What Young Voters Want:
They're Looking for Help with College
and a Reason to Believe in Government
by Anna Greenberg
The Nation magazine, February 14, 2002

Following the attacks of September 11, young Americans, like
all Americans, were quick to display signs of patriotism. Military
recruiters reported that inquiries and interviews rose, though
there has been no discernible increase in the number of people
actually joining the armed forces. Americorps administrators noted
an upswing of interest in national service among young people,
as Senators John McCain and Evan Bayh called for substantially
expanding the program. In fact, young people's feelings of patriotism,
which are generally weaker than those of the older generation,
rose in the aftermath of the tragedy. According to "Public
Response to a National Tragedy," a study conducted by the
National Opinion Research Center in late September, young people's
pride in American democracy rose from 14 percent in 1996 to 48
percent post-September 11.
But what this newfound patriotism will mean in terms of a
positive view of government and support for a progressive agenda
remains to be seen. Prior to September 11, Generation Xers (born
between 1964 and 1975) were the GOP's most ardent supporters,
if they paid attention to politics at all. If we look at the numbers
among white voters, where we find the bulk of Republicans in the
electorate, we see this pattern quite clearly. According to data
collected by Democracy Corps last year, 44 percent of white voters
age 25 to 36 called themselves Republicans, while only 27 percent
called themselves Democrats. The Democratic Party fared about
the same with Generation Y (born between 1976 and 1997), with
47 percent of white voters age 18 to 24 calling themselves Republican,
nearly ten points higher than white voters over 55 years of age.
President Clinton handily won voters under 30 in 1996, but Democrats
only break even with young voters in off-year Congressional elections.
At the moment, only Generation Y's growing demographic diversity
saves it from embracing the Republican Party as strongly as its
immediate predecessor: According to Census Bureau projections,
members of Generation Y are twice as likely as people over 55
to be either African-American or Latino.
Younger people's conservatism rests upon a strong distrust
of government. The decline in trust, of course, was initiated
by members of the Baby Boom generation, who experienced the disappointments
of Vietnam and Watergate. But continued distrust among young Americans
should not surprise anyone paying attention to the nation's dialogue
about government since 1980. Both Generations X and Y were raised
without national political leadership that clearly articulated
a vision of government's role in creating a better society. Instead,
government has been cast as the problem. Generation X heard President
Reagan's attack on the federal government, personified in the
"welfare queen" and other alleged abuses of government
largesse, and it experienced the first President Bush's neglect
of domestic responsibilities in the last, traumatic recession.
Generation Y saw a more muted undermining of government, ranging
from President Clinton's declaration that "the era of big
government is over" to the championing of ideas that call
for devolving government responsibilities to private organizations,
as we see now in George W. Bush's "faith-based initiatives."
Generation Y's feelings toward government and political leadership
were further undermined by years of unrelenting attention to scandal
in the media and popular culture.
To be fair, younger Americans accurately perceive that they
do not get much positive benefit from government as it is currently
configured. As Theda Skocpol argues persuasively in The Missing
Middle, our current welfare state helps (though critics would
say nowhere near enough) poor children, their parents and the
elderly, and not too many people in between. But younger Americans
do have deep concerns about issues in which government has some
say. For instance, as every survey prior to September 11 showed,
education is the top concern among young Americans. But rather
than agonizing over vouchers, charter schools or teacher accountability,
young people's educational concerns revolve around their ability
to afford higher education in a climate in which a high school
diploma is a route to job insecurity and poor or nonexistent health
benefits. They are acutely aware that it is expensive to get the
skills they need to get ahead, but in the absence of affluent
parents, they do not see any place to go to for help. They certainly
do not see the government as assisting in reducing their dependence
on loans or alleviating their debt burdens after graduation.
A lack of interest in politics and distance from government
was the context in which young people experienced the events of
September 11, which raises the question, Did this national tragedy
alter young people in a way that connects them back to a positive
view of government and a larger progressive agenda? As many argue,
Generations X and Y have not experienced such defining political
events as Reconstruction after the Civil War, the Great Depression,
World War II, the movements of the 1960s and the Vietnam War.
