Guatemala: Berger Wins Presidency,
Rios Montt Loses Immunity
by Dale Sorenson
MITF Report, Spring 2004
Marin Interfaith Task Force
on the Americas

Oscar Berger won Guatemala's 2003 elections
and will serve as President for the next four years. This news
was secondary to many Guatemalans who cared more about the fate
of a candidate who suffered early defeat than about the eventual
On November 9, over half the registered
voters turned out for Guatemala's general elections and voted
down the Guatemalan Republican Front (FRG) presidential candidate,
former military dictator Efrain Rios Montt. Despite the attempts
to guarantee Rios Montt's victory through bribery, vote buying,
intimidation, and misleading populist discourse, the Guatemalan
people soundly rejected him at the polls.
Rios Montt's electoral demise was in one
sense no surprise: he was trailing by a large margin in the polls,
and he had been attacked and stoned at campaign rallies, run out
of town, and booed while voting. Nevertheless, the General's defeat
was by no means a foregone conclusion Indications of pre electoral
fraud, manipulation, and threats of violence had led many to question
whether the elections would be fair and transparent.
Therefore, human rights defenders and
war survivors breathed a collective sigh of relief as the notorious
ex-dictator went down in the polls. His defeat and resultant loss
of immunity will facilitate citizens' efforts to prosecute him
for the atrocities that took place under his leadership twenty
years ago.
Nevertheless, the presidential defeat
did not completely strip Rios Montt or his backers of power. His
party maintained significant representation in Congress, and the
military will continue to wield influence in the new government.
Oscar Berger, who hails from Guatemala's
traditional elite, supports neoliberal free trade agreements and
perks for big business. He is a partner in a number of national
businesses and sits on numerous company boards as well as economic
councils of Central America.
Berger's campaign on the Grand National
Alliance party ticket (GANA) used simple slogans, vague promises,
and an avalanche of political propaganda He won by a large margin
in Guatemala City, where he served as mayor from 19961999, a position
considered the second most political office in the country.
Meredith Kruse, MlTF's current accompanier
in Guatemala wrote, "... all of the witnesses in the genocide
case supported Oscar Berger and were elated, yet cautious, when
news came that he had won. Given that only two parties active}y
campaigned ... (FRG party of Rios Montt and GANA of Berger) one
can understand why people had chosen the lesser of two evils.
Witnesses explained their support for Berger in pragmatic terms
- as a way to secure monetary support in the form of solar panels
and payments for their years of obligatory service in the Army's
civil patrols. (Yes, witnesses and ex pacs are sometimes one in
the same.) So while witnesses had organized and voted for Berger
with great personal risk, they also held no illusions that the
government would make drastic changes to improve their lives in
the future. Witnesses were definitely relieved when Rios Montt
was defeated but, like Berger's victory, this event seemed to
reinvigorate, rather than lessen, their participation in organizations
like CALDH (Center for Human Rights Legal Action) as a means to
pressure and hold accountable a government structure still deeply
Guatemala also elected 158 congressional
representatives and 331 municipal officials ...
The election of President Berger has successfully
replaced the military-based party of Rios Montt with its strong
ties to organized crime that has been at odds with the private
sector for the past four years. Now, with his loss of immunity
Montt can be tried for genocide.
Sources: NISGUA's Report on Guatemala,
Winter 2003; Z Magazine, February 2004 (www.zmagorg!; Friends
and Family letter from Meridith Kruse, January 30, 2004
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