Exposed: The Swine Flu Hoax
by Andrew Bosworth, Ph.D., August

The alarm has been sounded. Politicians,
pharmaceutical executives and media conglomerates would have us
believe that a 1918-style pandemic is a real threat. The 1918
pandemic, however, evolved out of conditions unique to World War
I, for four specific reasons.
Why 2009 is Not 1918
First, World War I was characterized by
millions of troops living in waterlogged trenches along the Western
Front. This war zone became fertile ground for an opportunistic
virus, as medical literature reveals:
"a landscape that was contaminated
with respiratory irritants such as chlorine and phosgene, and
characterized by stress and overcrowding, the partial starvation
in civilians, and the opportunity for rapid 'passage' of influenza
in young soldiers would have provided the opportunity for multiple
but small mutational charges throughout the viral genome."
Second, the war witnessed the growth of
industrial-scale military camps and embarkation ports, such as
Etaples in France, enabling the flu virus to enter into another
phase of accelerated mutation. On any given day, Etaples was a
makeshift city of 100,000 troops from around the British Empire
and its former dominions. These soldiers concentrated into unsanitary
barracks, tents and mess halls.
Today, many cities and nations have dense
concentrations of people; none of these, however, are geographically
isolated under the conditions of trench warfare and World War
I-style deployments. Of course, there are smaller, sub-populations
of people in prisons (prone to multi-drug resistant tuberculosis),
in military barracks (prone to respiratory pathogens and meningococcal
infections) and on cruise ships (prone to the Norovisus) - all
proof of the connection between human confinement on the one hand
and infectious disease on the other.
Third, after the war, ships such as the
USS Alaskan became floating Petri dishes. Thousands of soldiers
were packed like sardines for the long voyage home, allowing the
virus to reverberate within hermetically-sealed units.
Fourth, returning troops were stuffed
into boxcars for the train trip back to military bases, where
they infected new recruits. Later, it was documented that Army
regiments whose barracks allowed only 45 square feet per soldier
had a flu incidence up to ten times that of regiments afforded
78 square feet per man. (2)
The 1918 flu virus became pandemic because,
during World War I, the normal host-pathogen relationship was
abandoned when millions of young men crowded into geographical
confinement. In World War I, a flu virus was presented with a
seemingly limitless number of hosts - almost all young, male,
and with compromised immune systems. Unconstrained and unchecked
by the usual habits of human behavior, the virus went rogue.
Flu viruses are smart, but they are not
suicidal: if the host becomes extinct the virus will become extinct
too. The evolutionary strategy, from the virus's perspective,
is to stay one step ahead of the immune systems of both humans
and animals - but not two steps ahead. The flu virus aims to infect
and reproduce without killing a critical mass of the hosts, of
the herd, so the virus's virulence is ameliorated after it becomes
fatal for people on the margins of the host population - the weak
and the elderly. World War I disrupted this synchronized, co-evolutionary
relationship between flu viruses and human populations.
No flu since 1918 has been strong enough
to produce, in millions of people, a "cytokine storm,"
which is an immunological over-reaction leading to pulmonary edema
(the lungs filling with fluid) - the curse of those with the strongest
immune systems, normally between 20 and 40 years of age.
In normal flu pandemics, even in severe
ones, the flu virus kills a portion of the weak and elderly. This
appears to be the case in 1837 for Germany and in 1890 for Russia
in 1890, though reliable medical evidence is scarce. It was certainly
true for the Asian flu of 1957 and the Hong Kong flu of 1968,
neither of which were significantly fatal for young adults. The
flu 1976-1977 has been exposed as a boondoggle, a fraud, with
far more people dying of the vaccine than from the flu itself.
Indeed, 1918 was an aberration. Since
then, no flu has scythed away so many people: some 500,000 Americans
and anywhere between 25 - 50 million people worldwide in three
waves: first in March, then in August (the deadliest wave), and
in then again in November of 1918, lasting into the spring of
The origins of the 1918 pandemic can be
traced back to the trenches of the Western Front in 1915, 1916,
and 1917 - to the world's first large-scale industrial and international
war. There was no other cause: If WWI had not been fought, it
is inconceivable that the 1918 flu pandemic would have been so
severe. Today, in 2009, absent the conditions of WWI, it is preposterous
for political and medical authorities to claim that the swine
flu is a menace to society.
The Mysterious Origins of the H1N1 "Swine
Flu" Virus
If the current H1N1 swine flu virus does
become abnormally lethal, there would be three leading explanations:
first, that the virus was accidentally released, or escaped, from
a laboratory; second, that a disgruntled lab employee unleashed
the virus (as happened, according to the official version of events,
with the 2001 anthrax attack); or third, that a group, corporation
or government agency intentionally released the virus in the interests
of profit and power.
Each of the three scenarios represents
a plausible explanation should the swine virus become lethal.
