One Ring to Rule Them - Iran
http://www.juancole.com/, August
06, 2006

... It is true that Iran's regime is hostile
to US corporate and investment interests. Iran itself has substantial
energy resources, many of them undeveloped, but they are locked
up by state-owned Iranian companies.
Iran is astride the Oil Gulf, which has
the majority of the world's proven gas and petroleum reserves.
Iran has a silkworm missile capability that could interfere with
oil tankers in the Straits of Hormuz. It also has emerged as the
most influential country in oil-rich South Iraq, which is, like
Iran, Shiite Muslim.
Iran is no credible military threat to
the United States, though US warmongers are always depicting it
as such, rather as they manufactured ramshackle 4th-world Iraq
into a dire military menace to the US, allowing for a war of choice
to be fought against it.
The regime in Iran has not gone away despite
decades of hostility toward it by Washington, and despite the
latter's policy of "containment." As a result, US petroleum
corporations are denied significant opportunities for investment
in the Iranian petroleum sector. Worse, Iran has made a big energy
deal with China and is negotiating with India. As those two countries
emerge as the superpowers of the 21st century, they will attempt
to lock up Gulf petroleum and gas in proprietary contracts...
In a worst case scenario, Washington would
like to retain the option of military action against Iran, so
as to gain access to its resources and deny them to rivals. If
Iran gets a nuclear weapon, however, that option will be foreclosed.
Iran may not be trying for a weapon, and if it is, it could not
get one before about 2016. But if it had a nuclear weapon, it
would be off limits to US attack, and its anti-American regime
could not only lock up Iranian gas and oil for the rest of the
century by making sweetheart deals with China. It also might begin
to exercise a sway over the small energy-producing countries of
the Middle East. (The oil interest would explain the mystery of
why Washington just does not care that Pakistan has the Bomb;
Pakistan has nothing Washington wants and so there was no need
to preserve the military option in its regard.)
Even an Iranian nuke, of course, would
not be an immediate threat to the US, in the absence of ICBMs.
But the major US ally in the Middle East, Israel, would be vulnerable
to a retaliatory Iranian strike if the US took military action
against Iran in order to overthrow the regime and gain the proprietary
deals for themselves.
In the short term, Iran was protected
by another ace in the hole. It had a client in the Levant, Lebanon's
Hizbullah, and had given it a few silkworm rockets, which could
theoretically hit Israeli nuclear and chemical facilities. Hizbullah
increasingly organizes the Lebanese Shiites, and the Lebanese
Shiites will in the next ten to twenty years emerge as a majority
in Lebanon, giving Iran a commercial hub on the Mediterranean.
China and India could get Iran, and Iran
could get Lebanon, and as non-OPEC energy production decreases,
the US and Israel could find themselves out in the cold on the
energy front.
As for Iran, the DOE says this:
' Iran's largest non-associated natural
gas field is South Pars, geologically an extension of Qatar's
North Field. Current estimates are that South Pars contains 280
Tcf or more (some estimates go as high as 500 Tcf) of natural
gas, of which a large fraction will be recoverable, and over 17
billion barrels of liquids. Development of South Pars is Iran's
largest energy project, already having attracted around $15 billion
in investment. Natural gas from South Pars largely is slated to
be shipped north via the planned 56-inch, 300-mile, $500 million,
IGAT-3 pipeline, as well as planned IGAT-4 and IGAT-5 lines. Gas
also will be reinjected to boost oil output at the mature Agha
Jari oil field, and possibly the Ahwaz and Mansouri fields. Besides
condensate production and reinjection/enhanced oil recovery, South
Pars natural gas also is intended for export, by pipeline and
also possibly by liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker. Sales from
South Pars could earn Iran as much as $11 billion per year over
30 years, according to Iran's Oil Ministry. '
Persian Gulf Fields
and this is why Iran's reserves are even
more important:
' The Persian Gulf contains 715 billion
barrels of proven oil reserves, representing over half (57%) of
the world's oil reserves, and 2,462 Tcf of natural gas reserves
(45% of the world total). Also, at the end of 2003, Persian Gulf
countries maintained about 22.9 million bbl/d of oil production
capacity, or 32% of the world total. Perhaps even more significantly,
the Persian Gulf countries normally maintains almost all of the
world's excess oil production capacity. As of early September
2004, excess world oil production capacity was only about 0.5-1.0
million bbl/d, all of which was located in Saudi Arabia.'
Non-OPEC production will decline sharply
in coming years, increasing the importance of the Persian Gulf
region. The point about excess capacity is this: The US in 2005
produced over 7 million barrels of petroleum a day, but consumes
all of it, and then imports two times that from abroad (using
nearly 22 million barrels a day in 2005). So US petroleum is essentially
off the market. But Saudi Arabia produces 9.5 million barrels
a day and exports over 7 million of that. It doesn't use it all
up at home. Even now, the excess production is in the Gulf, and
that excess production will become more important over time.
It may be that that hawks are thinking
this way: Destroy Lebanon, and destroy Hizbullah, and you reduce
Iran's strategic depth. Destroy the Iranian nuclear program and
you leave it helpless and vulnerable to having done to it what
the Israelis did to Lebanon. You leave it vulnerable to regime
change, and a dragooning of Iran back into the US sphere of influence,
denying it to China and assuring its 500 tcf of natural gas to
US corporations. You also politically reorient the entire Gulf,
with both Saddam and Khamenei gone, toward the United States.
Voila, you avoid peak oil problems in the US until a technological
fix can be found, and you avoid a situation where China and India
have special access to Iran and the Gulf.
The second American Century ensues. The
"New Middle East" means the "American Middle East."
And it all starts with the destruction
of Lebanon.
More wars to come, in this scenario, since
hitting Lebanon was like hitting a politician's bodyguard. You
don't kill a bodyguard just to kill the bodyguard. It is phase
I of a bigger operation.
If the theory is even remotely correct,
then global warming is not the only danger in continuing to rely
so heavily on hydrocarbons for energy. Green energy--wind, sun,
geothermal-- is all around us and does not require any wars to
obtain it. Indeed, if we had spent as much on alternative energy
research as we have already spent on the Iraq War, we'd be much
closer to affordable solar. A choice lies ahead: hydrocarbons,
a 20 foot rise in sea level, and a praetorian state. Or we could
go green and maybe keep our republic and tame militarism.
Iran watch
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