infidels lasts.
It also has been contended that a fascist-religious synthesis is impossible
because all varieties of fascism are deeply nationalistic, whereas modem
secular nationalism is irrelevant, if not anathema, to the world's principal
religions. But militant religion and nationalism coexist in Shi'ite Iran,
among Jewish fanatics in Israel, among Sikhs in India, and elsewhere in
Asia. The Russian Orthodox Church has always been the main pillar of Russian
nationalism, as are the Armenian, Georgian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian churches
of their countries.
Another, more valid argument is that historically some religions have
been less fanatical and more tolerant than others. These are therefore unlikely
candidates for clerical fascism in any form. Not all religions have tried
to establish a theocracy. For example, in the past India was the model country
of tolerance, with King Asoka honoring all (other) religions and Akbar preaching
religious tolerance.
Similar tolerance was exercised in Europe under Friedrich von Hohenstaufen
in the thirteenth century, but this was an exception. The history of Christianity
since the early Middle Ages is one of the persecution of heretics, the burning
of witches, crusades and pogroms, inquisitions and other forms of intolerance.
The power struggle between church and ruler lasted for many centuries and
lost its relevance only with the secularization of the state in early modern
times or, as in the case of Russia, with the imposition of the will of the
tsar (Ivan IV) on the church.
In Islam, Iran offers the best-known example of religious intolerance.
This tradition, to be sure, dates back even to pre-lslamic times; as manifested
in the persecution of the Turks and Uzbeks and, more recently, in the persecution
of various Islamic sects, Bahais, Christians, Jews, and virtually all other
religions. The injunction of a holy war (jihad) against the non-lslamic
world (dar al harb) is a collective duty (fard al kifaya) of vital importance.
The jihad is a permanent revolution in which there may be temporary truces
but no real peace. This is the law, but on a practical level, concessions
must be made much of the time.
Fundamentalism, is not of course, an Islamic monopoly, as it can be
found in Christianity and judaism as well as in other religions. In extreme
forms it is manifested in political terrorism (such as the antiabortion
murders in the United States, in Kahanism in Israel, in Hindu attacks against
Muslims in India). Fundamentalists have exerted political pressure on secular
governments in America, Europe, and Asia. But only in the Muslim world have
radicals acquired positions of power and are likely to have further successes,
from Algeria to Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and even beyond. Conversely, in
most parts of the West and East secularism has made so much progress that
it has made a fundamentalist takeover unlikely.
The Prospects of Fascism
What are the prospects for fascism n the contemporary world. The record
of more than seventy years shows common patterns. Fascism arises at a time
of economic, social, and political crisis, when the old order no longer
seems able to cope with urgent problems. These are the preconditions for
the growth of fascist and neofascist movements, but whether the fascists
are able to exploit such a constellation depends on a variety of circumstances,
such as the intensity of the crisis, the determination of the incumbents
to resist the challenge, and the presence or absence of effective fascist
leaders. A promising situation (that is, promising from a fascist point
of view) may pass unused because the fascists are divided or lack effective
, leadership.
Fascism has always been a movement of protest and discontent and the
contemporary world contains a great reservoir of protest. The social basis
of the new fascism has become more plebeian (in some countries more than
in others) and more radically populist than historical fascism was. Outside
Europe it has been strongest in those societies unable or unwilling to keep
in step with the West, or even to overtake it, as the Asian-Pacific countries
have done.
To assess the overall prospects of fascism and similar movements, we
must consider several factors. If it is true that the cold war ended with
the decisive victory of liberal democracy as the only remaining contestant
in the field, as the ideal to which everyone-or almost everyone-was aspiring,
the future for fascism is bleak. But the prospects for liberal democracy
are not that rosy, for there is likely to be a backlash against conditions
on the international and the domestic scene, which many consider as increasingly
chaotic. Clearly, not every non-democratic regime needs to be in a fascist
mold. If a society has reached a relatively high level of development and
the crisis facing it seems to be transient, a relatively mild authoritarian
regime could resolve the problem. "Objectively," a harsh totalitarian
regime may not be needed to confront contemporary (or future) challenges.
