The Vile Scramble For Loot
How British Corporations are Fuelling
War in the Congo
by Robert Miller
www.zcommunications.org/, November
19, 2009

The Democratic Republic of Congo is suffering
what is almost certainly the worst humanitarian crisis in the
world. In their 2007 study of mortality rates in the DRC the International
Rescue Committee estimated that, as a result of the war, "5.4
million excess deaths have occurred between August 1998 and April
2007." The IRC report also estimated that the "DR Congo's
national crude mortality rate (CMR) of 2.2 deaths per 1,000 per
month is 57 percent higher than the average rate for sub-Saharan
Africa", and in eastern provinces, which are the most violent,
the CMR is "2.6 deaths per 1,000 per month, a rate that is
85 percent higher than the sub-Saharan average." [1 The charity
"Raise Hope for Congo" reports that "45,000 people
die each month [in Eastern Congo], mostly from hunger and disease
resulting from the ongoing conflict, and over 1 million people
have been displaced." [2 That is approximately 1,500 deaths
a day, 62 deaths an hour and a death every minute. If you take
the figure of 45,000 deaths a month as constant then at the time
of writing (November 2009), 1,350,000 people have died as a result
of the war in Eastern Congo since the IRC published its study.
That would put the total amount of excess deaths at 6,750,000
(6.75 million). _
According to the British charity Save
the Congo, "You could take all lives lost in Bosnia, Rwanda
1994 [sic] and Darfur then add the 2005 Asian tsunami, then add
a 9-11 every single day for 356 days and then go through Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. Put all of those together, multiply by 2 and you
still don't reach the number of lives that has been lost in the
Congo since the war started." They also say that "[hundreds
of thousands] of women and young girls have been brutally gang
raped and around 40% of all adult women have been made widows."[3]_
All over Eastern Congo there are wards
"full of women who have been gang-raped and then shot in
the vagina." According to Dr Denis Mukwege, "Around
ten percent of the gang-rape victims have had this happen to them".[4]
This means that tens of thousands of women have been raped and
shot in the vagina. And this affects of women of all ages, from
3 year olds to old ladies.
_The Congolese people live in abject poverty.
The Democratic Republic of Congo has the highest proportion of
starving people in the world, according to the 2008 Global Hunger
Index, which ranked the Congo as a 42.7. That is an increase from
25.5 (which is still ranked as "alarming") in 1990.
[5 Women often have to carry "more than their own body-weight
in wood or coal or sand, all day, every day" just to make
enough money to survive.[6]_
According to the IRC report on mortality
rates in the Congo:_
The majority of deaths have been due to
infectious diseases, malnutrition and neonatal- and pregnancy-related
conditions. Increased rates of disease are likely related to the
social and economic disturbances caused by conflict, including
disruption of health services, poor food security, deterioration
of infrastructure and population displacement. Children, who are
particularly susceptible to these easily preventable and treatable
conditions, accounted for 47 percent of deaths, even though they
constituted only 19 percent of the total population.[7]
_Men and women in the DRC have life expectancies
of 42 and 47 years, respectively, making an average life expectancy
of 44 years. The under-5 mortality rate is 205 per 1,000 live
births. That means that 1 in 5 Congolese children die before they
reach the age of 5. Only 29% of rural Congolese have access to
clean water sources and only 23% have access to decent sanitation.
31% of children under 5 are underweight, 452 people in every 100,000
have malaria and 551 in every 100,000 have tuberculosis. The maternal
mortality rate is 990 per 100,000 live births.[8]
_Compare this to Britain, where the life
expectancy at birth is 78, the under-5 mortality rate is 6 per
1,000 live births (more than 34 times less than in the DRC), nearly
100% of the population has access to improved water sources and
improved sanitation, the proportion of malnourished children is
close to 0%[9] and the maternal mortality rate is 261 per 100,000
live births[10] (almost 4 times lower than in the DRC).
_In the Congo, "since 1998, as many
as 85 percent of those living near the front lines [of the war]
have been affected by violence" and in Eastern DRC, which
is the main area of fighting, mortality rates are "one third
higher than the rest of the DRC",[11] where mortality rates
are already terrible. But how did all of this happen?
_The (second) Congo war began in 1998
when Uganda and Rwanda invaded the Congo, launching "a bloody
military offensive to overthrow [Congolese president] Laurent
Kabila". The offensive failed but Rwanda and Uganda stayed
in the Congo to take advantage of the rich resources of the country.
They were soon joined by "Burundi, Angola, Namibia, Sudan
and Zimbabwe, as well as dozens of home grown militia groups and
private armies" who wanted a piece of the spoils. "In
2002 and 2003 ... Rwanda and Uganda, after intense international
pressure, decided to withdraw from Congo but each, however, leaving
behind dozens of armed groups they had created and trained while
occupying the Congo".[12] There are now armed groups all
over the DRC, many with different loyalties, all fighting mercilessly
to get access to the riches under the ground. __Global Witness
has said that "The minerals scattered all over North and
South Kivu have acted as a magnet for rebel groups and military
factions throughout the last 12 years."[13] The Panel of
Experts at the UN reported in 2001 that "the conflict in
the Democratic Republic of the Congo has become mainly about access,
control and trade of five key mineral resources: coltan, diamonds,
copper, cobalt and gold."[14] The same report stated that
"the role of the private sector in the exploitation of natural
resources and the continuation of the war has been vital. A number
of companies have been involved and have fuelled the war directly,
trading arms for natural resources. Others have facilitated access
to financial resources, which are used to purchase weapons. Companies
trading minerals, which the Panel considered to be 'the engine
of the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo' have
prepared the field for illegal mining activities in the country."[15]
_These military factions and rebel groups
are among the most brutal in the world. These groups include the
Forces Démocratiques pour la Liberation du Rwanda (FDLR)
from Rwanda, the Congrés National pour la Défense
du Peuple (CNDP) from Rwanda, the Patriotes Résistants
Congolaise (PARECO), various Mai-Mai groups who fight alongside
the Congolese army, the Forces Républicaines Fédéralistes
(FRF) and the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique
du Congo (FARDC). These groups have atrocious human rights records,
and murder and rape are common. There are huge numbers of child
soldiers in the DRC: Control Arms reports that "about 30,000
to 35,000 children have been recruited" by armed groups since
the start of the war.[16]_
The only reason these groups are able
to survive is because they control the mines. "The Congo
possesses over 80 per cent of the world's reserve of coltan.[17]
and has vast amounts of casserite (tin ore), gold, wolframite,
pyrochlore, diamonds, clays, copper, cobalt, gas, nickel, oil,
tungstone, zinc, iron, kaolin, niobium, ochre, bauxite, marble,
phosphates, saline, granite, emerald, monazite, silver, uranium,
platinum and lead. The DRC is "the only country on earth
that houses all elements found on the periodic table".[18]
The Congo is probably the richest country in the world in terms
of natural resources.
_The rebel groups use their control over
the natural resources to gain profit and power. Global Witness
believes that "the profits they make through this plunder
enable some of the most violent armed groups to stay alive."[19]
Without this money they would not be able to recruit soldiers.
"UNICEF says the militias can are [sic] offering ... $60-a-month
to carry on seizing and raping and killing" and when people
are starving they will accept anything in order to keep their
families alive.[20] The war is mainly fought to keep control over
the mines and is mainly funded through profits made by that mining.
Without those profits, it is unlikely that the war would continue.
_Corporations all around the world, including
those in Britain, are trading for these minerals and are making
a huge profit off the warring factions. If it wasn't for this
trade then it is extremely unlikely that the war would be able
to continue. But the profits made off these minerals - especially
colton which is needed for electronics such as mobile phones,
computers and televisions - are too great for the corporations
to ignore.
In trading for these minerals, a whole
host of foreign corporations fund the worst holocaust since World
War II. This report focuses on corporations in Britain and how
they are fuelling the war and human rights abuses in the Congo.
The Trail:
There is a long and complicated money
trail that goes from the Congo to the UK and back again. Minerals
start off with the warring factions that control the mines. From
there they go to comptoirs, - trading houses - and on to foreign
corporations, where they get made into products, such as laptops
or rings, which we buy. Then the warring factions use the money
that they have made from the mines to buy weapons from foreign
corporations or the governments of countries neighbouring the
Congo. So our money goes from us to the corporations, to the comptoirs,
to the warlords and back to the corporations, through the comptoirs.
