The "Third Worldization" of America
from the book
Dark Victory
by Walden Bello
published by
Institute for Food and Development Policy (Food
First), 1994

The 1980s ended with the top 20 per cent of the population
having the largest share of total income, while the bottom 60
per cent had the lowest share of total income ever recorded. Indeed,
within the top 20 per cent, the gains of the Reagan-Bush period
were concentrated in the top 1 per cent, whose income grew by
63 per cent between 1980 and 1989, capturing over 53 per cent
of the total income growth among all families. Meanwhile, the
bottom 60 per cent of families actually experienced a decline
in income.
The same radically regressive trends were evident in wealth
holdings, which were even more concentrated than income:
[I]n l989, the top 1 percent of families earned 14.1% total
income, yet owned 38.3% of total net worth and 50.3% of net financial
assets. The wealth distribution has also become more unequal over
time. The wealth holdings of the richest 0.5% of families grew
by one percentage point over the entire 21-year period, 1962-83,
but grew by four times as much in just six years between 1983
and 1989. Meanwhile, the bottom 60% of families had lower wealth
holdings in 1989 than 1983.35
The trends revealed a middle class that was losing ground.
Median family incomes for 1990 and 1991 dropped to their levels
of the late 1970s when adjusted for taxes and inflation. But even
more alarming was the fact that these trends translated into greater
poverty and hunger among the more vulnerable sectors of the population.
The percentage of whites living in poverty rose from 9 per
cent in 1979 to 10 per cent in 1989. In the case of Hispanics,
the increase was from 22 to 26 per cent, while black poverty remained
steady at 31 per cent. While the ratio of black to white incomes
did not change much, with black median income remaining at 60
per cent that of whites, the ratio of Hispanic to white median
income fell from 69 per cent in 1979 to 65 per cent in 1989. Despite
the differences in racial impact, it is clear that the most prominent
feature in the Reagan rollback was its class character.
That their circumstances had not declined further with respect
to whites according to some social indicators was, of course,
cold comfort for blacks, for the inequalities that remained the
same or became only slightly more pronounced are nevertheless
stark: average black per capita income is now less than 60 per
cent that of whites; 13 per cent of blacks are jobless compared
with 6 per cent for whites; and the life expectancy of black males
is seven years less than that of white males.
By the end of the Republican era, the United States, a congressional
study asserted, had become 'the most unequal of modern nations.'
Some 20 million Americans were said to be experiencing hunger;
25 million of them - some one in every 10 - were receiving federal
food stamps. The child poverty rate, which had risen from 18 per
cent in 1980 to 22 percent in 1991, was the highest among the
industrialized countries. Among children in minority groups, the
poverty rate was even higher, at almost 50 per cent.
Indeed, structural adjustment Republican-style was beginning
to give the US a Third World appearance: rising poverty, widespread
homelessness, greater inequality, social polarization. But perhaps
it was the condition of infants that most starkly captured the
'Third Worldization' of America. The infant mortality rate for
African Americans now stands at 17.7 infant deaths per 1,000 live
births. This figure compares unfavorably not only to those for
most other industrial countries but even to figures for some of
the developing countries of the Caribbean, such as Jamaica (17.2
per 1,000), Trinidad (16.3), and Cuba (16).
from the book
Dark Victory by Walden Bello
published by
Institute for Food and Development Policy (Food First)
398 60 th Street, Oakland, CA 94618
and Books
World in United States