State Terrorism
excerpted from the book
The No-Nonsense guide to
by Jonathan Barker
New Internationalist / Verso,
2002, paper

Sometime in their history most states
have conquered new territory and imposed their rule on new populations.
In so doing they were using violence against people they aimed
to claim as citizens.
State terrorism has an ancient history,
but its modern expression is tied to the projection of European
state power in acquiring empires in America, Asia and Africa.
Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Britain, France, Germany, Italy
and Japan all used force with frightening moral certainty when
they established empires. So did the US in its westward expansion
and Russia in its eastward extension. These wars of expansion
often included attacks on civilians. One of the first examples
of biological terrorism was the deliberate distribution of smallpox-infected
blankets to North American Indians.'
In places of European settlement, as in
the Americas and southern Africa, the indigenous people who resisted
the invaders also attacked the new homesteads and settlements.
The new settlers, who considered themselves ordinary citizens,
appeared to indigenous people as armed thieves threatening their
land and game. Fear of such attacks reinforced the military and
political drive to clear indigenous people from ancestral lands
and either exterminate them or confine them to officially-designated
The colonial powers continued to use violence
to maintain their domination, to recruit labor and soldiers and
to seize additional territory for settler farms mines and other
uses. In opening new lands to commercial exploitation colonial
governments often ceded political control to private companies.
Some of the worst episodes of terror were carried out under the
direction of such companies to further their collection of natural
resources. The forced gathering of wild rubber in King Leopold's
Congo rivalled in its destructiveness the depredations of the
slave trade. Profits from wild rubber were also the incentive
for the systematic use of terror to recruit and discipline labor
in the forests of the Amazon basin.
Once colonial governments were in place
and colonial armies had put down most rebellions, the use of terror
decreased, but it did not disappear. Senegalese movie director
Ousmane Sembene's film Emitai (1971) depicts a historical incident
in the French campaign to recruit soldiers and confiscate grain
in West African villages for the French war effort in Europe during
the Second World War. The women hide the rice and the young men
hide in the backlands. The drama descends inevitably into the
massacre by colonial police of villagers trying to keep their
freedom and conserve their food supply. A few conscience-stricken
colonial officials have no way to interrupt the train of events;
they are anguished, but implicated. Violence and the threat of
violence against civilians who resisted or just inconvenienced
colonial governments were a constant theme under colonial rule.
New economic and educational opportunities, better-organized government
bureaucracies and expanding political rights were arguably positive
features of colonialism, but the colonial regimes remained fundamentally
despotic, discriminatory and tainted with violence.
Colonial autocracy was not simply the
reflex of military expansionists, it was heartily approved by
democratic thinkers. John Stuart Mill, England's leading advocate
of political liberties, supported colonial autocracy as a kind
of benevolent despotism that would bring backward people to the
level of education and enlightenment he saw as preconditions for
democratic citizenship. His French friend, Alexis de Tocqueville,
shortly after publishing the second volume of his famous Democracy
in America, turned into a vociferous supporter of terrorist tactics
in the French conquest and 'pacification' of Algeria. In the 1840s
as Deputy in the National Assembly he gave personal backing to
General Thomas Bugeaud whose brutal methods in Algeria were receiving
criticism at the time. Returning from a visit there in October
1841, de Tocqueville wrote: 'In France I have often heard people
I respect, but do not approve, deplore burning harvests, emptying
granaries and seizing unarmed men, women and children. As I see
it, these are unfortunate necessities that any people wishing
to make war on the Arabs must accept... I believe the laws of
war entitle us to ravage the country and that we must do this,
either by destroying crops at harvest time, or all the time by
making rapid incursions, known as raids, the aim of which is to
carry off men and flocks."'
Other European liberals and democrats
were, like de Tocqueville, motivated to defend national honor
and the military virtues of discipline and loyalty and to give
political expression to their belief in the cultural or racial
superiority of Europeans. Few were as frank as de Tocqueville
in supporting state terrorism in the colonial projects that implemented
their beliefs, perhaps because the argument so blatantly contradicts
the principle of human equality. Later architects of state terrorism
found other ways to justify their actions.
