The Chavez Code
by Eva Golinger
a book review by Stephen Lendman
November 22, 2006

Eva Golinger's eagerly awaited new book
is now out - but only for those able to read and understand Spanish
as it's not yet available in English. It's appropriately called
Bush vs. Chavez - Washington's War Against against Venezuela published
by Monte Avila Editores in Caracas. Hopefully it will soon be
available in English as well.
Golinger is a Venezuelan-American attorney
specializing in international human rights and immigration law.
She wrote her first blockbuster book published in 2005 called
The Chavez Code - Cracking US Intervention in Venezuela that documented
the events surrounding the 2002 US-directed failed coup against
Hugo Chavez that ousted him for two days and that the people of
Venezuela through their mass outrage reversed. In her first book,
Golinger obtained top-secret documents from the CIA and State
Department through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests
showing the Bush administration had prior knowledge of and was
complicit in the 2002 coup against President Chavez and had provided
over $30 million in funding aid to opposition groups to help pull
it off. It failed because they hadn't expected the kind of people-power
that's likely to arise again in the face of trouble and support
the president they love and won't give up without a fight.
Golinger also showed how the US government
funded the so-called National Endowment for Democracy (NED) that
functions to subvert the democratic process to help oust leaders
more concerned with serving their own people than the interests
of wealth and power. Also involved in the coup plot was the international
arm of the Republican party, the International Republican Institute
(IRI), the National Democratic Institute, the US Agency for International
Development (USAID) and the AFL-CIO that has a long and disturbing
record of acting as an instrument of US foreign policy instead
of sticking to what it's mandated to do - representing the interests
of American working people it falls far short of much too often
in its policy of selling out to the interests of capital for the
personal gain of the union's leadership.
In the Chavez Code, Golinger showed how
these agencies funded and worked with the Chavez opposition beginning
in 2001 cooking up schemes that led to mass-staged street protests
leading up to the day of the coup. It was done with the full knowledge
and approval of the Bush White House that mounted a full-scale
effort post-9/11 to oust Hugo Chavez and has now tried and failed
three times to do it.
In her new book, Golinger picks up from
her first one chronicling the Bush adminstration's focused efforts
at illegal intervention in Venezuelan affairs attempting to destabilize
the Chavez government leading up to another scheme to overthrow
it that may be only days away following the December 3 presidential
election Chavez is virtually certain to win impressively. The
book documents the usual kinds of mischief directed out of Washington:
-- a demonization campaign conducted through
the complicit US corporate-controlled media that's likely to reach
a crescendo in early December.
-- financing 132 anti-Chavez groups. Golinger
explains ...."the US is funding these organizations in civil
society....to obtain control in all different parts of the country."
She goes on to say "The US government has censored the names
of organizations, but they've left the descriptions of what the
funding is for....what they are proposing to do with the money;
we just don't know if they're actually doing it."
-- The Bush administration is making a
determined effort at subversion in the run-up to the December
3 election "bringing down their best experts....political
strategists, communications experts, to help them craft the entire
(opposition) campaign" - of Zulia state governor Manuel Rosales
who was the only governor in the country to sign the infamous
Carmona Decree after the 2002 coup that dissolved the elected
National Assembly and Supreme Court and effectively ended the
Bolivarian Revolution and all the benefits it gave the Venezuelan
people (for two days.)
-- The Bush administration is conducting
"diplomatic terrorism" against the Chavez government.
Golinger explains "This includes sanctions against Venezuela
for made-up things....claiming Venezuela is not collaborating
on (curbing) drug trafficking, which is not true (as a US State
Department report shows by having documented that from 1998 -
2004 Venezuela's drug seizures rose from 8.6 to 19.1 tons and
Caracas claims the tonnage rose dramatically in 2005)." It
also includes a "second sanction....for trafficking in persons.
But there is not a shred of evidence that Venezuela is not doing
everything in its power to prevent trafficking in persons."
-- Most important of all, the US created
a new classification in May, 2006 "and Venezuela is the only
country (under it) - which is for not cooperating with the war
on terrorism." Venezuela is now sanctioned and "prohibited
from buying arms that have been manufactured in the US or use
US parts." The Bush administration is hard-pressed explaining
what this new classification means, why Venezuela in the only
country accused under it, and what the Chavez government is doing.
It can only say (fraudulently) "All the countries on the
list are state sponsors of terrorism" even though the US
has never classified Venezuela as a terrorist nation as the world
community would never go along with that kind of outrage.
-- a campaign of hostile rhetoric coming
out of Washington has been ongoing for some time and is part of
the Chavez-demonization project attempting to justify whatever
schemes the Bush administration has cooked up trying for the fourth
time to oust him. It comes in the harshest language and from the
highest levels in the administration like Secretary of State Rice
referring to Chavez as "a negative force in the region"
and now fired and discredited former Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld calling Chavez another Hitler and one of the most dangerous
and destabilizing forces in the region.
