Dividing the World

The World can be divided and classified in many ways. One
of the most common ways to do this is to talk about nation-states.
The usefulness of the concept state can hardly be denied, but
when giving it more thought the prefix nation- raises the question
of cultures and nations that do not follow the administrative
lines between the states. This is something that should be kept
in mind also when making other types of classifications. The practicality
of making different groupings only highlights the need to realize
these shortcomings.
In primary school children are taught the categorization of
the seven continents as the basic building blocks of global geography:
North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa and
the Antarctic. Continents seem obvious visual units and perhaps
that is why their utility is seldom questioned. Lewis and Wigen
argue that "there are many reasons to believe that the ...
continental scheme ... obscures more than it reveals"(Lewis
& Wigen 1997, 2-3).
The continental system was formalized in the nineteenth century
and despite its European bias it has been exported to the rest
of the world without provoking any major critical response (ibid,
30-32). Continents are often considered as solid land masses based
on scientific studies. In reality the continents are vague concepts
that are built not only on the basis of geography but also by
using cultural arguments and aiming at political ends. A good
example of this is the relationship between Europe and Asia, Eurasia
being a concept uniting these two continents.
Taking a look at a world map the line going along Ural from
North to South seems artificial. If we had not been taught this
division I do not believe that many of us would end up drawing
this line basing it on physical geography or on visual definition.
Concentrating on the geographical dimension supports strongly
the argument that Europe should be just a subcontinent of Asia,
its peninsula. The argument that Europe is distinctive enough
as a civilization to form a continent of its own is based on a
cultural dimension and its significance in defining continents.
At the same time it fails to recognize the cultural diversity
in Asia and highlights the Eurocentrism of these concepts.
Taking culture as one of the defining variables would create
an image of the continents as culturally homogenous units that
differ from each other significantly. This is not only untrue
but also against the principles based on geography that were first
used when dividing the world into continents.
Supracontinental Blocks
Using geographical criteria is not the only way to divide
the world. Well known and widely used supracontinental blocks
are for instance the divisions like North-South, East-West and
First World- Third World. The bisection into the West and to the
non-West underlines the unity of the West but forgets that the
only thing that non-Western societies have in common is the fact
that they are not Western (Huntington 1996, p. 33).
It is surprising how seldom one really considers the concept
of First World Eurocentric. A classification that is used frequently
creates a situation where we do not question it. In this grouping
capitalistic states were known as the First World and communistic
states were referred to as the Second World. The rest of the world
ended up being the Third world since not all the countries could
fit into the first two categories. The only problem of these concepts
is not the way they express the superiority of market oriented
growth, but that they have been hopelessly outdated by the fall
of communism and especially by the economic development of many
states and regions in the so-called Third World. We cannot consider
these countries as homogeneously backward and ignore the rapid
economic growth experienced by some of them. One example of this
could be a Third World country like Singapore compared to Portugal
as part of the First World.
Contrasting North and South holds many of the same assumptions
than the bisection presented above. These classifications are
often used synonymously to refer to the Third World as the South
and to the First World as the North. Former communistic countries
are mostly considered to be part of the North. In a certain manner
one can find at the same time both rigidity and flexibility in
these concepts. They do not follow the development of the world
and the need to find more complex concepts in order to understand
reality. At the same time they succeed in leaving the boundaries
of the North and the South flexible, which helps us to use these
concepts on a more abstract level. In spite of the short-comings
of bisections center-periphery and rich-poor I believe in the
usefulness of these concepts over the ones mentioned above.
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