excerpts from the book

World Without Cancer

by G. Edward Griffin

American Media, 2011, paperback (original 1974)


A cartel is a grouping of companies that are bound together by contracts or agreements designed to promote inter-company cooperation and, thereby, reduce competition between them.(Some of these agreements may deal with such harmless subjects as industry standards and nomenclature. But)most of them involve the exchange of patent rights, the dividing of regional markets, the setting of prices, and agreements not to enter into product competition within specific categories. Generally, a cartel is a means of escaping the rigors of competition in the open free-enterprise market. The result always is higher prices and fewer products from which to choose. Cartels and monopolies, therefore, are not the result of free enterprise, but the escape from it.

Stocking and Watkins in their book "Cartels in Action" ... made extensive calculations of pre-war trade and proved quite convincingly that, in the United States, in the year 1939, cartels controlled eighty-seven percent of the mineral products sold, sixty percent of agricultural products, and forty-two percent of all manufactured products. Needless to say, the trend has greatly accelerated since 1939, 50 one can well imagine what the situation is like today. The chemical industry-and that includes pharmaceuticals-is completely cartelized.

United States Tariff Commission, in its report to the Senate, 1973

In the largest and most sophisticated multinational corporations, planning and subsequent monitoring of plan fulfillment have reached a scope and level of detail that, ironically, resemble more than superficially the national planning procedures of Communist countries.

If it is true that cartels and monopolies are not the result of free enterprise but the escape from it, then it follows that the best way to escape free enterprise is to destroy it altogether. This is why cartels and collectivist governments inevitably work together as a team. They have a common enemy and share a common objective: the destruction of free enterprise.

Big government with its capacity to regulate every facet of economic life, is the natural friend and ally of cartels and monopolies.

The continued concentration of government power into the hands of a few - until it is total power - is exactly what the world's "super-rich" are determined to achieve.

If big government is good for cartels, then bigger government is better, and total government is best. It is for this reason that, throughout their entire history, cartels have been found to be the behind-the-scenes promoters of every conceivable form of totalitarianism. They supported the Nazis in Germany; they embraced the Fascists in Italy; they financed the Bolsheviks they in Russia. And they are the driving force behind that nameless totalitarianism that increasingly becomes a grim reality in the United States of America.

If big government is good for cartels, then bigger government is better, and total government is best.

The "super-rich" do not fear the progressive taxation scheme that oppresses the middle class. Their political influence enables them to set up elaborate tax-exempt foundations to preserve and multiply their great wealth with virtually no tax at all. This is why monopolists can never be true capitalists.

In communist and socialist countries, almost all property supposedly is owned by "the people"-which means by the three percent who are members of the ruling elite... Some of the world's greatest wealth is very privately owned by communists and socialists who loudly condemn the "evil" doctrine of capitalism.

Monopolists never can be free-enterprise capitalists. Without exception, they embrace either socialism or some other form of collectivism, because these represent the ultimate monopoly. These government-sponsored monopolies are tolerated by their citizens because they assume that, by the magic of the democratic process and the power of their vote, somehow, it is they who are the benefactors. This might be true if they took the trouble to become informed on such matters, and if they had independent and honest candidates from which to choose, and if the political parties were not dominated by the super-rich, and if it were possible for men to win elections without vast sums of campaign money.

Monopolists never can be free-enterprise capitalists. Without exception, they embrace either socialism or some other form of collectivism, because these represent the ultimate monopoly.

Government becomes the tool of the very forces that, supposedly, it is regulating. The regulations,
upon close examination, almost always turn out to be what the cartels have agreed upon beforehand, except that now they have the police power of the state to enforce them. And it makes it possible for these financial and political interests to become secure from the threat of competition.

The dictionary definition of fascism is government control over the means of production with ownership held in private hands... The twentieth century fascism of Germany was private monopoly control over the government which then did control industry, but in such a way as to favor the monopolists and to prevent competition.

American economist, Robert Brady

[The German fascist state is] a dictatorship of monopoly capitalism. Its 'fascism' is that of business enterprise organized on a monopoly basis and in full command of all the military, police, legal and propaganda power of the state.


Richard Sasuly, 1947

The industrial and financial leaders of Germany, with I.G. Farben in the lead, closed ranks and gave Hitler their full support.

Many of the leading German newspapers, which were either owned by or beholden to the [chemical industries] cartel because of its advertising accounts, also lined up behind Hitler. In this way, they created that necessary image of universal popularity that, in turn, conditioned the German people to accept him as the great leader.

Robert Stevenson, former vice-president of the Ford Motor Company, quoted in Business Week, December 19, 1970

We don't consider ourselves basically an American company. We are a multi-national company. And when we approach a government that doesn't like the U.S., we always say, "Who do you like? Britain? Germany? We carry a lot of flags.

John Flynn in his book "God's Gold The Story of Rockefeller and His Times", 1932

John D. Rockefeller was definitely convinced that the competitive system under which the world had operated was a mistake. It was a crime against order, efficiency, economy. It could be eliminated only by abolishing all rivals. His plan, therefore, took a solid form. He would bring all his rivals in with him. The strong ones he would bring in as partners. The others would come in as stockholders. Those who would not come in would be crushed.

The Rockefellers established an oil monopoly in the United States in the 1870's. In 1899, this oil trust was reorganized as the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. In 1911, as a result of a decision of the Supreme Court, Standard was forced to separate into six companies - supposedly to break up the monopoly. This act did not accomplish its objective. The many "independent" companies that resulted continued to be owned - and in many cases even run - by the same men. None of them ever engaged in serious competition between themselves, and certainly not against Standard Oil of New Jersey, which continued to be Rockefeller's main holding company.

