Romero Remembered
25th Anniversary of Martyred Archbishop
by Wayne Ellwood
New Internationalist magazine.
April 2005

The bearded assassin hunched down in the
back of a dust-streaked red Volkswagen waiting for a clear shot.
Inside San Salvador's Hospital de la Divina Frovidencia, Oscar
Romero, the diminutive Archbishop of El Salvador, was celebrating
mass in the hospital's chapel when the crack of a gunshot split
the silence, knocking the cleric to the ground. Within minutes
he was dead. It was Monday 24 March 1980.
News of the murder echoed around the world,
sparking a full-scale civil war in the tiny Central American country.
Before the conflict was halted by the 1992 Peace Accords, the
carnage in El Salvador lasted 12 years and took a further 80,000
Central America was then the front-line
in a Cold War campaign by the US to stop the 'scourge of communism'
spreading up the spine of the Americas. In El Salvador, a leftist
insurgency led by the FMLN (Farabundo Marti National Liberation)
was contesting the landed oligarchy's centuries-old hold on power.
A small clique of wealthy families with strong links to US business
interests ran the country. The US, first under Jimmy Carter and
later Ronald Reagan, funnelled millions in military aid to El
Salvador to defeat what it saw as a communist-led insurrection.
Salvador's wealthy elites controlled the
armed forces and the notorious 'death squads' - hired thugs who
tortured, raped and murdered anyone who showed the slightest opposition
to the system. Trade unionists, innocent peasants, community activists,
their friends and families were killed by the thousands. Corpses
were buried in shallow graves, dumped onto street corners and
tossed into garbage dumps. By 1980 more than 3,000 people a month
were being murdered. In March 1993 the UN Truth Commission on
El Salvador concluded that the responsibility for the killings
of thousands of Salvadorean civilians lay with senior military
officers in an army which was strongly backed by Washington.
Archbishop Romero spoke out loudly against
these injustices. He pleaded with US to stop military aid which
he said was financing the military and the death squads. In his
weekly radio sermons he told the oligarchy to halt the killing,
using his position to challenge the 'unjust economic structures'
which he saw as the root causes of the conflict.
And in a country where the peasants were
seen as subhuman, he preached that the poor themselves must take
power: The world of the poor teaches us that liberation will arrive
only when the poor are not simply on the receiving end of handouts
from governments or from churches, but when they themselves are
the masters and protagonists of their own struggle for liberation.'
This effrontery did not sit well with
the oligarchy. Repeated death threats were issued against the
Archbishop - to no avail. Shortly before his murder he said: 'I
do not believe in death without resurrection. If they kill me
I will rise again in the people of El Salvador... if God accepts
the sacrifice of my life, then may my blood be the seed of liberty
and a sign that hope will soon become a reality.'
On the Sunday before his murder, in the
old cathedral in the heart of the capital, Romero again denounced
the military violence. In a rising voice, breaking with emotion,
he called on ordinary soldiers to side with the people, to ignore
the orders of their superiors. honour through the streets of San
'Brothers, you are from the same people,
you kill your fellow peasant... No soldier is obliged to obey
an order that is contrary to the will of God... In the name of
God then, in the name of this suffering people I ask you, I command
you in the name of God: stop the repression.'
The 1993 UN Commission concluded that
ARENA party founder and US favourite Roberto D'Aubuisson 'gave
the order to assassinate the Archbishop and gave precise instructions
to members of his security service, acting as a death squad, to
organize and supervise the assassination'.
A quarter-century after the murder of
Oscar Romero, El Salvador is still emerging from the devastation.
The FMLN holds the largest number of seats in the National Assembly.
But the right-wing ARENA party under Tony Saca holds the presidency
and the oligarchy remains firmly in control. The usual IMF/World
Bank package has cut agricultural subsidies and slashed education
and health spending, leading to further hardship for the campesino
majority. The country's foreign debt is nearly half its gross
national product. A new Central American Free Trade Agreement,
which will further unleash market forces, looms.
And what has the US Government learned
from all of this? Not much, it appears. Recent news reports in
The New Yorker and Newsweek claim that the Pentagon has proposed
the 'Salvador Option' for Iraq - 'training paramilitary forces
loyal to the US to carry out intimidation and assassination campaigns
against insurgents'.
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