Perfecting state terrorism
The most notorious cases of terrorism
by governments against their own citizens are those of Nazi Germany
and the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. Special police pursued
groups deemed unreliable or unwanted with unprecedented efficiency
and ruthlessness. These regimes made political conformity a central
ideological tenet to be accomplished by any means necessary, including
terror. They targeted particular categories of their citizens
for physical elimination. They made terrorism a core method for
enforcing control over the minds and actions of their subjects.
They were successful for many years in
keeping citizens frightened and off-balance, and eliminating individuals
and groups that might have organized an opposition.
One local study gives a striking portrait
of how Nazi terror worked. In the town of Thalburg the Nazi party
seized local power in a series of steps over a period of about
six months after Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany in 1933.
Under Nazi control, the police, with the support of locally organized
gangs of Brownshirts, used unpredictable arrests, house searches
and intimidation to spread fear and uncertainty among the population.
Once the local Nazi party gained control of the local government
its leadership could remove all opposition party members from
government roles and government jobs. Nazi party loyalists took
control of every sports club and civic association in the town,
not all at once, but one at a time.
According to a theory popular today such
associations play a vital role supporting democratic beliefs and
practices.' On that view the numerous associations in Thalburg
should have been centers of resistance to the Nazi takeover. That
they were not attests to the efficacy of well-orchestrated state
terror. There was no point at which organized opponents could
gather their strength and say 'now we must resist.' Instead they
were isolated and left not only disorganized, but lonely and fearful.
Potential organizers were neutralized, sent to concentration camps
or driven into exile.
The Nazis took control of all the newspapers
and shaped the news coverage to their liking. They turned the
schools to the teaching of national socialist doctrines, including
anti-semitism. Ceremony, ritual and the media outlets kept up
a drumbeat of support for Hitler, the local Nazis and Nazi doctrine.
After several months the system of terror became routinized and
the open use of brutal violence was no longer necessary. On the
larger canvas ugly and open violence did not cease; terrorism,
war and exterminism marked the evolution of the Third Reich.
The Soviet Union under Stalin systematized
the use of terror even before Hitler did in Germany. Stalin met
the widespread resistance to collectivization of agriculture in
the early 1930s with arrests, torture and forced labor. The network
of forced labor camps received another wave of prisoners in the
late 1930s as officials forced the pace of collectivization. The
great purges of the leadership of the Communist Party and the
military officer corps visited terrorism upon holders of power
and influence who might have stood in the way of Stalin and his
policies of centralization and crash industrialization. The famous
show trials with the dramatic confessions of former heroes were
only the most publicized part of a system of terror that targeted
political and industrial managers, artists, intellectuals and
academics who could be removed from their jobs, sent to prison
camps or simply killed.
Estimates vary widely, but it seems that
at least 10 million citizens were sent to forced labor camps in
the 1930s and 1940s. Prisoners were forced to live and to work
under atrocious conditions. After Stalin's death in 1953 the population
of the labor camps declined and most were disbanded in 1956. Over
the whole course of the camps' existence millions died, many of
them executed. The terror was calculated to keep all possible
critics off-balance, fearful, isolated and helpless. As in the
town of Thalburg in Hitler's Germany the active use of terror
in the USSR gradually declined and became an institutionalized
feature of the dictatorship.
The national security state
In the 1970s several Latin American countries
adopted a model of government that came to be called the national
security state. The military rulers focused all the powers of
the state against the forces of 'communism' and social reformism
which they believed were destabilizing influences that threatened
the geopolitical integrity of the nation. Their key instruments
were police and military forces which, together with semiautonomous
right-wing death squads, used terror against the population at
large and groups they regarded as politically suspect. After the
military coup against Salvador Allende in 1973 in Chile that brought
General Augusto Pinochet to power, the Government rounded up a
wide spectrum of possible opponents and killed over 3,000 people.
In Argentina the campaign of mothers to find out what happened
to their sons and daughters, among the 13,000 to 15,000 people
who were 'disappeared' under the military government that ruled
from 1976 to 1983, has continued for two decades.
US support was instrumental in fostering
the rise to power of the national security regimes in Latin America.
From Brazil in 1964 to Central America in the 1980s the US gave
more than general diplomatic support; it contributed to the nuts
and bolts of the security agenda by training soldiers and police.
