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Global Economy watch


Against the Conventional Wisdom - Doug Dowd
Crisis of Global Capitalism, The - George Soros
Global Village or Global Pillage
Globalization and Its Discontents
- Joseph E. Stiglitz
International Development - No-Nonsense guide
New Golden Age, The - political corruption and economic chaos - Ravi Batra

Robbing Us Blind - Steve Brouwer
Sharing the Pie
Take the Rich Off Welfare - Mark Zapezauer
Workers of the World Undermine
When Corporations Rule the World

Plunder and Blunder; How the 'Financial Experts' Keep Screwing You - Dean Baker [excerpt]

"Imperialism today is taking place in the context of...the 'universalization' of capitalism. It is not now primarily a matter of territorial conquest or direct military or colonial control. It is not now a matter of capitalist powers invading non-capitalist powers in order to bleed them dry directly and by brute force. Now it is more a matter of ensuring that the forces of the capitalist market prevail in every corner of the world (even if this means marginalizing and impoverishing parts of it), and of manipulating those market forces to the advantage of the most powerful capitalist economies and the United States in particular." ... "Military force is still central to the imperialist project, in some ways more than ever."

Political scientist Ellen Meiksins-Wood - Z magazine, Nov 1999, p26


The Pentagon System
U.S. Stock Market vs. the Economy
Privitizaton and Democracy
Three Years of NAFTA
Asian bailout and US taxpayers
Earth's Socioecological Classes
US "Jobs Miracle"
Natural rate of unemployment and class in the U.S.
Hunger and Wealth in America

Wage war on poverty
Social Security Q&A

"This focus on money and power may do wonders in the marketplace, but it creates a tremendous crisis in our society. People who have spent all day learning how to sell themselves and to manipulate others are in no position to form lasting friendships or intimate relationships... Many Americans hunger for a different kind of society -- one based on principles of caring, ethical and spiritual sensitivity, and communal solidarity. Their need for meaning is just as intense as their need for economic security."

Michael Lerner, philosopher, psychologist, author

Learning from the Southeast Asia Crisis
Wall Street's Fondest Dream - Privitizing Social Security
Capitalist Collapse - How can Russia Recover?
Living Wage, Live Action
Free Trade for Whom?
Roots of the Economic Crisis
Capitalist GIobalism In Crisis - Boom and Bust
Free Market Fraud - John Kenneth Galbraith
Shredding The Safety Net: Welfare Reform As We Know It
Confronting Poverty
On The Benefits of SmaIl Farms
Market Democracy in a Neoliberal Order - Noam Chomsky

" Foreign aid is when the poor people of a rich country
give money to the rich people of a poor country. "

author unknown

Real Y2K Global Economic Inequality
The Stockholder Myth
Dollar doctrine

Privatizing Social Security is Bad, Particularly for Women
The True State of the Nation: How is America Really Doing?
Savage Inequality As No Big Deal

" There are many political and social objectives which are not properly served by the market mechanism ... These include the preservation of competition and stability in financial markets, not to mention issues like the environment and social justice. "

George Soros, international investor

Deregulation: The mantra of corporate globalization
Joseph Stiglitz - the globalizer who came in from the cold
Economic Genocide
From New Economy to War Economy
Stiglitz & Krugman Denounce Corporate-Led Globalization
Gov. George W. Bush record in Texas
The Surplus Vanished

Can Liberals Save Capitalism (Again)?
The Great Stock Illusion
Squandering Prosperity - George W. Bush has the worst economic record of any president since Herbert Hoover
The American Prosperity Myth
Why Bush Likes a Bad Economy
Pension Plans In Corporate Cross-Hairs (9/04)
Save Social Security (1/05)
The Debt-Peonage Society (3/05)
Casualty of War: The U.S. Economy (7/05)
Paying the Iraq Bill (2/06)
Lies, Damn Lies and Poverty (3/06)
The Swansong for the Greenback (6/06)
New Orleans - Undone by Neoliberalism (9/06)
An Economy of Buccaneers and Fantasists (10/06)
Eye of the Hurricane: Milton Friedman and the Global South (11/06)
Doomsday for the Greenback (4/07)
"Capitalism and Freedom" Unmasked [Milton Friedman] (10/07)
Seven Countries Considering Abandoning the US Dollar (11/07)
The Fraud of Bushenomics: They're Looting the Country (1/08)
The Dollar's Reserve Currency Role is Drawing to an End (2/08)
Fragile Dollar Hegemony: Iran's Oil Bourse could Topple the Dollar (2/08)
Capitalism in an Apocalyptic Mood (2/08)
How the Chicago Boys Wrecked the Economy (8/08)
Is War Good For the Economy? (10/08)
The End of the Washington Consensus (12/08)
Death Agony of Thatcher Deregulated Finance Model (1/09)
Manipulation: How Markets Really Work (5/09)
De-Dollarization: Dismantling America's Financial-Military Empire (6/09)

Wall Street's Toxic Message (7/09)

"By the end of 1996 there were almost 1.7 million inmates-mostly poor and male-confined in American jails and prisons. Officially, those inmates are not counted as part of the country's labor force, and accordingly they are also not counted as unemployed. If they were, our official jobless rate would be much higher, and our much-vaunted record of controlling unemployment, as compared with other countries, would look considerably less impressive. Thus, in 1996 there was an average of about 3.9 million men officially unemployed in the United States, and about 1.1 million in state or federal prison. Adding the imprisoned to the officially unemployed would boost the male unemployment rate in that year by more than a fourth, from 5.4 to 6.9 percent. And that national average obscures the social implications of the huge increases in incarceration in some states. In Texas, there were about 120,000 men in prison in 1995, and 300,000 officially unemployed. Adding the imprisoned to the jobless count raises the state's male unemployment rate by well over a third, from 5.6 to 7.8 percent. If we conduct the same exercise for black men, the figures are even more thought-provoking. In 1995, there were 762,000 black men officially counted as unemployed, and another 511,000 in state or federal prison. Combining these numbers raises the jobless rate for black men by two-thirds, from just under 11 to almost 18 percent."

Elliott Currie

Democracy and Society

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