Questioning Terrorism
Assessing Terrorism
excerpted from the book
The No-Nonsense guide to
by Jonathan Barker
New Internationalist / Verso,
2002, paper

President George W Bush, in his speech to Congress on 20 September,
proclaimed 'a war on terror' that 'begins with al-Qaeda, but...
will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been
found, stopped and defeated.' 'And,' he added, 'we will pursue
nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation,
in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with
us, or you are with the terrorists.'
A writer for a publication of the Hoover Institution, a conservative
think-tank with many connections to President Bush's inner circle,
praises the President for identifying the targets of the US as
'the evil ones'. He explains, 'our enemy has ) already dehumanized
himself... You do not try to appease them, or persuade them, or
reason with them. You try, on the contrary, to outwit them, to
vanquish I them, to kill them. You behave with them in the same
manner that you would deal with a fatal epidemic - you try to
wipe it out."
The words 'terrorism' and 'terrorist' are themselves pejorative.
Nowhere is the political loading 11 more evident than in the refusal
of governments to recognize their own terrorist actions. Those
who -) speak for governmental authority speak with conviction
about fighting the evil of terrorism. They enumerate the death
and damage perpetrated by terrorist bombs while holding silence
about the death and damage to civilians and bystanders caused
by the bombs used to fight terrorism. Moreover, government agencies
and their proxies all too often kill and frighten their own citizens,
as happened when France's revolutionary government began devouring
its own makers. Such killing can be a core policy of relatively
stable governments as political philosopher Hannah Arendt pointed
out in her analysis of Nazi Germany and Stalinist USSR in her
book Origins of Totalitarianism. "
In recent years many governments are known
to have supported death squads to eliminate and frighten opponents
and some employ similar techniques against the people of other
countries in order to weaken regimes they do not like or to assist
regimes they favor that face internal opposition.
The US has been unusually open in admitting
its use of secret operations. A law Congress passed in 1991 requiring
the State Department to release documents about covert operations
30 years after the events has brought many interventions to light.
For example, a document written by US Ambassador Marshall Green
during the killings of hundreds of thousands of alleged communists
in Indonesia in the wake of the US-approved coup that brought
General Suharto to power in 1965 reveals that a list of communist
leaders prepared by the US Embassy was given to the Indonesian
Government in December 1965. Green writes, it 'is apparently being
used by Indonesian security authorities who seem to lack even
the simplest overt information on PKI [Indonesian Communist Party]
leadership'. Another document shows that on 2 December 1965, Green
endorsed a covert payment of 50 million rupiah to the Kap-Gestapu
movement leading the repression. US officials usually defend such
operations as legitimate responses to requests for help from friendly
governments or legitimate self-defense against foreign threats.
They certainly do not call them terrorism.
Writers on terrorism frequently imply that laboring to define
the term is pointless. They complain that hundreds of definitions
have been proposed. They like to cite the dictum 'one person's
terrorist is another person's freedom fighter', suggesting that
to call someone a terrorist is to say no more than that one opposes
their motivating cause. Much popular understanding, encouraged
by common political use, takes the same position. People understand
that the planners of the political violence carried out by non-governmental
groups or by government agencies or their proxies claim their
cause is just. Regimes that employ the ugly arts of murder and
sabotage, often via proxy organizations, will never acknowledge
that they are using terrorism. Those who speak for organizations
that regularly use terror tactics avoid the term and claim they
are resisting oppression and fighting for justice.
Fortunately there is a simple and straightforward
definition that corresponds to the idea of terrorism that most
people hold. It has three elements: violence threatened or employed;
against civilian targets; for political objectives. The writer
Boaz Ganor, who has argued forcefully that an analytically useful
definition is possible and imperative, proposes that 'terrorism
is "the intentional use of, or threat to use violence against
civilians or against civilian targets, in order to attain political
aims.' Unlike many other definitions this one applies to governments
(and their agencies and proxies) as well as to non-governmental
groups and individuals. It excludes nonviolent political actions,
such as protests, strikes, demonstrations, tax revolts and civil
disobedience. It also excludes violent actions against military
and police forces. Many acts of guerrilla warfare or urban insurrection
are not terrorism.
