Roots of the Economic Crisis
Z magazine, November 1998

The current economic crisis involves a series of "falling
dominoes." Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan,
Russia, and by the time you read this perhaps Brazil and more,
are undergoing severe recessions. The toppling economies are big
news because rather than just the poor suffering, this time those
of ample means are suffering too. Indeed, if the value of stocks
declined while other prices and wages went unchanged and economic
proceeded unabated, only those owning stocks would lose, and
the share of total wealth in elite hands would decline. If your
house doesn't change in value and your wage doesn't fall and your
job doesn't disappear, but Bill Gates's stock drops, you improve
relative to him. That kind of revaluation would be redistributive
and we could perhaps celebrate it. Regrettably, however, the current
crises go beyond just revaluing stocks to also afflicting the
poor with devastating unemployment, horrible wage reductions,
unexpected foreclosures, life threatening food and goods shortages,
and increased starvation and disease. For growing numbers, these
are the worst of times.
After World War II, following the lead of the U.S. and Britain,
the Bretton Woods system was established for international economic
coordination. It utilized new institutions such as the World Bank
and the IMF and had two basic principles. (1) Liberalize trade
of goods, making it easy to transact. (2) Manage capital flow,
making it hard for capital investment to leap from country to
country without attention to consequences. It was understood that
capitalist economies running full steam ahead with no oversight
would yield horrible by-products not only for the poor, but for
the rich as well. Bretton Woods limited short-run plunges for
profit to preserve long-run profit possibilities.
There were two important observations behind all this. First,
investors being able to move their monies where and when they
please would lead to fluctuations in the relative value of currencies
and other dislocations undermining trade and investment-in worst
case scenarios inducing recession or even depression. Second,
the free flow of capital would undermine democracy and the welfare
state. Capital controls, a la Bretton Woods, not only guard against
dislocation and crisis, but also allow governments to carry out
monetary and tax policies, unemployment benefits, and social programs,
and maintain public goods, all without fear of capital flight,
which would, if allowed, limit such behavior. To foreshadow, it
isn't hard to guess the punch-line of our story. When capitalists
got firmly in the saddle after beating back post World War II
advocates of social democracy, in their zeal to eliminate the
social protections afforded by Bretton Woods, they also eliminated
its economic safeguards against financial crises.
The Bretton Woods system operated as intended for about a
quarter century engendering the golden age of capitalism through
the 1950s and 1960s. Then capitalists began to thirst anew for
untrammeled profitability. On their behalf, Nixon unilaterally
abrogated Bretton Woods in the early 1970s. By the 1980s capital
controls were mostly gone in rich countries with the smaller economies
like South Korea dropping them in turn. Now the IMF no longer
regulates capital flows, but instead systematically forces countries
to eliminate restrictions on international investment as a condition
of bailouts. ,
What has been the result? In rich countries, growth of productivity
has slowed. Incomes have stagnated or declined for the great majority,
conditions at work have deteriorated, social services have been
gutted, infrastructure has decayed, and the welfare state has
been eroded. At the top of the heap, in the U.S., the top I percent
of households own about half the stock and other assets that have
increased in value, and the top 10 percent own most of the rest.
They are the ones enjoying the elimination of Bretton Woods. The
next 10 percent, the 80th to the 90th percentile has seen their
net worth decline in the 1990s. It gets worse as you go down,
with few families maintaining their living standards of 1973-when
the new economy really began to take hold, with many falling behind.
In poor countries, the same has occurred, but worse.
Why-would anyone favor such outcomes in place of the economic
growth and social stability of Bretton Woods? Growth isn't what
capitalists seek. Capitalists seek profits. Throughout the post
Bretton Woods period profits have soared, particularly in the
1990s. Indeed, the current jitters on Wall Street have nothing
to do with the plight of the poor, which is not part of Wall Street's
agenda, but only involve fears that there may be an end to their
post-Bretton Woods stupendous growth in profits. The 25 years
after Bretton Woods was curtailed have been a disaster for humanity,
but a joyous fairy tale for the rich.
The reason for the fairy tale for the rich is frankly explained
by federal reserve head Allan Greenspan. He fingers significant
wage restraint and greater worker insecurity. That is, eliminating
Bretton Woods and thereby allowing capital flight to undercut
social support systems zapped labor big time. The Clinton administration
attributes high profits to salutary changes in labor market institutions,
which is a delicate way of saying the same thing. The business
press points out that workers are too intimidated to seek some
share in the good times. Business Week recently reported that
60 percent of workers are very concerned about job security and
30 percent somewhat concerned.
When 90 percent of the work force is insecure, that's a fairy
tale economy for the rich.
So the bottom line is that we have accelerating untrammeled
profit-seeking for the few with derivative reduction of the well
being of the many, and, alongside that, increasing destabilization
finally threatening even the rich. Digging economies out of recessions
certainly benefits the poor. Nonetheless, for radicals to spend
their time telling elites how to return to saner profit-seeking
has a potential downside. It can turn radicals into doctors of
capitalism-not educating and acting to raise anti-capitalist sentiment
and commitment, but giving the impression that while a "sick
capitalism" is horrible, a "healthy capitalism"
is fine.
Radicals shouldn't ignore the current crisis or entirely forego
thinking about policies to correct the hardships it imposes. Instead
while we act to ameliorate immediate suffering, we should also
act in ways that lead beyond capitalist ideology and institutions.
If we propose an end to the IMF and World Bank, we should also
indicate what equitable international economic exchange ought
to look like and what kinds of institutions can safeguard it.
A movement to end the IMF and World Bank has to lead to a
movement for better institutions in their place. When we decry
the dislocations of crisis, we need to explain what structural
changes will bring about true justice (not just less extreme injustice):
how workplaces must be reorganized, how remuneration should be
determined, how allocation should transpire. We need to oppose
sick capitalism in a way that opposes healthy capitalism too,
and we need to favor immediate reforms not as ends in themselves,
but in a way that fosters ever more changes and ultimately a whole
new economic system.