Venezuela's 2008 Regional Election
by Venezuela Information Office
www.venezuelanalysis.com/, November
26th 2008

Regional elections held in Venezuela on November 23rd have been
portrayed in the U.S. media as a defeat for to the government
of President Hugo Chávez, when in fact the results strongly
favor his party, the PSUV. The vast majority of state governorships
and mayoralties, including those in many strategic parts of the
country such as the Orinoco Oil Belt, remain under pro-government
The majority of Venezuelan citizens voted
for candidates aligned with the Chávez government. Due
to this broad popular support, the PSUV and its allies won 77
percent of governorships and 80 percent of mayoralties. Even in
Caracas, where the overarching metropolitan mayoralty went to
the opposition, residents of the city's most populous district
of Libertador elected a PSUV candidate as their local representative.
Voter turnout in the regional elections
was a record-setting 65 percent. The electoral process was the
11th to occur in Venezuela in about a decade, and was deemed "peaceful
and exemplary" by OAS Secretary General José Miguel
Insulza. He commented that the process was a powerful expression
of the maturity of the country's democratic institutions as well
as the trust that Venezuelans have in them. The National Electoral
Council again proved its reputation for efficient and accurate
electoral oversight by posting official results online less than
24 hours after the polls closed.
U.S. media coverage - including editorials
in the Washington Post and New York Times - has ignored the facts
enumerated below, points which are essential to understanding
contemporary political realities in Venezuela.
Most Governors and Mayors Support the
Chávez Government
The electoral map of Venezuela shows that
pro-government PSUV candidates gained the majority of officies
throughout the country. They won 17 out of 22 governorships, or
77 percent of the total. This is more than was claimed by PSUV
governors and allies before the 2008 regional elections, at which
point they held 15 states out of 22. PSUV candidates and allies
also won mayoral posts in 81 percent of municipalities throughout
the nation. Meanwhile, in at least four out of the five states
where opposition governors were elected, the majority of mayoralties
went to the PSUV (only Zulia is still to be decided). This means
that local leadership favors the ruling political party overall.
(Source: National Electoral Council, Embassy of Venezuela)
Most Venezuelans Live Under Pro-Chávez
Local Leaders
As has been true for nearly a decade,
the majority of Venezuela's population will continue to live in
states with pro-Chávez governors. This is currently true
for 57 percent of the country's population, while a smaller amount
- 43 percent - have opposition governors. Some municipalities
shifted to PSUV leadership by choosing a progressive leader for
the first time during the tenure of the Chávez administration,
including Valencia, an important industrial and manufacturing
city in the coastal state of Carabobo. (Source: Instituto Nacional
de Estadistica, Diario El Carabobeño)
The PSUV Achieved Victory in Strategic
Areas of the Country
All states in Venezuela with strategic
natural resources and industries elected PSUV candidates for governor,
with the exception of Zulia in the West. This means that pro-government
leadership prevailed in the oil-rich states of Anzoategui, Barinas,
Bolívar, Monagas, and Delta Amacuro, some of which encompass
the lucrative Orinoco Oil Belt. The state of Bolívar, in
particular, also hosts the country's other important basic industries:
hydroelectricity, aluminum, steel, iron, and petrochemicals. A
majority of the mayoral races in these states also went to PSUV
candidates. The PSUV won mayoral races in 15 out of 21 municipalities
in Anzoategui, at least seven out of 11 in Bolívar, at
least eight of 12 in Barinas, at least 12 of 13 in Monagas, and
three out of four in Delta Amacuro. (Source: National Electoral
Pro-Government Candidates Won by Wide
In races for state governors, the opposition's
five victories were claimed by far smaller margins than those
earned by the PSUV, which clearly dominated in the remaining 17
states. This is a key difference. Opposition candidates won by
margins of just 10 percentage points or less in four of those
states (as low as 1.3% in Tachira and 3% in Carabobo), and won
by 15 percentage points in the fifth state (Nueva Esparta). In
contrast, the 17 pro-government victories were more decisive overall.
Candidates supporting the government won by roughly 50 percentage
points in two states, 30 percentage points in five states, 20
percentage points in four states, and 5 to 10 percent in six more
states. (Source: National Electoral Council)
Residents of the Largest Caracas Municipality
Voted for the PSUV
Although the mayor for metropolitan Caracas
went to the opposition, Libertador, the city's most heavily populated
district - home to 1.7 million residents - elected the PSUV's
municipal mayoral candidate Jorge Rodríguez. Libertador
is by far the largest of the five urban districts in Caracas.
The PSUV won this election by a wide margin of 12 percent, earning
106,487 more votes than the opposition's candidate. (Source: National
Electoral Council)
Even in Opposition-Controlled States,
Key Municipalities Went to the PSUV
The assertion that nearly half the country
will be under the leadership of the opposition is incorrect. In
states where the governorships went to the opposition, a large
number of the mayoral seats went to PSUV candidates or their allies.
The opposition won the governorship in Carabobo, Tachira, Nueva
Esparta, Zulia, and Miranda. In the state of Carabobo, the opposition
only managed to win two of the mayoral races, while the PSUV won
11 mayoral races. In the state of Nueva Esparta, 6 of the 11 mayoral
races went to the PSUV. In Tachira, the PSUV won at least 15 of
29 mayoral races. In Miranda, they won at least 14 of 21 races.
(Source: National Electoral Council)
Venezuela's Electoral Authority Handled
Record Voter Turnout
The regional elections saw a record-setting
65.5 percent voter turnout. Of the 16.8 million registered voters
in Venezuela, roughly 11 million went to the polls. This is a
record for the country, and likely among the highest rates of
voter turnout in local elections anywhere in the hemisphere. Despite
this, the National Electoral Council (CNE) managed the influx
at the polls and made results of the voting available online through
its website just hours after all of the 11,297 polling stations
closed. This was made possible by the electronic voting machines
used in Venezuela, which have been praised as among the most advanced
and accurate in the world. The CNE presents results broken down
by candidate for each state and municipality in an easily accessible
format. (Source: Embassy of Venezuela, National Electoral Council)
Unfortunately, despite the extensive records
available on the CNE website, many media outlets in the U.S. have
failed to report accurately on the results of the regional elections.
One example is the claim made in a Wall Street Journal article
and a New York Times editorial on November 25th that more than
half of Venezuela is under opposition control, which, according
to the official statistics presented here, is simply not true.
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