Everyone gains, except the Congolese people. _
The whole process begins with the rebel
groups who control the mines. Global Witness reports that "In
many parts of the provinces of North and South Kivu [the main
zones of conflict], armed groups and the Congolese national army
control the trade in cassiterite (tin ore), gold, columbite-tantalite
(coltan), wolframite (a source of tungsten) and other minerals."[21]
A report by the UN Security Council, produced by the Group of
Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, concludes that
"more than 90 per cent of minerals arriving at the Lulingu
airstrip come from FDLR-controlled areas" and that "FDLR
controls the majority of the principal artisanal mining sites
in South Kivu, which are mostly cassiterite, gold and coltan mines".[22]
This control over the mines is the main source of revenue for
the warlords and the only thing keeping the groups going. The
Group of Experts estimates that "FDLR is reaping profits
worth millions of dollars a year from the trade in minerals from
eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, in particular cassiterite,
gold, coltan and wolframite."[23] As noted earlier in this
report, it is unlikely that the rebel groups would be able to
survive without the income from controlling the mines. Their ability
to recruit soldiers would diminish and they would not have the
funds to continue their activities. The Group of Experts at the
UN has reported that "the principal method used by FDLR to
raise funds is through illegal trade of mineral resources.[24]
And "a Congolese government official told Global Witness
that at least 90% of gold exports were undeclared."[25] Undeclared
goods are almost certainly under the control of armed groups and
statistics are probably similar for other minerals. The Group
Of Experts "believes that it is not in the interest of certain
FARDC commanders to end the conflict in eastern Democratic Republic
of Congo as long as their units are able to deploy to, and profit
from, mining areas."[26] The same surely applies for the
other armed groups, including the government. In 2002, the Group
of Experts at the UN wrote that "no coltan exits from the
eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo without benefiting either
the rebel groups or foreign armies."[27] These rebel groups
all have atrocious human rights records, which have been well
documented by the sources given in this report. _
Conditions for mining in the DRC are horrendous.
Global Witness reports that "in the course of plundering
these minerals, rebel groups and the Congolese army have used
forced labour (often in extremely harsh and dangerous conditions),
carried out systematic extortion and imposed illegal "taxes"
on the civilian population. They have also used violence and intimidation
against civilians who attempt to resist working for them or handing
over the minerals they produce." On top of all of this "the
minerals are dug by hand, or with very basic tools, by civilians
known as artisanal miners. These miners work in extremely harsh
conditions, without training, equipment or protection; fatal accidents
and serious injuries occur regularly." The report also states
that the artisanal miners "are the first to suffer exploitation
and human rights abuses at the hands of warring parties and derive
few, if any, benefits from working in these conditions" since
most of the work is slave labour, or if it is paid then it is
paid very poorly.[28] In a 2005 report, entitled "The Curse
of Gold", Human Rights Watch documented many horrible human
rights abuses that gold mining had wrought on the Congolese people
including "widespread ethnic slaughter, executions, torture,
rape and arbitrary arrest ... organized forced community labour
... beatings, and other forms of cruel and degrading treatment"
among many others. __The report states that "soldiers and
armed group leaders, seeing control of the gold mines as a way
to money, guns, and power, have fought each other ruthlessly,
often targeting civilians in the process". The report opens
by quoting a Congolese gold miner as saying "We are cursed
because of our gold. All we do is suffer. There is no benefit
to us."[29]
_Once mined, the minerals go from the
warlords to the comptoirs. These are trading houses, mainly based
in Goma and Bukavu, the capitals of North and South Kivu respectively.
The comptoirs buy minerals from all over North and South Kivu,
then sell the minerals onto (mostly) foreign companies. Global
Witness reports that "officially register comptoirs are required
to obtain a licence [sic] from the Ministry of Mines. Thereafter,
they are operating 'legally', at least from a technical point
of view ... The comptoirs' official status has allowed them to
claim a certain legitimacy. This in turn has enabled foreign purchasers
who buy minerals from them to claim that they buy only from 'legal'
sources."[30] So, in effect, the comptoirs act as middlemen
between the foreign corporations and the armed groups, allowing
the foreign corporations to claim that they are only buying from
legitimate, legal sources, when they are actually -albeit indirectly
- buying from the warlords. A representative of a comptoir told
Global Witness that "we all end up buying minerals which,
in some way, have been produced illegally."[31] The Group
of Experts at the UN "has identified several comptoirs in
Bukavu as directly complicit in pre-financing negociants, who
in turn work closely with FDLR. These companies are Group Olive,
Etablissement Muyeye, MDM, World Mining Company (WMC) and Panju.
These companies are the top five exporters of cassiterite, coltan
and wolframite from South Kivu, according to 2007 Government statistics,
and are explicitly licensed to export minerals by the Government."[32]
In short, the mineral trail from Eastern Congo is a complicated
web, in which it is almost impossible to avoid buying from - and
funding - armed groups, even if you are buying from "legal"
_From the comptoirs, the minerals then
go to foreign corporations and they are traded through ahost of
different corporations until a product is complete. The trail
gets convoluted and hard to follow here but attempts have been
made. The UN Group of Experts has obtained "official documents
that show that in 2007, the only importers of cassiterite and
coltan from Olive, Muyeye, WMC and MDM [some of the comptoirs
found to be directly complicit in financing FDLR] were the Belgian
company Taxys, and the United Kingdom-based company Afrimex."[33]
But this is only from 4 out of the approximately 40 licensed comptoirs
in North and South Kivu, most of whom are probably involved with
one or another armed group, and covers only 2 out of the Congo's
many resources. Other corporations mentioned in the UN report
as having helped finance rebel groups include Gold Link Burundi,
Farrel trade and Investment Corporation and Emirates Gold. The
report states that "cassiterite, coltan and wolframite are
officially exported through companies based in Austria, Belgium,
Canada, China, Hong Kong (China), India, Malaysia, Thailand, Rwanda,
South Africa, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the Russian Federation,
the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland ... Gold is smuggled out mainly through neighbouring
countries and principally into the United Arab Emirates and Europe."[34]
_In 2001 the Group of Experts at the UN
made their original report on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural
Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic
of the Congo. In this report they gave a list of "companies
importing minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo via
Rwanda" with data collected from the Rwanda Revenue authority.[35]
This list is reprinted here:
Company Country of destination Merchandise
Cogem Belgium cassiterites
Muka-Enterprise Belgium cassiterites
Issa Germany cassiterites
Chpistopa Floss Germany cassiterites
Redemi Rwanda cassiterites
Banro-Resources Corp. Malaysia cassiterites, coltan
Canada cassiterites
Bharat United Republic of Tanzania cassiterites
Extano-Office Rwanda coltan
Coopimar Rwanda coltan
Geologistics Hannover Germany coltan
Rwasibo-Butera Switzerland coltan
Eagleswings Netherlands coltan
Veen Netherlands coltan
Soger Belgium coltan
Patel Warehouse Netherlands coltan
Afrimex United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland coltan
Netherlands cassiterites
Chimie Pharmacie Netherlands coltan
Belgium coltan
Sogem Belgium coltan, cassiterites, tin
Cogecom Belgium coltan, cassiterites
Cogea Belgium coltan
Panalpina Kenya coltan
Tradement Belgium coltan, cassiterites
Ventro Star United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Raremet India coltan
Finconord Pakistan coltan
Finiming Ltd. Belgium coltan
Finconcorde Russian Federation cassiterites, coltan
Patel India cassiterites
Cicle International Belgium coltan
Masingiro Germany coltan
Union-Transport Germany coltan
Specialty Metal Belgium coltan
MDW Belgium cassiterites, coltan
Transintra Belgium cassiterites
Since these are only the companies that
have been through Rwanda and only the ones documented by the Rwanda
Revenue Authority it is only a small sample of the corporations
exploiting minerals from the Congo, but it is indicative of how
many are doing it.
Global witness reports that:
According to Congolese government statistics,
companies registered in Belgium accounted for the largest proportion
of cassiterite, wolframite and coltan imports from North and South
Kivu in 2007 and from North Kivu from January to September 2008.