Definitions that exclude state terrorism
remain blind to a major source of the violence and fear that is
visited on civilians around the world. State terrorism and group
terrorism, it is true, have rather different features, but their
effects on people and politics are similar and they are often
closely linked. They both fit the basic idea of terrorism that
most people hold: violence and threats of violence against civilians
for political ends.
Terrorism compared to other
risks of death 1996-1999
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Africa |
80 |
28 |
5,379 |
185 |
Asia |
1,507 |
344 |
635 |
690 |
Eurasia |
20 |
27 |
12 |
8 |
Latin America |
18 |
11 |
195 |
9 |
Middle East |
1,097 |
480 |
68 |
31 |
Western Europe |
503 |
17 |
405 |
16 |
United States |
0 |
7 |
0 |
0 |
World Total |
3,225 |
914 |
6,694 |
939 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
Rabies Infectons |
6,982 |
8,105 |
7,259 |
na |
Road Traffic Deaaths |
42,065 |
42,013 |
41,501 |
41,611 |
Pedestrian Deaths |
5,449 |
5,321 |
5,228 |
4,906 |
Murder |
19,650 |
18,210 |
16,970 |
15,530 |
Michael Ignatieff, 'The Lessons of Terror: All War Against Civilians
Is Equal', The New York Times Book Review, 17 February 2002
As for the futility of terrorism itself,
who could say with confidence that Jewish terrorism - the assassination
of Lord Moyne and then of Count Bernadotte, the bombing of the
King David Hotel, followed by selective massacres in a few Palestinian
villages in order to secure the flight of all Palestinians - did
not succeed in dislodging the British and consolidating Jewish
control of the new state? Though terror alone did not create the
state of Israel - the moral legitimacy of the claim of the Holocaust
survivors counted even more - terror was instrumental, and terror
John Downey, 'The West against terrorism', www.opendemocracy.co.uk,
25 April 2002
President Bush and his spokespeople have
repeatedly assured us that, if we are resolute, terrorism cannot
succeed. But the actual record of guerrilla warfare or terrorism
since the Second World War is that it has always brought colonial,
occupying powers to the negotiating table. That was so for the
British Empire in Kenya, Cyprus, Aden and twice in Ireland; for
the French in Vietnam, Algeria and recently even in Corsica; for
the Spanish vis-a-vis the Basques; for the Dutch in the East Indies;
and for the Americans themselves in Vietnam. Indeed the Americans
used the tactic in the 18th century against the British. And it
seems likely that in the end the Israelis will reap the same reward
in Palestine.
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysiaa at the meeting of
the foreign ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference
(OIC) in March 2002.
'Whether the attackers are acting on their
own or on the orders of their governments, whether they are regulars
or irregulars, if the attack is against civilians, then they must
be considered as terrorists."
Religious militants
Some of the earliest episodes of terrorism are connected with
religious movements. Well before the establishment of modern,
secular nation-states the ambition to give political expression
to religious commitments was a source of conflict and a problem
that plagued pluralistic states and empires. Three words common
in the vocabulary of reporting on terrorism derive from religious
activism: zealot, assassin and thug. Stories associated with these
words illustrate forms and motives of violence that still are
found at the edge of politics.
Zealots. The zealots were radical defenders
of a purist version of Jewish religion and political autonomy
after Rome established its rule over Judaea. They stood firmly
against the legalistic and scholarly Pharisees and the elitist
Sadducees, who compromised with Roman rule. They used guerrilla
and terrorist tactics against the Romans and members of competing
political and religious groups among the Jews.
