Subverting the UN
by Richard Falk and David
The Nation magazine, November
4, 2002

As a healthy response to the Bush Administration's
war policies, the number of people taking to the streets in protest
is increasing with each step toward war. These protesters realize
that they do not want the United States to initiate a pre-emptive
and illegal war, but perhaps they do not yet realize that they
are also fighting to retain an international order based on multilateralism,
the rule of law and the United Nations itself.
To save the UN from the Administration's
destructive and radical unilateralism, other key nations will
have to stand up to its bullying. France, Russia and China, because
of their veto power in the Security Council, could withhold legal
authority for America to proceed to war. Whether they will exercise
this power, given the pressure they're under from the Administration,
remains to be seen. But if one or more of them does so, the Administration
would be faced with acting in direct contravention of the Security
Council, with a probable serious erosion of Congressional and
public support. If it were to go ahead with war, it could deliver
a death knell not only to-Iraq but also to the UN itself. It is
emblematic of US global waywardness that it is necessary to hope
for a veto to uphold the legitimacy and effectiveness of the UN
as a force for peace but to also be concerned that Administration
threats of unilateral military action could render the veto ineffective
and thereby the role of the Security Council largely meaningless.
The United States was instrumental in
forming the UN and was a strong supporter of the organization
until the Reagan presidency, when that Administration's hostility
toward the UN became pronounced. Reagan's indictment of it as
dominated by Third World concerns was largely rhetorical and symbolic
but included calls for budgetary downsizing and withdrawal from
UNESCO because of its alleged corruption and anti-American bias.
In the Bush I presidency this antipathy was connected with US
global economic interests; the Administration used American muscle
to close down the Center on Transnational Corporations as a favor
to multinationals. This confrontational approach was briefly reversed
by Bush Senior's use of the UN to mandate war against Iraq in
1991 to oust it from Kuwait. At the time, Bush surprised the world
by sounding briefly like a second coming of Woodrow Wilson with
his call for "a new world order" centered upon reliance
on the collective security mechanisms of the UN Security Council
to meet the challenges of aggression. When the dust settled at
the end of the Gulf War, however, the White House realized that
it did not want such global responsibilities or to build such
expectations about an enhanced UN role. The language of a new
world order was deliberately, as one high-level official then
expressed it, "put back on the shelf."
Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign
seemed to offer prospects for enhanced recourse to the UN to address
humanitarian challenges of the sort that were arising in the Balkans
and subSaharan Africa. But as President, Clinton contributed to
the post cold war decline of the UN by abruptly reversing course
on Somalia in 1993 after eighteen Americans were killed in the
Black Hawk Down incident. Rather than accept responsibility for
that debacle, the Clinton Administration blamed the UN. That Administration
also turned its back on UN pleas for a commitment to stop genocide
in Rwanda a year later, when a small contingent of UN troops could
have prevented the mass murders there. The Clinton security team
further sabotaged a Rwanda intervention by threatening to halt
US funding for UN peacekeeping operations if the UN took on new
peacekeeping commitments.
The Clinton White House expressed only
lukewarm support for the UN role in Bosnia, while undermining
support for UN action by providing arms to the Croats and Muslims.
In Iraq, the Administration undermined and corrupted the UN inspection
process by using US inspectors to conduct espionage. Clinton disappointingly
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the UN by delivering an
uninspired speech notable for its Wall Street calls for "downsizing"
and "doing more with less," and by turning increasingly
to NATO to carry out what it deemed humanitarian interventions,
culminating in the NATO war in Kosovo and Serbia in 1999. This
war on behalf of the Kosovars was notable for the absence of any
UN authorization for the use of force and a deliberate US decision
to circumvent the UN in anticipation of Russian and Chinese vetoes.
But while the Clinton Administration did
serious damage to the UN, the Bush presidency-with its repudiation
of even minimal multilateralism, its hostility to existing arms
control treaties, its rejection of the Kyoto Protocol on global
warming and its efforts to undermine the International Criminal
Court-created a pattern of anti-UN diplomacy never before seen
in Washington. It represents a view that American power and resources
should serve exclusively national strategic interests.
Since September 11, the Bush team has
selectively used the UN to build a united front against global
terrorism, specifically against Al Qaeda. Such an initiative led
to a degree of formal multilateralism in the war in Afghanistan
but has run into resistance since. In the months after Bush's
2002 State of the Union address-which first outlined the "axis
of evil" approach to the post-Afghanistan challenge and which
made no reference whatsoever to the UN-Bush, in speech after speech,
gave the impression that "regime change" in Baghdad
was a matter of White House discretion. It was then that establishment
realists, most prominently Brent Scowcroft and James Baker, sounded
the alarm. The Bush war planners seemed quickly to realize that
this time they had pushed unilateralism too far even for their
Republican constituency, let alone their overseas allies. Congress
and the UN were brought into the act, with obvious ambivalence,
and the Administration shifted its overt call from "regime
change" to "disarmament" via "coercive inspection."
Both Congress and the UN Security Council are being asked to underwrite
this approach, and Congress has already capitulated.
There are two main ways to ruin the UN:
to ignore its relevance in war/peace situations, or to turn it
into a rubber stamp for geopolitical operations of dubious status
under international law or the UN Charter. Before September 11,
Bush pursued the former approach; since then-by calling on the
UN to provide the world's remaining superpower with its blessings
for an unwarranted war-the latter.
Also damaging are the evident double standards
and hypocrisy of the US call for enforcement of UN resolutions
against Iraq, given consistent US unwillingness to do anything
to implement the stream of Security Council resolutions directing
Israel to withdraw from occupied Palestinian territories, to dismantle
illegal settlements and to apply the Geneva Conventions governing
military occupation. Ironically, Security Council Resolution 687,
cited by Bush in his justification for war against Iraq, also
recalls the objective of establishing a nuclear weapons-free zone
in the Middle East and of working toward making the region free
of all weapons of mass destruction. While these are clearly worthwhile
objectives, no mention is made by the Bush Administration of Israel's
long-standing possession of nuclear weapons.
While the United States engages in such
hypocrisy, it is attempting to use UN resolutions improperly to
justify an illegal preemptive war against Iraq. Resolution 687,
which welcomed the restoration of Kuwaiti sovereignty and set
forth peace terms after the Gulf War, says nothing about the conditions
under which additional force could be used against Iraq. Rather,
it concludes by stating that the Security Council "decides
to remain seized of the matter and to take such further steps
as may be required for the implementation of the present resolution
and to secure peace and security in the region." Thus, any
unilateral US enforcement action without Security Council approval
would be illegal.
If the Bush Administration pushes a resolution
authorizing force through the UN Security Council, it will demonstrate
only that it has succeeded in bending the organization to its
will- in effect subverting the UN the same way it subverted the
integrity of the US Congress. It is doubly ruining the UN by its
domineering posture and through its repeated assertion that if
the UN resists, it will act unilaterally. The worst aspect of
the Bush II legacy may be its vicious undermining of multilateralism
and international law in general, and of the United Nations in
Richard Falk is chair and David Krieger
is a founder and president of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
(www.wagingpeace.org). '
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