The main Belgian companies are Trademet, Traxys, SDE, STI and
Specialty Metals. After these Belgian companies, the largest buyers
of cassiterite from North and South Kivu in 2007 were the Thailand
Smelting and Refining Corporation (THAISARCO), the world's fifth-largest
tin-producing company owned by the large British metals company
Amalgamated Metal Corporation (AMC) Group; Afrimex, a UK-registered
company (see below); and MPA , the Rwanda-based subsidiary of
South-African owned Kivu Resources. These were followed by the
Malaysian Smelting Corporation Berhad (the world's fourth-largest
tin-producing company), and companies based in China, India, Austria,
the Netherlands and Russia. Four other companies - African Ventures
Ltd in China, Met Trade India Ltd in India, Eurosib Logistics
JSC in Russia and BEB Investment Inc. in Canada - accounted for
an increasing proportion of cassiterite imports from North Kivu
between January and September 2008. For coltan, the largest importers
in 2007 were Traxys, THAISARCO and companies based in Hong Kong
and South Africa. For wolframite, Belgian companies (Trademet
and Specialty Metals) were once again the largest buyers in 2007.
Other buyers included Afrimex, THAISARCO and companies registered
in the Netherlands, China, Austria, United Arab Emirates and Russia.
There are no reliable statistics for gold exports from North or
South Kivu. Even for cassiterite, wolframite and coltan, Congolese
government statistics are incomplete, and there are large discrepancies
with corresponding statistics from importing countries. [36]
_In another report[37] in 2002, the Panel
of Experts listed 85 "business enterprises considered by
the panel to be in violation of the OECD guidelines for multinational
enterprises". The table has been reproduced here:[38]
Name of Company Business Country
African Trading Corporation (Sarl) Trading of natural resources
from DRC South Africa
Afrimex Coltan trading UK
Ahmad Diamond Corporation Diamond trading Belgium
A.H. Pong & Sons Import-Export South Africa
A. Knight International Ltd Assaying UK
A & M Minerals and Metals Ltd Trading Minerals UK
Alex Stewart (Assayers) Ltd Assaying UK
Amalgamated Metal Corporation Plc Trading Coltan UK
America Mineral Fields Mining USA
Anglo American Plc Mining UK
Anglovaal Mining Ltd Mining South Africa
Arctic Investment Investment UK [actually based in Canada]
ASA Diam Diamond trading Belgium
ASA International
Ashanti Goldfields Mining Ghana
Avient Air Private military company Zimbabwe
Banro Corporation Mining South Africa
Barclays Bank Banking UK
Bayer A.G. Chemical Industry Germany
B.B.L Banking Belgium
Belgolaise Banking Belgium
Cabot Corporation Tantalum processing USA
Carson Products Commercialisation of resources of the DRC South
Chemie Pharmacie Holland Financial and logistical support to EWRI
Cogecom Coltan trading Belgium
Dara Forest Timber exploitation Belgium
Das Air Airline company UK
De Beers Diamond mining and trading UK
Diagem BVBA Diamond trading Belgium
Eagle Wings Resources International Exploitation of coltan from
Echogem Diamond trading Belgium
Enterprise Generale Malta Forest Construction, mining, trading
Euromet Coltan trading UK
Finconcord SA Coltan trading from DRC Switzerland
Finmining Coltan trading from DRC Saint Kitts
First Quantum Minerals Mining Canada
Flashes Of Colour Diamond trading USA
Fortis Banking Belgium
George Forrest International Afrique Management DRC
Harambee Mining Corporation Mining Canada
H.C. Starck GmbH & Co KG Processing coltan Germany
Ibryv And Associates LLC Diamond trading Switzerland
International Panorama Resources Corp Mining Canada
Iscor Mining South Africa
Jewel Impex Bvba Diamond trading Belgium
Kababankola Mining Company Mining Zimbabwe
Kemet Electronics Corporation Capacitor manufacturer USA
KHA International AG Minerals trading Germany
Kinross Gold Corporation Mining USA
K & N Project development Belgium
Komal Gems NV Diamond trading Belgium
Lundin Group Mining Bermuda
Malaysia Smelting Corporation Coltan processing Malaysia
Masingiro GmbH Minerals trading Germany
Melkior Resources Inc Mining Canada
Mercantille CC Trading in natural resources from DRC South Africa
Mineral Afrika Limited Trading in natural resources from DRC UK
NAC Kazatomprom Tantalum processing Kazakhstan
Nami Gems Diamond trader Belgium
Ningxia Non-Ferrous Metals Smelter Tantalum processing China
OM Group Inc Mining USA + Finland
Operation Sovereign Legitimacy (OSLEG) Pvt Ltd Commercial interests
in the DRC Zimbabwe
Orion Mining Inc Mining South Africa
Pacific Ores Metals And Chemicals Ltd Coltan trading Hong Kong
Raremet Ltd Coltan trading from DRC Saint Kitts
Saracen Security company South Africa
SDV Transintra Transport France
Sierra Gem Diamonds Diamond trading Belgium
SLC Germany GmbH Coltan transport Germany
Sogem Coltan trading Belgium
Speciality Metals Company SA Coltan trading Belgium
Standard Chartered Bank Banking U.A.E
Swanepoel Construction South Africa
Tenke Mining Corporation Mining Canada
Thorntree Industries (Pvt) Ltd Provides capital to MBC Zimbabwe
Track Star Trading 151 (Pty) Ltd Exploitation and trading minerals
in DRC South Africa
Trademet SA Coltan trading Belgium
Tremalt Ltd Mining British Virgin Islands
Trinitech International Inc Coltan trading and exploitation USA
Triple A Diamonds Diamond trading Belgium
Umicore International Metals and Materials Group Belgium
Vishay Sprague Capicitor manufacturer USA + Israel
Zincor Mining South Africa
This list is not complete and is from
2002 so it is doubtful that it is still entirely accurate. But
it gives an indicative picture. As you can see, there is a huge
web of corporations that are guilty of exacerbating the conflict
in the Congo. When you take into account other businesses that
trade with these corporations the list grows exponentially. This
report is only focusing on corporations in the UK but it is important
to take note of all of them.
_The final step in the trail is the sale
of weapons from international arms companies to the warring factions
in the Congo. They use the money they have acquired from selling
minerals to buy these weapons. For example a UN report indicated
"that the Congolese government used revenues from diamond
sales to purchase weapons."[39] Control Arms reports that
"fifty to 60 per cent of the weapons used in the DRC are
AK-47s or derivatives of it; but other rifles have reportedly
come from Germany, France, the UK, and other countries."
The same report also states that nearly all arms in the DRC "were
manufactured outside Africa."[40] A 2005 report by Amnesty
International states that "following the signing of the DRC
peace accords in the second half of 2002, a series of armed flights
were carried out from Tirana, Albania to Kigali ... these inter-continental
deliveries involved up to 400 tonnes of munitions, and involved
companies from Albania, Israel, Rwanda, South Africa and the United
Kingdom".[41] The same report states that "Amnesty International
has found that three of the companies in these five arms deliveries
operated from the UK - African International Airways (Crawley,
West Sussex), Intavia Ltd (Crawley and Gatwick), and Platnium
Air Cargo (Egham, Surrey)."[42] In 2003, Mark Curtis reported
that "Britain continued arms exports to Zimbabwe after August
1998, when it intervened in DRC's civil war. From this point on,
Zimbabwe supplied Hawk aircraft to devastating effect."[43]
Zimbabwe is no longer involved in the war in the DRC but its presence
greatly exacerbated the conflict while it was there. Also in 2003,
the Independent reported that "BAE Systems, the UK's largest
defense company, is targeting exports of civil aerospace equipment
to trouble spots like the Democratic Republic of Congo".[44]
The Group of Experts at the UN has accused British Aerospace (now
BAE) of providing arms to the Congo. They wrote that Aviation
Consultancy Services Company, which "represents British Aerospace"
and others, has helped to "mediate sales of British Aerospace
military equipment to the Democratic Republic of Congo."[45]
It is difficult to discern the extent to which British corporations
are involved in supplying arms to the DRC since the arms trade
is so secretive and full of complicated trades, but the Campaign
Against the Arms Trade has reported that between 1998 and 2009
the British government has approved 78 export licenses for arms
exports to the DRC.[46] It does not say which corporations were
given the licenses.