Some 60,000 Latin American soldiers attended courses at the most
prominent of several training facilities, the School of the Americas
(in Panama from 1946 to l954 and at Fort Benning, Georgia since
then). Training manuals used in courses covered methods of political
control and interrogation that included assassination and torture.
The School gained notoriety when a US
Congressional investigation of the murder in El Salvador of six
priests, their housekeeper and her daughters discovered that 19
of the 26 soldiers held responsible for the killings had been
trained at the School. Under pressure from protests the US Government
declassified key documents that brought to light a roll call of
senior alumni which read like a who's who of the most brutal military
dictators and human-rights violators in Latin America over the
past five decades: Manuel Noriega \ and Omar Torrijos of Panama;
Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua; Leopoldo Galtieri of Argentina;
Generals Hector Gramajo and Manuel Antonio Callejas of Guatemala;
Hugo Banzer Suarez of Bolivia; the El Salvador death-squad leader
Roberto D'Aubuisson. A more detailed examination of the declassified
lists reveals that more than 500 soldiers who had received training
at the academy have since been held responsible for some of the
most hideous atrocities carried out in countries in the region
during the years they were racked by civil wars and since.
In response to congressional criticism
and efforts to close the School its name was changed in 2001 to
the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC).
Arsenals of repression
The communist, Nazi and national security
states that have adopted terrorism against their own citizens
as a routine instrument of rule put forward elaborate ideological
justifications for their use of violence and fear. Terrorism was
not an unconscious reflex. The ideology generally claimed that
evil, deceitful and violent enemies of the volk, the party or
the state were secretly working to undermine and destroy what
the government was dedicated to defending. Whether the enemies
were Jews, capitalist roaders, communists, kulaks, subversives
or urban guerrillas they deserved to be treated with contempt,
coercion and liquidation.
Each ideology had its own specific mix
of terrorist measures. Invasive and unpredictable searches, arbitrary
arrests, torture, imprisonment in special camps, threats to family
and deprivation of employment - all seem to be common elements
in the arsenal of state terrorist methods. Other methods were
more specific to particular ideologies: extermination of Jews,
Romas and homosexuals in purpose-designed death camps with gas
chambers were a Nazi invention; show trials, land seizures and
deliberate starvation were specialities of Stalinism; death squads,
torture cells and dropping victims from aircraft into the sea
were prominent features of the national security states of Latin
Several governments in recent years have
used terrorist action against particular ethnic groups. The military
government of Myanmar (Burma) has since 1962 used violence against
ethnic minorities, particularly the Shan, Karen, Karenni and Rohingya
groups. In his report for the year 2000 UN special investigator
Rajsoomer Lallah cited summary executions as well as 'extortion,
rape, torture, forced labor and portering' (forced carrying of
heavy loads). He reported that women were often the victims of
these violations. This ongoing use of state terrorism has continued
for decades alongside the repression of the National League for
Democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi - the party never allowed to
take office after it won the 1990 elections. Under President Suharto,
Indonesia's murderous 25-year repression in East Timor killed
an estimated 200,000 people, one quarter of the population. The
terror was reignited after the East Timorese voted for independence
in August 1999 and thousands more were killed in well-planned
The most notorious recent cases of state
terrorism aimed at exterminating a section of a country's population
are those of Cambodia and Rwanda. The Cambodian Communist Party
or Khmer Rouge, a revolutionary movement led by Pol Pot, gained
power in Cambodia after the terrible destruction and disorganization
brought about by the US destabilization campaign in Cambodia from
1969 to 1973 with its intensive, secret and illegal bombing. Between
1975 and 1978 the Pol Pot regime turned all its efforts to constructing
a purified Khmer rural society. It forced the urban population
to move to the countryside and executed at least 200,000 people,
many of them deemed to be contaminated with imperialism or Vietnamese
blood or culture. Intellectuals, professionals, civil servants
and cultural leaders were systematically eliminated. Forced labor
on construction and agricultural schemes, starvation and disease
killed another 1.5 million Cambodians. About one Cambodian in
five was exterminated. The Government's ruthless hold on power
continued until it was driven from office by the Vietnamese invasion
of 1979.