But "objectively," fascism and Nazism were not needed in 1923
and 1933, either, and yet they prevailed because non-democratic movements
tend to have a momentum of their own. The deeper the crisis is, real or
perceived, the greater will be the desire for an effective dictatorship
that enables its rulers to pursue their politics unencumbered by pressures
and opposition from below. Such a dictatorship must be firm and ruthless;
it cannot tolerate an opposition, thus the need for repression. It also
needs the support of broad sections of the population, hence the need for
Europe and other parts of the world have witnessed enormous economic
progress over the last half-century. But there is no reason to assume that
this growth will continue to rise at the same rate. Real income in the United
States has fallen since the mid-1970s and has stagnated in most West European
countries. Unemployment-virtually unknown in the 1960s-is now endemic, with
a rate in various countries in excess of 10 percent, and in some, such as
Spain, over 20 percent. According to projections, a considerable part of
the labor force, perhaps as much as half, will be working part time in twenty
years from now.
New investment has been directed more and more toward Asia and certain
Third World countries where productivity is higher. Free trade finds fewer
supporters, and indeed, many regard it as detrimental to their interests.
Economic growth in Asia will be, in all probability, fast in the decades
to come. Accordingly, this relative decline of the West may give rise to
resentment and fear. Some argue that democracy and radical economic reform
do not mix. True, the relative decline is taking place during a period of
prosperity, if compared with the situation in the 1920s and 1930s. Industrial
jobs are disappearing faster in Europe than new ones become available, but
a social security safety net now takes care of those affected. Shelter,
food, and medical assistance are provided for the needy. ~ But it is not
certain whether even rich Europe can afford to spend so much on welfare
for a growing underclass. Even some of the richest cities on the Continent
find themselves on the verge of bankruptcy. And even if the countries can
afford it, the social consequences of a dependence on welfare are dismal
and politically dangerous. It means that millions of people are marginalized
and no longer seek employment. Areas of decay and violent crime have been
created in major European cities; in America they have existed for a long
Since the 1970s the gap between the rich and the poor has substantially
widened, particularly in the United States, Britain, and the former Soviet
Union. According to projections, this trend will continue, and although
some countries, notably the United States, have shown tolerance so far of
this rising inequality, elsewhere it is causing social and political unrest.
The underclass is still a minority, but the feeling of uncertainty among
the majority of the employed, about the future of their workplace, is rising.
In technical language this is known as accelerated structural change in
the economy, and it affects white-collar employees as much as manual workers.
If enough people develop such feelings of insecurity, they will turn into
a political factor of paramount importance. If there are not enough jobs
for everyone (or almost everyone); if the young for whom no work can be
found in the first place are joined by those of early middle age who, having
lost their job, cannot be reintegrated into the economy; and if there are
no far-reaching schemes for work sharing, the social and political consequences
may be serious. Such a situation can lead to populist and/or extremist movements,
as it did in the past. Of all the factors that contributed to the rise of
fascism in the 1930s, insecurity was one of the most crucial, and certainly
the least understood and examined.
Part of the new underclass is native born, and part is of foreign origin
In Holland, for instance, 40 percent of Turkish and Moroccan immigrants
are unemployed, but only 7 percent of the Dutch have no job. A similar disproportion
exists elsewhere. Such inequality breeds hostility among the guest workers
toward the "rich" natives with whom they come into contact daily.
It also means resentment of the "parasites" by the native-born
population and a growing reluctance to pay billions each year to provide
social services, food, and shelter for the nonworking underclass. The impression
takes hold that the situation is out of control. Ethnic strife and class
conflicts increase and the demand for a strong govemment grows.