Some case studies
1. Afrimex:
_Afrimex featured in the 2001 and 2002
UN reports as having both imported minerals from the DRC via Rwanda,
and violated OECD guidelines. In February 2007, Global Witness
filed a complaint against Afrimex for "breaches of the OECD
Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises ... in relation to its
activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo ... These breaches
relate to Afrimex's trade in minerals - specifically coltan and
cassiterite - in the DRC's eastern provinces of North and South
_Afrimex is a privately-owned mineral
trading company, registered in Wembley, United Kingdom (no. 01738800).
It operates in eastern DRC as Société Kotecha, a
Congolese registered company based in Bukavu, South Kivu.[48]
Global Witness reported that "throughout all stages of the
conflict, Afrimex and its partners in the DRC have been major
traders in resources controlled by rebel groups - the eastern
provinces being under partial or complete rebel control throughout
most of the conflict. The most dominant of these groups in North
and South Kivu since 1998 was the RCD-Goma [a rebel group assisted
by the Rwanada government] ... Control and exploitation of these
trades enabled the RCD-Goma to finance its crippling occupation
of North and South Kivu - an occupation characterised by widespread
human rights violations against the civilian population."[49]
From 1998 onwards, Afrimex was the greatest
trader in terms of volume, exporting 165,000 kg of coltan with
a reported value of US$ 2.475 million".[50] "In November
2000, the RCD-Goma imposed a monopoly on the coltan trade in the
territories under its control in the form of the Société
Minière des Grands Lacs (SOGIML). __Under this regime,
taxes of US$ 10 per kilogram of coltan were imposed on all traders,
with Afrimex and Société Kotecha continuing their
trade of coltan. This taxation enabled the RCD-Goma to finance
its own military expenditures in its war against the national
government."[51] The UN panel of Experts stated that of all
the tax revenue collected by the RCD-Goma, "none...is used
to provide public services."[52] So, in effect, all of Afrimex'
trade in region went to supporting the military capacity of RCD-Goma.
_The same complaint by Global Witness
reported that "export statistics from 2004 and early 2005
reveal that Afrimex was the second largest exporter of cassiterite
from South Kivu, controlling more than 40% of the cassiterite
from the province, while also buying minerals from mines in North
Kivu. While Ketan Kotecha [one of the directors of Afrimex] claimed
that the minerals he traded all came from 'genuine, legal, licensed
sources,' a representative of his own company admitted to Global
Witness that one cannot know the origin of the minerals as they
come from various locations, in small quantities."[53]
_Global Witness reports that "Afrimex
admitted that it profited from coltan and cassiterite mined around
Walikale".[54] A Channel 4 report, entitled "Congo's
Tin Soldiers", has documented the awful mining conditions
in Walikale, as well as the control of the mines by armed forces.[55]
Channel 4 reported that "in the absence of any mine management,
government soldiers rule here by gun law."[56] The report
quoted miner, Muhanga Kawaya, as saying _
In the hole you have to crawl and squeeze
and suck in your belly, to make it through. The next danger is
the huge rocks above; often they bury us and once they move, it's
instant death. Then there's the darkness. And there's no air.
Once you get down more than 200 feet, the air flow stops altogether.
It's up to you to figure out how to breathe. As you crawl through
the tiny hole, using your arms and fingers to scratch, there's
not enough space to dig properly and you get badly grazed all
over. And then, when you do finally come back out with the cassiterite,
the soldiers are waiting to grab it at gunpoint. Which means you
have nothing to buy food with. So we're always hungry.[57]
_The report also quotes a trader, Maponda
Regina, as saying_
The miners work for nothing; the soldiers
always steal everything. They even come to shoot people down the
mineshafts. Yes, not long ago, they shot someone. They force the
miners to give them everything and they threaten to shoot anyone
who argues.
They're always ready to shoot. We are
really penalised. We earn nothing. But we pay a lot. The soldiers
- they are all around us here, but they are in civilian clothes.[58]
_Afrimex has been complicit in supporting
these human rights abuses in Walikale and funding the government
soldiers who committed them. When asked about how he felt about
this, Ketan Kotecha said "yes, salary structures are very
low but it's better that miners and porters earn something than
nothing. If I didn't do this, someone else would. I am not here
as some kind of moral saviour."[59]
_Global Witness concluded from transcripts
of oral evidence that Ketan Kotechoa gave before the International
Development Committee that "despite these events and the
context of armed conflict in which they were operating, the directors
of Afrimex confirmed that they did not see fit to stop or modify
their activities, in particular their trade in minerals in rebel-controlled
_"Information gathered by Global
Witness confirms that Afrimex continued to trade in minerals from
Eastern DRC after the complaint [that Global Witness made] was
filed in February 2007 ... Congolese government statistics list
Afrimex as having imported 382.5 tonnes of cassiterite from Goma
and 1,102.5 tonnes of cassiterite and 112.5 tonnes of wolframite
from the comptoirs Muyeye [which was listed by the Panel of Experts
as having funded armed groups] and Bakulikira in South Kivu in
_In 2008 the UK governments National Contact
Point for the OECD guidelines investigated the case of Afrimex
and published its final statement, "upholding the majority
of Global Witness's [sic] allegations. It concluded that Afrimex
had failed to ensure that its trading activities did not support
armed conflict and forced labour."[62] "The NCP made
a number of recommendations to Afrimex, relating among other things,
to the formulation, implementation of a corporate responsibility
policy, which should take into account human rights and the impact
of the company's activities. By February 2009, almost 6 months
after its final statement, the NCP had not received any information
from Afrimex about the implementation of its recommendations."[63]
Global Witness reports that "in March
2009, Afrimex replied to the NCP, with a copy to Global Witness,
stating that it had stopped trading in minerals and that its last
shipment of minerals left the DRC in around the first week of
September 2008."[64] There have been no independent investigations
of Afrimex' role in the DRC since then so it is impossible to
verify this claim. Hopefully there will be an investigation soon
that will reveal whether or not Afrimex still operates in the
DRC and fuels the conflict.
_The author of this report concurs with
Global Witness that "Afrimex has breached the OECD Guidelines
and that by doing so, it contributed to the conflict and to large-scale
human rights abuses against populations living in the affected
areas of eastern DRC."[65]
_2. Anglo American Plc:
_Anglo American Plc appeared in the UN
Group of Experts' list of corporations violating OECD guidelines
in the Congo. De Beers, which is part of the Anglo American group,
made it onto the same list. AngloGold Ashanti, also part of the
group, has been accused of exacerbating the conflict in the Congo
as well.[66]
A War on Want report on Anglo American
reports that "in 2005 De Beers returned to the DRC in an
exploration agreement with the country's main diamond mining company
Société Minière de Bakwanga (MIBA), itself
implicated in a number of human rights abuses."[67] De Beers
holds 19.56% of the shares in an umbrella group called SIBEKA,
which, in turn, owns 20% of the shares in MIBA.[68] Amnesty International
reports that "dozens of illegal miners are shot dead in MIBA's
diamond concessions every year" and "according to MIBA
officials, around 10 to 15 suspected illegal miners are arrested
every day at the polygoneconcession". Amnesty described the
detainment centers as "virtually uninhabitable".[69]
MIBA is owned and controlled, primarily, by the Congolese government.
The Congolese army is both a huge part of the conflict and also
involved in the exploitation of minerals. Global Witness reports
that in the government-controlled mining areas:_
Local human rights organisations have
reported cases where civilians have been arrested and tortured
for not complying with soldiers' orders to work for them, for
not satisfying their military "bosses" or for denouncing
extortion, theft of minerals or other abuses by the military ...
Forced labour occurs in some cases; in others, the miners, who
would be working in these locations anyway, resign themselves
to the fact that they will have to hand over a proportion of what
they produce to the military ... An activist from South Kivu said:
"In Shabunda, Mwenga and Kamituga, specific days are designated.
For example, every Saturday, people go to work in a paticular
commander's plot. It is like salongo. It is well-known. The workers
are not paid.[70]
_When De Beers trades with, and invests
in, MIBA, those are the people that the money ends up with.