The genocidal state terrorism in Rwanda
in 1994 was another case of the 'deliberate choice of a modern
elite to foster hatred and fear to keep itself in power' and,
it must be added, to fulfill a political program. While the program
of the Khmer Rouge was influenced by Marxism-Leninism and Maoism
as well as by Khmer racism, the program of the group that gained
control of the interim government of Rwanda was simply to kill
as many of the Tutsi minority as they could and to reconfigure
the country according to mythical ideas of an ancient and pure
Hutu society. The Hutu-dominated government was faced with a growing
guerrilla opposition led by the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RF), whose
core leadership came from the Tutsis who had become refugees in
Uganda. In 1993 Hutu leaders around President Juvenal Habyarimana,
including some intellectuals and military officers, began to plan
for the systematic killing of Tutsis. One important instrument
was to be a youth militia, the Interahamwe., that already existed
and had begun to attack Tutsis. Another scheme was to form a 'civilian
defense force' separate from government that could act rapidly
when the signal to start killing came.
The opportunity to unleash the plan arrived
on 6 April 1994 when persons still unknown shot down the plane
in which President Habyarimana was returning from peace negotiations.
The group around the President who had planned the extermination
decided to act. The first step was to kill government and opposition
leaders, mainly Hutu, who were not part of the plan in order to
create a power vacuum. Colonel Bagosora and his Presidential Guard
took the lead in this operation. He became the leader of the interim
government that directed the rapidly-expanding waves of killing.
The guns and grenades of the militia and the army were crucial,
but the leaders found the killing could be speeded up by enlisting
popular groups using machetes and other hand-powered weapons.
Gangs moving house to house were less effective than forcing or
tricking targeted people to gather in a church or school where
they could be burned, shot or slashed to death. Radio was used
to orchestrate the process and participation was encouraged with
promises of access to the land and houses of the victims and by
threats of punishment. There are well-documented reports that
those leading the operations gave orders to the killers to degrade,
mutilate and rape the women they were about to murder.
Over time the genocide planners were able
to enlist much of the state apparatus in the killing. Resistors
were eliminated. As remarkable as the collaboration of military
officers and professional administrators was the absence of any
effective international action to halt the killings. In thirteen
weeks about 500,000 people, three-quarters of the Tutsi population,
were killed. Over time the genocide ceased to give the interim
government internal cohesion or win popular support. International
disapproval finally began to hurt it, but it was the military
success of the RPF that brought the regime and its program of
genocide to an end.
Episodes of state terrorism
Many governments have made less wholehearted
use of terrorism. The organizational chart of most existing governments
hides some agency with a terrorism brief and the state's history
conceals some episode in which state terrorism became a prominent
feature of politics. In France long before the revolutionary state's
Great Terror in which successive leaders of the revolution sent
one another to the guillotine, the Roman Catholic establishment
waged a campaign in the 11th century against the Cathars in south-western
France who stood against the Roman church and the corruption of
the clergy. Northern French nobility backed the church in a crusade
against the resisting heretics. The Treaty of Paris confirmed
the subordination of the southern nobility that had harbored the
Cathars, but it failed to root out the movement, despite the massacre
of many of its followers. It took the systematic terrorism of
the Inquisition in the 13th and 14th centuries with its reliance
on informants, searches of homes, harsh questioning and torture
to extinguish the 'heresy'.
In the United States the defeated plantocracy
after the civil war used terror to re-establish its dominance
and to disempower former slaves. Under the slave system the private
property privileges of slave owners had kept the essential violence
of the slave system largely in the private realm. After the civil
war former slave owners founded the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to resist
the changes in the social hierarchy pursued in Reconstruction.
In North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia, the KKK played a large
part in restoring the political dominance of the white elite.
The white elite kept the newly enfranchised African-American ex-slaves
from entering the public sphere of politics through a combination
of terrorism and restrictive legislation. The Ku Klux Klan was
the main terrorist instrument of the local interests that controlled
state governments. Its secret meetings, rituals and cross burnings
were designed to frighten, but it was murder, violence and direct
intimidation that made it effective. The intimidation backed up
the Jim Crow legislation (segregation in public places, poll taxes,
literacy tests for voting) that disenfranchised and disempowered
States often use Klan-like proxy organizations
to carry out terrorism against the state's own citizens. The apartheid
government in South Africa, for example, in one of many state
terrorist operations ordered 'hit squads' associated with Chief
Buthelezi's Inkatha party to attack members of the African National
Congress. Frequently parts of the government do not support such
actions and may not know about them. In the US the federal government
focussed enough opposition to the terrorism of the KKK to legislate
restrictions that reduced its effectiveness.