'Hashish takers' (hasashin) was the name given by their political
detractors to the Nizari Ismailis. A kinder etymology says they
called themselves 'assassiyun' designating people faithful to
the 'assass' or foundations of Islam. Late in the 11th century
the group broke off from the Shi'a branch of Islam that had established
a caliphate in Cairo to rival the Sunni Abissid caliphate in Baghdad.
For almost two centuries it disputed the legitimacy of both caliphates
and kept alive an Ismaili resistance to the domination of the
Seljuk Turk overlords. Under its founding leader, Hassan Sabbah,
the group seized the large mountain fort at Alumat in Persia.
They collected tolls from caravans in return for protection. Their
purist doctrine of Islam emphasized submission to the leader's
authority and the justice of murdering prominent enemies. Trained
killers armed with daggers were sent to commit the murders, fully
expecting to be caught and executed for their pious action.
.As the colonial government in India consolidated its hold on
the subcontinent in the early 1830s, it faced a persistent problem
of robbery and murder. British investigators attributed a large
part of the crime to a special category of criminals known as
'thugs' or 'thuggees', members of an enduring secret society of
devotees of the Hindu deity of destruction, Kali. The British
believed that the religious commitment of this hereditary sect
required that they strangle travellers in a ritually prescribed
manner. The ritual side of their violence seems to have displaced
any political goal it may have once had. A recent review of the
evidence concludes that thuggee was by far the longest-lasting
and most murderous of all terrorist organizations, killing some
half-million people over a period of at least 400 years.
The internationalist version of the movement for l purified Islam
received a great boost after 1979, the year of the Iranian revolution
and the hostage-taking at the US embassy in Teheran. The US, in
an effort to turn some of the energy of the Islamic revival against
Soviet power in Central Asia, became one of the main boosters.
Pervez Amir Ali Hoodbhoy explains: 'With Pakistan's Mohammed Zia
ul-Haq as America's foremost ally, the CIA openly recruited Islamic
holy warriors from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Aigeria. Radical
Islam went into overdrive as its superpower ally and mentor funneled
support to the mujaheddin; Ronald Reagan feted them on the White
House lawn."' The Saudis and Pakistan's Inter Service Intelligence
Agency (ISI) collaborated in the project. The US saw a double
payoff. Thwarting the Soviets in Afghanistan was as attractive
as diverting militant Islam away from the Middle East to fight
in Afghanistan. The withdrawal of the Soviets from Afghanistan
in February 1989 was a dramatic turning point. What appeared to
be an unalloyed victory for the US-Saudi strategy of diverting
and controlling the new energies of militant Islam was in reality
the beginning of a newly transnational terrorist force.
Nationalists without a state
Nationalism, like religion, can rouse
intense political passions. The redrawing of political boundaries
as empires were reformed into nation-states, first in Europe and
then in Europe's colonial empires inaugurated a long period of
bloody political turmoil. The question of which group's cultural
identity will gain political expression is still hotly contested
in many places. Most existing states are home to a plurality of
cultures and language groups. Some members of some of these groups
hear the voice of national destiny and agitate for their own new
separate state.
Bent on achieving nationhood, movements
usually organize much like states, with governing committees administrative
hierarchies and armies. Conflict with the existing state is inevitable
and the pull toward violent conflict is strong. It tends to take
the form of guerrilla warfare, but terrorism is an ever-present
possibility. In some places it becomes an important, even defining,
element in the struggle.
Western Europe and North America, despite
their relatively old and well-established nation-states, harbor
several unresolved nationalist claims. The movements that have
made the greatest use of violence against civilians are the Irish
Republican movement (the IRA and its offshoots) and Basque Homeland
and Liberty (Euzkadi Ta Azkatasuna or ETA). Other movements like
the Front de Liberation de Quebec (FLQ) and the National Liberation
Front of Corsica (FLNC) have resorted to terrorism from time to
The case of ETA illustrates how nationalist
terrorism comes about. ETA grew out of the Basque Nationalist
Party that since 1894 had stood for preserving and increasing
the legal autonomy that the Basque regions of Spain and France
had retained since the Middle Ages. The nationalists suffered
heavy repression under Franco's authoritarian and centralizing
rule in postwar Spain. Basque autonomy was abolished and the nationalist
leadership went into exile in Paris. When political demonstrations
and other nonviolent action produced no gains, a group of younger
nationalists in 1959 founded ETA with the intention of using the
tactics of anti-colonial nationalist movements to win Basque independence.