Another aspect, perhaps more important, as far as Europe is concerned,
is the crisis of parliamentary democracy. Wherever fascism grew strong in
Europe, it was against a background of a loss of faith in democratic institutions.
In part, it had to do with claims of corruption. But such claims were only
one aspect, and not the most important one There had been little corruption
in Germany before 1933. Nazism and fascism did not gain power primarily
because of promises to clean up corrupt regimes; rather, they promised to
replace weak governments. There was, and is now, a need for a strong democratic
government, but is it possible in the contemporary world Even where it has
deep roots, democracy has never been loved; the most it engenders is a belief
that despite all their drawbacks, democratic institutions are the best in
an imperfect world.
In the 1970s, as in the late 1920s, the feeling prevailed that the system
had become unworkable and the countries ungovernable In the 1980s, this
feeling was submerged, only to resurface again in the 1990s. It refers to
the belief that governments have become weak and even impotent as the result
of growing pressures that cause governments to act not in the national interest
but to safeguard their reelection. lnstead of making difficult decisions,
they try to be all things to all people. It refers to the growing importance
of lobbies fighting for vested interests and of the media- responsible to
no one but their owners-setting the national agenda, not in accordance with
real, deeper needs, but with the quickly changing exigencies of entertainment.
These perceptions are not exaggerated, but they are incomplete. The
weakness of democratic leaders and institutions is paralleled by irresponsibility
and apathy in society the belief in the omnipotence of the state, the widespread
and increasing feeling that it can deliver almost anything without a corresponding
effort on the part of the people, that a state and a society are akin to
a corporation with limited stakes, concerned with profits, privileges, and
entitlements, with civic duties limited to a minimum of taxation. Thus the
inclination is growing to support a new kind of leadership proposing quick
solutions outside the democratic system.
In what circumstances do democratic regimes disintegrate? Governments
lose their monopoly of force, because the constitution gives them little
power, because they have such power but are reluctant to use it, or because
the forces of law and order are no longer loyal to the democratic system
Electoral systems that do not create stability have been cited as an important
reason for the breakdown of democratic regimes. But frequent changes in
government (and even protracted periods of no government) do not necessarily
lead to the victory of extremist forces. Legitimacy is a crucial factor,
as is the readiness of the opposition to accept the democratic system and
act accordingly. If there is no broad democratic consensus in society resting
on shared values and goals the prospects of democracy are dim. Support for
democracy will erode if political change is blocked. This was the case in
Italy and Austria after World War II. There was no democratic alternative
to the leading party (or parties), which stayed in power without interruption.
But once the cold war ended, the old system disintegrated.
The crisis of democracy accounts for the rise of Fascism and Nazism
in the 1920s and 1930s in Italy and Germany. But it does not explain the
rise of strong fascist movements in Hungary and Romania in the 1930s, because
there was no democracy in these countries in the first place. No' does it
explain the emergence of strong parties of the extreme Right more recently
in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The crisis of democracy is
irrelevant to the rise of radical Islam in Iran, Algeria, and Egypt, or
to secular totalitarian dictatorships such as that in Iraq.
It is precisely in the more developed countries of the Third World that
a political doctrine and a political system in the fascist tradition seem
to have the best chances at the present time. Whatever the shortcomings
of parliamentary democracy in western, central, and southern Europe, it
is difficult to imagine the return to power of movements as repressive,
violent, and enthusiastic as fascism was in its heyday. The neo-Nazi, the
neofascist sectarians should remain uninfluential. The more substantial
populist ultra-nationalist parties have much better chances, but even they
could not, in all probability, go beyond authoritarianism if they gained
power. They might dismantle part of the democratic system, but they could
not establish a fully fledged totalitarian regime. The European countries
have been immunized to a certain extent against fascism, and Europeans and
Americans are too rich and lethargic to put up much of a fight for such
a system unless confronted by a crisis much deeper than any that can be
envisioned at the present time.