Behind the exclusionary ideology and the
attraction to terrorist violence expressed in all these examples
of state terrorism lies a profound cynicism about popular politics.
Hitler put it most concisely: 'Cruelty impresses. Cruelty and
raw force. The simple man in the street is impressed only by brute
force and ruthlessness. Terror is the most effective political
means.' It is a political means that poisons the normal politics
of debate, negotiation and confrontation.
Transnational state terrorism
Another variety of state terrorism is
government-sponsored acts of violence across borders to harm,
kill and intimidate civilians of another country. The term 'terrorist
state' as it is used in the press and by governments usually refers
to this kind of terrorism. Although governments bent on troubling
other states or movements in other countries sometimes act through
official government agencies, they usually prefer to act through
proxy organizations, sometimes called 'cutouts', and to keep their
own role invisible.
The aim of transnational state terrorism
may be to destabilize and weaken a government that is perceived
to be hostile and perhaps a supporter of groups regarded as terrorist
opponents. The accusations, and at times the reality, of terrorism
are flung in both directions. Apartheid South Africa went to great
lengths to counter the popular movements for decolonization in
southern Africa. As Angola and Mozambique moved toward independence,
apartheid South Africa made extensive use of terror (as well as
outright warfare) to keep the newly independent governments weak
and disorganized. Their 'total strategy' of defense was similar
to the pattern of the national security states of South America.
In 1976 their armed forces took over support for Renamo (Resistenfia
Nacional Mocambicana), the terrorist opposition to the new government
in Mozambique formed by Frelimo (Front for the Liberation of Mozambique).
Renamo had been nurtured by the Rhodesian security forces, who
had recruited dissident Frelimo fighters to destabilize the new
Frelimo government. Renamo became infamous for the brutality of
its attacks on civilians and for its targeting of schools and
health clinics as well as economic installations like roads, electric
lines and pipelines.
A pattern of reciprocal violence that
includes terrorism sometimes repeats itself in the relations between
hostile neighboring countries. Each government supports terrorist
or guerrilla operations inside its rival. India and Pakistan repeatedly
accuse each other of terrorism in the disputed territory of Kashmir.
In the Middle East, support for Palestinian
groups that engage in terrorism in Israel comes from Saudi Arabia,
Syria, Iraq and Iran. The Government of Israel claims that the
Palestinian Authority, a quasi-state, is responsible for many
of the suicide bombings of civilian gatherings in Israel claimed
by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Tanzim and the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade.
On its side the Israeli Government has sent its defense forces
to assassinate people it claims are responsible for terrorism
and it has militarized its occupation of Palestinian settlements
and refugee camps in the West Bank. In these operations its forces
have killed many civilians.
The Cold War and containment
The Cold War generated widely spread reciprocal
support for rival terrorisms from the United States and the Soviet
Union. The two superpowers were drawn to almost every conflict
in the world if only to ensure that the other side did not gain
some advantage from it. In all the conflicts mentioned above one
can find US or Soviet fingerprints somewhere along the way. The
superpowers gave important direct and indirect support to organizations
that made extensive use of terrorism, including training them
in terrorist techniques. The scale of superpower involvement in
terrorism gives the lie to the common view that terrorism is exclusively
'the weapon of the weak'. Often it is the weapon with which the
strong get the weak to do their dirty work for them.
In its preoccupation with containing communism,
the US saw danger in the decolonizing world and in many other
places besides. President John Kennedy's government initiated
a long-running effort to bring down the Castro regime. After the
failed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, US-trained anti-Castro Cubans
repeatedly committed acts of violence against Cuba. As recently
as the mid 1990s they planted bombs designed to cripple the growing
Cuban tourist industry;"' (The same groups have been convicted
of attacks in Miami against Cubans doing business with Cuba.'')