With the growth of investment-banking institutions in the United States, New York became the focal point of world finance. Switzerland, in spite of the unique role it plays because of its bank secrecy and numbered accounts, cannot compare with the money volume and power centered in the United States. Even London, which was the wellspring of financial power through the Rothschild and Morgan empires, has since fallen to second place... While it is true that a great deal of foreign money does find its way into Swiss banks, there still is more money and real wealth inside the United States than in most of the rest of the world combined. Furthermore, a substantial portion of this wealth is concentrated into the hands of the financial and industrial cartelists in New York.

One percent of the population owns more than seventy percent of the nation's industry, and ten percent own all of it. About half of this, in turn, is held in trust by the ten leading Wall Street banks, which, in turn, are heavily influenced, if not controlled outright, by a group so small that they could be counted on the fingers of one hand. This represents the greatest and most intense concentration of wealth and power that the world has ever seen.

Abraham Flexner, author of the famous Flexner Report of 1910, led the crusade for upgrading the medical schools of America. All the while, he was in the employ of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller who had set up tax-exempt foundations for that purpose. The result was that America's medical schools became oriented toward drugs and drug research, for it was through the increased sale of these drugs that the donors realized a profit on their "philanthropy".

John D. Rockefeller, Sr. had created fantastic wealth. When he interlocked his own empire with that of l.G. Farben in 1928, there was created the largest and most powerful cartel the world has ever known. Not only has that cartel survived through the years, it has grown and prospered... The Rockefeller group, in conjunction with the hidden hand of I.G. Farben, has become a dominant force in the American pharmaceutical industry.

The doctor functions as a salesman for a multi-billion dollar drug industry, but he is not paid for this vital service. He has been trained for it, however. Through the curricula of the nation's leading medical schools, students are exposed to such an extensive training in the use of drugs (and practically none in the field of nutrition) that, upon graduation, they naturally turn to the use of drugs as the treatment of choice for practically all of man's ills.

John D. Rockefeller set out consciously and methodically to capture control of American education and particularly of American medical education. The process began in 1901 with the creation of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.

Since 1910, the [Rockefeller and Carnegie] foundations have "invested" over a billion dollars in the medical schools of America. Nearly half of the faculty members now receive a portion of their income from foundation "research" grants, and over sixteen percent of them are entirely funded this way. Rockefeller and Carnegie have not been the only source of these funds. Substantial influence also has been exerted by the Ford Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation, the Commonwealth Fund (a Rockefeller interlock created by Edward Harkness of Standard Oil), the Sloan Foundation, and the Macy Foundation. The Ford Foundation has been extremely active in the field of medical education in recent years, but none of them can compare to the Rockefellers and the Carnegies for sheer money volume and historical continuity.

The day when orthodox medicine embraces nutrition in the treatment of disease will be the day when the cartel behind it has succeeded in also monopolizing the vitamin industry-not one day before.

While medical students are forced to spend years studying the pharmacology of drugs, they are lucky if they receive a single course on basic nutrition. The result is that the average doctors wife knows more about nutrition than he does.

The American Medical Association climbed into bed with the Rockefeller and Carnegie interests in 1908.

In 1972 the AMA's Council on Drugs completed an exhaustive study of most of the commonly available compounds then in general use. The Council reported that some of the most profitable drugs on pharmacy shelves were "irrational" and that they could not be recommended. And to add insult to injury, the chairman and vice-chairman of the Council stated before a Senate subcommittee that the large income derived from the various drug manufacturers had made the AMA "a captive arm and beholden to the pharmaceutical industry" The AMA responded by abolishing its Council on Drugs.

AMA spokesman Dr. David B. Allman

Both the medical profession and pharmacy must shoulder one major public relations objective: to tell the American people over and over that nearly all of today's drugs, especially the antibiotics, are bargains at any price.

statements, taken from official FDA "Fact Sheets"

* In general, there is little difference between fresh and processed foods. Modern processing methods retain most vitamin and mineral values.

* Nutrition Research has shown that a diet containing white bread made with enriched flour has nearly the same value as one containing whole grain bread.

* Chemical fertilizers are not poisoning our soil. Modern fertilizers are needed to produce enough food for our population.

* When pesticides on food crops leave a residue, FDA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) make sure the amount will be safe for consumers.

* Vitamins are specific chemical compounds, and the human body can use them equally well whether they are synthesized by a chemist or by nature.

The wheels now are in motion to create a world political entity... With possession of all nuclear weapons, that super-state would be so powerful that no man and no disarmed nation-state could resist its edicts.

... However, before it would be possible to merge the United States with the rest of world, it would be necessary to bring their economies and standards of living into line. That means massive foreign aid to the less developed nations to bring them up, and all kinds of wasteful spending, exhausting wars, and productivity-crippling restrictions to bring the United States down.

American political leaders are anxious to have the cure for cancer come either from another country or as a result of international effort. Their desire is that the ultimate victory will be achieved in such a way as, not to enhance the prestige of the United States, but to further the concept of internationalism and global government.

Big government is the necessary ally of monopoly, and world government is the goal of the cartelists who are the quiet, seemingly philanthropic sponsors of the U.N..

... Everything the cartels and multi-national companies do is in furtherance of one or both of their two objectives: the creation of greater wealth for those who control them; and the coalescing of political power into a true world government - with themselves in control from behind the scenes.

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