AngloGold Ashanti's role in plundering
the Congo has been documented extensively by Human Rights Watch.[71]
"AngloGold Ashanti was established in October 2003 by a merger
of two large African gold mining companies: Ashanti Goldfields
Ltd. and AngloGold Ltd."[72] When this merger occurred AngloGold
Ashanti acquired the mining rights that Ashanti Goldfields had
been given under concession 40, which had been granted to it by
the DRC government in 1998. "In October 2003, AngloGold
Ashanti representatives discussed the company's intentions to
start gold exploration drilling in Mongbwalu with two Congolese
vice-presidents and two ministers." Mongbwalu was under the
control of an armed group called the FNI. Human Rights watch writes
that "both during military operations and after having taken
effective control of the area, FNI combatants committed grave
human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian
Human Rights Watch reports that: _
AngloGold Ashanti's official dealings
and its mining contract were with the transitional government
in Kinshasa, but the government did not physically control the
area around Mongbwalu, the key mining site ... Mongbwalu was under
the de facto control of the FNI armed group ... AngloGold Ashanti
representatives began establishing a relationship with the FNI,
an armed group with an atrocious record of human rights crimes
who continued to carry out serious and widespread abuses even
as they entered discussions with AngloGold Ashanti representatives
... Following discussions with transitional government officials,
AngloGold Ashanti representatives met with self-styled FNI president
Njabu while he was in Kinshasa in late2003 [sic] to apparently
ask for permission to start gold exploration drilling activities
in Mongbwalu, necessary because the FNI were in physical control
of the mines and surrounding territory.
_In an interview with a Human Rights Watch
researcher Njabu said that "the government is never going
to come to Mongbwalu. I am the one who gave Ashanti permission
to come to Mongbwalu." According to Human Rights watch, "as
AngloGold Ashanti received permission from the FNI to start operations
in Mongbwalu, FNI combatants were returning from their murderous
campaign of ethnic killings they carried out between July and
September 2003 in Drodro, Nizi, Fataki, Bule and Largo, villages
in the vicinity of Mongbwalu".[74]
_Human Rights watch criticized AngloGold
Ashanti by saying that "in setting up a relationship with
the FNI resulting in mutual benefits, AngloGold Ashanti may have
violated a U.N. arms embargo on eastern DRC." The Group of
Experts at the UN stated that "that AngloGold Ashanti could
arguably have violated the arms embargo through their direct payment
and assistance to the FNI".[75]
_In March 2004 an AngloGold Ashanti official,
Howard Fall, reported in writing that Njabu told them they were
"welcome in the area, and would be allowed to carry out their
activities unhindered." He specifically assured them that
"they need not to be alarmed by the presence of armed militia."[76]
Human Rights Watch commented on the deal by saying that "while
AngloGold Ashanti representatives may have been provided with
security assurances, the local population were not. Throughout
February 2004 and in the months that followed, FNI combatants
frequently arrested civilians for failure to pay 'taxes' or participate
in forced labor, often beating and torturing their victims".[77]
_Human Rights watch reports that:_
Howard Fall, manager of the AngloGold
Ashanti project in Mongbwalu, confirmed the company had contact
with the FNI and that the armed group had granted permission for
the company to work in Mongbwalu, but he added that there "was
no relationship with Njabu." Other AngloGold Ashanti employees
expressed different views. A number of witnesses told a Human
Rights Watch researcher that an AngloGold Ashanti consultant had
frequent contact with the FNI leaders, including Njabu, often
acting as a bridge between the company and the armed group. Human
Rights Watch also learned that AngloGold Ashanti knew there were
possible difficulties in having a direct relationship with the
FNI and hence employed consultants to facilitate such discussions.
In its April 27, 2005 e-mail communication with Human Rights Watch
the company denied the allegations, though they did add that on
the occasions where there had been "unavoidable contact"
with the FNI, the company had sought to ensure such contact was
"transparent" and was "directly between ourselves
and the militia group."
_So AngloGold Ashanti's position on it's
dealings with the FNI is that it deals with them, but not their
leader, except that it does deal with their leader, but it doesn't
deal with them at all, even though it does deal with them when
it is "unavoidable".
_Human Rights Watch claims that "as
a result of the relationship with AngloGold Ashanti, the FNI obtained
important benefits for the movement and certain [sic] of its leaders."[78]
HRW also reports that:_
When Njabu asked money [sic] from AngloGold
Ashanti's consultant based in Uganda, Ashley Lassen, he got it.
Lassen told a Human Rights Watch researcher in May 2004 that the
situation was complex. "We don't want to cut Njabu out,"
he said. _
"He needs to feel included. He just
wants money and then he will go away. We have given him a little,
a few hundred dollars here and there, but that is all. We know
how to deal with people like him." Another close observer
to events in Mongbwalu also told Human Rights Watch that payments
were being made by AngloGold Ashanti to the FNI, though he believed
the amounts being paid were higher ... AngloGold Ashanti further
confirmed in its April 27, 2005 e-mail that the company had paid
the FNI a levy of six US cents per kilogram of cargo flown into
the local airport at Mongbwalu.[79]
_"In addition to the payments described
above, AngloGold Ashanti provided various other forms of support
to the FNI armed group in Mongbwalu, including some assistance
with logistics and transportation." There are many examples
of this:_
Njabu and other senior FNI representatives
used the 4x4 AngloGold Ashanti vehicle so often that the company
began insisting that they put their requests in writing so transportation
arrangements could be better planned. AngloGold Ashanti also permitted
FNI leaders to travel on planes they had hired for flights from
Mongbwalu to Beni or Kampala. Throughout the period of late 2003
and into 2004, as FNI leaders were getting such benefits from
AngloGold Ashanti, FNI combatants continued to carry out their
policies of witch hunts, arbitrary detentions, torture and forced
labor. Some victims were so badly brutalized for not paying taxes
or carrying out the FNI's policy of forced labor that they fled
to Bunia or other places hundreds of kilometers away seeking safety.[80]
_Human Rights Watch reports that the FNI
have used their association with AngloGold Ashanti for more than
just financial gain: "their association with a powerful,
rich multinational corporation offered the possibility for increasing
their legitimacy locally and at the national level."[81]
One individual in Kinshasa said that "Njabu now has power
due to the gold he controls and [the presence of] AngloGold Ashanti.
This is his ace and he will use it to get power in Kinshasa"
and one worker in Mongbwalu summed up the situation by saying
"Ashanti will give dignity to the FNI."[82]
_Human Rights Watch further reports that:_
In its April 27, 2005 e-mail communication
to Human Rights Watch, AngloGold Ashanti stated, "It is not
the policy or practice of this company to seek to establish continuous,
working relationships with militia groups in conflict zones."
In the same communication the company admitted there had been
contact between the company's "management and the FNI"
but added these contacts had been "unavoidable" and
in the cases where it had occurred the company had "attempted
to keep the contact to a minimum and have ensured that the meetings
and their outcomes are communicated with all interested parties."
_AngloGold Ashanti's position that it
tries to "keep the contact to a minimum" is contradicted
by the entire Human Rights watch report, and also by the fact
that "Human Rights Watch has obtained materials and witness
testimony reflecting the frequent contact between AngloGold Ashanti
and senior FNI leaders including meetings held, written permission
granted, and payments made to FNI representatives."[83]
_"In its December 7, 2004 letter
to Human Rights Watch, AngloGold Ashanti wrote that 'steps have
been taken to ensure that human rights will be upheld at all times'
and that AGK will 'ensure that dealings with local and other organizations,
including the discharge of social responsibilities, are carried
out in accordance with criteria which comply with reasonable standards
of good governance."[84] This claim is groundless and is
contradicted by the facts on the ground.
_Human Rights Watch reports that:_
Asked about any policies that had been
adopted to deal with apparently discriminatory practices at OKIMO,
AngloGold Ashanti answered in its December 7, 2004 letter to Human
Rights Watch, that it "did not seek to interfere in the internal
workings" of OKIMO because it wished to maintain a good working
relationship with OKIMO and wished to respect its "corporate
_Human Rights Watch commented that "given
that tensions between Hema and Lendu ethnic groups have contributed
to the conflict and widespread human rights abuses in Ituri, it
is inappropriate for AngloGold Ashanti to have a hands off approach
to such issues, especially in relationship to the joint venture
partnership AGK in which AngloGold Ashanti has a majority share."[85]
_Human Rights watch further reports that:
During the first year of the AngloGold
Ashanti operations in Mongbwalu, Human Rights Watch researchers
met with AngloGold Ashanti representatives in February, May and
July 2004, highlighting human rights concerns about the FNI and
other armed groups operating in Ituri including widespread ethnic
massacres, arbitrary detention, summary execution, the use of
torture and other forms of ill-treatment and sexual violence.
