U.S./U.K. Allies Grab Congo Riches
and Millions Die
2001-03 UN Expert Reports
by Prof. Peter Erlinder
http://globalresearch.ca/, November
4, 2008

Once again, the suffering of African people
caught up in a war that makes little sense to non-Africans has
made the front pages in western media, as more than a million
people have been displaced in the past week by renewed fighting
in the Eastern Congo.2 For most Americans who don't pay much
attention to the details of African history and politics, the
humanitarian disaster in the Congo has exploded into public consciousness,
as if the 25-year war to control Central Africa began only yesterday.
The " Congo story" Behind the
But, in fact, the human rights disaster
that the people of the world are watching on our TV screens is
just the most recent human tragedy in a 25 year struggle for economic
and political dominance in Central Africa that has been raging
since the decline and eventual collapse of the Soviet influence
in Africa in the 1980's and early 1990's. A sad fact of the 20th
Century is that, even after the end of formal "colonialism"
in the mid-20th Century, ruling African elites in virtually every
African nation have looked to one or more powerful "sponsors"
in the developed world to gain or retain power. And, to grab
the personal wealth that goes with political/military power in
In Africa, "government" is a
well-accepted avenue for trained and educated African elites to
get ahead economically, without having to immigrate to more developed
nations outside of Africa . Few major private multi-national
economic entities are based in Africa , and "para-statal"
government monopolies or government-approved contracting with
private foreign sources of capital from the developed world are
the main sources of economic development in many African countries.
The result is that political and military power is inevitably
entwined with economic benefit for those who manage to achieve
state-power whether by the ballot, or by force.3
In addition, direct support from industrialized
nations in the form of "aid" must be funneled through
governmental agencies. And, even today, "donor income"
from the industrialized world makes up a large portion of the
budgets of nearly every African nation.4 And, after the end of
support from the Soviet Bloc in about 1990, local leaders were
forced to choose between Anglo-American aid and investment or
from former colonial masters that comprise the EU countries, at
least until China began developing economic relations with African
nations within the past few years.5
"Blood Diamonds," Leonardo
DeCaprio's recent film, makes the point that every lengthy war
in Africa is possible only with support from foreign governments
or private interests (or both)..which necessarily have designs
on African resources in return. And, so it is with the 25-year
war for control of the riches of Central Africa, of which the
humanitarian disaster in the Congo is the most recent example.
The recent British/French "diplomatic
initiative" to discuss yet another ceasefire with Congo's
President Kabila and Rwanda's Paul Kagame, makes absolutely clear
who the real protagonists are in this most recent eruption of
the war in the Congo.6 It is now generally understood that the
Congo "rebels" are closely-enough connected to Kagame's
Rwanda that it is more important to negotiate with him than with
Gen. Laurent Nkunda, the titular leader of the Congolese-tutsi
"rebel" army.
But, the connections between the suffering
in the Congo and either Rwanda or Uganda are rarely discussed
in mainstream media, least in the English-speaking world. And,
to the extent we are informed about the reasons for the Congo
War at all, we are told that Gen. Nkunda is at war "to protect
the tutsi minority." That the continued fighting as something
to do with the 1994 " Rwanda genocide." And, that "hutu
genocidaires" have to be rooted out of the Eastern Congo
to protect both Congolese "tutsis" and the territory
of Rwanda , itself.
However, it has been more than 14 years
since Kagame seized complete power in Rwanda, which means that
anyone under 30 could not have been directly involved in the 1994
events in Rwanda that Kagame's government calls the "Genocide".
Today's teenage combatants were either children or not yet born,
when civilians-killed-civilians in Rwanda in 1994. At most, Gen
Nkunda is fighting the "children of the genocidaires"and
the scope of the fighting as reached far beyond the limited areas
near the Rwandan border where anti-government Rwandan-refugees
(both tutsi and hutu) are actually located.
And, even without considering the wars
in Uganda and Rwanda that lasted from 1981 to 1994, at least,
there can be no dispute that the Congo war has been raging since
1996which means that the war is not only inter-generationalbut
must be funded from outside Africa in a "Blood Diamonds"-like
scenario.and it is.
