Pilfering Congo's wealth at warp
Friends of the Congo
World Peace Herald, July10, 2006

London based Global Witness recently published
a scathing report entitled Digging in Corruption: Fraud, Abuse
and Exploitation in Katanga's Copper and Cobalt Mines. The report
documents the corruption, abuse and rank exploitation taking place
in the formal and informal mining sectors in Congo's Katanga province
(one of the world's richest copper and cobalt producing areas).
The report is yet another lucid documentation
of the pilfering of the Congo's wealth. The United Nation's four
reports from 2001 - 2003, reports by Human Rights Watch, Fatal
Transactions reports, independent journalist Keith Harmon Snow's
work and the Congolese parliament's Lutundula Commission Report
all clearly identify the link between corrupt Congolese officials
and foreign mining companies, mainly from Europe, Canada, United
States, Australia, South Africa and of late India and China. Global
Witness says the mining sector in Katanga is characterized by
"widespread corruption and fraud at all levels." See
the reports section of the FOTC website!
__The rapid pace at which the wealth of
the Congo is being sold at below bargain basement prices is shameless.
The rebels, turned so-called politicians, and multi-national corporations
are the primary beneficiaries of the Congo resource grab. Gerhard
Kemp of the Rand Merchant Bank, of Johannesburg, SA is quoted
in the Global Witness report (p.34) saying "The Congo is
so rich in mineral wealth, you can't just ignore it. You don't
want to be the last guy at this party." Without a doubt this
is the greatest land grab party of the modern era.
The South African Mail and Guardian reported
that there is an international scramble for the wealth of the
Congo and that "billions of dollars will be made." Juxtaposed
to the billions to be made and the estimated $1 billion that left
Katanga province in 2005, is the unending suffering of the average
Congolese. One Congolese miner interviewed by Global Witness says
"We know that the Congo is rich. But despite this - we do
not even have enough to eat. Only one category of people profits."
Congolese live on an average of $100 per year and 80 percent of
the population lives on 30 cents per day. The Congo is a classic
case of modern day serfdom and the depravity of those seeking
to benefit at the expense of others even if millions more Congolese
must die. Surely, King Leopold II would have a rye smile on his
face knowing that over 100 years later the plunder and pillage
that he began continues uninterrupted with impunity.
According to Global Witness, the majority
of the contracts signed over the past five years give the Congo
less than 25% share and in some cases, significantly less. An
example of the type of deals signed is represented by the worlds
richest copper mine, Tenke Fungurume; the foreign companies Phelps
Dodge of Phoenix, Arizona and Tenke Mining Corp. of British Columbia,
Canada own 82.5%, while the Congo owns a paltry 17.5% of its own
resources through the parastatal, Gecamines. Many of these contracts
are signed for an entire generation, 30 - 40 years, which for
all intents and purposes condemn a generation of Congolese to
serfdom and poverty, whereby their resources are plundered to
benefit foreign corporations. In fact, Global Witness reports
that deals signed with Phelps Dodge, Global Enterprises Corporate
Ltd and Kinross-Forrest (Kinross Gold Corporation of Toronto,
Canada and George Forrest International of Belgium) deliver 70
percent of the Congo's known copper reserves to these foreign
Should the pilfering continue unchecked,
Katanga province will serve as a precursor of what is to come
for the entire country. The province is under government control,
unlike some of the other eastern provinces embroiled in conflict,
yet the people are subject to abject poverty and deprivation.
While the world's eyes are on the upcoming July 30th elections,
the wealth is going out the back door at warp speed. This reinforces
what Congolese say is the under-belly of the election process
whereby the international community is working feverishly and
spending heavily to legitimize the current client regime so that
the unfettered pilfering of the Congo can continue (See interview
with Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja by Pambazuka News).
A window of opportunity exists to break
the cycle of pillage of the Congo's human and natural resources;
a process, which began in its modern form under King Leopold II
of Belgium in 1885, continued under Belgium Colonialism for a
half-century and perpetuated for over 3 decades by the Western-imposed
and backed dictator Mobutu Sese Seko.
The underdevelopment and impoverishment
of an entire generation is being carried out while a perverse
alliance between corrupt government officials and big business
line their pockets. Surely such a proposition is repulsive to
any nation or people who claim to be moral, just or civilized.
No human rights group or concerned celebrity can claim to be fighting
poverty with any moral veracity and be silent or ignore the plunder
and rape of the Congo. People of conscience and goodwill can hardly
sit idly and do nothing as another generation of Congolese is
in the process of being condemned to forced labor, poverty, and
mass death.
Congo watch
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