Capitalist GIobalism In Crisis
Boom and Bust
by Robin Hahnel
Z magazine, December 1998

Among economies capitalism is the manic-depressive patient:
exuberance, unbridled optimism, and euphoria-followed by gloom,
listlessness, and depression. But no matter how often the cycle
is repeated the patient always believes the latest boom will last
forever, only to feel foolish again when the bubble bursts. No
matter how often the patient reverts to manic behavior when taken
off medication, the economic "psychiatric" establishment
eventually succumbs to the patient's pleas to be taken off medication
during the "ups" (freeing the exuberant economy from
policy restraints) only to insist on placing the patient back
on meds (re-application of necessary policy protections) when
the unmedicated patient inevitably "crashes."
The Latest Boom
The truth is that neither part of capitalism's manic-depressive
boom and bust cycle is "healthy." Like most capitalist
booms, the benefits of global liberalization during the 1980s
and l990s were not all they were made out to be. Most people in
the world were worse off economically at the end of the latest
boom than they had been when it began-that is, even before the
over-hyped boom metamorphosed into the global economic crisis
of 1997-98. How is this possible you ask? We were told "the
world economy grew at 3 percent a year in the 1980s and 2 percent
in the first half of the l990s," and that "low and middle
income economies grew more rapidly, averaging 3.4 percent growth
in the 1980s and 5 percent in the l990s" (World Bank, 1997).
We were assured that "growth in trade from increased trade
liberalization that had gone hand in hand with increased private
capital flows and financial integration," together with "internal
privatization and progressive dismantling of regulations and controls"
had produced a rising global economic tide that was lifting all
but the most un-seaworthy boats (World Bank, 1997). We were advised
that since 43 percent of American households now own stocks, the
spectacular increase in the U.S. stock market over the last decade
had distributed generous benefits widely.
First, world output grew more rapidly in the period before
the great experiment in deregulation and population grew along
with GDP from 1980 to 1995. While world GDP grew at an annual
rate of roughly 2.5 percent, world population grew at 1.6 percent
per year over the same period, leaving less than a 1 percent annual
increase in per capita GDP over the period. Third, GDP is a notorious
overestimate of the benefits from economic activity. When depreciation
of produced and natural capital is subtracted, and when environmental
degradation is accounted for, what appeared to be a meager annual
increase in economic well being per person becomes a decrease
in average sustainable well being per year during our most recent
stretch of "good times." Fourth, corrections due to
"green accounting"-which apply the same treatment to
natural capital/resources as to human made capital, and to environmental
amenities as to other goods and services-does not account for
adverse changes in the distribution of income nor increases in
economic insecurity. Yet, along with the increased pace of environmental
degradation, rising inequality of income and wealth and increasing
economic insecurity were far and away the most significant features
of the "good years" we just enjoyed.
The share of income of the top 5 percent of households in
the U.S. climbed from 16.6 percent of all income in 1973 to 21.2
percent in 1994. The share of the richest 20 percent rose from
43.6 percent to 49.1 percent, while the share of the poorest 20
percent fell from 4.2 percent to 3.5 percent. Worse still, not
only has the relative share of income fallen among the bottom
half of the income distribution, but their absolute income has
fallen as well. Not only do they have less compared to those above,
but they have less compared to what they had in the past, themselves.
The average income of the poorest 20 percent fell by 2.7 percent
between 1973 and 1994 and that of the second poorest 20 percent
fell by 3.8 percent, while that of the top 20 percent rose by
27.2 percent, and that of the top 5 percent rose by a dramatic
44.2 percent. A statistic called the Gini coefficient is the most
commonly used measure of inequality. In any distribution perfect
equality yields a Gini coefficient of zero while perfect inequality
yields a Gini coefficient of one. The Gini coefficient measuring
income inequality in the U.S. rose from .419 to .479 between 1975
and 1993-more than a 14 percent increase in inequality.
The increase in wealth inequality was even more dramatic during
the "good times." The share of total wealth owned by
the top 1 percent almost doubled between 1976 and 1992. This was
largely because the top 1 percent of wealth holders received 62
percent of the total gain in wealth between 1983 and 1989 while
the bottom 80 percent got only 1 percent of the new wealth over
that period. Worse still, the average wealth of the bottom 40
percent of wealth holders actually declined. Meanwhile, the average
real wage in the U.S. fell by 11 percent between 1973 and 1993
despite continued increases in labor productivity, with the largest
drops occurring in the lower wage brackets. In contrast, corporate
profit rates in the U.S. in 1996 reached their highest level since
these data were first collected in 1959. And while it's true that
43 percent of U.S. households now own stocks, since most own very
little, largely through 401(K) and other retirement accounts,
the top 10 percent of households appropriated 86 percent of the
stock market gains since 1989.