In the 1980s the Reagan administration sounded the alarm about
a 'terror network' orchestrated by the Soviet Union threatening
US and Western interests around the globe and especially in southern
Africa, Central America, the Middle East and Central Asia. Fear
of instability and distrust of nationalist regimes and movements
drew the US to embrace governments that abused human rights, to
support agencies that engaged in terrorism and to sponsor certain
terrorist activities of its own. In Angola, Nicaragua, Afghanistan
and Kampuchea (Cambodia) the US supported, and sometimes created,
insurgencies that they tried to present as democratic and freedom-seeking.
Often these groups practiced terrorism.
The Soviet Union was not squeamish about
supporting violence, but most anti-colonial movements were largely
peaceful and those that engaged in violence, even those professing
Marxism and receiving Soviet support gravitated to guerrilla warfare
and directed their arms at military and police targets. Some,
like the African National Congress in South Africa committed occasional
acts of terrorism.
The Soviets did support governments that
engaged in state terrorism including those of Muammar al-Qaddafi
in Libya and Mengistu Haile Mariam in Ethiopia. Other communist
governments, including those in Cuba, Cambodia, North Vietnam,
Eastern Europe and China made use of terrorism in consolidating
and retaining political control. No doubt the example of Stalinism
played a part in choosing purges, assassinations and imprisonment
over negotiation and accommodation.
In 1953 and 1954 the US Government through
the CIA engineered the overthrow of nationalist and reformist
governments in Iran and Guatemala and the installation of regimes
that used terrorism to weaken and control political opposition
and drive local communist parties underground. In preparation
for these operations of 'regime change' the CIA gathered detailed
intelligence about potential friends and foes, disseminated propaganda
in the form of leaflets, manipulated news reports to encourage
opposition and concocted evidence of Soviet involvement. The agency
also identified alternative rulers and induced them to take action,
promising financial and diplomatic backing to a new government.
In 1953 the CIA with Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)
spearheaded the coup against Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh
of Iran to counter his nationalization of the British Petroleum
Company and to move against the communist Tudeh party whose influence
they feared was growing. They readily identified General Fazlollah
Zahedi as a replacement leader. After several false moves they
induced the Shah to abandon his original indifference to politics
and to support the change in government. To foment street demonstrations
CIA agents posing as communists threatened Muslim clerics with
'savage punishment if they opposed Mossadegh' and bombed the home
of a prominent Muslim. These were two measures of direct terrorism
committed by US agencies.
In 1954 the US followed a similar plan
in Guatemala. After an intense public relations campaign financed
by the United Fruit Company (in which Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles and CIA Director Allen Dulles had personal financial
interest) President Eisenhower approved another project of regime
change. The CIA took the lead in organizing a dissident army to
invade from neighboring Honduras to overthrow the government of
Jacabo Arbenz whose policies of land reform, higher corporate
taxes and university education for lower-class youth troubled
the United Fruit Company and the established elite. The two groups
also worried that the influence of communism in Guatemala would
grow. The US provided air cover for the invasion and the CIA mounted
a large disinformation campaign exaggerating the size and effectiveness
of the invasion. There was some US-sponsored violence in Guatemala:
boarding peaceful vessels off the coast and bombing a few targets
inside the country.
In both these cases the real link to terror
came after the coup when the replacement regimes arrested, tortured
and killed opponents and dissidents. The CIA helped train the
security forces of the new governments and maintained close ongoing
relations with them. Iran's State Intelligence and Security Organization,
known as SAVAK, became famous for the long reach of its agents
who hunted down regime opponents around the world. In the US alone
it used 13 case-officers to keep track of some 30,000 Iranian
students. SAVAK was established in 1957 with the guidance of US
and Israeli intelligence services. It first sought to arrest members
of the Tudeh party, but it grew into a full-scale secret police
operation with high tech equipment from the US to monitor and
collate information on all aspects of political and civic activity.
It kept newspapers, journalists, labor unions, peasants' organizations
and other civic associations under tight surveillance. It established
its own prisons and made extensive use of brutal methods of torture.
Observers estimate that in response to the demonstrations of 1978,
SAVAK killed 13,000 to 15,000 Iranian citizens and seriously injured
another 50,000.'; Throughout its existence the CIA remained its
close collaborator.