Origins of the Congo War: 2001-03 UN Experts'
In fact, evidence has long existed that
the war in the Eastern Congo , between 1996 and today, has little
or nothing to do with "ethnicity" or capturing "genocidaires."7
Like "weapons of mass destruction" used to justify another
war of aggression by the U.S. on Iraq.."ethnic" and
"response to the genocide" have been used by both Uganda
and Rwanda to justify a war of aggression, waged for economic
reasons, described in the UN Experts Reports. Not coincidentally,
Uganda and Rwanda are two of the largest recipients of US and
British economic and military assistance in Africa.8 Wars initiated
by Uganda's Yoweri Museveni and Rwanda's Paul Kagame, have raged
in Central Africa since Museveni's 1981 invasion to seize power
in Uganda,9 which the Red Cross reported had killed at least 300,000
civilians by the time he took power in 1986.10
The real reasons for the ongoing war in
the Congo is described in great detail in several United Nations
Security Council Expert Reports,11 make clear that war and massive
civilian deaths in the Eastern Congo since 1996 have little, if
anything to do with "tribalism," "ethnicity,"
or even the "Rwanda genocide." But, rather, have everything
to do with the rape of the Congo's resources by the militaries
of Rwanda and Uganda and their local surrogates.
According to three separate UN Security
Council Reports, issued between 2001 and 2003, war on the Congo
began when Uganda and Rwanda made common-cause with local Congolese
leader Laurent Kabila, and other Congolese elites, to control
the vast resources of the Eastern Congo in 1996. The UN Reports
show that that since, the 1996 invasion and a second invasion
in 1998, Rwanda and Uganda have become the major trading centers
for diamonds, precious metals and other natural resources that
are not found in either country.....but which exist in great quantities
in the Congo.12 As of 2003, the UN Security Council Reports put
the cost of civilian lives at some 3 million (the current estimate
is more than 5 million lives.so far).
The Rwanda/Uganda Rape of the Congo Continues
For more than 3 decades, the "anti-Communist"
credentials of the former Congolese Joseph Mobutu had protected
him from western criticism during the Cold War, despite his brutal
kleptocracy that had been matched only by vicious pre-independence
colonial rule of Belgian King Leopold.13 But, after the collapse
of the Soviet Union in the early 1990's and Mobutu became politically
expendable, Uganda/Rwanda-supported "Congolese rebels"
replaced him with Laurent Kabila in 1997 and Kabila agreed to
a treaty that split economic dominance of the Eastern Congo between
Uganda and Rwanda in the areas adjacent to their own borders.
By 1998, however, Uganda and Rwanda invaded
Eastern Congo again, after the new President Kabila began attempting
to reclaim military and economic influence in the areas of his
country controlled by Rwanda and Uganda . Unlike 1996, Kabila
had made alliances with other African nations that opposed the
foreign-supported aggression against the Congo and troops from
Angola , Zimbabwe and Namibia entered the war in support of the
Kabila government. Despite a 1999 Lusaka peace treaty, which also
provided for the creation of MONUC (UN Observer Mission in the
Congo ), the war continued. In 2000, while the U.S. media was
distracted by the Bush/Gore campaign, the Uganda/Rwanda began
vying for control over portions of the Congo and the long-standing
alliance split over control of the resources of the Eastern Congo.14
UN Experts: Decades-long Congo Resources
By January 2001, this "first world
war of Africa " had killed more than 3 million people, Laurent
Kabila was assassinated and was replaced by his son, Joseph.
For many years, the Rwandan government had claimed that its interests
in the Congo was protection from "genocidaires" hiding
in the Congobut the falsity of this claim was exposed in July
2001, when the UN Security Council received its first preliminary
report on the exploitation of Congo's resources. The first, interim
report documents the plunder of coffee, timber, diamonds, gold
and "coltan" (the largest supply of grey gold can be
found in the Congo) by Rwandan and Ugandan forces in the areas
each controlled.15
Another more extensive report in October
2002 documented the seizure of banks, sugar refineries, mines
and provides the names of local leaders and war-lords with ties
to Uganda and Rwandaas well as describing the ties between both
"hutu" and "tutsi" Rwandans who were working
together to enrich themselves, and their Rwandan and Ugandan sponsors,
at the expense of the indigenous Congolese.16 And the October
2003 Security Council Report states:
".The Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF)
still play an important but highly discreet role in the [RCD-Goma's]
operations." And, that the Rwanda-linked network in the Eastern
Congo had the objective of "permanent, autonomous control
over the territory of the eastern DRC" (citing training operations
and lines of communication to Kigali).17
By 2008, the MONUC "peacekeeping-observer"
mission has grown to 17,000 troops, the largest in UN history,
but its Spanish military commander resigned last week "for
personal reasons" after only a month in his post when Kagame/Nkunda
troops over-ran Congolese military posts18and war-torn Congolese
began stoning UN forces for failing to protect them.19 But MONUC
is the creation of the UN Security Council. But, U.S and Britain
have Security Council veto-power that can prevent more aggressive
options, as also occurred during the Rwanda War in 1994, when
the US/UK prevented UN-military opposition to Kagame and Museveni's
military adventures.
