Cutting Our Benefits
Bush begins second term by attacking
Social Security
by Dean Baker
In These Times magazine, January

November was just the beginning of the
bad news. Two days after the election, before most of us had even
recovered, President Bush told the country that he would use his
"political capital" to privatize Social Security.
This declaration of war was smart strategy.
Social Security is by far the country's most important and successful
social program. Over the last seven decades it has provided a
decent retirement to tens of millions of workers and their spouses.
It also provides disability and survivor insurance to almost the
entire working population-nearly 2 million children are currently
receiving survivors' benefits. For these reasons, Social Security
enjoys enormous public support, regularly getting approval ratings
of close to 90 percent in public opinion surveys.
If Bush is going to privatize Social Security,
he must move hard and fast-as he has. And if we are going to save
it, progressive forces will have to mobilize quickly.
Fact vs. fear
The key to stopping this drive for privatization
will be to educate the public about the basic facts on Social
Security. For two decades, the right has
been working overtime to undermine confidence in the program.
Groups like the Concord Coalition have been telling the country
that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that will inevitably collapse
once the baby boomers retire.
The fearmongers have been largely successful.
Many workers, especially those under 40, are convinced that Social
Security will be bankrupt before they see a dime in benefits.
For these people, the promise of a private account sounds pretty
good, since they don't believe they will ever get anything from
Social Security anyhow.
Progressives must use every means available
to tell people that they have been lied to about Social Security.
The program is unambiguously healthy. The Social Security trustees'
report (available on the Social Security Administration's Web
site-www.ssa.gov/ oact/tr) shows that the program can pay every
penny of benefits through the year 2042, with no changes whatsoever.
Even after 2042, the trustees' projections
show that while the program won't have enough to pay currently
scheduled benefits-which are approximately 40 percent higher than
current benefits-it will still have enough money to pay benefits
higher than those that current retirees receive, even when indexed
for inflation. The changes necessary to allow full scheduled benefits
to be paid throughout Social Security's 75-year planning period
are smaller than the changes to Social Security-increased Social
Security taxes and benefit cuts-that were made in each of the
decades from the '50s through the '80s.
Last June, the nonpartisan Congressional
Budget Office (CBO) made an independent assessment of Social Security's
finances and concluded that the program could pay all benefits
even longer-until 2052-with no changes whatsoever. According to
the CBO, the changes needed to keep the program fully funded through
its 75-year planning period are less than half as large as the
Social Security tax increases put in place in the '80s.
Just to be clear, neither of these projections
is based on a rosy scenario about the future. In fact, the Social
Security trustees assume that over the next 75 years the economy
will experience the slowest pace of productivity growth in its
history. There's no "new economy" in this story.
In short, claims that Social Security
is in imminent danger of bankruptcy are just like the claims about
Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction-politically motivated
One such claim that gets frequently repeated
is that the Social Security trust fund has been "raided:'
"spent:' or is just worthless pieces of paper. In fact, the
Social Security trust fund holds almost $2 trillion of government
bonds. Under the law, the government must repay these bonds to
Social Security from general revenue-this means it will be repaid
primarily from progressive personal and corporate income taxes,
because workers have already paid for their Social Security benefits.
In other words, the government is obligated to tax wealthy people
like Donald Trump and Peter Peterson (the founder of the Concord
Coalition) to pay for the Social Security benefits that the rest
of us have already earned.
The Social Security system lent money
to the government to buy these bonds. (This is by design-the trust
fund was built up to help pay for the retirement of the baby boomers.)
The fact that the government spent the money is meaningless-just
as it is meaningless if the government spends the money it borrows
by issuing any other bond. The government is still legally obligated
to repay the bond. In short, the people who say "there is
no trust fund" are misleading the public. There is a trust
fund with $2 trillion (growing at the rate of $200 billion a year)
unless we let Congress eliminate it.
Privatized pipe dreams
Are private accounts a remedy?
The Bush privatization plan proposes to
couple newly created private accounts with large cuts in current
basic Social Security benefits. Under this scheme each retiree
will get benefits from both these sources.
First, it is important to realize that
the privatizers are making implausible claims about the potential
returns available from investing in the stock market. Remember,
these are exactly the same people who at the peak of the Internet
bubble in 2000
promised that workers would get great
returns from investing their Social Security money in the stock
No privatizer has yet been able to document
in numbers how the privatizers will get their projected stock
returns (showing annual dividend payouts and capital gains). When
it comes to simple arithmetic, involving trillions of dollars
of workers' Social Security money, the privatizers flunk the test.
While private accounts won't do much to
increase returns, they will certainly increase risk and add hugely
to administrative costs. A worker who happens to retire during
a market slump will see much of their benefit disappear. In countries
that already have private accounts, like England and Chile, the
administrative fees are between 15 and 20 percent of annual benefits.
By comparison, the administrative costs of Social Security are
less than o.6 percent of annual benefits. In addition, retirees
who want to buy an annuity (an inflation-protected life-long annual
payout, like that provided by Social Security) will typically
have to pay a fee of at least to percent of their private account
to convert their account to an annuity.
The bottom line is that under Bush's proposal,
workers can expect to see considerably reduced benefits, since
private accounts will not come close to making up for the accompanying
benefit cuts. Under the plan that would provide the basis for
Bush's privatization scheme, an average 15 year-old today who
retires in 2055 will lose more than 35 percent ($i60,000) of his
currently scheduled benefit over the course of his retirement.
He stands to gain back less than one-third of this $160,000 loss
from a private account.
Social Security privatization does not
look good for most workers because they can expect large benefit
cuts, but it is likely to be especially bad for those in lower-income
brackets. While Bush's privatization plan actually provides modest
benefit increases for low-end workers, it also puts in place a
structure that will force the middle class to depend less on the
traditionally defined Social Security benefits and more on private
retirement accounts.
Bush's plan gradually reduces the size
of the traditional benefit received by middleclass workers, while
increasing the size of private accounts until finally the defined
Social Security benefit will become almost irrelevant to anyone
but the poor. Under the Bush plan, a child born today who earns
an average wage during his working lifetime would get a defined
benefit equal to just lo percent of his wage when he retires.
As the middle class depends less and less on Social Security,
the benefits pledged to the poor would enjoy about as much political
support as welfare does today. Now that would really be a "Mission
The privatization of Social Security can
be stopped. Bush may no longer have to worry about reelection,
but members of Congress do. There can be no more important battle.
If Bush is stopped on Social Security, then his political capital
will have been spent, and he will be the lamest of lame ducks.
On the other hand, if he wins ... well, that's not going to happen.
DEAN BAKER is co-director of the Center
for Economic and Policy Research (wwwcepr.net) and co-author of
Social Security: The Phony Crisis (University of Chicago Press,
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