Mismanaged Care
by Suzanne Gordon
The Nation magazine, December 7, 1998

Last summer, Democratic efforts to establish a so-called Bill
of Rights for patients in health maintenance organizations died
in the House of Representatives. With the Democrats' gain of five
House seats-the same number they would have needed to pass the
measure-the issue of regulating HMOs is alive again, with dueling
Democratic and Republican bills likely to emerge soon. So now
is a good time to reflect on the wisdom of addressing our healthcare
crisis through a narrow strategy of grafting a "bill of rights"
onto a corporatized healthcare system. How can we have a patients'
bill of rights without a healthcare constitution?
None of the current proposals address the problem that has
plagued our healthcare system for decades-access to healthcare
services. Just a few months ago, the number of uninsured Americans
commonly cited was 42 million. But that figure is now yesterday's
news. The Census Bureau recently announced that in 1997 alone,
the number of uninsured Americans jumped to 43.4 million-that's
16 percent of the total population and substantially higher when
people over 65, who are usually covered by Medicare, are not counted
in the total.
Not only do HMOs fail to alleviate this problem. They are
making it worse. Over the summer, a number of for-profit and nonprofit
HMOs revealed that they were dropping Medicaid patients, and in
October many announced that they were cutting off tens of thousands
of elderly citizens covered by Medicare. No state or Congressional
bill of rights restricts HMOs from dumping the patients they thought
would be lucrative but who prove unprofitable. (Big surprise:
They're sick and/or poor.)
The proposed legislative remedies promote the notion that
streamlined appeals procedures will inhibit HMOs from denying
patients needed care. But design flaws in an increasingly profit-driven
system cannot be corrected by more efficient appeals systems.
These procedures embrace the barbarous practice of asking sick
people-and their families-to fight for care when they are most
vulnerable. They also reinforce the managed-cost (for God's sake,
let's start calling it what it is) conception of sick patients
as irresponsible healthcare over-consumers whose nasty habits
must be regulated.
As for the "consumer information" these bills supposedly
guarantee, much of it is either useless or unusable. Supposedly,
by allowing patients to find out how their providers are paid,
the new provisions will protect them from HMOs' "full risk
capitation" arrangements, which reward doctors, clinicians
and healthcare organizations financially for denying care. But
revealing how providers are paid doesn't eliminate this pernicious
practice. And say you manage to wrest needed treatment from a
doctor whose first question about the horrible headache you've
had for two weeks is, "What's your insurance?" Despite
the temporary victory, something crucial has been sacrificed.
That's trust-the trust that patients should have in doctors, nurses,
psychologists, social workers and others in healthcare.
Finally, legislators say they want all patients to be able
to choose their primary care doctor and to be reimbursed for necessary
emergency room visits and specialist consultations. Important
as these provisions are, they still leave us saddled with one
of the main abuses of managed care. To cut costs, HMOs are shifting
the burden of caring for the sick from their staff end provider
networks to patients themselves and their often ill-prepared family
members. HMOs do this by reducing the length of time patients
are permitted to stay in hospitals and forcing them to undergo
many complex medical treatments in clinics, outpatient surgery
centers or at home. Even the Democrats' effort to allow patients
having mastectomies and breast reconstruction surgery to stay
in the hospital, or to give other patients the right to appeal
HMO denials of medically necessary care, will do little to stem
the increasing dehospitalization of the acutely and chronically
Because we are stuck with mismanaged care, it is important
to try to regulate the industry, but all regulatory efforts should
be strategically linked to the goal of universal healthcare. Some
regulatory proposals rightly target the ERISA loophole, which
allows insurers to evade any legal and financial consequences
of the medical decisions they impose on patients and clinicians
and prevents states from experimenting with new methods of financing
care for all. But legislation should also halt the conversion
of nonprofit healthcare institutions to for-profit status, ban
any capitation arrangements that reward clinicians for denying
care and mandate that all decisions about admissions to hospitals
(or other healthcare facilities) and length of stay be made by
doctors, nurses and patients-not mismanaged-care bureaucrats.
It is time to turn the struggle for healthcare reform away
from pseudo-rights and to reinvigorate the battle for the healthcare
constitution this country has lacked for so long. There are currently
a number of different proposals for setting up a tax-supported
universal healthcare system-including expanding Medicare for all,
establishing a Canadian-style single-payer system and pooling
all revenue from multiple payers and using it to entitle and cover
everyone. What we should be discussing is how a universal system
would be financed, how care would be delivered, how clinicians
would be paid and educated and how true collaboration, coordination
and evaluation of care could be achieved. And until we get our
healthcare constitution, let's drop the pretense that we have
any meaningful "rights" in this market-driven, managed-cost
Suzanne Gordon writes about healthcare. Her most recent book
is Life Support: Three Nurses on the Front Lines (Little, Brown).