A History of Big Power-Central Africa
Although the real reasons for the Congo
War have been well-documented by UN Security Council sources,
as well as the fact that US/UK surrogates are getting rich in
the Congo, neither the United States nor Britain have much of
an interest in helping critics and Human Right activists "connect
the "dots" that link Yoweri Museveni/Kagame's 1986 military-takeover
of Uganda or Paul Kagame's military-takeover of Rwanda in 1994,
with the horror that has engulfed the Congo since the joint Rwanda/Uganda
invasion of 1996. The indisputable evidence of the Museveni/Kagame/Nkunda
"axis of evil" in Central Africa has rarely, if ever,
seen the light of day.
After Museveni seized power in 1986, Uganda
became, and remains, a major recipient of British aid to Africa,
as well as the beneficiary of British military training and armaments.20
After Museveni took power, the CIA also established its major
African electronic listening post in Kampala, Uganda's capital.
And, Kagame's long-standing Pentagon ties can be traced to the
1980's and he was actually had been receiving U.S. officer training
in Ft. Leavenworth Kansas which he returned to Uganda, then Rwanda,
to lead the 1990 invasion. His reputation in U.S. military circles
remained intact when he seized power in 1994,21 during his first
invasion of the Congo in 199622 AND during the 1998 second Congo
By the time of the 1996 Congo invasion,
the Rwandan military had been receiving U.S. military training
for at least two years (and perhaps more) and Kagame's Pentagon
ties had been established for at least ten years. Today Britain
remains Uganda 's largest foreign patron. And, U.S. support as
swelled the Rwandan army from 7,000 Belgian/French-trained troops
under the previous government when Museveni/Kagame invaded in
1990,24 to an estimated 70,000 to 100,000 U.S.-trained and armed
troops in 2007.25
But, the mutually-beneficial relationships
between the U.S. and Britain and their African surrogates goes
both ways. Not only are Rwandan and Ugandan elites basking in
the Congo's stolen wealth, but "private contractors"
from both countries are two of the largest contingents of military-mercenaries
in Iraq26 and in Darfur, where the Chinese-supported Sudanese
government has rejected US/UK investment and have been labeled
"genocidaires" in a far less-bloody conflict than the
Rwandan/Ugandan adventure the Congo.27 Ugandan troops28 are also
part of the U.S.-Ethiopian "Christian" occupation of
"Muslim" Somalia29.which was the greatest humanitarian
tragedy in Africa before last week.30 when the Congo War disaster
reached the headlines, again.
Casual visitors to Uganda and Rwanda can't
help but notice that both Central African countries are better
off than their neighbors, both economically and in terms of social
organization. Compared to other African countries that lack close
relationships to wealthy sponsors, these two, small, densely-populated
nations appear to be outposts of calm and relative prosperity
on a continent.31 But, the fact is that the relative prosperity
and calm in Museveni's militarized Uganda and Kagame's militarized
Rwanda has come at the terrible price of more than 5 million Congolese
lives, as documented by the UN Reports.