A detailed CIA study of the Iran coup
draws as one lesson that the ClA's military planners have political
arrest lists ready. In Guatemala they certainly had such a list
for what the CIA planning document called 'the roll-up of Communists
and collaborators'. After the coup the police rounded up and killed
hundreds of people. A system of deadly repression making extensive
use of death squads dressed as civilians, but taking orders from
security. forces, was put in place. The resistance, weak as it
was, of indigenous peoples and the obligation to fight communism
were the repeated excuses for a reign of terror that killed some
100,000 Guatemalans over the next four decades. The US remained
a close and supportive partner of the government of Guatemala
through most of these years, giving assistance in designing and
setting up an urban counter-terrorist task force and in supplying
military advisers and equipment.'
Government terror
The record shows that government terror
and killing of Mayan villagers in Guatemala peaked in the early
1980s just when the US was pumping up its overt and clandestine
campaign to overthrow the Nicaraguan government of the Frente
Sandinista de Liberacion National (FSLN or Sandinistas) that had
gained power in 1979 when the US-supported military apparatus
of dictator Anastasio Somoza collapsed. President Ronald Reagan's
government was fearful of what they considered to be expanding
communist influence in Central America and the Caribbean and especially
vexed by the successful guerrilla war of the left-wing Sandinista
movement. Policy planners centered in the National Security Agency
and the CIA put into practice the doctrine of 'low intensity warfare'
to force the replacement of the Sandinistas by a conservative
and pliant set of rulers.
At the heart of the method was the creation
of a guerrilla army out of members of Somoza's National Guard
and several other splinter groups revolving around Eden Pastora,
a dissident former Sandinista. Documents recently released under
the Freedom of Information Act show that the Contras, as the grouping
was known, were wholly created and controlled by the US. The Contras
were instructed to hit 'soft targets' like agricultural cooperatives
and some of them were advised by US experts and manuals about
'how to use selective violence' and 'coercive counterintelligence
interrogation of resistant sources'. The Contras often attacked
civilians, even rounded them up and shot them.
In order to make the Contras look more
effective than they were and to cripple the economy of Nicaragua
the US conducted direct military operations, attacking economic
targets like oil depots and allowing the Contras to take the credit.
To back up the impression that the Contras were an indigenous
reality the US mounted a sophisticated public relations and newsgenerating
effort. President Reagan uttered his famous
comparison: the Contras are 'the moral
equivalent of our founding fathers'. The Atlantic and Caribbean
ports of Nicaragua were mined by the US with the goal of raising
the costs of marine insurance high enough to strangle Nicaragua's
vital seaborne trade.
The US has had a role in overthrowing
several other governments on the grounds of their unreliability
in the Cold War alignment. The assassination of Patrice L.umumba
in the Congo in 1961 and the installation of Joseph Mobutu as
President, inaugurated a cycle of corrupt and tyrannical government.
The change from Sukarno to Suharto in Indonesia in 1965 precipitated
mass killings of 500,000 to 1,000,000 people. To clear the way
for the coup d'etat against Salvador Allende's government in Chile
in 1973 the CIA worked actively with members of the Chilean military
to 'neutralize' General Rene Schneider, Commander-in-Chief of
the Chilean Army. Schneider was a strong constitutionalist known
to oppose a coup against the legally elected President. When a
group of officers with whom the CIA had been collaborating killed
General Schneider in 1970, the US assisted in protecting the assassins.
It was the first political assassination in Chile since 1837.
Changes of government are usually complex
events and the interventions are clandestine and may come from
more than one country. The interveners try to make use of local
social and military forces that have a life of their own.. The
terrorist element in the US role in these coups seems often to
have been that of an accomplice - supplying encouragement, money
and weapons, assurance of future support and a list of dangerous
individuals and organizations.
More telling is the continued involvement
of the US military and security specialists, assisting the design
and organization of a security apparatus and the training of people
in the skills of interrogation and 'counter-insurgency' operations.
US officials know full well that such an apparatus and the skills
learned are often turned to the systematic and long-term employment
of terror to keep a government in power.
