Nigeria on the Brink
by Michael J. Watts
http://counterpunch.org/, August
12, 2009

When Secretary of State Hilary Clinton
and her entourage touch down this week in Abuja, the bright new
capital of the Nigerian federation, their hosts will try to put
the best face on what is the gravest political crisis the country
has faced since the civil war ended almost four decades ago.
The uninspired government of President Musa Yar' 'Adua, who took
office in 2007 on the back of elections massively fraudulent even
by Nigeria's appallingly low standards, is confronting a dual
political crisis of considerable gravity. In the oil-producing
Niger delta a long simmering military insurgency has crippled
the oil and gas industry which accounts for over three-quarters
of government revenues and virtually all of Nigeria's exports.
A counter-insurgency by federal forces launched in May 2009 produced
a ferocious response by the insurgents including in July an audacious
attack on key oil installations in Lagos, the economic capital
of the country. Oil production has collapsed, spectacularly,
to barely 1 million barrels per day (at least a million barrels
a day are shut-in). Shell, the largest single operator, has closed
its Western operations entirely, and its Eastern operations are
barely functional. 12,000 oil workers have been made redundant,
having fled the rigs, platforms and other facilities due to security
In the north of Nigeria, the Muslim heartland
and the base of the powerful ruling northern oligarchy, a Taliban-styled
Islamist group - Boko Haram - was brutally repressed by government
security forces in early August. Massive bombardment of the
movement's compound resulted in large numbers of casualties, and
culminated in the extra-judicial killing of the movement's leader
Mohammed Yusuf in Maiduguri at the hands of the police. In short,
two of the most strategic economic and political regions of the
Nigerian federation are in effect under lockdown.
President Yar 'Adua, a bland and unimpressive
former teacher from Katsina, has been disastrously ineffective
and indecisive since assuming power - failings compounded by his
own ill-health. After two years of drift and serial ineptitude,
Nigeria now stands at a tipping point. The international community
seems largely uninterested in the deteriorating conditions or
at the very least unprepared to consider any constructive role
in Nigeria. Murdered activist Ken Saro-Wiwa's dark premonition
- his 1990 prediction of a "coming war" unless the
needs of the oil producing communities were met - hangs like
a pall over contemporary Nigeria.
Nigeria is an oil-rich petro-state but
its developmental record in one of catastrophic failure. According
to the IMF, the $700 billion in oil revenues since 1960 have added
almost nothing to the standard of living of the average Nigerian.
Eighty-five per cent percent of oil revenues accrue to one per
cent of the population and a huge proportion of the country's
wealth - perhaps 40 per cent or more, has been stolen. Over the
last decade GDP per capita and life expectancy have, according
to World Banks, both fallen. The United Nations Development Program
(UNDP), ranks Nigeria in terms of human development - a composite
measure of life expectancy, income, and educational attainment
- on par with Haiti and Congo.
Nigeria has become a vast shadow economy
and shadow state in which the lines between public and the private,
state and market, government and organized crime are blurred and
porous. The coastal waters of the delta are, according to the
International Maritime Bureau, a pirate-haven, comparable to the
lawless seas surrounding Somalia and the Moluccas. A new study,
Transnational Trafficking and the Rule of Law in West Africa
by the UN Office for Drugs and Crime, estimates that 55 million
barrels of oil are stolen each year from the Niger delta, a shadow
economy in which high ranking military and politicians are deeply
involved. Amnesty International's report Petroleum, Pollution
and Poverty in the Niger Delta released in June 2009 grimly
inventories the vast environmental despoliation caused by 1.5
million tons of spilled oil, describing the record of the slick
alliance of the international oil companies and the Nigerian state
as a "human rights tragedy".
The raw and undiluted realities of contemporary
Nigeria are on full display in the Niger delta crisis: a wholly
unaccountable oil revenue allocation system, structural corruption
especially at the state and local government levels, a history
of pervasive electoral fraud and political thuggery, and a state-sanctioned
lawless oil frontier in which politics has come to mean nothing
more than a vicious struggle, waged by any means necessary, to
capture oil rents. Immense quantities of oil are stolen organized
by a syndicate of 'bunkerers' linking low-level youth operatives
and thugs in the creeks to the highest levels of the Nigerian
military and political classes and to the oil companies themselves.