As its representatives stated to Human Rights Watch researchers,
AngloGold Ashanti did not raise human rights concerns with the
FNI nor did they request an end to their abuses. In its letter
of December 7, 2004 AngloGold Ashanti claimed it was not in a
position to place any conditions on the FNI as "it had no
working or other relationship with the FNI," which is inconsistent
with the information presented in this report.[86]
_The relationship between AngloGold Ashanti
and the FNI is summed up nicely by Human Rights watch: "In
return for assurances of security for its operations and staff
and access to the mining site, AngloGold Ashanti provided certain
financial and material support to the FNI. The FNI also derived
political benefit from its relation with AngloGlod [sic] Ashanti
in that it found added strength in resisting efforts by the national
government to bring it under control."[87]
_The author of this report concurs with
Human Rights watch that "through the establishment of a mutually
beneficial relationship with an armed group responsible for war
crimes and crimes against humanity, AngloGold Ashanti failed to
uphold its obligations to secure respect for human rights."[88]
Anglo American Plc is responsible not only for this, but also
for the actions of De Beers, which involved investing in, and
trading with, a company (MIBA) with a poor human rights record
that is controlled by the government that plays such a large part
in the conflict. This report believes (in concurrence with the
UN Panel of Experts) that Anglo American Plc is guilty of numerous
breaches of the OECD guidelines, in ways that contribute to conflict
and human rights abuses in the DRC.
_3. Amalgamated Metal Corporation Plc:
_Amalgamated Metal Corporation Plc also
appeared in the Group of Experts at the UN's list of companies
that had breached the OECD guidelines. Global Witness reports
that one of "the largest buyers of cassiterite from North
and South Kivu in 2007 [was] the Thailand Smelting and Refining
Corporation (THAISARCO), the world's fifth-largest tin-producing
company [which is] owned by the large British metals company Amalgamated
Metal Corporation (AMC) Group ... AMC PLC's 2007 Annual report
and Accounts refer to THAISARCO as a principal subsidiary and
operating unit of AMC PLC and state that AMC PLC owns 75.25% of
The Group of Experts at the UN report
that they had "obtained documents showing that all of Panju's
minerals purchased were sold to the Thailand Smelting and Refining
Company."[90] Panju was named in the same report as one of
the comptoirs that are "directly complicit in pre-financing
negociants, who in turn work closely with FDLR." The Group
also reports that Panju "are aware that certain mines they
buy from are controlled by FDLR."[91] Global Witness reports
that they "obtained DRC government export records that confirm
that THAISARCO purchased over 2,000 tonnes of cassiterite, coltan
and wolframite from Panju in 2007."[92]
_The atrocious human rights record of
the FDLR has been well documented. For example, Global Witness
reports that "the FDLR systematically extort minerals and
money from miners, charging a flat fee of 30% on mining proceeds
in some areas and 'taxing' minerals at roadblocks." For poor
miners that 30% could mean the difference between starvation and
survival. Global Witness further reports that people in FDLR controlled
areas live in "an atmosphere of fear, as the FDLR impose[s]
itself through violence and extreme brutality."[93] There
have also been "instances of forced labour by the FDLR"
and one activist in Kivu said that "people simply can't refuse
to work for them". If they do refuse they face the threat
of extreme violence: the FDLR is often involved in "killing
and raping civilians".[94] For example, Human Rights Watch
reports that the FDLR "brutally slaughtered at least 100
Congolese civilians in the Kivu provinces of eastern Democratic
Republic of __Congo between January 20 and February 8, 2009".[95]
The report goes on to state that:_
The FDLR abducted scores of local residents
from neighboring villages and took them to their camp, apparently
intending to use them as human shields against the impending attack
[by Rwandan and Congolese coalition forces]. Witnesses said that
when coalition forces attacked Kibua on January 27, the trapped
civilians tried to flee. The FDLR hacked many civilians to death
and others died in the crossfire.
One witness at Kibua saw FDLR combatants
kill at least seven people, including a pregnant woman, whose
womb was slit open. Another saw an FDLR combatant batter a 10-year-old
girl to death against a brick wall.
As the FDLR fled the military confrontation,
they abducted dozens of civilians, forcing them to carry their
goods ... Following the meeting, the FDLR erected barriers to
prevent people from fleeing. When some tried to flee, the FDLR
attacked them, killing dozens with guns, rocket-propelled grenades,
and machetes. "As I ran, I saw bodies everywhere - men, women
and children," said one witness. "They had all been
killed by the FDLR."
FDLR combatants also raped more than a
dozen women whom they accused of having joined the government
side against them. For instance, in southern Masisi territory
(North Kivu), on January 27, FDLR combatants raped and killed
a woman and then raped her 9-year-old daughter.[96]
_This is just one of the FDLR's many atrocities
and another chapter to add to it's especially ugly past: "some
leaders of the FDLR are accused of having participated in the
1994 Rwandan genocide."[97]
_The Group of Experts at the UN report
that "the principle method used by FDLR to raise funds is
through the illegal trade of mineral resources ... The Group estimates
that FDLR is reaping profits possibly worth millions of dollars
a year from the trade of minerals in eastern Democratic Republic
of the Congo, in particular cassiterite, gold, coltan and wolframite."[98]
THAISARCO, and thus the Amalgamated Metal Corporation, share a
huge responsibility for this and their actions in the Congo are
funding the FDLR and possibly allowing it to continue to survive
as a group.[99] Global Witness says that they are "concerned
that THAISARCO's trading practices are fuelling the conflict in
Eastern DRC."[100]
Global Witness reports that:_
In December 2008, Global Witness wrote
to THAISARCO and its parent company AMC inquiring about their
trade with the DRC and their due diligence policies. In their
replies, THAISARCO and AMC attempted to create a distance between
their trade and the situation in eastern DRC by stating that they
do not operate "directly" in the DRC. THAISARCO also
claimed that "most parties and commentators appear to be
in agreement that the continued trade in minerals from DRC is
fundamental to the well being of the artisanal mining communities"
and concluded: "In summary, we believe we are providing
a very valuable service to the DRC economy although we recognise
that improvements in the visibility of the supply chain are both
desirable and necessary."[101]
_THAISARCO's claim that they provide "a
very valuable service to the DRC economy" and that their
trade in the DRC is "fundamental to the well being of the
artisanal mining communities" is laughable. As noted earlier,
the artisanal miners "are the first to suffer exploitation
and human rights abuses at the hands of warring parties and derive
few, if any, benefits from working in these conditions".[102]
If THAISCARCO and other countries were really providing a valuable
service to the DRC economy then all the years of huge activity
by foreign corporations in the DRC (which has been alluded to
at many times in this report) would have given the DRC a booming
economy. But that is not the case. The DRC has the 7th lowest
Human Development Index in the world according to according to
the United Nations development program.[103] It also has the lowest
GDP per capita of any nation. It makes the bottom 10 in life expectancy
at birth, probability of not surviving to age 40, people not using
an improved water source, GDI (gender related development index)
as % of HDI and combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross
enrolment ratio (female as % of male).[104] The horrible standards
of living in the DRC have already been noted in this report.[105]
So THAISCARO's claims are completely ridiculous.
_AMC is finally starting to respond to
all the criticism and "on 18 September 2009, Thaisarco announced
that it has chosen to suspend all purchases of cassiterite from
the DRC, however, also [sic] stated that it would continue to
fulfil all current contracts."[106]
_There has been no indication of how long
these contracts will last. THAISARCO's suspension of purchases
is definitely a welcome development, although the fulfilling of
current contracts does not seem to be an entirely ethical way
to react when you are funding armed groups in a way that is fuelling
the worst conflict in the world.
_Since it owns three quarters of the shares,
Anglo American Plc is responsible for the actions of THAISARCO.
These actions have breached the OECD guidelines, according to
the Panel of Experts at the UN, and have provided a huge source
of income to one of the most brutal rebel groups in the Congo,
thus contributing greatly to the continuation of the conflict.