In those moments, the political culture experienced shifts in
notions of patriotism, perceptions of the proper function of government
and the role of the nation in the world. In some cases, they created
or restored confidence in government and the nation, and in other
cases they introduced skepticism and enduring political cleavages.
Regardless, they mobilized young people into a national conversation
about what it means to be a citizen of this nation, as well as
the proper function and responsibilities of government.
Younger Americans are certainly primed to have this national
conversation. Major organs of popular culture--the main source
of news and information for younger people--devoted sustained
attention to the attacks. MTV programs such as Carson Daly's Total
Request Live substituted beach parties in Florida with call-in
discussions of the attack with popular musicians Lenny Kravitz,
Moby and Jay-Z. The network produced short segments on Islam and
Muslims in America between its musical programming, earning praise
from Muslim groups. Celebrities rallied to telethons and concerts
to raise money for the families of the victims, while Julia Roberts
recorded public service announcements to support the Red Cross.
VH1 continues to cover the USO participation of pop stars such
as Jennifer Lopez and Kid Rock, who have been entertaining the
troops at home and abroad.
But transforming this attention and energy into something
politically tangible requires leadership, particularly since young
people's notions of citizenship and democracy are generally so
vague. In focus groups among teenagers and young adults conducted
for The Justice Project last year, for instance, concepts like
citizenship evoked these sort of responses: "Nothing,"
"I don't know" or, somewhat more substantively, "My
rights, just like, pride, I guess, to some extent, and paying
taxes." There was some notion that democracy means voting,
but others said, "It's just a concept, not a state of government,"
or "I just think, like, what does it really mean? I know
it's our, like, our government, but I don't know what it technically
As Robert Putnam makes clear in Bowling Alone, his extensive
exploration of the decline of social capital, the rise of civic
community in the wake of patriotic fervor during World War II
was not spontaneous but was facilitated and encouraged by the
government through such efforts as the civilian defense corps,
selling war bonds, rationing and scrap and rubber drives. At the
time, people felt they were part of a larger effort, in partnership
with government, to get through troubled times. We should not
expect young people to experience spontaneous transformation into
progressive civic beings. Like many people, they find recent events
and patriotic responses confusing and unfamiliar. As one young
woman in a recent focus group put it: "I don't understand
this; why all of a sudden is everyone rooting for the United States
of America? I know that we live here, but before this whole thing
happened, no one had their flags out all of the time. I'm doing
it now too..."
In the aftermath of the attack, younger people heard that
they should go back to work, lead their lives normally and spend
money as tourists. But progressives should not miss this opportunity
to make the case to younger people for the relevance of government.
The response to the attacks--aid to New York to clean up the devastation,
the mobilization against the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan,
the work of police officers and firefighters, the testing for
anthrax exposure in the Capitol, newsrooms and post offices, the
federalization of airport security--all demonstrate the essential
work of government. This matters, as we are currently in the midst
of contentious and important debates in Congress and state legislatures
about how to cope with the economic downturn. Particularly at
the state level, governors and legislatures are making decisions
about how to balance their budgets, proposing cuts in programs
such as higher education.
But as it stands, the parties and candidates speak in a language
that is not very relevant to younger people--for instance, the
heavy emphasis in Democratic circles on Social Security and Medicare,
and educational issues primarily as they relate to young children.
They employ communications strategies that bypass the media habits
of younger people, focusing on older audiences that consume conventional
media (for example, broadcast news). Progressives need to communicate
with younger people in a way that addresses the issues they care
about in their own language. They need to hear about how politics
matters in their lives, from people and sources that share common
values and experiences. Effective communication, moreover, needs
to reach young people where they get their information and learn
about politics--the organs of popular culture: music, magazines,
late-night television and, to a lesser degree, the Internet. But
more fundamentally, progressives need to understand that young
people do not share a progressive vision merely because they tend
to be more liberal than older people on issues concerning the
environment and sexuality. Instead, we need to actively make the
connections among patriotism, the work of government, the current
economic debate and a larger progressive agenda.
Anna Greenberg, vice president of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner
Research, is also an assistant professor at Harvard University's
Kennedy School, on leave.
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