War Crimes in the Congo by Laurent
Nkunda and Paul Kagame
Congo News Agency
www.congoplanet.com/, October
30, 2008

According to the International Rescue
Committee, more than 5,400,000 Congolese civilians have died due
to war during the last ten years. Most of these deaths have occurred
in eastern Congo where rebel leader Laurent Nkunda continues to
wage a resources war against a democratically elected and internationally
recognized government. Laurent Nkunda alleges that he is protecting
the minority Tutsi ethnic group against remnants of the Rwandan
Hutu army that fled to Congo after the Rwandan genocide in 1994.
If Tutsis are under attack in the Congo
then there must be a widespread conspiracy not to report these
attacks by the local media, the Rwandan media, the United Nations
peacekeeping mission in Congo (MONUC), and the international media,
at least for the last five years. The fact is that attacks against
Congolese of all ethnic groups are a daily occurrence in the region.
Laurent Nkunda's troops are responsible for most of these attacks.
Not only have countless civilians lost
their lives, hundreds of thousands of Congolese women have been
raped by rebels and militiamen in an epidemic that has reached
apocalyptic proportions. Tutsis have not been singled out for
attacks. Congolese have certainly not attacked Tutsis in Congo.
But, they are paying the high price of an unjust and immoral war
imposed on them by the Rwandan government and its local agents.
One of the enduring mysteries of the conflict
in eastern Congo is why have more than 5,400,000 innocent Congolese
civilians had to die at no fault of their own. There are more
than 300 ethnic groups in the Congo. Tutsi villages are mainly
found in the two Kivu provinces. Tutsis are a small minority in
North and South Kivu. Is one ethnic group superior to all other
300 ethnic groups present in the Congo? Should one ethnic group
have special dispensations to entertain a war that continues to
kill countless civilians, a war that continues to cause tens of
thousands of women to be raped, and the displacement of more than
1,000,000 civilians.
Congolese did not invite and have never
welcomed the Rwandan Hutu militiamen to their country. Much to
the contrary, Congo has no interest and absolutely nothing to
gain by their presence. Congolese citizens would like nothing
more than to see all remaining Hutus go back to Rwanda. Paul Kagame
wants them to stay in Congo. He has frustrated all attempts by
the Congolese government and the international community to repatriate
them back to their country. He failed to finish them off when
he had tens of thousands of his troops occupying the region, before
"withdrawing" some of them under international pressure
in 2003 and leaving the job to Laurent Nkunda.
Some have bought into the pretext of an
endangered Tutsi minority in Congo. They never fail to mention
that Laurent Nkunda is supposedly fighting to protect "his
people". They have failed to question his true motives which
are to occupy the mineral-rich North-Kivu province, pillage its
resources, and act as a proxy army in eastern Congo for the Tutsi-led
Rwandan government in Kigali. Kagame wants a foothold in eastern
Congo so his country can continue to benefit from the pillaging
and exporting of minerals such as Columbite-Tantalite (Coltan).
Many experts on the region agree today that resources are the
true reason why Laurent Nkunda continues to create chaos in the
region with the help of Paul Kagame.
What's shocking is that some in the media
have no shame in calling and joking with the rebel leader in interviews
while he continues to be the main reason why more than 1,000 people
are dying per day in Congo, 600 of them children. These journalists
should think twice before cozying up to a person that will go
down in history as a war criminal and mass murderer alongside
Radovan Karadzic and Adolph Hitler.
Laurent Nkunda is a war criminal. The
Congolese government issued an international arrest warrant against
him for war crimes in 2005. Human Rights Watch has been calling
for his arrest for war crimes since February of 2006. He is on
a UN Sanctions List for breaches of the UN arms embargo in the
DRC. On October 31, 2006 U.S. President George W. Bush signed
Executive Order 13413 freezing his assets for contributing to
the conflict in the Congo.
Laurent Nkunda belongs in a prison cell
at The Hague along with his acolyte Bosco Ntaganda, who is being
sought under an unrest warrant issued by the International Criminal
Court (ICC) and unsealed on April, 28 2008. Laurent Nkunda is
also under investigation by the ICC. Many Congolese are wondering
why there has not yet been an indictment of Laurent Nkunda while
the court was quick to issue one against former Congolese vice-president
Jean-Pierre Bemba for crimes that while equally important and
indefensible, pale in comparison against those of Laurent Nkunda
and his troops.
Laurent Nkunda's boss Paul Kagame was
indicted on November 17, 2006 by then French magistrate in charge
of counter-terrorism affairs Jean-Louis Bruguière. He is
accused in the indictment of ordering the attack on the plane
carrying then Rwandan President, Juvenal Habyarimana and his counterpart
Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi. Their deaths led to the genocide
of an estimated 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus. Judge Fernando
Andreou Merelles of the Spanish Central Instruction Court issued
indictments against 40 senior officers of the Rwanda Defense Forces
formerly of the Rwanda Patriotic Army for committing mass killings
after the 1994 Rwanda Genocide. He said he also has evidence against
Paul Kagame who only escaped indictment because he is a sitting
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