The actions of British (and other) corporations
in the Congo are explicitly linked to the continuation of the
conflict in what has become a war for minerals and has taken the
lives of more than 5,400,000 people. As Global Witness reports,
"it is in the interests of all sides in the conflict, as
well as unscrupulous businessmen, to prolong [the conflict], as
it delivers financial benefits without accountability."[107]
_Finding a solution to the problem will
be complex. The corporations that are involved in fuelling war
and violence in the Congo, such as the ones indicated in this
report, have made huge profits off it and will not give up easily.
The international trade networks involved in the mineral trade
from the DRC are so complex that it becomes extremely difficult
to track whether minerals have been sourced from the DRC, and
whether they have funded rebel groups and fuelled the conflict.
The DRC is so rich in resources that it will be very challenging
to give companies incentives to stop exploiting them, and these
resources are so beneficial to people in rich countries, such
as Britain, that it will be difficult to get a strong movement
of ordinary people to seek to rectify the crimes: for example,
cassiterite is used to make electronic solders, which alone accounted
for over 44% of all refined tin usage in 2007[108]; gold is extremely
valuable and is at the core of most of the developed economies
of the world; and coltan is fundamental to almost all of our electronics,
from mobile phones to laptops to cameras to games consoles.
_But it is definitely possible. Global
Witness believes that:_
A greater international interest in tackling
the resource dimension of the conflict and increased sensitivity
to criticism on the part of companies and traders may provide
a long-waited opportunity for more effective action to break the
links between mineral trade and armed conflict in North and South
_There are many charities, a few of which
were created recently, that are working on this issue, including
Save the Congo (http://www.savethecongo.co.uk/), Friends of the
Congo (http://www.friendsofthecongo.org/), Raise Hope for Congo
(http://www.raisehopeforcongo.org/), Congo Week (http://www.congoweek.org/english/)
and many others, including campaigns to help the Congo by many
charities that do not focus exclusively on this issue.
_The author of this report believes that
the very existence of corporations makes the process of finding
peace in the Congo, and elsewhere, extremely difficult and that
a long term goal for anyone concerned with peace and justice should
be the abolition of corporations. The main reason for this belief,
in short, is that "the senior managers of corporations are
legally obliged, on pain of persecution, to seek to maximize profits
for shareholders".[110] Joel Balkan explains that corporate
managers "must always put their corporation's best interests
first and not act out of concern for anything else (unless the
expression of such concern can somehow be justified as advancing
the corporation's own interests)."[111] The details and roots
of this are explained very well in a report by Corporate Watch,
entitled "Corporate Law & Structures: exposing the roots
of the problem".
_In the shorter term, there are also many
things that ordinary people can do to help. The first thing is
an organized boycott of all companies found to be funding armed
groups and fuelling the conflict in the DRC: the main thing that
corporations will respond to is a loss of profit. Another thing
that ordinary people can do is to pressure their government to
prosecute all corporations that have been illegally profiting
off the war in the DRC. Another possibility is to donate to, or
volunteer for, one or more of the charities working to help the
Congo. And finally, we could start a campaign to try all DRC war
criminals in the Hague (both local armed groups and foreign corporations)
for crimes against humanity.
_The British government is in a prime
position to do something about the situation in the Congo, but
it is in the pockets of corporate power. Patrick Alley, the director
of Global Witness, says that:_
The British government is the largest
bilateral aid donor to the DRC and a key diplomatic player. Its
failure to hold British companies to account is undermining its
own efforts and allowing one of the main drivers of the conflict
to continue unchecked. We have asked the government countless
times to pay more attention to the role of minerals in fuelling
the conflict, and yet it seems that they are more concerned with
protecting their companies' economic interests.[112]
_The Democratic Republic of Congo has
suffered more than any country in the world in recent years and
it's high time that something is done about it. The corporations
that have profited immensely from the suffering of the Congolese
people share a large responsibility for the horrors. So do the
people of rich societies, such as in Britain: societies that are
profiting off this same suffering with cheap electronic goods,
jewelry and other products. Since we share responsibility for
the suffering and misery of the Congolese people, we have a large
burden of responsibility to do something about it.
_According to Patrick Alley:_
As long as the warring parties can fund
themselves through international trade, they will continue to
be able to inflict widespread violence on the population. Breaking
the link between minerals and the violence must be an integral
part of the solution - not something that is looked into once
peace is achieved.[113]
_More than 5.4 million people have died,
millions of people are starving, hundreds of thousands of women
have been raped and a society has been destroyed to feed the insatiable
appetite of corporations for profit and of the bloated consumer
culture of the rich countries.
_Alas, this is not a new phenomenon. Joseph
Conrad called King Leopold II's conquest and plunder of the Congo
in the late 19th and early 20th century "the vilest scramble
for loot that has ever disfigured the human conscience".[114]
In the course of this savage plunder more than half the population
of the Congo was either killed or died as a result of the miserable
conditions that were imposed upon them.[115] For the people of
the Congo, nothing has changed. _
[i][148] Amnesty International, "Democratic
Republic of Congo: Arming the East"
[ii][149] UN, "Report of the Panel
of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and
Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo"
[iii][150] This (very incomplete) list
is taken from Congo Week, http://www.congoweek.org/pdf/congo_companies.pdf
[v][4] Johann Hari, "A journey into
the most savage war in the world", http://www.johannhari.com/archive/article.php?id=863
[v][5] Global Hunger Index: The Challenge
of Hunger 2008, http://www.welthungerhilfe.de/global-hunger-index-2008.html
[v][6] Hari, "A journey into the
most savage war in the world"
[v][7] International Rescue Committee,
"Mortality in the Democratic republic of Congo: An ongoing
[v][8] World Health Organisation, "Country
Health System Fact Sheet 2006 D R Congo", http://www.afro.who.int/home/countries/fact_sheets/drcongo.pdf
[v][9] World Bank, Data Profile: United
[v][10] Times Online, "Maternal Deaths
Rise", http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/health/article2937080.ece
[v][11] Control Arms, "The call for
tough arms controls: Voices from the Democratic Republic of the
Congo", http://www.controlarms.org/en/documents%20and%20files/reports/english-reports/the-call-for-tough-arms-control-voices-from-the/view?searchterm=congo
[v][12] Save the Congo, "A Tale Of
Forgotten People", http://savethecongo.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=98:a-tale-of-a-forgotten-people&catid=107:articles&Itemid=27
[v][13] Global Witness, "'Faced With
A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo" http://www.globalwitness.org/fwag/
[v][14] UN, "Report of the Panel
of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and
Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo",
[v][15] Ibid
[v][16] Control Arms, "The call for
tough arms controls: Voices from the Democratic Republic of the
[v][17] Save the Congo, "A Tale Of
Forgotten People", http://savethecongo.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=98:a-tale-of-a-forgotten-people&catid=107:articles&Itemid=27
[v][18] Save The Congo, "Natural
resources", http://savethecongo.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=117&Itemid=110
Also see: Global Witness, "'Faced
With A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo" http://www.globalwitness.org/fwag/
[v][19] Global Witness, "'Faced With
A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo" http://www.globalwitness.org/fwag/
[v][20] Johann Hari, "A journey into
the most savage war in the world", http://www.johannhari.com/archive/article.php?id=863
[v][21] Global Witness, "'Faced With
A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo"
[v][22] United Nations Security Council,
S/2008/773, http://www.friendsofthecongo.org/pdf/un_report_dec_08.pdf
[v][23] Ibid
[v][24] Ibid
[v][25] Global Witness, "'Faced With
A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo"
[v][26] United Nations Security Council,
[v][27] United Nations Security Council,
S/2002/1146, http://www.friendsofthecongo.org/pdf/third_panel_report_october2002.pdf
[v][28] Global Witness, "'Faced With
A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo"
[v][29] Human Rights Watch, "The
Curse of Gold", http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2005/06/01/curse-gold
[v][30] Global Witness, "'Faced With
A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo"
[v][31] Ibid
[v][32] United Nations Security Council,
[v][33] Ibid
[v][34] Ibid
[v][35] UN, "Report of the Panel
of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and
Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo",
[v][36] Global Witness, "'Faced With
A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo", Italics added
[v][37] United Nations Security Council,
S/2002/1146, http://www.friendsofthecongo.org/pdf/third_panel_report_october2002.pdf
[v][38] This table is paraphrased since
the original table had extra columns that aren't needed here.
The wording is still almost exactly the same as in the original.