'Blowback' and instability
From the standpoint of the US strategists
there are two big dangers: 'blowback' and instability. Blowback
is the CIA term for the unintended, unforeseen and unwanted consequences
of secret operations. It is used frequently to describe the actions
of organizations that the US created and strengthened that later
turn against US-related targets. One kind of blowback is terrorism
against US interests. The US invested money, training and equipment
to make the Taliban and other fundamentalist groups in Pakistan
and Afghanistan effective fighters against Soviet domination of
Afghanistan. The Soviets were driven out and the Soviet regime
was weakened. Regime change in favor of the Taliban brought stability
to a chronically unstable land. But when men trained at the Taliban's
schools planted bombs in Saudi Arabia and Egypt critics saw blowback.
In targeting governments allied with the US the fighters formerly
serving Western interests in the Cold War re-emerged as anti-Western
terrorists. With Taliban support for al-Qaeda the blowback continued.
The possibility of instability can also
promote terrorism. The strategy of inducing regime change by intervening
covertly to support a coup usually assumes that a freshly-formed
military government willing to use well-structured security methods
can control political forces and stay in power. Factional fights,
inexperience and regional tensions make stability a rare commodity.
The support for Lon Nol's coup against the mercurial Prince Sihanouk
in Cambodia in 1970 is a good example - a search for stability
contributing to repression and backlash. The US interest in stability
pushes it to give increasing support to those who control the
repressive apparatus in the new government and to condone, if
not deliberately enhance, its reliance on state terror.
State terrorism after the Cold War
For the four decades after the Second
World War, US state terrorism and support for states that engaged
in state terrorism was tied to the Cold War and the strategy of
containment. Since the end of the Cold War many dictatorships
have been replaced by elected governments (Southern Cone of South
America, Central America, South Africa, Indonesia). The reasons
for these changes include the strength and skill of popular movements
and the reduction of US support for repressive governments. Similarly
on the other side of the Cold War the break-up of the Soviet Union
and the end of Soviet control over Eastern Europe removed a pattern
of Soviet-supported state terrorism in some 20 countries from
East Germany to Kyrgyzstan.
Yet state terrorism remains a reality
and a potential. The genocide in Rwanda, the violence of Robert
Mugabe's government in Zimbabwe against the legal opposition and
the actions of Russia in Chechnya show that state terrorism has
causes beyond the Cold War. The US may be less prone to support
terrorist states than in the days of the Cold War, but the attacks
in New York and Washington raise a new possibility. Under the
influence of the war on terrorism and the idea that 'those not
with us are against us' the US may support 'friendly' governments
that engage in state terrorist campaigns against their own or
the citizens of neighboring countries. Russia (Chechnya), Pakistan
(Kashmir), Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan all seem to fit
this pattern.
The possibility that the US is still willing
to give support to governments and groups that make extensive
use of terrorism raises a deeper question. Was it a Cold War dynamic,
no longer operative, that drew the US and the West into supporting
terrorist regimes or was it defense of the West's global economic
and resource interests? Anti-communism or imperialism? And could
the new global manicheanism of good democrats vs evil terrorists
be a conscious effort to reconstruct a doctrinal defense of support
for governments and policies that favor the corporate global economic
agenda even if they repress genuinely popular movements? Will
other governments such as Russia use a similar logic and support
governments within their historic sphere of influence that engage
in terrorism?
The amount of state terrorist activity
and its continuing appeal is not surprising given the huge concentration
of control over weapons that governments enjoy. Criminal gangs,
terrorist organizations, guerrilla armies, private businesses
and individuals may own many guns and a lot of explosives. Yet
their arms are dwarfed by the firepower at the disposal of governments.
Furthermore, governments have a huge stake in protecting their
political power from rivals and enemies. It is little wonder that
government leaders can be tempted to use terrorism to translate
the money, arms and intelligence at their disposal into enhancement
of their grip on power and their capacity to pursue other political
Perhaps the surprising thing is that governments
are not more prone to terrorism than they are. The frequency of
deleterious 'blowback' may deter some leaders. Certainly political
action in defense of civil liberties and in favor of full disclosure
of government action can help discourage government leaders from
terrorist temptation and strengthen the hold of a culture of open
political encounter.
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