A former Managing Director of Chevron Nigeria once observed that
he had "run companies that have had less production than
is being bunkered in [Nigeria]". The stolen oil, siphoned
from the manifolds and flowstations, shipped onto barges and transported
to tankers off shore, is a multi-billion business run through
the state. The cesspool of what passes as government is presided
over by powerful and typically corrupt state governors and influential
political godfathers. As former anti-corruption czar Nuhu Ribadu
put it, before he was fired and hounded out of the country on
Yar' Adua's watch, the state is "not even corruption, it
is organized crime".
The turn from peaceful non-violence of
the sort advocated by Ken Saro-Wiwa to armed struggle, culminated
in the dramatic appearance in late 2005 of a new group - the
Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta - who launched
a frontal attack on oil installation in the name of 'resource
control' and a 'new federalism'. In three years they have in
effect brought the oil industry to a standstill. Hostage taking
- not only of oil workers, but also politicians, even children
- has become a major growth industry. Many international oil
and oil service companies have simply withdrawn personnel and
shut-up shop.
The federal government has failed conspicuously
to grasp the gravity of political sentiments across the multi-ethnic
oilfields. A large survey of Niger delta oil communities by the
World Bank in 2007 discovered that an astonishing 36.23 per cent
of youth interviewed revealed a "willingness or propensity
to take up arms against the state". Government sees the problem
almost wholly in term of criminality. But history teaches us that
any insurgency is a mix of greed and grievance - and one person's
criminal or terrorist is another's liberation fighter. The recent
survey poll released in 2009 report shows clearly that local communities
have no faith whatsoever in the state and local government but
government acts as if they do . The incontestable fact, as Ledum
Mittee, the Ogoni human rights campaigner, has pointed out, is
that there is overwhelming popular sympathy across the Delta for
what the militants are doing and saying. This is no less the
case with Haram Boko, a movement whose anti-Western sentiments
speak powerfully to a generation of Muslims for whom modern development
and education has brought poverty, unemployment and a souring
of the very idea of secular national development.
President Yar' Adua announced an amnesty
plan for the Niger delta militants on June 25 and released Henry
Okay, an important leader MEND leader, on July 13, 2009. Good
news in principle. But there are two things to be said here.
First, an amnesty may well draw the criminals and political thugs
out of the creeks (people who were put there in effect by their
political Godfathers in the 2003 and 2007 elections). But this
assumes that the problem is largely or wholly criminal - which
it is not. Those with a political project will not be so easily
convinced. And second, why should they? The history of state
promises has been one of duplicity, violence and repression.
Trust in government are words rarely heard in the creeks. An
amnesty is hardly a solution. As Okah himself said upon his release:
"no one is fighting for an amnesty". The amnesty is
simply an opportunity for "frank talks" and discussions
of "root problems". But there is precious little of
this in the offing right now.
Second, many of the militants began their
lives as thugs deployed for the purpose of electoral intimidation.
With the same political godfathers readying themselves for the
elections in two years, the promise of an amnesty offers no assurance
against a grotesque replay of politically-sponsored violence in
the next electoral cycle.
Radical change - and enormous political
courage - will be required if there is to be lasting peace. Large-scale
training programs and mass employment schemes, major infrastructure
projects, and environmental rehabilitation, will take many years,
perhaps even generations. For the present the temperature within
the Delta must be reduced and a meaningful peace process established.
It is not too much of an exaggeration to say that the future of
Nigeria rests on how government responds to this window of opportunity.
Another failure of will, at this juncture, could prove to be
The government amnesty covers the period
August 4 to October 4: the MEND ceasefire, in principle, ends
on September 15. Something bold has to happen soon. Any comprehensive
approach to resolving the crisis in the Niger Delta can only be
built on the ruins of two decades and more of broken promises,
suspicion, and violence. Serious dialogue and the central involvement
by a credible third-party mediator - perhaps Senator Feingold
or the Elders - will be indispensable to any forward movement.
It will not be easy but it is imperative. Secretary Clinton
should convey this message in the strongest terms but also highlight
two important opportunities. First, the Nigerian senate is in
the middle of debating a new petroleum bill capable of addressing
some of the core concerns of Niger delta activists. Already there
are signs that the new bill will ignore the voices of the oil
communities. Second, the government commissioned a forty-three
person Technical Committee to provide a strategy for the future
of the Niger delta. The report has languished since its release
in November 2008 in spite of the fact that it contains a clear
blueprint for moving forward. Here at least is a place to start.
Michael Watts is Director of Institute
for International Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.
His books include: Reworking Modernity, Rutgers University Press,
1992; Silent Violence. University of California Press, 1993; and
Liberation Ecologies, Edited with Richard Peet, Routledge, 1995.
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