Two years ago the disparity between official figures indicating
steady economic growth and surveys revealing that most Americans
feared more for their economic futures than at any time since
the Great Depression, gave rise to a surprising seven part series
in the New York Times on "downsizing." The Times's series
kindled so much interest that other major dailies like The Washington
Post and The Los Angeles Times scurried to print their own imitations.
As layoffs extended from blue collar workers to middle management
and from rust belt industries to financial services, as the number
of Americans with no health care insurance climbed to 43.4 million,
as temporary and part time jobs replaced permanent full time jobs,
as low skill, low wage jobs replaced high skill, high wage jobs,
as hours worked per family climbed while most family incomes stagnated,
the discrepancy between rising economic fortunes for the few and
declining economic conditions for most had finally became impossible
for even the NY Times and fellow travelers to ignore completely.
But two more years of low unemployment and inflation, combined
with a spectacular run on the-U.S. stock market allowed the media
to replace stories about family tragedies from downsizing with
exhilarating stock market updates, effectively silencing the alarm
bell. Only recently, as clouds have appeared on the international
economic horizon threatening the Wall Street bubble have pundits
begun to ask themselves if it was wise to ignore earlier warnings.
The boom was also limited largely to the very wealthiest in
the U.S. Economists Walter Park and David Brat of American University
calculated that the Gini coefficient for GDP per capita in 91
countries for which data were available rose steadily throughout
the time period. Certainly Latin America did not share in the
boom during the "lost decade" of the 1980s as those
countries suffered through their "debt crisis." The
boom bypassed the Middle East and Northern Africa as oil prices
sagged. It completely passed over Sub-Saharan Africa as their
terms of trade deteriorated along with their natural capital.
Even before the latest debacle in Russia, the boom did not reward
those who embraced capitalism in Eastern Europe and the countries
of the former Soviet Union after the "fall of the wall."
Listed alphabetically, annual average growth rates for those economies
from 1990 through 1995-before the recent crisis in "emerging
markets"-were as follows:
The case of Russia is the best known. Unemployment rates are
meaningless since millions of workers who are officially employed
are not being paid. But we know that a majority have fallen into
poverty, and life expectancy for males had dropped from 65.6 years
to 57 years in only 5 years-even before the latest collapse of
the ruble, government and private sector default, and consequent
stoppage of IMF loan disbursements.
Besides helping the most wealthy in the U.S., the benefits
of deregulation and globalization passed over pretty much every
country except East Asia. Since the largest economy in East Asia,
Japan, was stagnant throughout the 1990s, the boom was actually
much more specific to a few East Asian countries. The first figure
is the annual average growth of GDP from 1980 through 1989, the
second is the annual average growth of GDP from 1990 through 1995
for the East Asian "tigers":
This is not only a remarkable performance, but also a remarkable
list. With the single exception of China; every East Asian "success
story"-which along with the reconcentration of wealth within
some "advanced" economies is, essentially, the "boom"
we were supposed to be awed by-is now on the endangered economy
species list of the "bust" of 1997-1998.
At this point a slight digression on China is necessary. China
has so far been spared the fate of fellow East Asian tigers in
the crash of 1997-1998 largely because its totalitarian political
regime resisted international pressure to make the yuan a convertible
currency, and to remove all controls on international capital
flows-even while the Chinese leadership hastened the spread of
capitalism internally and aggressively pursued an export lead
growth strategy. But I don't believe the numbers. Ii true, 16
years of annual growth rates of well over 1C percent in an economy
of a billion people would be a remarkable economic success story.
It would be remarkable even if accompanied by significant environmental
deterioration and by the most dramatic increase in economic inequality
in any country in modern world history-which is likely the case.
But while the figures on growth of output are published by the
World Bank, the raw numbers, as is the case for all countries,
are provided by the government of the country. Chinese government
economic statistics have long been subject to political manipulation-more
so than in the case of any other country. There were times when
Chinese Communist leaders so mistrusted their own government figures
on Chinese agricultural production, for example, that they used
CIA data collected from spy satellites instead for making policy
decisions, Moreover, the political allies of former party boss,
Deng Psiao Peng, who have run China throughout this period, are
the most notorious falsifier of information for political expediency
from the old Communist Party. But the reported growth rates are
so big, how could they possibly be making the whole thing up?