If a square is blank it means that it was blank in the original
table. Any errors come from the original list.
[v][39] Control Arms, "The call for
tough arms controls: Voices from the Democratic Republic of the
Congo", http://www.controlarms.org/en/documents%20and%20files/reports/english-reports/the-call-for-tough-arms-control-voices-from-the/view?searchterm=congo
[v][40] Ibid
[v][41] Amnesty International, "Democratic
Republic of Congo: Arming the East", http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AFR62/006/2005/en/103a9c0c-d4d2-11dd-8a23-d58a49c0d652/afr620062005en.html
[v][42] Ibid
[v][43] Mark Curtis, "Web of Deceit:
Britain's Real Role in the World"
[v][44] Heather Thomlinson, "BAE
condemned for targeting 'trouble spots' to sell arms", Independent,
14 September 2003, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/bae-condemned-for-targeting-trouble-spots-to-sell-arms-579928.html
[v][45] United Nations Security Council,
[v][46] http://www.caat.org.uk/resources/facts-figures/arms_export_data/ExportLicencesCongodemocratic.php
[v][47] Global Witness, "Complaint
to the UK National Contact Point under the Specific Instance Procedure
of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises", http://www.globalwitness.org/media_library_detail.php/507/en/complaint_against_afrimex_uk_ltd_under_the_specifi
[v][48] Ibid, paraphrased
[v][49] Ibid
[v][50] Ibid
[v][51] Ibid. Information from IPIS, "Supporting
the War Economy in the DRC: European Companies and the Coltan
Trade," 2002
[v][52] Cited in Global Witness, "Complaint
to the UK National Contact Point under the Specific Instance Procedure
of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises"
[v][53] Global Witness, "Complaint
to the UK National Contact Point under the Specific Instance Procedure
of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises"
[v][54] Ibid
[v][55] Channel 4, "Congo's Tin Soldiers",
[v][56] Ibid
[v][57] Cited in Ibid
[v][58] Cited in Ibid
[v][59] Cited in Ibid
[v][60] Global Witness, "Complaint
to the UK National Contact Point under the Specific Instance Procedure
of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises"
[v][61] Global Witness, "'Faced With
A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo"
[v][62] Ibid
[v][63] Ibid
[v][64] Ibid
[v][65] Global Witness, "Complaint
to the UK National Contact Point under the Specific Instance Procedure
of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises"
[v][66] For example, see Human Rights
Watch, "The Curse of Gold", http://www.hrw.org/en/node/11733/section/1
and War On Want, "Anglo American: The Alternative Report",
[v][67] War On Want, "Anglo American:
The Alternative Report"
[v][68] Amnesty International, "Making
a Killing: The Diamond Trade in Government-Controlled DRC",
[v][69] Ibid
[v][70] Global Witness, "'Faced With
A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo", Italics in original
[v][71] Human Rights Watch, "The
Curse of Gold: VI. AngloGold Ashanti - Starting Gold Exploration
Activities", http://www.hrw.org/en/node/11733/section/7
[v][72] Ibid
[v][73] Ibid
[v][74] Ibid
[v][75] Cited in Ibid
[v][76] Cited in Ibid
[v][77] Ibid
[v][78] Ibid
[v][79] Ibid
[v][80] Ibid
[v][81] Ibid
[v][82] Cited in Ibid
[v][83] Ibid
[v][84] Ibid
[v][85] Ibid
[v][86] Ibid
[v][87] Ibid
[v][88] Ibid
[v][89] Global Witness, "'Faced With
A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo"
[v][90] United Nations Security Council,
[v][91] Ibid
[v][92] Global Witness, "Sourcing
of minerals from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: Payments
to warring parties and supply chain due diligence", http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=Sourcing+of+minerals+from+eastern+Democratic+Republic+of+Congo:+Payments+to+warring+parties+and+supply+chain+due+diligence&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
- first link on this search is the document
[v][93] Global Witness, "'Faced With
A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo"
[v][94] Ibid
[v][95] Human Rights Watch, DR Congo:
Rwanda Rebels Slaughter Over 100 Civilians", http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2009/02/13/dr-congo-rwandan-rebels-slaughter-over-100-civilians
[v][96] Ibid
[v][97] Ibid
[v][98] United Nations Security Council,
[v][99] See note 19 and 20. Especially
the quote: "The profits they make through this plunder enable
some of the most violent armed groups to stay alive."
[v][100] Global Witness, "'Faced
With A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo"
[v][101] Global Witness, "Sourcing
of minerals from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: Payments
to warring parties and supply chain due diligence", Italics
in original
[v][102] See note 28
[v][103] http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/
[v][104] "Human Development Report
2009: Congo (Democratic Republic of the) http://hdrstats.undp.org/en/countries/country_fact_sheets/cty_fs_COD.html
[v][105] See notes 5, 6, 7 and 8
[v][106] Global Witness, "Sourcing
of minerals from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: Payments
to warring parties and supply chain due diligence"
[v][107] Global Witness, "'Faced
With A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo"
[v][108] Ibid
[v][109] Ibid
[v][110] Media Lens, "Newspeak in
the 21st Century", paraphrasing Joel Balkan, "The Corporation"
[v][111] Joel Balkan, "The Corporation",
Cited in Media Lens, "Newspeak in the 21st Century"
[v][112] Global Witness: "Revealed:
British companies trading in conflict materials from Democratic
Republic of Congo"
[v][113] Ibid
[v][114] Cited in Johann Hari, "A
journey into the most savage war in the world"
[v][115] Encyclopedia Britannica, http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/132463/Congo-Free-State
[v][116] Much of the information is taken
from Congo Week, http://www.congoweek.org/pdf/congo_companies.pdf
Some of it is taken from Global Witness,
"Companies involved in the trade in minerals from eastern
[v][117] Global Witness, "Complaint
to the UK National Contact Point under the Specific Instance Procedure
of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises" and
"'Faced With A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation
Of Mining In Eastern Congo"
[v][118] UN, "Report of the Panel
of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and
Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo"
and "United Nations Security Council, S/2002/1146"
[v][119] United Nations Security Council,
[vi][120] Ibid
[vii][121] Amnesty International, "Democratic
Republic of Congo: Arming the East"
[viii][122] Ibid
[ix][123] Ibid
[x][124] Global Witness, "'Faced
With A Gun, What Can You Do?' War And The Militarisation Of Mining
In Eastern Congo" and "Sourcing of minerals from eastern
Democratic Republic of Congo: Payments to warring parties and
supply chain due diligence"
[xi][125] Human Rights Watch, "The
Curse of Gold: VI. AngloGold Ashanti - Starting Gold Exploration
[xii][126] War On Want, "Anglo American:
The Alternative Report"
[xiii][127] United Nations Security Council,
[xiv][128] Congo week, http://www.congoweek.org/pdf/congo_companies.pdf
[xv][129] War On Want, "Anglo American:
The Alternative Report"
[xvi][130] http://www.caat.org.uk/resources/publications/armsfairs/dsei-2003-report/baes.php
[xvii][131] United Nations Security Council,
[xviii][132] http://www.baesystems.com/AboutUs/FactSheet/index.htm
[xix][133] http://www.marketwatch.com/story/bae-systems-profit-jumps-94-sees
[xx][134] United Nations Security Council,
[xxi][135] http://www.congoweek.org/pdf/congo_companies.pdf
[xxii][136] Ibid
[xxiii][137] International Peace Information
Service, "European Companies and the Coltan Trade: An Update
- Part 2"
[xxiv][138] United Nations Security Council,
[xxv][139] http://oecdwatch.org/cases/Case_41
[xxvi][140] International Peace Information
Service, "European Companies and the Coltan Trade: An Update
- Part 2"
[xxvii][141] http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/1022-07.htm
[xxviii][142] United Nations Security
Council, S/2002/1146
[xxix][143] http://www.congoweek.org/pdf/congo_companies.pdf
[xxx][144] Amnesty International, "Democratic
Republic of Congo: Arming the East"
[xxxi][145] http://www.miningwatch.ca/en/kinross-gold-and-katanga-mining-part-pillage-democratic-republic-congo
[xxxii][146] http://www.congoweek.org/pdf/congo_companies.pdf
[xxxiii][147] United Nations Security
Council, S/2002/1146
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