As long as ETA was fighting Spain's fascist government the use
of violence had much support in the Basque region and from democrats
in other regions of Spain and in other countries. That did not
prevent the organization from splitting into nationalist and revolutionary
socialist wings with the revolutionaries willing to use sabotage
and assassination as tactics of struggle. Their main targets were
government officials, politicians and military forces.
In a dramatic action in 1973 ETA assassinated
Franco's presumed successor, Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco. Their
action probably hastened the end of the fascist dictatorship.
It also initiated what ETA calls the 'action-reprisal-action'
cycle. The regime sent in the troops to punish the perpetrators
and set off a lengthy regional war. A decade of active terrorism
ensued. In 198O, their bloodiest year, ETA killed 118 people.
Once democratic rights were established in Spain and once the
Basque region was accorded some autonomy, ETA's policy lost public
support and became disputed within the movement. Yet a core of
die-hard fighters for independence refused offers of amnesty and
eluded arrest.
Influenced by the experience of the Irish
Republican Army, ETA declared a ceasefire in September 1998 and
called upon the political wing of Basque nationalism to negotiate
self-determination. By then they had killed almost 800 people,
more than half of them Spanish soldiers and police. The Spanish
Government continued making arrests and ETA proceeded with attacks
against property and raids on arms depots.
After little more than a year ETA declared
the peace process 'blocked and poisoned' and announced that after
3 December 1999 it would 'reactivate the armed struggle.' Although
the organization is estimated to comprise only about 20 active
members and 100 supporters. It claims to have killed 38 people
since ending the ceasefire. Each attack now provokes a counter
demonstration. On 2 March 2002 organizers said that 50,000 demonstrators
marched in the Basque coastal town of Portugalete to protest an
attack attributed to ETA: a bomb placed in a shopping cart that
injured socialist politician Esther Cabezudo and her bodyguard
Enrique Torres.
Movements of the Left and Right
Groups moved by political ideology are
not trying to redraw state boundaries; their goal is to change
the institutions and policies of government and to put new kinds
of people m power. Disputes between dissidents and governments
on such matters is the stuff of normal political conflict, but
oppositional groups sometimes choose to employ terror in addition
to or instead of other forms of action. During the Cold War groups
in several Western capitalist countries adopted sabotage assassination
and bombings as forms of action.
Italy in the 1970s, for example, experienced
an especially active period of violence. Its impact was greatest
on 16 March 1978 when members of Italy's Red Brigades kidnapped
Aldo Moro, leader of the Christian Democratic Party and five-time
premier of Italy. They chose the day of the 'historic compromise'
between the Christian Democrats and the Italian Communist Party
(PCI), an arrangement avidly opposed by the Red Brigades who saw
themselves as true followers of revolutionary Marxism-Leninism
long abandoned by the PCI. Founded in Milan in 1970 by Renato
Curcio and Margherita Cagol, the Red Brigades grew out of a Marxist
study group at the University of Trento. Their violence started
with firebombing industrial targets and then expanded to kidnapping,
knee-capping and, finally, murder. The kidnapping and eventual
murder of Aldo Moro was the apex of left-wing political violence
in Italy, but terrorist acts continued into the 1980s. Between
1970 and 1982 the Red Brigades claimed responsibility for over
2000 illegal acts in which 161 people were killed.