I don't think the figures are entirely fictitious, but I suspect
that the prices used to evaluate the output of goods and services
whose output has stagnated or declined-such as basic grains-are
seriously under valued, while the prices of goods whose output
has increased-like meat, garden vegetables, and commercial real
estate-are greatly over valued. I also suspect that many goods
and services provided to employees and their families by state
enterprises were not counted before, but now are being counted
as they are run for profit. I mention these doubts because, if
I am correct, much of what appears to be an economic miracle in
China may never have happened. In which case the miracle of deregulation
and globalization from 1980 to 1996 reduces to what has proven
to be short lived success stories in a handful! of smaller East
Asian economies along with a regressive redistribution of wealth
and income in a handful of advanced economies.
As best I can tell, for every NIC (Newly Industrializing Country)
there were ten FEBs (countries Falling Evermore Behind). And for
every wealthy benefactor of rising stock prices, rising profit
shares, and rising high end salaries, there were ten victims of
declining real wages, decreased job security, and lost benefits.
The recent experiment in deregulation and globalization was indeed
"both the best of times and the worst of times." But
unfortunately it was the best of times for only a few, and the
worst of times for most. At least that is what had been happening
until the bubble burst in July 1997.
The Latest Bust
The Washington Post began its front-page article covering
the opening of the annual meetings of the International Monetary
Fund and World Bank on October 5 saying: "Forget about the
Asian miracle, the Latin America revival, the Russian transformation,
the mighty American economy and the triumph of free markets. The
annual meeting this week of central bankers, finance ministers
and private financiers at the IMF and World Bank is about holding
the line and forestalling global economic disaster." In his
speech to the assembled dignitaries Paul Volcker, former chair
of the Federal Reserve Board said: "Suddenly, it all seems
in jeopardy. All that real growth-all the trillions in paper wealth
creation-is at risk. What started as a blip on the radar screen
in Thailand-about as far away from Washington or New York as you
can get-has somehow turned into something of a financial contagion."
While the blush on the boom is seldom as bright as reported,
the human consequences of the bust are almost always far worse
than revealed by the capitalist media. The view from Bangkok (Thailand),
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Jakarta (Indonesia), Seoul (South Korea),
and even from Singapore and Hong Kong is bleak beyond belief.
Forget stock markets that have lost well over half their value:
Since September 1997 the composite stock index has fallen 83 percent
in Indonesia, 69 percent in South Korea, and 65 percent in Thailand.
Forget currencies that have depreciated dramatically: Since September
1997 the Indonesian rupiah has depreciated by 73 percent, the
South Korean won by 33 percent, and the Thai baht by 12 percent.
Forget multi-billion dollar IMF bailouts that have entirely left
the country within weeks leaving no discernible effect on economic
prospects. In exchange for promises of fiscal austerity, price
liberalization that more than double the prices of staples such
as rice, and further elimination of any restrictions on movements
of foreign capital in or out of their countries, the IMF has promised
a $58.2 billion bailout for Indonesia, a $42.3 billion bailout
for South Korea, and a $17.2 billion bailout for Thailand. Forget
hundreds of billions of dollars of hard currency reserves that
took decades to build up, wiped out in a matter of months. Forget
the transfer of ownership of banks, factories, utilities, and
natural resources-prized productive assets once valued in the
trillions of dollars-to foreign ownership at fire sale prices.
Forget all this because most of the people living in these East
Asian tigers suddenly turned water buffaloes with stripes, never
owned stocks, resources, or foreign exchange in the first place.
What the lucky ordinary East Asian had gained from their economic
"miracle" was a low paying job in perhaps a modern factory,
but more likely a dangerous sweat shop, in exchange for under
employment as seasonal laborers or share croppers in an unproductive
agricultural sector. Only a tiny Asian elite gained substantial
wealth from the flood of international capital into their countries.
To gauge the human impact of the Asian crisis, we have to look
at changes in employment, changes in output and therefore income,
changes in real wages, and yes, changes in death rates. Because,
with no hope of recovery in sight, things have already reached
the point where consequences of the East Asian economic collapse
may have to be measured in death rates.
The effect of the Asian crisis on output is still difficult
to measure. Figures for GDP in 1997 include both pre and post
crash months, and of course figures for 1998 will not be ready
until after the year is over. But sometimes it doesn't take a
weatherman to know which way the wind blows. In Thailand where
the crash hit earlier, GDP growth for calendar year 1997 was already
negative, after being a positive 6 percent in 1996. GDP in Thailand
is predicted to shrink by 8.3 percent in 1998. In Indonesia, where
the crash came a little later, the growth rate for 1997 was only
half the growth rate for 1996, and GDP is projected to shrink
by 14 percent in 1998. In South Korea the crash came late enough
in 1997 to have little effect on that year's figures, but GDP
is projected to shrink by 6 percent during 1998. Every new projection
from the IMF or World Bank for 1999 and beyond is more pessimistic
than the last for these, and other fallen tigers, but all such
projections are fairly meaningless since a great deal will depend
on whether the crisis spreads to China, Japan, Brazil, or Europe
and the U.S., and what measures different governments and international
organizations do or do not adopt.