The situation in Russia and Eastern Europe is less predictable. The
collapse of Communism created a void that some hoped would be filled by
democrats. But even though Communism had a bad fall, the Communist leaders
had a soft landing and, within a few years, again found themselves in power
in most countries. Attempts to introduce democratic institutions were less
than successful, and so the ideological void was filled by some kind of
national socialism. Could it have been different? Perhaps, but the chances
were not very good because there had been no democratic foundations on which
to build, and the transition was bound to be difficult and protracted. With
all this, historical Communism cannot be put together again, so perhaps
fascism and Communism will have to combine forces in a search for innovation
and refurbishment. Perhaps they will return in the framework of a ,military
The first manifesto of such a regime can be envisaged without difficulty,
for there have been many precursors Corrupt and inefficient politicians
will be denounced; threats of a breakdown of public order, inflation, unemployment
and economic decline, and growing anarchy and separatism will be invoked-in
brief, impending total disaster. In such circumstances, in the national
interest, a strong government will be chosen to save the country. A state
of emergency (or siege) will be declared for a limited period only. Such
a dictatorship will be popular, at least for a while. The fact that the
military has not been victorious in recent wars will not be a major impediment,
for it can always be argued that they would have won the war if it had not
been for the corrupt politicians. (Primo de Rivera came to power in Spain
immediately after the army had been humiliated in Morocco, and Neguib and
Nasser ousted King Farouk after Egypt's defeat in the war against Israel.)
What matters is that the army and the security forces still function, even
when the other state institutions have broken down.
Russia could have additional support for a regime of this kind because
of the strong presence of various mafias and the widespread belief that
only iron measures can eliminate them. Since the supreme military leadership
is thought to be involved in the general corruption, the initiative for
such a coup is more likely to come from the colonels than the generals.
Would this be a fascist dictatorship? Not in the traditional sense,
but it could turn into one, because the-army does not have the competence
to carry out the purge, nor could it act as an instrument of terror and
propaganda. To manage a modern society and economy, a coalition is needed
between the military and at least some civilian leaders. The army needs
a political movement as a transmission belt, in the same way that Stalin
did and virtually all modem dictators have.
The situation outside Europe is different. The grave crisis in the Middle
East, North Africa, and other more developed countries of the Third World
has been aggravated by demographic pressures. The people also subscribe
to beliefs, fanaticism, and a willingness to fight that no longer exist
in the rich and lazy West. This part of the world has no historical experience
of fascism, no revulsion to bloodshed, and fewer restraints on engaging
in mass violence. The potential of fascist-like movements and regimes is
particularly strong in countries with much accumulated resentment that can
look back on a great past. Some of these countries can turn easily from
an authoritarian regime to one more repressive and aggressive. Iran under
the shah was a dictatorship but not a very strict one. On the contrary,
the shah experimented with reform and thus exposed himself to acute danger.
But when challenged by extremists he lacked the determination to use the
force that was needed to save his regime. Likewise, in Algeria the crisis
occurred not when the dictatorship was harshest but when it began to make
concessions to the Islamic challengers; this coincided with the consequences
of a ruinous economic and social policy becoming ever more apparent.
Paraphrasing President Calvin Coolidge, we can say that the business
of the Pacific Rim is business. China, Japan, and Southeast Asia have made
enormous economic progress, and there is reason to assume that they will
eventually catch up with the West. As a result, their political power-their
standing in the world-will also increase. South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore,
and China have shown an annual growth rate of 16 to 20 percent since the
mid-l970s, with Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia not far behind. The reason
for this economic "miracle" is no secret It is the old-fashioned
virtues of hard work and high saving rates. As a result, the percentage
of the population below the poverty line in these countries is now a fraction
of what it was in the early 1 960s.