"Piercing the Veil" of US/UK
Central Africa Disinformation
There is now no doubt that , when Ugandan
Major Paul Kagame invaded Rwanda in 1990, he was accompanied by
nearly 25% of the Ugandan army32 and Ugandan complicity has been
confirmed by formerly confidential US and UN files at the UN Tribunal
for Rwanda. And, like other African wars, the cost of supporting
the Museveni/Kagame 4-year war of attrition must have come from
outside the country. And, most probably, the massive support
must have come from or been known by Uganda 's main foreign sponsors,
the US and UK. As one former U.S. State Department source has
"Either Museveni was misusing (the
U.S. support he was receiving and was not being called to accountor
he was using it for the purpose intended."33
Previously classified U.S. and UN documents
and testimony, now in evidence at the UN Rwanda Tribunal, show
that Kagame, himself, touched off the "Rwanda genocide"
by assassinating former Rwandan President and launching an assault
to seize power within minutes after shooting down President Habyarimana's
plane on the night April 6, 1994..long before any of the alleged
civilian killings began, in response to the assassination. The
well-planned and organized "blitzkrieg" controlled the
eastern-third of the country by the third week in April, and civilian
killings were reported to the UN in the Kagame-controlled area
days later.34
Even former UN Rwanda Tribunal Chief Prosecutor,
Swiss Judge Carla del Ponte,35 and former Chief Investigator,
Australian Barrister Michael Hourigan have called for the UN Rwanda
Tribunal to prosecute Kagame.36 And, even though both France
and Spain have issued INTERPOL warrants for Kagame and his associates,37
he continues to receive invitations to speak at prestigious institutions
in the US and Britain, where the INTERPOL warrants have been ignored.38
The Rwanda/Congo "Genocide"
Perhaps most important, at least from
an American perspective, recently de-classified UN39 and State
Dept documents show that U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher
had reports of massive civilian killings by Kagame's no later
than September 1994.40 And, despite the evidence in contemporaneous
UN and US documents, the U.S. has permitted Kagame's crimes to
be blamed on othersand to be re-characterized by Kagame and the
ICTR as a "genocide" committed by Kagame's enemies.41
Which, if true, would make the Rwanda War the first in history
in which only the losing side in the war committed crimes and
atrocities. A WWII analogy would to blame the Japanese, not only
for their own crimes, for U.S. bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
too, or blaming the Germans for the fire-bombing of Dresden, the
massacres on the Eastern Front and the sack of Berlin.
The former UN Chief Prosecutor Del Ponte
has publicly described how she was to the State Department in
the summer of 2003 by Bush Ambassador for War Crimes, Pierre Prosper.
Prosper, also a former ICTR Prosecutor, told her that she must
drop all investigations of Kagame's crimes, or risk being removed
from office. When Judge Del Ponte insisted that the evidence
required that he be prosecuted for war crimes and genocide, she
was removed from her office at the Rwanda Tribunal within 90 days,
at the insistence of the U.S. and Britain.42
And, now that we know (from the 2001-03
UN Security Council and UN original UN Rwanda documents) that
we have been the victims of a disinformation campaign, when it
comes to the origins and reasons for the Congo War. If the role
of Rwanda and Uganda in the Congo have been distorted, how can
we be sure of Kagame's version of how he came to power in Rwanda
in 1994, as a "saviour"when the Security Council knew
that, less than two years later, Kagame and Museveni invaded the
Congo to enrich themselves and are responsible for more than 5
million deaths since that time?"
Either the 2001-03 Reports are wrong.and
former UN Chief Prosecutor Del Ponte is wrong.and the UN Chief
Investigator Hourigan is wrong.or the story of the Congo War,
as well as the "Rwanda Genocide" must be re-investigated
and re-written. But we need not start a debate before the research
into original, contemporaneous documents is more complete than
it is now.
Some the answers about the "Rwanda
Genocide" are in the formerly classified documents now in
evidence at the UN Tribunal for Rwanda , but which have received
no more attention than the 2001-03 UN Security Council Experts'
Reports that detail the Ugandan and Rwandan rape of the Congo
. The evidence exists in publicly accessible archives of the
UN Security Council and Rwanda Tribunal.just waiting to be read!43
Peter Erlinder is a frequent contributor
to Global Research.
1 Prof. Peter Erlinder, ICTR Lead Ntabakuze
Defence Counsel, Past-President, National Lawyers Guild, NY, President
of ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda)-ADAD (Association
des Avocats de la Defense), Wm Mitchell College of Law, St. Paul,
MN 55105/651-290-6384.
2 www.cnn/2008/World/Africa/10/31.
3 See examples of Uganda and Rwanda seizure
of resources in the Congo described in: 2001 UN Security Council
Report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of
Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, (S/2001/1146); 2002 UN Security Council
Report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of
Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo (S/2002/1146, October 12, 2002); UN Security
Council Report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation
of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo (s/2003/1146, October 20, 2003).
4 Uganda is the fourth largest recipient
of British aid. See, D. Blair: "British Ally behind world's
bloodiest conflict" infra.