-- Golinger also explains the US Congress
issued a report on border issues mentioning Venezuela and incredibly
saying: "President Chavez is engaged in smuggling Islamic
radicals from out of the Middle East to Margarita Island (off
the Venezuelan coast) where they are training them in Spanish
and giving them ID documents and sending them to Mexico, where
they are crossing the border to the US."
-- Golinger also covers Washington's "military
front" attack directed against Venezuela including "an
increased presence in the region." She explains she investigated
the Pentagon's presence on the tourist island of Curacao in the
Caribbean, close enough to Venezuela to see the coastline, where
a US base is located. She calls this an "alarming" development,
and it's being supported by the government of The Netherlands.
-- Golinger also cites the Pentagon's
use of anti-Chavez directed psychological warfare including the
use of ugly agitprop directed against the Chavez government.
-- She also explains "The use of
Colombian paramilitaries by the US (as part of the "military
front")....And the intervention of US Special Forces....as
well." US Special Forces handle the command-and-control function
directing the intruding paramilitaries who are "actors....sent
over to try to assassinate Chavez."
-- Further, the book covers the US "building
up a secret base near the border with Venezuela, next to Apure
state....a small base, but the US is building airplane hangars
for spy planes (to be used as a) launching point for espionage
operations and monitoring of Venezuela. They also have large amounts
of high-ranking US Special Forces there" along with high
and low-ranking Colombian forces all controlled by US Special
Golinger shows how once again the Bush
administration is funding and directing the above-mentioned agencies
like NED to subvert and overthrow democracy in Venezuela as well
as one other one - Sumate - a nominally non-governmental organization
(NGO) founded in 2002 by a group of Venezuelans led by Maria Corina
Machado functioning as an anti-governmental organization dedicated
to the overthrow of Hugo Chavez and the return of the country
to its ugly past ruled by the former oligarchy and the interests
of capital.
The book also covers possible Bush administration
plans to invade the country outlined in Plan Balboa. It "was
created as a military exercise jointly simulated with NATO (an
arm of US interventionism) forces, supposedly realized during
the month of May, 2001....but contains real satellite images,
of the US institutions and precise coordinates of Venezuelan airstrips
and strategic points within the territory of the country."
The idea is to "come in from Colombia, Panama and from bases
in Curacao....take over (oil-rich) Zulia (state) and the border
area and declare it an international zone" - in other words,
divide the country and steal the oil-rich part of it by force,
then deal with the rest of the country.
She also discusses the possibility of
Colombian right wing paramilitary intervention, and she believes
their mission is to assassinate Hugo Chavez. She interviewed a
paramilitary leader who told her there are already more than 3000
paramilitaries in the region around Caracas alone.
If paramilitaries intervene, it won't
be the first time as this tactic has been used before and was
foiled by Venezuelan police when a paramilitary plot was uncovered
and arrests were made. Chavez has also had to combat years of
paramilitary infiltration across the border conducting a wave
of kidnappings and assassinations, especially in areas bordering
the two countries like in Tachina state where the number of killings
rose from 81 in 1999 to 566 in 2005.
There's also considerable evidence Colombian
right wing president and close Bush ally Alvaro Uribe had a hand
in these activities as well as the present destabilization efforts
to oust Hugo Chavez and possibly try to assassinate him. He has
a long and ugly record supporting the interests of wealth and
power in his own country and has used his paramilitary assassins
to leave a long trail of blood in displacing three million peasants
from their land as well as having one of the worst records of
state-sponsored terrorism in the world and a well-known contempt
for democracy and human rights.
Golinger believes there are plans in place
to overthrow the Chavez government and recently said Washington
is "trying to implement regime change (in Venezuela). There's
no doubt about it (even though it) tries to mask it saying it's
a noble mission."
Many longtime Venezuelan observers and
this writer believe the next attempt at regime change will unfold
around the time of the December 3 election and likely begin the
day after its conclusion when Hugo Chavez is virtually certain
to be declared the winner with an impressive margin of victory.
Expect it to include mass-opposition street protests claiming
fraud and demanding Chavez not be allowed to claim victory and
another term in office. Whatever happens next, only the coup-plotters
know for sure, but it's almost certain to be ugly and may include
US-behind-the-scenes-directed violence, possibly extreme in a
determined effort to succeed this time unlike previous attempts
to oust Chavez that failed.
We'll soon learn whether the coup-plotters
will be any more successful this time than before. Chavez knows
something is up and is prepared to act against it when it comes.
It won't be long before the fireworks begin, and it now remains
to be seen how the latest chapter in the saga of the Bush administration
vs. Hugo Chavez will play out. Stay closely tuned.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can
be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog
site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.
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