After all, the 1918 flu virus was dead and buried - until, that
is, scientists unearthed a lead coffin to obtain a biopsy of the
corpse it contained. Later, researchers similarly disturbed an
Inuit woman buried under permafrost. (3)
The US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology,
with a scientist from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, then
began to reconstruct the 1918 Spanish flu. Had Iran or North Korea
engaged in Frankenstein experiments (complete with ransacking
graves) to reverse engineer the 1918 virus the US and the UK would
have gone ballistic at the UN Security Council.
Interestingly, numerous doctors and scientists
suspect that the swine flu virus was cultured in a laboratory.
A mainstream Australian virologist, Adrian Gibbs - who was one
of the first to analyze the genetic properties of the 2009 swine
flu - believes that scientists accidentally created the H1N1 virus
while producing vaccines. And Dr. John Carlo, Dallas Co. Medical
Director, "This strain of swine influenza that's been cultured
in a laboratory is something that's not been seen anywhere actually
in the United States and the world, so this is actually a new
strain of influenza that's been identified."(4) Because of
this, the 2009 swine flu virus - which has yet to be detected
in any animals - has a rather suspicious pedigree.
The Propaganda Campaign
Across the mainstream media, reports announce
one swine flu death after another (even though ordinary flu kills
about 35,000 Americans each year). Upon closer scrutiny of what
passes for journalism, the victims have "underlying health
problems," or "a common underlying health condition,"
or "significant medical conditions."
One news headline even blared: "Swine
flu mother dies after giving birth, leaving her premature baby
fighting for life," and only later, buried deep in the story
underneath, did it explain that she had "other medical problems"
which included being confined to a wheelchair because of a serious
car accident.
Citizens the world over are increasingly
skeptical of hyped headlines followed by smaller-print caveats.
They are uneasy with the effort to create "doublethink"
- a term coined by George Orwell in 1984 and a reference to holding
two contradictory ideas in one's mind simultaneously, paralyzing
critical thought.
The media has never been in the habit
of reporting the cases of people who, for no known reason, die
of the flu. Out of the 35,000 Americans who die each year from
flu-related illnesses, some are bound to be relatively young and
healthy. It happens. This year, however, their stories are front-page
More recently, news reports now claim
that the H1N1 swine flu can affect people in the lungs and lead
to pneumonia. This, however, is what separates the flu from the
common cold in the first place; and this is why tens of thousands
of elderly people die of flu-related symptoms each year. Fox News
even claimed that "this one morphs and mutates and comes
back in different ways," (like all flu viruses). In short,
the media now uses the flu's own ordinary symptoms to fuel fear.
Fortunately, a growing wave of online
media challenges the propaganda. Back in 1976, there were no rival
voices, and the Center for Disease Control's manipulative television
commercials dominated the airwaves. Fortunately, as a testament
to official shamelessness, these videos are now archived and searchable
on the Internet under the title of "1976 Swine Flu Propaganda."
Now, like then, the US government's pandemic
policy alternates between the ridiculous and the repugnant. The
government's flu website is revealing. First, the historical section
on the 1918 virus is intellectually dishonest, making absolutely
no link between the unique conditions of World War I and the flu
pandemic; instead, the site propagates the erroneous notion that
this virus came out of the blue. (5)
Second, the site announces an absurd American
Idol-style video contest: "Create a Video About Preventing
or Dealing With the Flu & Be Eligible to Win $2500 Cash!"
(Congress has earmarked 8 billion dollars for swine flu prevention
and can only offer $ 2,500 to the proles - or, rather, to the
one prole who, rising above mediocrity, best parrots the Party
And third, the site encourages the use
of Twitter to "stay informed" There is something mildly
disturbing about the US federal government promoting Twitter as
a form of resistance to foreign authoritarianism, while, simultaneously,
using social networking to further federalize and protect the
abuse of power at home.
1976 + 1984 = 2009
In sum, it appears that the 2009 swine
flu pandemic will not be 1918. It might be a 1976-style hoax,
however, serving profit and power - with a bit of Orwell's 1984
thrown in for good measure.
Andrew Bosworth, Ph.D
Author of "Biotech Empire" (Amazon)
1. JS Oxford, A Sefton, R Jackson, W Innes,
RS Daniels, and NPAS Johnson, "World War I may have allowed
the emergence of 'Spanish' influenza," The Lancet/ Infectious
Diseases Vol. 2 February 2002.
2. Byerly CR. 2005. Fever of War: The
Influenza Epidemic in the U.S. Army during World War I. New York,
NY: New York University Press.
3. Ann H. Reid, Thomas G. Fanning, Johan
V. Hultin, and Jeffery K. Taubenberger, "Origin and Evolution
of the 1918 Spanish Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin Gene, PNAS Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Division of Molecular Pathology, Department of Cellular Pathology,
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC. Communicated
by Edwin D. Kilbourne, New York
4. Paul Joseph Watson, "Medical Director:
Swine Flu Was 'Cultured In A Laboratory," This strain of
swine influenza that's been cultured in a laboratory is something
that's not been seen anywhere actually in the United States and
the world, so this is actually a new strain of influenza that's
been identifiedApril 26, 2009.
5. http://www.flu.gov/
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