5 Council of Foreign Relations Backgrounder.
6 BBC World News, Nov. 1, 2008; www.cnn/2008/World/Africa/10/31
7 In 2001, Human Rights Watch reported
that Rwanda's troops in the Congo outnumbered Congolese forces
by nearly 4-1, that Rwanda controlled an area 15 times larger
than Rwanda, itself, and that claims of ethnic conflict were merely
a cover for Rwanda's invasion. www/hrw.org/background/Africa/Rwanda/13101
8 Blair, David, UK Telegraph, April 29,
2006: "British Ally behind world's bloodiest conflict",
One of Britain's closest allies in Africa
is stoking the flames of anarchy in the Democratic Republic of
Congo by arming brutal militias in return for gold and mineral
wealth.The flow of weapons from Uganda breaches a UN arms embargo
imposed on eastern Congo in 2003 and expanded to cover the entire
country last year. At the same time British aid to Uganda totals
£70 million this year, of which £30 million goes directly
into the coffers of President Yoweri Museveni's government.Mr
Museveniis the fourth largest recipient of British aid in Africa.
9 Paul Kagame was Museveni's Chief of
Military Intelligence during the 1981-86 war, and after. Colin
Waugh, Paul Kagame and Rwanda, (McFarland, London 2004) p. 25.
10 Id. p. 35. See, Mamdani, Mamood: When
Victims Become Killers, (Kampala, Fountain 2001).
11 See, 2001 UN Security Council Report
of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural
Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, (S/2001/1146); 2002 UN Security Council Report of
the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources
and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(S/2002/1146, October 12, 2002); 2003 UN Security Council Report
of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural
Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic
of the Congo (s/2003/1146, October 20, 2003).
12 Blair, David, UK Telegraph, April 29,
2006: "British Ally behind world's bloodiest conflict",
.Uganda invaded its giant neighbour in
1998, helping to start Congo's civil war. This has escalated to
become the bloodiest conflict seen anywhere in the world since
1945. Some 3.9 million people have died, according to one survey,
with most succumbing to war-induced starvation and disease.. Official
figures from the Bank of Uganda show that the country has become
a significant gold exporter - despite possessing scarcely any
gold of its own. Thus in 2004, the bank reported domestic gold
production of only 1.4 tons - but gold exports of 7.3 tons.
13 The earlier Belgian exploitation of
the Congo is described by Adam Hochschild, King Leopold's Ghost,
14 Note 4, infra.
15 2001 UN Security Council Report of
the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources
and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
16 2002 UN Security Council Report of
the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources
and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(S/2002/1146, October 12, 2002).
17 2003 UN Security Council Report of
the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources
and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(s/2003/1146, October 20, 2003).
18 www.france24.com/en/20081027. Spanish
general commanding UN troops in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),
Lieutenant General Vicente Diaz de Villegas y Herreria, resigned
after less than a month as rebel forces of ethnic Tutsi warlord
Laurent Nkunda wrested control of a strategic camp in east DRC
from government forces.
19 www.MONUC.org/news/October-28-2008.
20 Uganda is the fourth largest recipient
of British aid. See, D. Blair: "British Ally behind world's
bloodiest conflict" supra.
21 In April 1994, U.S. Col. Jim McDonough,
(US Special Forces commander in Rwanda 1996-97, while the first
invasion of the Congo was underway) considered Kagame, ".an
intellectual figure. I would rate him as a first class operational
fighter." Washington Post, April 27, 1994.
22 Id.
23 U.S. Major Anthony Marley, Kagame's
class-mate at Ft. Leavenworth, was the U.S. representative to
the 1993 Rwanda peace negotiations, the Arusha Accords wrote:
One reason why American officials are
enamored with Rwandan Vice-President Paul Kagame is that he knows
how to communicate with them in a quintessentially 'American'
Monograph no. 35: Peace and Security in
Africa, Symposium on International Peace and Security, Sept. 3,
1998, cited in Waugh, Paul Kagame and Rwanda (MacFarland, London
2001) p. 222.
24 ICTR Military-1 exhibit DB 71: Sept
1993 UNAMIR Reconnaissance Report of Gen. Dallaire.
25 http://en.wikidpedia.org/wiki/lists_of_countries_by_armed_forces.
(Wikipedia lists 61,000 regular troops, but does not count reserves,
national police or surrogate forces operating in the Congo).
26 Angelo Asama (Kampala), January 1,
2007, "Ugandans in Iraq: Soldiers of Misfortune", http://www.monitor.co.ug.