The Red Brigades were only the most enduring
of many similar organizations: 537 differently named groups with
some continuity of existence have been counted in Italy during
those years. Another 199 people were killed in terrorist acts
not claimed by the Red Brigades. In the mid-1980s the Red Brigades
were fading. Arrests, internal divisions, defections via amnesty
and ideological crisis weakened them. In 1984 four leaders in
prison published a letter abandoning armed struggle: 'The international
conditions that made this struggle possible no longer exist."
The file is not closed on the Red Brigades:
in March 2002 after the well-orchestrated murder of an economic
adviser to Italy's right-wing government, a long document signed
by the Red Brigades for the Construction of a Combatant Communist
Party was published on the internet taking credit for the 'execution'.
A similar crime with a similar claim was committed in 1999. Italians
feared that another generation of Red Brigades violence was in
the offing.
The Red Brigades are an example of left-wing
terrorism that fit the ideological contestation of the Cold War.
Other examples include the Red Army Faction (often called Baader-Meinhof
Gang) in Germany, the Weather Underground in the US and Direct
Action in Canada. The latter two tried to confine their violence
to property and many of their members would deny that they were
terrorists. Although these organizations identified with the Marxist
Left, they broke from the old-Left idea that action must be based
on an analysis of class forces and on organized support from the
working class. What the old Left saw as rejecting naive 'voluntarism'
looked to the new revolutionaries as a failure of nerve when social
conditions demanded action.
More common in the United States has been
the right-wing terrorism of white supremacist groups like the
Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nation and populist armed militias convinced
that Jewish-communist-capitalists have turned the federal government
and the UN into engines of oppression. In the US Louis Beam, a
prominent white supremacist, promoted a tactic of 'leaderless
resistance' in which 'phantom cells' of small groups of activists
or individuals acting alone take action on the basis of communications
in newsletters or via the internet. There is no hierarchical organization
at all, only a single-level set of like-minded activists tuned
to the same network of information. It is a tactic that makes
government surveillance and preventive action difficult.
In Europe, too, the rise of right-wing
terrorism was the main concern of experts until the events of
11 September 2001 changed the theme. The deadliest right-wing
attack in Europe was the bombing of the Bologna railway station
on 2 August 1980 that killed 80 people and injured hundreds. It
was the work of the neo-fascist Terza Posizione (Third Position)
organization. Similar neo-Nazi groups carried out less lethal
terrorist attacks in Germany at about the same time. Persistent
police work reduced right-wing terrorism in Europe for several
years, but in the early 1990s skinheads and neo-Nazis in Germany,
Austria, France and formerly communist Eastern Europe attacked
immigrants and Romas. Groups with racist, anti-immigrant and antigovernment
ideologies have become more numerous and more active. Targets
include synagogues, mosques, churches, interracial couples, Muslims,
Jews, abortion-providers, immigrants, Roma people and gay men.
The targets differ from country to country, but Russia, India,
Hungary, Britain and the US have all seen numerous attacks. In
1999 alone right-wing extremists bombed a synagogue in Moscow,
a black neighborhood in London (Brixton), and the car of an antifascist
activist in Sweden.
In some cases the groups that engage in
right-wing terror appear to be closely connected with the government
or with the military. In Guatemala Mano Blanca and other death
squads targeted people associated in any way with opposition to
the government and in Argentina the AAA (Argentine Anti-Communist
Alliance) directed its violence against Jews as well as regime
Left-wing terrorism has declined over
the past four decades. Governments had some success in penetrating
organizations to learn their plans and in arresting key members.
With the end of the Soviet Union a major source of inspiration
and support for anti-capitalist causes dried up and the victory
of the last anti-colonial struggles changed militants into politicians
and administrators. Left-wing political thought no longer had
a well-honed analysis that supported a well-defined activist political
agenda. Some of the remaining movements, like FARC in Colombia,
are still powerful, but they look more and more like political
gangs interested in preserving their piece of power. Others, like
November 17 in Greece, seem propelled by an inner momentum that
has little relation to current realities. Some observers fear
that anti-globalization activism and the environmental movement
will give rise to terrorist attacks, but there is no indication
of any trend in that direction.
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