We do know that since September 1997 roughly 2,000 people
have lost their job each day in Thailand where there are now over
2 million people out of work as the unemployment rate has climbed
from 2.1 to 7.3 percent. In Indonesia 20 million people have lost
their jobs since September 1997 as the unemployment rate has risen
from 4.7 to 13.2 percent. In South Korea there are 2 million newly
unemployed, and the unemployment rate has risen from 2.6 to 8.3
percent. This doesn't count foreign "guest workers"
who have been sent packing: 50,000 have already been sent home
by South Korea, and 250,000 have been sent home by Thailand.
In Indonesia UNICEF estimates that infant mortality may increase
by 30 percent by year's end- 250,000 clinics have closed down
for lack of medicines and volunteers are left to scratch out a
living for themselves and their families as best they can. The
Indonesian minister of education estimates that 2.7 million children
have dropped out of school since the economic crisis began, lowering
the enrollment rate from 78 to 54 percent. There is every reason
to believe that many of those school dropouts have gone to work
in the 3.3 billion dollar Indonesian child prostitution industry.
It is hard to believe things could get worse in Russia than
they already were by spring of 1998. But the collapse of the Russian
economy this August will further reduce production, income, employment,
and no doubt life expectancy. Stanley Fischer, Deputy Managing
Director for the IMF describes the scene in a special report presented
to the recent IMF/World Bank sponsored meetings in Washington;
DC in October 1998: "Ever since 1992 the IMF has been the
world's main vehicle for assisting Russia and promoting economic
reform. This was difficult from the start, for reformers never
had full control over economic policy. Nevertheless, the world's
stake in Russian reform was too critical not to make the effort.
Some progress was made... but the extent of Russia's problem is
hard to overestimate.... Since 1996 the Russian government has
been in a race between its need to collect more taxes and a rising
interest bill on its growing debt. In the second quarter falling
oil and commodity prices reduced export revenues, interest rates
rose, and the government had to roll over $1 billion a week of
GKOs, or short-term rouble-denominated debt. In July the international
community faced a hard choice: whether to help Russia try to prevent
devaluation. The adverse effects of a devaluation were clear and
the reformist Kiriyenko government was making progress on taxes
and in other areas. So the decision was made to help, recognizing
that this was a calculated risk. An official package of $22 billion
was assembled, on condition that the Russians undertake major
tax reforms and a voluntary debt restructuring scheme for GKO
holders to switch to longer-term dollar obligations was introduced.
The take up of this offer was, however, small. The program could
still have been viable if GKO holders had been ready to roll over
their maturing holdings. But after the Duma rejected two tax measures,
and with doubts about the ability of the government to deliver
on policy commitments growing, this did not happen. So the government
was faced with an unenviable choice between devaluation, debt
restructuring or both. It chose both: the rouble was devalued,
the GKO restructuring was imposed unilaterally and a temporary
moratorium was put on private debt payments. The contagion following
Russia's actions has been serious. The realization that Russia
was, after all, not too big to fail shook investor confidence,
although it is hard to believe that sophisticated investors who
had earned an average of 50 percent a year on GKOs since 1994
really believed these investments were safe."
In other words, Russia has temporarily abandoned further useless
attempts to placate the IMF and the creditors it represents and
the IMF has now abandoned Russia. There is every reason to expect
the effects for Russians, beginning this winter, may be catastrophic.
At this point the Asian "flu" has not spread to
China. The jury is still out on whether Japan can jump-start its
economy or is destined to sink deeper into recession. If Japan
does slip deeper into recession it will be primarily because of
lost export markets in the rest of Asia's collapsing economies,
not because of some supposed "flaw" in the Japanese
banking system, as is widely insinuated in Western circles. It
takes real chutzpah for Western bankers who gave us the Savings
and Loan crisis to wag their fingers at Japanese bankers who engineered
the Japanese economic miracle of the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and
early 80s. No Latin American domino-most importantly Brazil-has
yet to fall. Moreover, jitters in Europe and the U.S. have been
largely confined to swings in the stock markets which have not
yet affected the "real" side of the economy, i.e. production,
income, and employment. Much hinges on whether the bust continues
to spread or whether contagion stops here.