27 Rwanda has supplied 2500 of some 10,000
UN-Darfur troops but has threatened to withdraw because the Rwanda
commander, Gen. Karake, has been indicted by Spanish Judge Andreu
for genocide and war crimes in February 2008. "Rwanda mulls
withdrawal of peace troops from Darfur" Mail and Guardian,
July 25, 2008.
28 Reuters, Oct. 16, 2008 -- Some 3,000
peacekeepers from Uganda and Burundi are in the capital Mogadishu
-- part of a planned 8,000 strong AU mission.
29 USA Today, January 8, 2007: A Christian-led
nation...Ethiopia has received nearly $20 million in U.S. military
aid since late 2002more than any country in the region except
Djibouti...the U.S. and Ethiopian militaries have "a close
working relationship," Pentagon spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Joe Carpenter
Reuters, Oct. 16, 2008 -- 3,000 peacekeepers
from Uganda and Burundi are in the capital Mogadishu -- part of
a planned 8,000 strong AU mission.
30 "Humanitarian crisis in Somalia
is worse than Darfur", International Herald Tribune, Nov.
20, 2007. Quoting UN sources.
31 Kinzer, A Thousand Hills: Rwanda's
Rebirth and the Man Who Dreamed It, (John Wiley, Hoboken N.J.
32 Mamdani, Mamood: When Victims Become
Killers (Kampala, Fountain, 2001).
33 Personal interview with author, Arusha,
TZ, July 1, 2006.
34 Military-I exhibit DNT 218, Ruzibiza,
The Secret History of Rwanda, (Paris, 2005).
35 Hartmann, Paix et chatiment les gueres
de la politique (Flamarion, Paris 2007).
36 ICTR defence evidence in Military-I,
Exhibit DNT 365. March 8.2007 Affidavit of QC Michael Hourigan
(and supporting affidavit of Amadou Deme):
In late January or early February 1997
members of the National Team were approached by three (3) informants
(either former or serving member of the RPF) claimed direct involvement
in the 1994 fatal rocket attack on the President's aircraft.
Their evidence specifically implicated the direct involvement
of President Paul Kagame, members of his administration and military.
The informants also advised that the Kagame administration was
actively involved in covert operations aimed at murdering high
profile ex-patriot Rwandans - one such murder was the death of
Seth Sendashonga in Nairobi.
37 See Bruguiere Indictment, November
2006, charging RPF leaders for the assassination of former President
Habyarimana, and recommendation that Kagame be prosecuted at ICTR.
See also, Andreu Indictment, February 8, 2008 charging 40 RPF
leaders, including Paul Kagame, with crimes committed during 1994,
including the assassination of former President Habyarimana and
38 Kagame was recently honored at M.I.T.
in August 2008 and has travelled to the U.S. received since the
INTERPOL warrants were issued in 2007 and 2008.
39 ICTR Military-I exhibit DNT 259. May
17, 1994 UNCHR Report of RPF killings at Rusomo Bridge to Tanzania,
over Kagera River, in southeastern Rwanda.
40 ICTR Military-I defense Exhibit DNT
258:Amnesty International, Rwanda: Reports of killings and abductions
by the Rwandese Patriotic Army, April-August 1994, October 20,
1994; ICTR Military-I defense Exhibit DNT 261: Human Rights Watch,
Absence of Prosecution, Continued Killings, Sept. 1994.
41 ICTR Military-1 Evidence, DNT 264:
Memorandum from the Undersecretary of State for Africa George
F. Moose to "the Secretary" (U.S. Secretary of State
Warren Christopher under President Clinton) reports a briefing
on September 17, 1994:
A UNCHR investigative team that spent
July and August in Rwanda (i.e. Gersony - author) has reported
systematic human rights abuses by the GOR (i.e. RPF) forces -
including systematic killings - in the south and southeast of
the country. The team has concluded that the GOR (RPF author)
is aware of these reprisals against Hutu civilians and may have
sanctioned them.
42 See, Hartmann, Paix et chatiment: les
guerres del la politique. (Flammarion, Paris, 2007) pp. 261-72.
See also, Del Ponte, War Criminals and Me (2008).
43 Many of the ICTR documents can be found
on the Tribunal Website at: www.ictr.org. Additional documents
placed in evidence in the Ntabakuze Military-1 case, as well as
selected commentary, can be found at the site created by the author:
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