Conversely the national income of Middle Eastern and African countries
has stagnated or declined, and because of the rapid population growth, the
number of the very poor and unemployed has increased. Over the past decade,
per capita income in the Muslim countries of the Middle East and North Africa
has declined by more than 20 percent, the worst performance by any world
region. This has generated even more frustration and hatred, which can turn
inward but can also turn into terrorism and a political system such as clerical
fascism. A democratic solution seems ruled out for the foreseeable future.
These countries have fallen behind the rest of the world, and the more frustrated
the people are, the greater will be their rage and their desire to reassert
The early-twentieth-century European thinkers who paved the way for
fascism were preoccupied with a cultural as much as a political critique
of society. The parallels between their ideas and the situation, at the
end of the century, which has witnessed the rise and downfall of fascism,
are striking. Fascism appeared with the promise of a new synthesis of nationalism
and socialism but also a halt to decadence, a regeneration and rejuvenation
of society, and a restoration of faith and values. It also vowed to provide
a more effective government than democracy was and to put the national interest
ahead of the egotism of individuals.
European fascism was both a product of the fin de siecle of 1900 and
a reaction against it. It is fascinating even in retrospect how a hundred
years ago, literary cult figures such as Maurice Barres and Gabriele D'Annunzio
transformed themselves in record time from world-weary dandies engaged in
the cult of the self and hyper-aestheticism to advocates of super-patriotism
and anti-liberal ideas of war and dictatorship that came close to fascism.
The career of Giulio Evola, from Dadaism to ultra-fascism, proceeded on
similar lines, and Martin Heidegger, prophet of nihilism, has become the
guru of a later generation of nihilists.
Writing under Mussolini, thirty years later, Benedetto Croce, great
philosopher and astute observer of the Italian scene, wrote that fascism
was the new irrationalism and decadence, "including occultism and theosophy,
with logical restraints removed, the critical faculties enfeebled, the responsibility
of rational assent brushed aside." Croce's comments again sound highly
topical. Taken one by one, the fin de siecle ideas were no more than entertainments,
intellectual fads that would not have survived unless the political stage
had been set for them.
The new fascists believe that the political stage may have been set
for their message to be accepted as the result of the cultural and political
crisis of the West, its drifting and general weakness. With the disappearance
of the "Communist danger," there is only the threat of chaos,
but it is a hr more difficult challenge to cope with.
Decades of attempts to perfect democracy and to weaken authority have
often resulted in bedlam. Concern has spread about the weakness or absence
of leadership, about moral and cultural relativism and the fragmentation
of society. Special-interest groups and ethnic minorities demand not just
autonomy and equal rights but even preferential treatment. As a result the
pendulum is swinging back in strange ways to the mood of an earlier age,
with the emphasis on the good of the collective rather than on that of the
individual, from permissiveness to discipline, order, and authority. Fascism
is neither the only nor, in many countries, the most likely form of this
backlash. But it is certainly one contender eager to exploit the discontents
of society. New messages may fall on open ears in some developed countries
and especially in backward societies. But those hypnotized by a second coming
of Nazism and fascism, in Western Europe, are looking in the wrong direction.
The fashions, the symbols, and the rhetoric of the 1990s are not those of
the 1930s, and those countries most likely to succumb to non-democratic
ideologies are neither Germany nor Italy. Rather, these new movements will
be populist, with a strong religious element in some places or a conservative
or national Bolshevist streak. Fascism may not have a thousand faces, but
it certainly may have a dozen, some old and familiar and others that we
have not seen before.
If microbes and pests have become resistant to the magic bullets and
the miracle pesticides of the 1940s and 1950s, fascism has used evolutionary
techniques to adjust itself to new conditions and outwit humans. And since
democratic societies always tend to celebrate victory a little too early,
discarding tools that were of some use in the past and removing its guards
out of negligence, convenience and the desire to make some misplaced and
shortsighted economies, fascism, like the staphylococci, is making a comeback.
There might be no wonder drug in either case, but at least there ought to
be awareness that a threat still exists and that it might be premature to
dispose with the injunction in the Bible calling for sobriety and vigilance.
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