Federal Reserve page

The Wizard of Oz - a story about populism, banks, and money

Quotations from the documentary - The Money Masters - How Banks Create the World's Money


The Secrets of the Federal Reserve - Eustace Mullins
The Creature from Jekyll Island - the Federal Reserve - G. Edward Griffin
Web of Debt - The Shocking Truth About Our Money System - Ellen Hodgson Brown
The Case Against the Fed - Murray N. Rothbard

Naked Capitalist, The - W. Cleon Skousen
History of Money and Banking in the United States, A - Murray N. Rothbard

excerpts from the book 'Tragedy and Hope' - A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley, 1966


The Federal Reserve (6/06)
Federal Reserve Bank (3/07)
Credit as a Public Utility: the Key to Monetary Reform (5/07)

Who Owns The Federal Reserve? (10/08)
What Banks, Academics, the Media and Politicians Don't Tell You About Money - November 2008
The Federal Reserve Abolition Act (12/08)
Ground Zero on Wall Street - Nationalize Federal Reserve (12/08)
The Wall Street Ponzi Scheme called "Fractional Reserve" Banking (12/08)
Nationalize the Federal Reserve - "American Monetary Act" (2/09)
President Obama: Nationalize the Fed and Create Our Own Money (2/09)
A New Monetary System (3/09)
Thinking Positively About Monetary Policy - Nationalizing the Federal Reserve (3/09)

Revive Lincoln's Monetary Policy - an open letter to President Obama (4/09)
Top Senate Democrat: Bankers 'Own' the US Congress (5/09)
The Weimar Hyperinflation? Could it Happen Again? (5/09)

A Dark Hole of Democracy: How the Fed Prints Money Out of Thin Air (7/09)

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